Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Apuron accused of abuse: Former seminarian lodges complaint with Vatican

Written by
Gaynor Dumat-ol Daleno
Pacific Daily News

A former Guam seminarian has forwarded a written allegation he's made against Archbishop Anthony Apuron to Vatican officials.
John C. Toves, a Guamanian who lives in California, sent a letter to the Archdiocese of Agana on Nov. 21. It notes that a courtesy copy of the letter also was sent to the Vatican.


  1. So, will the victim be stepping foward?
    We must remember that in many cases in "those days" a settlement was made and no one talked about it, which in my opinion is why "no formal charges were made" in the case of John Wadeson. Yet the Diocese of LA thought it serious enough to remove him and "return to sender" his religious order. this hierarchy really thinks that the people of Guam are simpletons...
    How sad. They need to remember that they are responsible for the faithful of Guams souls, including those who are speaking out against them.

    1. The victim in this case is not being encouraged to step forward publicly. He has family here who have already suffered much. However, he is being encouraged to step forward to the Nuncio who will keep his identity private while hopefully dealing appropriately with Apuron. However, if the victim was to understand that his family could realize a significant enough financial gain by suing for personal damages, he might be willing to do so. We shall see.

  2. Don't think victim desire money for the abuse suffered. Question of justice and moral responsibility.

  3. Victims should not go forward to media or Apuron. They must work directly with the Holy See and the Holy See will further investigate. Names of victims must be kept confidential and known only to the Vatican. Other victims are reporting abuse direct to the congregations.

  4. About time reporting to the Vatican. Been going on for years .
