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Thursday, September 11, 2014


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  1. But of course...ISIS would like for you to join in their ranks Tim. After all your tactics bare likeness to that of Islam than Jesus Christ.

    1. Haven't you seen the pictures? The ISIS guys cover their faces so they can stay anonymous like you. BTW, you used the wrong "bare".

    2. Tim's response should shut you up @1:30. Bare or no bear. Let me see you top that one.

    3. People who can't spell are fully qualified to join the NCW. You must be a neo.

    4. You've got to pull your head out of the sand, Anon 1:30pm. Our Lord does not want us to be silent or to tell lies. How would we have known about the lies surrounding Kiko's visit to the Philippines and Cardinal Tagle's "invitation" were it not for this blog? Or the terrible calumnies spoken by the Archbishop against at least 3 of his priests?

      Tim's blog is not a "hate blog". It's a "truth blog", and you happen to hate it. Big difference...

    5. That's right all mispellers will end up in hell. Didn't you know that? Tim I am sure has spoken on the facts that only people who spell correctly go to heaven and can be considered Catholics.

    6. @5:25, that is miSspell.

    7. "mispellers" is misspelled.

    8. Occasionally even Tim has misspelled a word on Junglewatch. I guess that makes him a Neo for a day. :)

  2. The first Christians come from middle East and Iraq. Christianity was there long before Mohammedism.

  3. Uh, Mohammedism isn't a word....looks like you're in, guy! Congrats for qualifying for the NCW!

    1. It's actually "Mohammedanism". It was the old way of referring to Islam. I'm not sure 4:31 was disagreeing or if his comment was kiko-like. 4:31 is free to clarify.

    2. Thanks for that Tim, didn't know "Mohammedanism."

  4. @1:30pm, now, now, brainwashing and not allowing people to think is more of a NCW tactic. People that support Tim and the excellent job that he does, speak freely and post comments and opinions that are their own. They are more than welcome to disagree or agree with him. Don't hate just because you cannot think and speak freely because you are a KIKOBOT. God gave us all a gift, the gift of free will. Just because you surrendered yours to Kiko and crew, don't hate those of us who are smart enough to cherish this gift from God. You chose your path, go walk it and keep on walking...and walking...and walking...and by the way, get over yourself.

  5. While we can admire the commitment of ALL CHRISTIANS (not just the neo-itinerants) amidst what is happening in Iraq, the picture you post is from the Archdiocese of Erbil, which is currently a city of refuge and also the current base of U.S. intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations. In other words it is one of the safest cities in Iraq, at least for the time being. But the question is "what are they (the itinerants) doing there? Assuming it was you who posted about the Christians being their before Muhammed, you yourself are saying that Christianity has been in Iraq from the earliest centuries (which we know of course). So why do they need neo-itinerants? Unless of course it is to spread the neocatechumenal way and not the Roman Catholic Faith...which of course is already there. Let's see some pics of your itinerants in Beijing.

  6. I have a brother in Shanghai for 10 years, ok?


    1. Such a struggle for authentication. Such a “look at me, look at me” sleepless desire for recognition. This is how we know that at its heart Kiko’s Kerygma is not authentic. At every moment we must hear of your numbers, your membership, your itinerants, your seminaries, your seminarians, the countries you are in, etc., etc, etc. Compare Kiko’s nauseous self-praise to Mother Teresa who founded countless homes of the poor, hospitals, clinics, orphanages, and was the inspiration for so many other good works, and drew men and women by the thousands to her to give up all and serve the poorest of the poor and never even thought of broadcasting her achievements the way Kiko and the rest of you do at every available opportunity, never once said “the pope loves us”, never once staged a spectacle the way Kiko does annually in Rome, and would never even think of making the pope sit through a personal lecture like the one Kiko gave the pope this last February. No, your Kerygma is “look at us”, “look at our numbers”, “look at our accomplishments”, “look at us, look at us, look at us.” This is why we know who you really are. And this is why we reject your “kerygma.”

    2. And Mother Teresa didn't force anyone to do anything. And she didn't use coercion and deceit to achieve her objectives. She was first to practice the selflessness and self-sacrifice that she advocated. She respected the religion of the dying destitutes and others she ministered to and did not try to change anyone's religious practices. She helped and healed people in need and did not take advantage of vulnerabilities. She built up people and treated them as God's beloved children. She did not slander and plot to destroy people. Does Mother Teresa's actions remind you of any practitioners of "The Way" that you know?

    3. Exactly Tim! This is the "Ah-ha!" moment in understanding the persistent and unceasing prepossession for validation repeated day in and day out.

      Constantly spouting statistics and numbers can never truly certify Catholicism for authenticity is undeniably evident in how we rightfully bring ourselves to the Eucharist; with complete humility.

  7. if you think that erbil is safe you can go in vacation, such this european catechist.

    1. Find someone who to help you with the English, okay? First to understand what I said and second to make a semi-intelligent reply.
