Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


10:59 PM. I made this post at 2:52 PM at which time there were 761 votes. By 8:40 PM the Archbishop's A grade had risen from 11% to 48% with about 10 "A"'s added per minute. The activity continued till 9:20 PM when the A grade rose to 56% and is still continuing. All that activity began after I posted this poll. So we obviously know who reads my blog, as if we didn't know already. (I catch Adrian on here all the time, the Archbishop too.) 

It's very simple, Tim Rohr posted hugely embarrassing numbers and the Neo's mobilized. But no matter. Everyone knows that you can click as much as you want on these polls so they don't mean anything. What matters is that we have a lying, lawless bishop and a chancery seething with jealously and hate. It is now on display for all to see. Why else would they release their report to the media damning Msgr. James at the very moment his prayer vigil was beginning? 

Even more damning of the Archbishop is that he released facts to the media in writing that he won't even give to the man he accuses. Archbishop Apuron and his two buddies are extremely sick and desperate people. All of Guam is now seeing that. And they are about to see some more. 



  1. You have to add the F and D to get a picture of the disgust of the people.

  2. Interesting isn't it that when you posted this, the support for the Archbishop at 'A' was at 11%. Now it is 48%, and if you keep an eye on it, you can see someone working very hard to add to the "A"s - about ten per minute. Its almost as though there is an organized operation behind it.... I wonder who that might be?

    1. Yes, Anonymous (July 29, 2014 at 8:49 PM), I did notice that. It merely demonstrates to me the desperation to present the Archbishop in a positive light. As has been proven time and again, there are some who cannot accept the TRUTH — especially as presented in JungleWatch — and will do whatever is needed to distort it. This "organized operation" as you describe it, is proof that there is no limit to what certain entities are wont to do.

    2. I too observed the numbers as votes were being made. From the time it took the F's to increase by 42 votes, the A's increased by 166 votes, with an increase of 1-2 votes given to an A vote every time I refreshed my browser continuously. It makes me sick. Tim, you are correct to say, "Everyone knows that you can click as much as you want on these polls so they don't mean anything." It is obvious to see what people will do to make it seem like the Archbishop is doing a great job. I continue to pray for those on Guam and hope that the Archbishop comes to realize he has NOT been conducting himself as a good shepherd of his ENTIRE flock.

      A Las Vegas Observer

    3. The poll taking is really a "circus" orchestrated and appears manipulated to make our lovable Archbishop continues to be supported by his flock- little did knows or rather should know, that this exercise shows how his being portrayed as a mere puppet!! Should we now know who is "pulling all the strings"??

  3. Yes anonymous at 8.49, most likely Fr Pius and his cohorts trying to shore up temporary argument for the Archi.
    Time for us to vote too.

  4. Oh dear it says 68 percent.

  5. Maybe it's because some of the communities celebrate Liturgy on Tuesday nights..... Concerted effort perhaps?

  6. NEO's to the Rescue!!!

  7. The poll was stuffed. My contact at the PDN News room said that the same 4 computers were used over and over again (Same IP address) If you saw the crowd yesterday clergy, nuns, local leaders, lay people, families, manamko you would be so moved in their cries and calls for a change in leadership. The Guam Catholic Church lead by Tony, David and Adrian (they have lost respect of many so no one cares to call them by their titles) is headed in the wrong way and sadly- when you are surrounded by "yes" men, they will ultimately cause your doom- Look at Hitler, Mussolini, Marcos to name a few. Dictators who in the end lost everything cause their Lt's and their ego. The Archbishop needs to apologize to the people of Guam, be transparent, communicate, make things right with his clergy, leave the NCW and close down the seminary, sell Yona to pay of ALL the churches debt, reorganize the Hill, ask for forgiveness and make things right. That is his path to redemption otherwise sadly- he will go down in history as one of the worlds first. How do you go from 95% Catholic in 1985 to 65% Catholic-present day- Poor leadership!

    1. I am not sure about the same 4 computers. I tried voting F twice but I can't. We have to give it to them for mobilizing their troops for that A vote. (Wow not even a B. I guess they don't think anything amiss with the Wadeson issue. Again, let them deceive themselves.) But that A vote will not gain them more followers. It will only wake up those who are not involved yet to start getting involved. Remember, we outnumber these guys.

  8. Let them deceive themselves. This can only get worse for the Archbishop. The growing awareness can only bring more troubles for the Archbishop. We need to boycott his masses. We know now, that, the Neos/seminarians will rally behind him. Let them. Let them attend his mass. At least, that will bring them back to the church after attending their other mass.
    I have noticed that it's been a while I have seen that big banner "Invitation to Joy" in front of St. Anthony. It's been a while since they have made their invitation during the homily part of the mass. Yes, they were allowed to take over the homily and make that invitation. It's been a while since their reps took up the whole front pew of the church during this time of invitation. Make no mistake about, they are feeling the heat. With all this negative publicity, you think they can invite people to join them. That is why I believe, change will happen for as long as we keep up with it. We have to continue to pray. But we have to continue to act too.

  9. If they don't mean anything cuz people can click on it many times, then why ask your readers to take the poll?

  10. Pathetic accept it people majority love the Archbishop. You can have Barack Obama in your gathering that won't change people heart. You only feed what pleases you.

  11. @ Anonymous July 30, 2014, at 8:57AM- Who are those people that supposedly "love him"? Where are those people? All 500 NCW (and the numbers are dwindling- saw a few at the prayer rally yesterday (turncoats?, spies? or starting to see the writing on the wall and know the truth? You my friend are the pathetic one. Tony Apuron "LOVES" the persecution remember the NCW brain washed it into him to love it as a sign of good faith- so the rest of Guam will keep at it, whisper it, talk about it. BTW- yesterday was the 5th Anniversary of the hearing on Sen. BJ's bill on sex crimes the one Tony Apuron was afraid of. Tony will go away when he is indicted for the crimes committed against LL or fired by Rome. Rome is watching! Will you still "love" him then?

    1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2014 at 9:38 AM
      The protestant regime, the only thing for you to say I hate him or I wish him dead. Are you really Catholic or Cafeteria Catholic. You saying for him to get fired soon, are you saying Saint Pope John Paul II was wrong of appointing him? Who gives you that authority to oust him? Have you spoken to him or are you riding the bandwagon as well with all this accusation. Recently Pope Francis encourage to reconcile with your bishop and encourage obedience. If you fail to recognize this then your a PROTESTANT. As Tim said he is his own Authority. Sorry I can't agree with your disobedience and disrespect.

    2. @9:38 Sorry we can't agree with your lack of proper command of the English language. Would it kill you to spell "you're" correctly for once? Before you express your opinions here would you mind taking a grammar refresher class? Because not doing so, and posting the way you do, only continues to make you and your ilk (check the dictionary for the meaning) look more and more unintelligible. Thanks!

  12. @8:57 Thank you Neocats for waking up the rest of us Catholics, THE MAJORITY. We are learning how to drive you out seeing the lessons from other dioceses in the world who have shut you down. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU AND YOU WILL BE DRIVEN OUT. WHY? Because there's more of us than you, and we are sick of this cancer (YES YOU ARE A CANCER) within us. New champions for the mother church have come forth and WE WILL CAST YOU OUT. Because from all the other accounts of the NCW listed around the world show that you have no interest in co-existing. You are only interested in eventually taking over. YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED. And let it be known, and you know it, THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WANT APURON TO STEP DOWN.

    1. the fruit of Vile of the jungle.

  13. Shouldn't the Chancery and Seminary be praying that the storm doesn't hit us? or wait the Chancery has to do more damage control. Nice to see the IP addresses of the Chancery and Seminary. IP: (serviced by IT&E) and 2a00:1450:4013:c01 (via google client gmail) getting those pole numbers up and jungle watch views up.

  14. What Apuron sex crimes??? We all must know! Has this been shared in his neo group? That's why he cannot sever himself?

    1. All I know is the Archbishop joined because he was DEEPLY troubled.

    2. Why though? Do tell...

  15. Deeply troubled.
