Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


In the post PANGASINAN PEOPLE POWER we noted the actions of Archbishop Villegas of the the Philippine Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, taken in 2010, to "reorient the Neocatechumenal Way" in his archdiocese.

His "prescription" is worth a closer look. After noting the problems stirred up by the Neocatechumenal Way in his archdiocese, the archbishop then provides the following directives: 


THEREFORE, considering the foregoing facts and statutory principles, by virtue of my authority as Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, in order to guide and reorient the Neocatechumenal Way in this archdiocese, 

I hereby impose a moratorium on all initial catecheses in the Neocatechumenal Way within the archdiocese until the Episcopal Delegate, named below, recommends the lifting of this moratorium. 

[This is smart on several levels. First, it protects him from being the ultimate bad guy. Second, Rome is put on notice that something is very wrong. Third, because Rome approved the Statute for the NCW, Rome rightly should be the ultimate judge.]

No new communities shall be opened and no new members may be initiated into the Neocatechumenal Way within the moratorium period starting on the Solemnity of Pentecost this year until the Solemnity of Pentecost in 2011. 

[This also is smart. The Japanese bishops lost their bid to kick out the NCW from the entire country for five years probably because of the severity of the sentence (though Rome eventually authorized individual bishops to do as they saw fit.) Archbishop Villegas only asks for a one year moratorium on new communities, a reasonable request which has the added benefit of keeping the NCW still under a watchful eye.]

Likewise, I order the reading, within the whole year, starting from the Solemnity of Pentecost this year until the Solemnity of Pentecost in 2011, of paragraphs 748 to 945 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, pertaining to ecclesiology, the readings being spread out during the weekly celebrations of the Word of each Neocatechumenal community. 

[This order must have sent Kiko and the catechists into a tail spin. Rather than lecture the wayward Neos himself, the archbishop makes the Neos actually lecture themselves. And by making them read the Catechism, the archbishop rightly lets the Church teach, not him. As McLuhan would say: "The medium is the message."]

Moreover, I enjoin the recitation of the five mysteries of the Holy Rosary before the weekly celebration of the Word, starting on Pentecost Sunday, in adherence to the mandate of Article 14, number 4 of the Statutes. 

[Here is what that sections says: § 4. The neocatechumens are also instructed gradually in Eucharistic devotion outside Mass, in nocturnal adoration, in the recitation of the Holy Rosary and in other practices of piety of Catholic tradition. Obviously the archbishop is aware that this is something they are NOT doing even though their Statute requires it. And why does their Statute require it? Why does this have to be specifically noted? When one sees how Kiko treats Mary in his catechesis, we can easily see why. But we will have to save that for another time.]

In addition, effective today, I revoke the canonical mandate previously granted by the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan to the incumbent itinerant catechist to teach the Catholic faith within this ecclesiastical jurisdiction. [Speaks for itself.]


  1. I presume that this makes Archbishop Villegas a Judas in the eyes of the NCW.

    1. Or at least it shows that he is lacking "adult faith".

  2. What amazes me is that rules and regulations are set forth by bishops in the Philippines. One particular statement that this Bishop had said, and that priest should not shrug of their duties to the parishioners.

    Another aspect is that Cardinal Tagle puts on a short video reflecting on the readings for Sundays. He even goes as far as answering questions put forth by his people. The you tube on Popular Piety, Face2Faith, etc. were ones I enjoyed listening to. Guess I will now follow this cardinal on line and listen to his explanations and read on his reflections.

    Instead of Archbishop catechizing to us, he is being catechized.

  3. I think our brand of Neo is so different from other areas because the movement here is unfettered with the Archbishop as a participant and "team member" as he states himself. He is no longer unbiased and this alone is of grave concern. Does anyone know if there are rules for Bishops and Cardinals being heavily involved in a particular movement? How could abuses be recognized and corrected if the leader is so fond with one movement over another?

  4. As written by Cardinal Schoborn:

    191. What liturgical spaces define a house of God?

    The central places of a house of God are the altar with
    the crucifix, the tabernacle, the celebrant’s chair,
    the ambo, the baptismal font, and the confessional.

    The altar is the central point of the church. On it Jesus
    Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection are
    made present in the celebration of the Eucharist. It is
    also the table to which the People of God are invited.
    The tabernacle, a kind of sacred safe, houses with the
    greatest honor in a most worthy place in the church
    the Eucharistic species in which the Lord himself is
    present. The so-called perpetual lamp indicates that the
    tabernacle is “occupied”. If the lamp is not burning, the
    tabernacle is empty. The raised chair (Latin cathedra)
    of the bishop or the priest means that ultimately
    Christ is the one who leads the congregation. The ambo
    (from Greek anabainein = to climb up), the lectern for
    the Word of God, should manifest the value and dignity
    of the biblical readings as the Word of the living God.
    Baptisms are performed at the baptismal font, and
    the holy water font should be a vivid reminder of our
    baptismal promises. A confessional or confession room
    is there so that we can acknowledge our guilt and
    receive forgiveness.

    YOUCAT pages 114 & 115. Are all These symbols present during NCW Saturday celebration?

    1. No. And by the way, Schonburn was one of the 14 selected, along with Chaput, to preside on the Pontifical Council of the Laity.

    2. But Cardinal Schonborn is very PRO-NEO:

      Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna, contributed to the book as well with a commentary on Argüello's catechesis entitled "Three Angels." The Austrian cardinal wrote that "this Way, so many times confirmed and encouraged by Popes Paul VI, Blessed John Paul II and our Holy Father Benedict XVI through the proclamation of the Good News, of the Kerygma, has opened the door of Faith to many people."

      "Kiko’s catechesis published here" - continues Cardinal Schönborn-- is a strong 'instruction' for disciples. It is an invitation to personal conversion. This catechesis impresses me because it shows clearly, to me personally, that without a personal conversion it is impossible to evangelize. He who evangelizes must first be evangelized."

    3. Yes, he is (pro-neo). There are two points that can be made here:

      1. Schonburn is one of the bishops who is whoever he needs to be at the moment. While he was one of the primary contributors to the composition of the CCC, he is also known for his homosexual sympathies, calling on the Church to "give more consideration to the quality" to homosexual relationships, and in 2006 allowed for a blessing at his Cathedral of "people with homosexual inclinations to receive a blessing for their longing for love."

      2. Kiko, if nothing else, is a master marketer. He knows what to let the clergy see and when to let them see it. His lobbying of bishops puts Washington D.C. career lobbyists to shame. He knows how to buy them, too. He's actually brilliant in recognizing that many of the bishops are lazy, that they haven't been doing a very good job of evangelizing their own faithful and producing vocations, and have, rather, been jetting about the world. Kiko comes in with numbers, numbers which are important to career-minded clergy. He knows how to feed them and lead them. He's the master of the photo-op as well. Brilliant.

    4. So Cardinal Schonborn is a wishywashy type. Aside for Chaput, there is Ryklo, Scola, Aviz who are strong supporters of the Neo.

    5. Kiko is an entrepeneur. Selling his catecheses, songs, artwork and now a book to the millions of NCWs. Not bad for a guy from the slums.

    6. Yes, there are many bishops who are for sale. In fact Ryklo is bought and paid for. He's the one that gave Kiko the go ahead to continue with the illicit manner of distributing communion in spite of the pope's orders. I have the email showing this.

      But aside from all that, why is it important to have "strong supporters of the Neo" amongst the episcopacy if the Neo way has already been legitimated by the 2008 approval of the Statutes and the 2010 approval of the Kiko's catechetical directory?

      ....unless of course the Neo is in fact doing something other than what has been legitimated and is looking for other approval. Ya think?

  5. When comparing Schonborn and Tagle, yes, both brought out the importance of the symbols of the church. The difference is Cardinal Tagle explains that because of these symbols, it is important to attend Sunday Masses. The symbols are a reminder to us. Not only the symbols, but as a family sharing communion as one.

  6. traditioninaction.org:
    The liturgy of the Neocatechumenal Way was shaped by Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández based, they claim, squarely on the new teachings of Vatican II. It pretends to return to the practices of the early Church, which were allegedly warped and deviated from the true path for centuries until the Council. One of the movement’s early mentors and supporters was none other than Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, the main architect of the New Mass.

    1. Last year ChurchMilitant.tv exposed Bugnini. But Bugnini's follower Kiko continues to modify the liturgy.

    Prefect, Congregation for Consecrated Life
    "It's important to separate the grace of a specific charism from the founder. Sometimes their life coincides with their charism. But we also see cases where the founder does not lead a life that corresponds with the order's charism.”

    1. Think we need context for this Aviz quote.

  8. http://www.internetica.it/neocatecumenali/english/kiko-symphonic.htm
    Gives additional insight to Kiko

  9. San Juan Diego Pastoral Center, Santa Rita Guam
    from Archdiocese of Agana, Guam 3 months ago NOT YET RATED

    Found this by chance....guess who is the architect? A Francesco Genarinni from New York. Guess our money is going to same family. What the "H" is going on. Seems that the church needs a NEO ARCHITECT, ENGINEER etc to build a churches. It seems to me that the NEOS take care of themselves first. Unless you are in the circle, you amount to nothing. MAKE the GENARINNIS RICH. Before you know it they will have full control of ALL the ARCHDIOCESE property on island. FOOLS we are !

    1. Found on Internet on Vimeo like you tube with Father Fabio and Genarinni speaking via phone. Will try to locate website again

  10. In the late 1990's didn't the Archbishop prohibit mass outside of church proper?
    Is he violating his own directive?
    Also, after the synod on the Eucharist didn't he bad mouth his fellow bishops because they didn't agree with him?
