Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Memento Mori et Carpe Diem.
Remember that you are mortal, so seize the day.


  1. What bad advice. Deacon Claros attempted to seize the day at yesterday's meeting with the Toto Parish and his @$$ got booted out. LMAO.

    1. Larry needs a lesson in humility. To have lashed out that way, displays an arrogance so prevalent in the NCW. For Sure, For Sure. SMH

    2. Little chubby Larry. Gosh. Being persecuted. So he's happy. :-)

    3. A discerning person would pick up that the people of God here in Guam are withering. But this "servant of the Servants of God, chooses to slog on, slog on. Beginning to think that his strength is coming from a dark place. Shudder to think. Pray, pray, pray. The devil is roaming about roaring like a lion.

    4. @9:05 you have hit on something real. This neo arrogance is present even in the seminarians. The presbyters?? Graduate arrogance.


  2. My prayer for tony is that he puts his life right before the lord calls him. I believe also for his own salvation he needs to retire to a house of prayer to amend for the grave harm he has caused the body of Christ the church.


  3. Corruption Apuron

  4. House of prayer with karaoke. If there is such a thing. Clink, clink, call me Tony.

  5. I remember visiting the Capuchin bone cemetery in Rome. Awesome!

  6. Creepy, really, how they fashioned mortal remains of the clergy into a museum of bones. Yet that visited did not gross me out. On the contrary gave a sobering reminder of the inevitable. Best we all put our lives in order before that day when we have to dace judgment for what we have done or did not do. Geez, apuron, no more lies, no more deceptions, no more unrealistic ambitions - it has to be at peace with ourselves, others and God. Telling the Truth is a start, for a change. Archbishop and his auxiliary in Minnesota got axed as described in today's PDN. Is that unceremonious exit what you look forward to? Believe me, we still have some skeletons to reveal from your closets.
