Jungle Watch Pages

Monday, December 30, 2013


While Guam Medical Records reports show only about 300 abortions per year on Guam (still a staggering amount for this small and mostly Catholic population), we have been aware for quite awhile that the abortion numbers are much higher and that abortions at Guam Memorial Hospital are not being reported.

During the infamous crisis over P.L. 20-134 in 1990, a short-lived law which outlawed abortions on Guam, ON THE ISSUES magazine ran a story which stated: 

If servicewomen or military spouses want an abortion, they must go either to a local clinic, like Dr. Freeman's, or Guam Memorial Hospital. It is estimated that between 600 and 1,000 abortions are performed on Guam each year. 

Obviously, it was well known then that abortions were being performed at GMH, and as we will see in a minute, it appears they still are. Of course, notice the estimated number of abortions: "between 600 and 1000" !

In 2008, the Esperansa Project, through a Freedom of Information Act request, requested all available abortion reports required by the abortion reporting law. A particularly strange report was for the year 2007 which had two separate reports for two halves of the year, supposedly done at two separate clinics, but at the same address.

The first report shows 151 abortions over 4 months, which if averaged out could total 453 abortions in a year. The second report shows 73 abortions for the second half of the year, but at a different clinic, though still the same address. If both numbers were averaged out for over 12 months, there would be 628 abortions in a year, which is closer to the 1990 estimate.

The reason the abortion reports for these years are such a mess is because the abortionists were not complying with the abortion reporting law and GMH was not enforcing it. And speaking of GMH, notice what it says at the bottom of the second report:

The reason it says DELIVERED is because Saline is used for late term abortions and the baby is delivered whole, we'll post below some pictures of children killed by saline, but the real story is why is GMH telling us that abortions are not performed there? 

Governor Calvo, would you mind looking into this?

Children killed by saline:


  1. By looking at these pictures of infants who are able to probably feel pain, the idiots performing these saline abortions should be charged with murder including the mother. Horrible!

  2. Yes, the saline strips them of their skin and chemically burns them to death. Then labor is induced and the dead child is delivered. Some children survive this procedure. One child, which ended up at GMH, had his skin dripping off him when he was delivered. He lived 3 days. I wish I could get the emergency room doctor who told me this to tell the story.

  3. People talk about cruelty to animals....saving lives of creatures that are considered endangered species...and here we are...human beings...and we can't even protect the innocent lives of children in the womb regardless if the life was 3 weeks or 9 months!

    I wish people like Lou Leon Guerrero would open their eyes to see exactly what they do to children when they choose to approve abortion! Don't they know that God gave humans a reason to produce life....and granted God gave us free will to choose...but ...there is the choice between choosing good over evil...and abortion ...any kind of abortion... is PURE EVIL!

    So...to anyone thinking of having an abortion....DON'T !!! Let God's plan unfold.

    To all doctors, nurses and office staff who are in positions of making abortions a reality...God gave you life...you were a gift to your parents from God. You existed because of God's plan... Give that gift of life back by paying it forward!

    To those in authority of deciding whether abortion is right...remember... there is only ONE TRUE JUDGE. Think long and hard about your decision... to every cause ...there is an effect.

    TO ALL: When that day comes to meet your maker will you be sure there will be a key waiting for you at the gate? Don't wait to find out when that day comes...start now ...do good in Gods eyes and slowly but surely...heaven will exist for you.

    Save lives...save souls...save yourselves!

    1. Well said, Maria Rose. Of course the Archdiocese of Agana is one of the largest, if not THEE largest customer of Lou Leon Guerrero. Our money and our accounts have given her the position of influence she has.

    2. I haven't banked with Bank of Guam for over 15 years! I don't buy Girl Scout cookies or give to the Salvation Army because they are promotors of abortion. I know there are many others to lists but for now these are my biggest no-nos.

  4. It's important to note that the article from On the Issues is written from a very pro-abortion perspective and is intended to lionize Lou Leon Guerrero and Anita Arriola while at the same time vilifying the pro-life movement on Guam. So, the 600-1,000 number is not some exaggerated figured asserted by pro-lifers. Rather, the pro-aborts acknowledge this figure as the true number of abortions on Guam each year. Also, take note that according to the article, Anita Arriola asserted before the federal district court that abortion is a long-established and recognized part of Chamorro culture. I'm not Chamorro, but if I were I would be outraged by Arriola's use (perhaps, more accurately, abuse) of Chamorro culture to support the killing of unborn children.

    I think a boycott on Bank of Guam is long overdue.

    1. Yes, ON THE ISSUES, is or was a magazine for "progressive" women. So you are correct in pointing out that the number is not some pro-life exaggeration. Arriola and Leon Guerrero are "lionized" today by our own church. I believe LG was recently inducted into the Academy of Our Lady Hall of Fame (or shame), or some such thing.

  5. I just wonder if these pro-abortionists ever imagine the pain they would endure if their flesh were to be burnt. It is down right cruel. They should instead counsel these mothers. Many married couple who are childless would be willing to adopt.

    1. Yes, this is true. According to CPS, there is currently a waiting list of at least 10 parents (probably many more) waiting to adopt, but they haven't had a baby available for adoption in 5 years!

  6. Shame on Arriola, shame on Leon Guerrero, shame on the Archdiocese of Agana, shame on the Academy of Our Lady and shame on each and every Catholic person who supports and condones abortions either directly or indirectly! Shame! Shame! Shame!

    1. Hoping you don't bank with Bank of Guam. Lou Leon Guerrero is Guam's foremost advocate of abortion.

  7. It was only a few years back when I heard an invited guest (a Nun from a local religious order) on KOLG our Catholic radio station complain and question why pro-life advocates focus on abortion when there was poverty, domestic violence and suicide on the island. This was a Nun who minimized the gravity of abortion and minimized not only the importance of advocating against it but especially our moral responsibility to do all we can to stop the practice of abortion! Do some of these nuns really believe they have the authority to determine what is “an intrinsic evil” or not? Do they really believe that the Gift of Life of any human being, which comes only from God (the Creator of all) is disposable, depending on its usefulness to the mother or father?"
    It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." That statement of Mother Theresa of Calcutta clearly explains and brings to the forefront the reality about and the true reason why women who advocate for abortion have to hide behind the lame reason and excuse for their morally grievous action or stance of being “pro-choice” or “womens’ right.” Financially affluent, politically controlling and forceful, and socially prominent- Arriola and Leon Guerrero may be strutting their worldy stuff today, but may God have mercy on their souls when after all is said and done and they find themselves face to face to answer to God why they denigrated His Gift of life He intended for a helpless baby.
    I wonder what part of these words of Jesus in Holy Scripture do the local Nun, Arriola, Leon Guerrero and other Catholic pro-abortion advocates not understand:
    “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”-- John 14:15
    “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mk12:31
    “… if I have all faith, so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”-- 1 Cor. 13

    1. "Lou (Leon Guerrero) attributes her becoming pro-choice to her Catholic education..."

      - Dames, Vivian Loyola. Asian/Pacific Islander American Women, A Historical Anthology/Chamorro Women and the politics of Abortion in Guam, Ed. Shirley Hune and Gail M. Nomura. New York University Press, 2003. Pg. 375.

      "The pro-choice advocates drew strength from the encouragement received behind the scenes from other women, including nuns, who could not express their support publicly..."

      - ibid. Pg. 376

  8. I have never heard of abortion being a part of my Chamorro culture. I grew up learning that if a woman was pregnant out of wedlock her parents would either adopt the child,or help raise the child. I also remember being taught as a Catholic that should there be danger for the mother and her unborn child, the child must be saved first and then the mother. I just wonder if parents of teenagers encourage abortion. If so, then they too must answer to God.

  9. God called them to adopt, adopt, adopt-nytimes.com

  10. What's really unfortunate is that Lou Leon Guerrero and Anita Arriola (and their like) are more welcomed by the local Catholic Church than those who fight against abortion. Anyone who has gotten any insight into the Sisters of Mercy on Guam knows that they are largely -- if not all -- pro abortion.


