Jungle Watch Pages

Thursday, June 26, 2014



  1. Dear Anonymous at 12:14 p.m,

    I do not agree with the label of "Quaker" since the Quakers are a religious group also known as the "Society of friends." As for the jungle doing a good public service.....have you read the comments recently? Considering the comments, the jungle might as well change their post and tell victims of abuse to simply report to the civil authorities. The jungle still does what it always do......put down the Archbishop.
TIM: Apparently Diana believes victims of abuse should NOT go to the civil authorities??

Dear Anonymous at 1:19 p.m., 

Liturgies do not fall under the teachings and doctrines of the Church. Why? Because over time, liturgies have changed, but it is the TEACHINGS AND DOCTRINES of the Church that has NEVER changed. Teachings and doctrines such as the Immaculate Conception, Purgatory, no divorce, no adultery, and OBEDIENCE to the Pope and bishops has never changed. That described Tim Rohr and his followers. In fact, all three is a fair description of Tim Rohr and his followers. .


Dear Anonymous at 11:27 a.m., 

Tim Rohr and his followers are not Quakers. They are still our Catholic brothers (although the Pope calls them Half-hearted Catholics). They are still the "other sheep" whom Christ wants to bring together as one flock. Do not stoop to Tim Rohr's level of depraved name-calling.

TIM: Actually Fr. A..., er I mean "Diana", it is your side calling us "nut huggers" and "dingleberrys". But we don't fault you for that given the intelligence level of your blog. Hang in there.

  1. Half-hearted Catholics are unable to see, understand and do what is good for the Church. Uniformists hate Vatican II and the New Spirit that came about it. They hate communities as a framework of living out your Catholic faith among your sisters and brothers. They are complacent with repeating mechanical procedures without heart and soul, without ever opening new doors, without ever being joyful while discovering the Lord's face of encouragement, love and compassion.

    When we read the incoherent rants of half-hearted Catholics attacking the Way, we should understand their depravity caused by their inability to see the true face of Jesus. Led by anger and jealousy, they abandon all human control and moral standard in order to destroy the faith and joy of others. They recycle the same old stuff over and over again. Just check the page info on the links they provide and you will see WEB-pages frozen many years ago, without exception. Still, these people copy and paste relentlessly in the belief that we never notice. But we see and recognize their desperation.

    Half-hearted Catholics also hate Church officials who call on them to grow in faith. Who, me? -- they ask and get seriously offended because of their complacency. Then they jump on the Archbishop, for example, employing all wickedness of the deceptions of secret anti-church societies we have seen in Catholic history. Illegal documents, lies and pretended comments, including role playing with an army of anonymous trolls, we see all these things at JungleWatch as promoted forms of warfare approved and encouraged by the owner. Can anyone go still lower than this?!

    Businessist Catholics fake their zeal in the church where everyone can see them, but in fact they look for the opportunity of profit making all the time. Nobody walking in the Neocatechumenal Way has ever said anything bad about Fr Paul on these blogs. Still, there is the intention to use the misery of his situation for personal gain and business profit. This is morally deplorable. If I would be Fr Paul I surely would not look for advocacy and support from half-hearted Catholics who lost their moral sense altogether.

    Pope Francis is right to say that half-hearted Catholics don't know and don't care about what is good for the Church and what is good for people of faith.

TIM: LOL! Living rent free inside Zoltan's head. Get some sleep Zoltan. 

Dear Anonymous at 7:18 p.m.,

How do you or anyone else know for certain that it did not come from Arrieta?
People in Junglewatch are even claiming that I am Father Adrian, and some of them appear to be 100% certain about it. 


Dear Anonymous at 11:16 a.m., 

It was the Holy See who told us how to celebrate it the way we do it in the NCW. So, we follow those directions because we were told that it came from the Holy See. The way we received Holy Communion is universal in all the communities of the NCW regardless of what country they are from.

Dear Anonymous at 2:2 p.m.,

I trust God, and it was God who put the Pope in charge. He did not put YOU in charge. I trust the people whom God put in charge. All five Popes supported the Way and the Pope is the Vicar of Christ. I am not going to reject what all five Popes have supported and endorsed. Are you going to tell me that all five Popes are wrong in supporting the Way?



  1. Diana's quote of the day: "The youths is the future Church.".

  2. AnonymousJune 25, 2014 at 3:47 PM
    Report to civil authorities? That's what should happen. Don't need JW to teach us that one. Diana, that was irresponsible to the limit of irresponsibility. These CRIMES have nothing to do with putting down Archbishop. SOMEONE GOT HIM GOOD THIS MORNING.

  3. Just goes to show you, Diana is dangerous. Abused should NOT go to civil authorities? Really, Diana? Stop addressing your followers with your benign SMILE from behind your curtain. You certainly have no authority. You are more than disturbing.

  4. YOUR kidding, right? Prayers for any YOUTHS near you!

  5. I am a woman, not a man and I am not a priest. Love, Diana. P.S. Diana has denied being Father Adrian many times now. hmmmmm

  6. Catchy phrase you have there, Diana. I'm gonna keep repeating that: "the youths is the future Church". The youths is the future Church. Oh, BROTHER!

  7. I asked Deacon Harold and he is not the one who is making these comments. In the seminary it is considered a worldly distraction even to know about Jungle blog. These seminarians have a lot of studying, praying, devotion and other businesses to attend to, they simply don't do blogs. So what is the reason Janet B and co. are making up these belligerent conversations? Signed Bernie from Princess Diana blog.

  8. lord have mercy what is going on.

  9. archdiocese is out of order. It needs the attention of the apostolic delegate. Immediately. From the seminary to the chancery it is out of order.

  10. Deacon Harold are you writing these comments . Stop it if you are. They are disturbing to the catholic church.

  11. Who the heck is Bernie?

  12. oh, yeah. None of the priests on island....neo, or not, know anything about JW. After all it's not Christian Blog! Clever lot, they are!

  13. Deacon Harold is going to get a complex and you all will be responsible.

  14. Our seminarians have no personal computers. It is considered worldly to have a personal computer. Seminarians are not given permission to open junglewatch it is considered worldly but also sin to read junglewatch. Istudent would be sent home if found reading this blog. It is not Harold writing on this blog.

  15. hard to know if our priests are just being respectful, or are they shaking in thier boots? NOTHING seems to be getting done toward healing. AND, all of this is not inspiring to those who might consider priesthood. Do they really think we don't know what is going on? God Help Us.

  16. "The jungle still does what it always do......put down the Archbishop". Diana, brush up on your grammar before you become bishop. Then, again, you'll probably have a secretary to clean up your copy; so never mind.

  17. Then hope you are commenting on the brothers' computer. Also, confess your sin.

  18. Also worldly to live in a palace with pool, elevator, air con, and expensive exercise park! While you are on the subject of worldliness. And don't forget world class education at the popes university.

  19. Anon 6:08,

    That's right... Punish any seminarian seeking the truth (playing in the jungle). Actually I wouldn't doubt if they had a class on how to defame Tim.

  20. "I asked Deacon Harold and he is not the one who is making these comments. In the seminary it is considered a worldly distraction even to know about Jungle blog. These seminarians have a lot of studying, praying, devotion and other businesses to attend to, they simply don't do blogs. So what is the reason Janet B and co. are making up these belligerent conversations? Signed Bernie from Princess Diana blog"

    ROFL Haha ... "Jungle Blog" "PRINCESS Diana Blog" So hilarious!!! We have to find out who this Bernie is!!! Who else besides the seminarians would be so into this discussion and so ESL??

  21. Janet B - MangilaoJune 27, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    I nearly choked on my meal when I read the following from the brilliant Bernie a.k.a.Anonymous June 26, 2014 at 5:12 PM
    "I asked Deacon Harold and he is not the one who is making these comments. In the seminary it is considered a worldly distraction even to know about Jungle blog. These seminarians have a lot of studying, praying, devotion and other businesses to attend to, they simply don't do blogs. So what is the reason Janet B and co. are making up these belligerent conversations? Signed Bernie from Princess Diana blog."

    LOL - I asked and he denied it! If he is caught he will get sent home we hear later on. So, Brilliant Bernie, you think he doesn't go on the blog because he says so?

    Well, Bernie, I have some beautiful view property in Ordot reserved just for you. Beautiful vistas of resort, golf course, and mountains, and it sits on top of a hill. Pristine river runs along its boundary. Could be listed for much more, but because you have astonished me with your brilliance, I feel compelled to sell this 200,000 square foot lot (that's almost 50 acres!) well below market, at only $2,000,000. The property even has a paved road on the frontage and has a gated entrance. It is a very quiet neighborhood, but it is buzzing with potential! Seller will finance on easy terms and low, low interest. Trust me now and buy while still really cheap! Just 5% down to my swiss bank account and I will send you the keys to the property so you can enjoy the surroundings. Cash in trash bags also accepted!

    Bernie, you and Princess Adri.., er, I mean Diana, are true lemmings. And since you are so smart, and the seminarians have no access to computers, please give them a word of the day lesson and teach them what this word "lemming" means. PS - no need to look in a National Geographic!

    Bernie, thanks for the laughter - good medicine!

  22. ORDOT???????????????????????????? Where, I want to check it out. Not to buy....just to ooooh and ahhhh.

  23. The Massachusetts House has approved a bill to extend by more than 30 years the statute of limitations for victims of childhood sex abuse to file lawsuits against their alleged attackers or the institutions that employed them.

  24. Instead of playing around, is Ordot the estate of the Archbishop? OR NOT? Did Tim say one time he has a photo?

  25. Don't know anything about Ordot

  26. Hey Janet are you talking about the NeoPalace...oops I meant to say the Leo Palace?

  27. Why didn't the archbishop transfer his own estate for seminary use? What about the original plans drawn for a seminary in the south?

  28. More than thirty years?? Wow.

  29. ...grrrrr...who is brilliant bernie!

  30. Poor zoltan, constantly trying to brainwash the faithful while promoting his kiko-carmen protestant church.

  31. Bernie lied on seminarians . Harold was playing in the jungle .

  32. Archbishop should meet with deacon Harold.

    Archdiocese needs a new vocations director from the diocesan priests. We need to start sending local vocations to st. Patrick's. Students should not be forced to follow the neo.

  33. What do rm seminarians do all day? Do the seminarians have a daily routine. how much free time do seminarians have? Rm seminary is a former hotel . how do they manage to keep hotel clean, who is the head chef of the hotel now. Who pays the power bills. Do the seminarians receive monies from the chancery or their families. Practical questions on the daily administration interest is.

  34. Well, my goodness, @ 1:01 pm where did you get the idea that any of these questions will be answered in this lifetime? Heard Archbishop himself complain they are lazy. Too busy in the jungle to exercise on the 100.000.00 of exercise equipment. That's right, folks one hundred thousand dollars for exercise machines. Pizza :)

  35. Archbishop used to say he couldn't force them, now he is..,what is that?

  36. @3:55 means force them to attend RMS.

  37. I think 3:55 means force the priests to get involved with NCW. The Archbishop said he wouldn't do that. Now we know he only meant for awhile.

  38. Archbishop is quite pleased with his Vocation Director.

  39. 3.50pm please identify the brand of gym equipment in the seminary. Only this way can we evaluate your statement on the internals of the seminary.

  40. Right, Tim . Step by step, inch by inch. Talk about asleep at the switch. He/they meant only a while in quite a few areas! Well, Hope we're wide awake now.

  41. Is the seminary gym available for all the Priests to avail of.

  42. Gym equipment was a donation. Still, our priests and seminarians need to think through certain donations, especially those which give the appearance of personal luxury or of buying favors. Is the equipment available to all priests? Well, let's just say it is about available as the schedule of neo-liturgies that are supposedly open to all the faithful.

  43. Thank you Tim. As the equipment is personal donation will not follow this up. However, if certain donations which give the appearance of personal luxury in exchange for favors it becomes a point of interest. We want to know what is going on inside this archdiocese. All stones must be turned and looked under.

  44. 1.01pm. Seminarians do read jungle .

  45. Pleased with his vocation director. What does vocation director do?

  46. By fax just read the seminary menu for today. Interesting! Who pays for the foods? Very expensive tastes seminarians have.

  47. Saw that in u' matuna was a gift. Price was published.

  48. All NCW seminarians receive a monthly allowance....The RMS seminary has a separate budget from the Chancery...in fact, the Chancery does not oversee the RMS budget...they have their own finance officer answerable to Archbishop only...Deacon Kim, and the AFC have no oversight....interesting...

  49. How can we find out technicalities of whether priest must be presbyter for neo Eucharists, or not? Of course, when ALL the Agana priests are NEO, that won't be a question. How about now. Would the Neo community want them to Celebrate?

  50. Sounds more like Jesuits or Caps....RMS they are not an order. What's with the allowance? No vow of poverty.

  51. Seminarians tell people some nights they have only slices of baloney and no bread. How did u get a fax of menu? doubt it.

  52. Slices of baloney with no bread. Baloney.

  53. Yes honey dear. Guam Catholics pay for these allowances . Nothing wrong with giving an allowance. But these seminarians live off Guam Catholics who donate to this archdiocese so we demand to know. Donating to our parish pastor is ok with us but why should we be forced to pay for all these seminarians who are not a part of Guam.

  54. 9:25PM..the RMS are considered diocesan priests. The RMS is their order! What vow do they take is something else! The OFM have poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Regular diocesan priests do not have the vow of poverty! The RMS believes that money is evil so I am assuming that they take the vow of poverty, but I doubt it! Double Standards!

  55. RMS is not in any way or fashion, an Order. It is a Movement. Uh, oh, didn't mean to say Movement!! Realize NCW deny that, sorry.
