Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, February 7, 2014


Some want to pound me as if I'm the problem. But that's probably because I'm the nearest thing to pound. (Of course, another reminder, just produce "the document" and discussion closed.) The problem is much bigger of course, and European sources are much closer to the problem.

This clip is Kiko addressing the Pope face to face.
If the video doesn't show, watch it here

Here, the blog CruxSancta shows the disinformation perpetrated by neo-controlled media outlets, which, despite the strongest public reprimand to date of the Neocatechumenal Way, cast the pope's Feb 1 meeting with them only in glowing terms about how happy and pleased the pope is with the Neocats, completely ignoring 90% of the pope's message.

Click here to see the post. It is in Italian and can be translated with Google Translate.

The Kiko-spin machine was immediately at work here in Guam with postings echoing the "happy and pleased" theme. But then we're used to that. 

I'm beginning to see that the problem most of "the rest of us" are having is that we don't think anyone could be so audacious, especially in the face of the Pope. But one only has to watch Kiko's lecture to the pope on Feb 1 to see for themselves just how audacious Kiko can be, and why certain local religious leaders are following suit. 


  1. Kiko is clearly unhinged and a problem for the modern day church. Like a mad man, and just look the kind of people he attracts. It's a movement which has got out of control and hard to keep in order. The safest way is to be like many bishops who don't allow itin their diocese or do not encourage it.. Then it will die a natural death.

  2. Kiko just lost his cool. Not very Christian like.

    1. somebody needs to tell him that pointy beard doesn't help

    2. it's just not the way you talk to the pope, especially in front of the whole world, unless you think you should be the pope.

  3. What Kiko and Carmen think of the Pope was spelled out clearly to me when Carmen wore an ADIDAS shirt in their private audience with Pope Benedict. A coarser woman I have never seen.

  4. Pray for the Arch. He will be a very nervous man tomorrow. A man will be at a funeral tomorrow who would rather not see the Arch and the Arch would rather not see. They may be at the same funeral. The Arch will be nervous.

    1. I am going to that same funeral too. Maybe I should wear a huge sign that says "I WILL NEVER FORGET "

    2. There are many places he can be confronted now. Many. Archbishop, start to be honest and transparent with God's People. It is urgent for you and us as an Archdiocese. Your priests are scandalizing people with their opinions. They are nervous and stressed, and exhausted by all of this. Friendships are hurt with people taking sides. People are staying away from Church. YES, people are dropping out of your Neo communities. We pray you wake up tomorrow and return to your ministry to ALL OF US.

    3. I won't be at this funeral tomorrow, but please share with all of us junglewatchers who this person is?

  5. Where is the funeral mass.

  6. Will send an agent to observe .

  7. 635pm. Very very true. The divisions in our church now caused by archbishop Apuron are very alarming. He is the cause of family divisions, relationships destroyed. There are alsoriests suffering, sick on medication because of archbishop Apuron. All cannot be revealed yet, but once it is Apuron may well have several other legal cases against him. But he deserves it for the pain he has caused people over the years. He will pay for it.

  8. Kiko looks insane on the clip.

  9. Has put a gag order on his priests. WHY?

    1. Yes he did"......NCW MOTTO: SILENCE, DON'T QUESTION, LISTEN and OBEY!

  10. Keep that raving maniac Kiko clip up, Tim. You can take it down when people seem to GET IT STRAIGHT.

  11. Looks as if kiko is telling the Pope, "if you have a better idea and can do it better then DO IT.

    Sounds like someone's post: " if you can do a better job, the be the Archbishop. TYPICAL!

  12. The clip confirmed what many of us thought. In fact priests in Rome, and some within the Vatican congregations are making jokes about kiko's dramatic acts. Even the prefect of the papal household was shocked.

  13. A psychologist watched this clip who knew nothing about NCW . Just the clip he saw. Then he said his actions, body language, face expression, show a very disturbed person.
