Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, August 22, 2014


Send yours soon. (An attachment included 296 signatures)



  2. KUDOS to the Parishioners of St. Francis Church for being PRO-ACTIVE in protecting your church and parish!! I pray that other parishioners follow suit!

    Capuchin-pastored parishes and NON-Neo Diocesan-pastored parishes, may I strongly suggest you follow the example of St. Francis Parish. You can do this!!!

  3. Reject even a neo deacon into your parish.

  4. Yeeeeeee-haaaaaa! Yona rulz, HAHAHAHA!

  5. Tim, look what you have started. Your hate blog has caused all of these divisions. Stop it!

    My neo brothers need not thank me for this post. Just want to save them the trouble. Lol.

    1. The predictable has been preempted!

      Seriously, this is 296 informed and gravely concerned Catholics . . . and all from one parish! That's a voice!

    2. With all due respect this blog has not started the division. It has been present for some time now. It's become more present because our shepherd seems to have made it clear that his concern is only with a few sheep rather than the whole flock. My parish has been waiting for a pastor for the past two years. Where oh where has our shepherd been? Not concerned with us... God bless us all.

    3. Yes!! 296 using their God-given intellect and their God-given conscience !!

  6. Yesssss. Can't wait to see the response from AAA. Parishioners of Yona, I salute you for making a stand!

    1. Oh, don't worry, there will be a response!!

    2. 3:29,

      You're right. Most likely another idiotic response filled with lies. He can continue his destructive path against non neo priest, but there will be consequences.

  7. BRILLIANT YONA!! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!! After reading Spaghetti for Everyone
    The minutes of the clergy meeting with Archbishop Krebs, Tuesday, July 15, 2014. It is obvious that you dear brave proactive Yona Catholics are "Way Showers and Light Bearers" You are owning your faith and traditional Catholic teaching. Yeah "Kelaguen Forever for Everyone". Come On Yona Catholics!! Come On!! You are Strong!! May God Bless each and everyone of you and the generations to follow you.

  8. Anon 2:30 PM

    Wake up!!!!!!! Tim didn't start anything! It was the invasion of an unwanted false doctrine. It was putting Tim, "alone", in front of SNAP and all that noise about gay marriage while the Archbishop hid in the hill. It was trying to blame Tim's son for a lie! It was the unjust removal of a Priest and Mosignior and all the lies that followed!!! What do you need to open your eyes to all this? It was never Tim, we were just like mushrooms. fed S_ _ t and kept in the dark. Tim just turned on the flashlight! Now we see and we will not sit on the sidelines and be victims. I promised myself I would not respond to your useless drivel. You made me break my promise!


  9. Oh dear this is a war now.

  10. Were you being sarcastic? I missed it! darn!

  11. 296 people from one parish large number.

  12. Yona is proud. Proud to be Catholic. I didn't start the petition, but I saw how it got started and I am proud of those people who stood up and took a stand. I am ashamed that I have remained anonymous for so long while others have been braver than me. I have many reasons for leaving my name out. I signed the petition and I knew there were many more it is just that all the sheets couldn't get back in on time. I would like to tell the ArchBishop that our Priest asked us for Peace and asked us to Pray for an end to this. I told him personally that his vow of obedience is his vow and we the lay people do not take that vow and must stand up for what we need to do. We also always pray for our Archbishop as well as the Seminarians from all orders. As I sign my name here, I ask the NCW not to judge my family as I sign on my own free will. My son loves you and loves every minute with his Neo's. I love God and the Catholic Church which he established here on earth through the Holy Spirit. Respectfully yours., Sharon O'Mallan (Yona)

    1. Sharon, do not be anxious or bothered by all this, you have a brave soul, God bless you! You are a daughter of Saint Francis! Remember Pope Innocent III had a vision/dream of a peasant holding up the Church, so it only makes sense that the parish of Saint Francis also is blessed with the valor and fortitude of its founder!
      Saint Francis, you brave little parish, it is true that the impostor has taken an abode amongst your soil, but freight not for your humble Founder will not abandon you. Pray pray earnestly for his intercession.

    2. I admire your bravery Sharon O'Mallan.

  13. Yet again another public demonstration of unfaltering faith and action! This time by the Catholic Church Militant, in the name of protecting and preserving authentic Catholicism -- the Catholic Faithful from St. Francis Parish in Yona! All for the greater honor and glory of God!

    Remembering Father Alvin, Father Canice, Sister Mary Eucharita, and St. Francis School: from whom and from where I derive and trace my basic religious formation, foundation, education and groundedness in authentic Catholicity (beyond my parent's examples and instruction at home -- and whose parental examples and role modeling, to this day, has not ceased); and, St. Francis Church: where I received my First Holy Communion and my Confirmation from Fr. Alvin and Bishop Baumgartner! ... and so, if I may be allowed to -- to share in and stake an infinitesimal claim to the St. Francis Parish' and school's "DNA"? :)

  14. WOW Yona! The first of the parishes to make a formal stand like this! GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY GOD GIVE ALL OF US THE SAME SPIRIT as these brave people from Yona!

  15. @ Sharon Omallan I am proud of your courage and convictions. I cannot sign my name even if I want to because my male' and husband are Neo people but are good honest Christians especially to my whole family. so I know it was not easy for you especially with your Neo son. I can only hope and pray that we will have peace and that the Archbishop leaves the Neo group or leaves the island.

  16. So if your a neo priest, neo deacon, neo seminarian or lay peoplein the neo group. Your not allowed to be in Saint Francis Church, Yona. If we even see you in our parking lot we will chase you out and call the cops for trespassing! We are not neo. Get put of the church. You're not catholic! We hate you neo bishop, priest, seminarian and everyone in the neo group. We don't respect you bishop, priests, seminarians and neo people. We believe in tim and any priests thats not neo. Get out of guam!

    John Joseph Cruz, Yona

    1. If you read the letter, it says nothing of the sort. You may disagree with their request, however, it would do the situation well to at least give an honest assessment of the letter rather than create a false narrative.

      The parishioners of St Fransis of Assisi in Yona requested that the NCW not be imposed on them and they documented this request via a signed petition.

    2. I believe this is a neocat posing as a neo-hater. John Joseph Cruz....ya right!

  17. @ at 2:30 PM, if you are standing strong for your Neo brothers then why post anonymous.
    Tim isn't dividing us, the Archie Boy is. He should have explained from the start but then even as a parish priest he's had a darn attitude. (all bow before the mighty) I've asked a few of the seminarians at one point why did they join the Neo's and actually they couldn't answer. I've even mentioned to them that those whom I know that have followed The Way never even stepped into the Parish Church nor even volunteered. I have been doing my duties to the church and to God since the 5th grade ( CCD teacher, Choir, Parish Council etc.) and only cut a few of my involvement 4 years ago. I am 50+years old, go figure. I've never felt so low when I meet up with those I know that are Neo, their action towards me are as if they are better than me. ( I 've never shown them that kind of attitude.) Peace ~ Hope ~ Love to all. God bless our church.

  18. Sharon I saw your name and also Patricia Perry (mother of a neo member) on the petition to oust Father Pius. Does this mean you will stop your son from going to the neo celebration?

    1. My son loves the Neo's and I never stop him from going. I have many Neo friend's and they as well as my son know how I feel. I think the Neo Seminarian's are the sweetest men and have attended their ordinations when they become priest. I always show respect to the Neo Priest as I respect them for their Priesthood. I have sat and talked to Father Yvonne, Father Santiago, and some of the others and feel they are Holy Men. I feel all of them are put in the middle of this war. They are not the problem. Everyday when I do my rosary, I include all the seminarians in my prayers and all the priest. There is a bigger issue here that has nothing to do with them. Tim Rohr has done a good job of pointing out the problems and the issues. O, and I pray for Father John Wadeson also hoping that he proves himself innocent. This horrible war escalated when the Archbishop tried to strip all the dignity from Father Paul Gofigan, when evil things started becoming evident. Those evil things have nothing to do with the majority of the Neo's, the seminarians, the Neo Priest, etc.-- I know some of the Neo's are concerned too by the actions of the Archbishop because what he did was very questionable. --


    2. Sharon thank you for your comment. I believe you have a balanced and informed approach to the serious problem in the Leadership of Archbishop Apuron.

    3. "....when the Archbishop tried to strip all the dignity from Father Paul Gofigan" There is no other way to put it. I heartily agree. I keep repeating It was an action of injustice not just to Fr. Paul but to the other person, his wife and two children who were dragged into this unnecessarily. That other person served Santa Barbara Catholic Church faithfully as an employee and continued to volunteer his works after being fired. I attended his wedding in Church and the reception afterwards. The Dededo Senior Center were jampacked. I didn't see a person who was a danger to the community. I saw a person who was at peace with our Lord. His choice to be silent afterwards made me admire him all the more. Lord, we know You are in control of everything. With you nothing is impossible. Lord, make this a win-win situation for ALL involved. Lord, make it a win-win situation for Your Church.

  19. So the archbishop plans to remove the capuchins from the Yona Parish. He may have a problem with 296 ready to protest.

  20. My congratulations to the Yona parishioners-- how I wish the Santa Barbara Catholic Church parishioners would likewise do the same!! Of course, this is wishful thinking. To the North, we have Yigo- the Lourdes, and to the South, we have St Anthony, and to the West, we have St Roque or St. Vicente-- sooner or later, Santa Barbara would "succumb" due to "priestly starvation, i.e. Fr. Ray Cepeda, followed by Fr, Paul Gofigan, and the only priest from Dededo, Monsignor James Benavente. The only caretaker priest, Fr. Dan,being a Filipino priest is only a matter of time- before he gets replaced by a Neo priest. Now you wonder why many of Dededo parishioners attends Mangilao- St Theresita Church - at this time, a non-neo.


    1. Mary Lou thank you! parishioners of St. Barbara Parish need to follow the example of St. Francis Parish. Action is now required by all men and women concerned for the future of our Church. St. Barbara parish needs to take immediate action. To fail to take action is to fail the church.

    2. Anonymous (August 24, 2014 at 12:17 AM), you are most welcome. Your closing statement "To fail to take action is to fail the church" is absolutely correct. I hope you can initiate that ACTION for Santa Barbara Catholic Church. It is now about much more than having Fr. Paul return to SBCC, it is about PROTECTING your parish and it must be done immediately.

      God Bless You and good luck!

  21. fined--no comment

  22. SAD how you all are closing your door to GOD.

    1. Oh, @anon 11:31p -- I call buffoonery. You are not defending God, you silly goose. You're defending Kiko's movement. He's not God, he's just an artist dude from the 60s whose cool hippie Spanish Folk Music brought people in his neighborhood into the church. Kind of like the movie Sister Act. And the NCW isn't the Church, lol. It's a glorified support group.

      But how cute are you for thinking this petition is a statement against God.

    2. Agree with 8:29
      11:31's comment is a typical Neo tactic. They claim God is on their side and any opposition to their ways, leaders, and members, is a direct opposition to God. The rest of the non-Neo Catholics are looked down upon as Judases. This is what we're up against among other issues.
