Jungle Watch Pages

Thursday, June 4, 2015


It's almost July, and just like we thought, Fr. Mike is next. They are going to take him down. But this time there will be a riot. A real one. Pay attention, Apuron. The people are SICK of you!

(I didn't get this from Fr. Mike)

P.S. Stopping the money was MY idea, Archbishop, not Fr. Mike's. But you don't have the balls to come after me or anyone you can't bully. And anyway, LOL, I know you didn't even write this letter. You're even a pawn of your own pathetic loser staff.


  1. Archbishop Apuron, You need not waste Father Mike's or your time. The lack of support is due to the laity pushing back on you and Kiko's plan to form the Catholics of Guam to the Way. All you need to do is read about the anger and firm determination of the faithful to fight back with the only weapon they have available and that is their donations. Remove the NCW clergies from our parishes and close down the RMS Seminary and the faithful will once again support the One True Church with their contributions. Father Mike or any of the other parish priest are not to blame and any attempt on your part to intimidate them will not work. What will work miracles if for you and Kiko to realize that Guam Catholics will never submit to the Way. Please go away.

    1. Maybe we TRUE CATHOLIC should joint Father Mike in this Meeting.

    2. Palé Mike will need support as he meets with Tony, but the parishioners should stand guard at the rectory to ensure the men in black don't go to Toto to change the locks! Be vigilant!! Get ready for a summer rerun! (And I'm not talking only of TV shows!)

  2. Stop bullying our Priests! The people do not want to give and that is YOUR FAULT ARCHBISHOP, not Fr. Mike Crisostomo!

  3. Dear Chancery,

    The priest do not force the people to give to the charaties, we give because we want to. There are no strategies needed to get people to give unless your version of a strategy is to lie and deceive. Father Mike has brought a vibrancy to his parish and as such should be commended not punished.
    You started your letter to Father Mike with "peace". If it's real "peace" you desire "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!".

    1. His version of peace is rendering many in pieces.

  4. Father Mike is just the messenger and cannot force parishioners to donate. Apuron should summon the parishioners instead. But of course he will take out his anger on Fr. Mike because he's a coward and can't face the people, and he has an excuse to replace him with a neo presbyter.
    Praying for Fr. Mike.

    1. ...plus, if there is a back door, he'll make sure to exit through there so not to face the parishioners.

  5. Archbishop, please Stop this now! The people of Guam is aware of what you are capable of doing. A question to you "How many of them will remain on your side!" The people of Guam is in delusion to think that Rome will come to her rescue when in fact they themselves are too busy contradicting each other in similar matters.

  6. There will be a riot. I will see to it.

    1. Time and place! God hear our prayers!

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 4, 2015 at 4:48 PM

      I agree with Tim at 9:31 AM and Jose M. at 11:26 AM — if AAA takes any action in 2015 against Fr. Mike Crisostomo, as he did with Fr. Paul Gofigan in 2013 and Msgr. James Benavente in 2014, there WILL be a riot and WE WILL SEE TO IT.

      We were stunned and mostly silent when AAA removed Fr. Paul Gofigan on 16 July 2013.
      We couldn't believe that lightning had struck twice when AAA removed Msgr. James Benavente on 25 July 2014. But this time, there were reactions — a Prayer Rally in late July as Tropical Storm Halong approached AND financial experts who spoke out in defense of Msgr. James on 6 August, the Feast of Transfiguration and the 69th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

      In the months since then there have been village meetings conducted by CCOG — there is actually an encore presentation tonight at 6PM, Dededo Community Center — during which people are learning more AND speaking out.

      If AAA is foolhardy enough to do anything to be construed as "punishment" toward Fr. Mike Crisostomo, it will be the proverbial THIRD STRIKE — people will no longer remain silent and people WILL rise up to say "ENOUGH!"

      Will Rome respond? Or will Rome continue to turn a blind eye to the actions of this wayward member of their Old Boys' Club? Either way …

      Archbishop Apuron, if you do anything to Fr. Mike, you can be sure there WILL be a riot and WE WILL SEE TO IT that prayers will be accompanied by ACTION!

    3. Tim, I am praying that wedon't have to go that route, but if and when it is going to happen let me know I will be there with you, even if I have to walk from Chalan Pago to where it will take place. Jesus S.N. Cepeda (jes of chalan Pago

  7. I have known Reverend Mike Crisostomo since he was a minor seminarian assigned to San Vicente Church. He and his family are very devout Catholics. The low donations to the annual charities appeal is due to Guam's Catholics that are fed up with the lies and deception from the NEO/NCW Cult Leadership. In no way, Reverend Father Mike can change the torn hearts and minds of those who have lost confidence in the way NEO Presbyter Anthony Apuron, the shepherd of the NEO/NCW has recklessly abused the Catholic Priests and Catholic Flock and fails time and again to show transparency. This goes to prove the NEO/NCW Cult plan to replace every parish in Guam from the Catholic and Apostolic way of worship to this NEO/NCW Cultish way of worship. First Father Paul, then Father Efren, followed by Monsignor James and now Father Mike.... All of these Holy and Charismatic men of the cloth are being targeted because they are in the way of the NEO/NCW plan to replace Guam's Catholic Apostolic Church with a cult led by KIKO (a non religious man who cares more about making money than saving souls). Enough is Enough... Time is now to take action....completely stop all forms of donations to include the payment of utilities. This will surely make the Vatican take notice that Apuron's lack of leadership and continued lies and deception is causing the Catholic Church in Guam to fall.

  8. Pledge cards were placed right near the Umatuna at the Church. Announcements were made about the Appeal every Sunday. Aside from this, you want our second collections for three Sundays in a row?


    WE cannot give you money to support your favorites. There are too many seminarians to support upon their incardination here. I for one believe the the NCW members SHOULD PROVIDE FOR THEIR OWN SO CALLED PRESBYTERS.


    You my dear Archbishop are an EGOTIST. You are a man HUNGRY FOR MONEY. A man who needs to be in the SPOTLIGHT! A man who THINKS his word is the GOSPEL TRUTH!

    Get off your freaking high horse and come down to reality. You blast, demean, and outright threaten our local and beloved prists, yet you cover up the wrong doings of those in the WAY. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A TENTÅGO' FOR THE KIKOLITIST.

    Leave Påle' Mike alone. He did what he could to collect for the Appeal. If people in our parish community don't want to give, then ask us when you make your Pastoral visit. I am sure you will get your answer. When will our Pastoral visit be?

  9. Are you sure you want to go there Tony? People are fed up with you and it won't be pretty when they confront you. The video will go viral.

  10. Gosh chancery gangster...haven't you gone through enough parish visits to rattle the piggy banks in our villages? And you want to knock on Pale' Mike's door to see how he can help meet your goals? Parishioners have been getting the message and will not be putting their hard earned money to fund presbyters with marching orders to destroy our church. PERIOD. Archbishop...STOP THE BULLYING!

  11. The Toto Crusaders will take you down first Apuron!!!


    2. In 2008, Toto parishioners led a peaceful protest on the 50th Jubilee of the Cathedral-Basilica after our former pastor was threatened removal for not participating and supporting the Neo Catechumenal Way. We personally experienced what AAA did to our parish. We organized ourselves. We pulled in people from other villages and Filipino community groups throughout the island. We know what to do. We are ready to do the same thing and much, much more. Stand with us. We are not afraid.

    3. You are right 11:36AM! As we stood on the day of the anniversary of the Cathedral-Basilica, there was a comment said by one of the deacons/priest about our peaceful protest. Does anyone remember that? Was the comment made by his royal subject, Deacon Dakon Claros? Please refresh my memory!

      Just remember Archiebald, you will have to face not only the Toto people, but those who now come from Merizo, Talofofo, Nimitz Hill, Santa Rita, Agat, Barrigada, Asan, Chalan Pago, etc., who have become part if our parish family. They will tell you why they have left their perspective parishes.

      I sure would like to see your facial expression when one particular parish member confronts you. Each time you see this person, you can't even look him/her straight in the eye. The big question is WHY?

  12. Who's next, Agana Heights? Then Tumon? Let them try. The smaller parishes are relatively quiet but are ready for a fight.

    1. People of Agana Heights already expressed to the Archbishop that we wish for him not to bring NEO to our Parish. Agana Heights was build by our Great Great Grand Parents and existing True Catholic. We all STAND FIRM when we express our views. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church will forever be TRUE CATHOLIC CHURCH for every TRUE CATHOLIC IN GUAM.

    2. Well Agana Heights parishioners...help by standing firm with Pale' Mike and the Toto parishioners so that their church stays a TRUE CATHOLIC church. See you on June 10.

  13. Let's see if this gets more comments than the CULTURAL dance at Sandcastle...betcha.

  14. Anon 10:35 you are right! This action on the part of AAA will galvanize the laity to protest. AAA just crossed the line. Our priests are not the culprits. Archbishop look into the mirror, and you will see the person responsible for bringing in all the turmoil to Guam. I can't believe that you would have the audacity to place blame on the priests for your stupidity in trying to force The Way on us. We are a lot smarter and stronger in our Faith that you think. I urge others to chime in and inform Apuron and his minions of your feelings.

  15. AAA you really stepped into deep kaka otherwise known as KIKO this time. Wise up and get out!

  16. Rome are you reading. Listen and send replacement. Situation extremely urgent!!!!!!! signed Guam Catholics.

  17. Pale Mike and others, Do not be afraid. Face the Archbishop and tell him, the harm he has caused the parishes. Let him know that He is the individual responsible. Be Brave, you are with the truth.

  18. AAA why meet with Fr. Mike!!??? What did you want him to do!? Force us to give to your charity LMMFAO. AAA ask each parish themselves why they aren't donating to meet your greedy needs. Oh wait you won't because that would mean you would be bullying your presbyters and you can't do that they're your kind. You are a funny old man AAA. Pathetic you are. Such a cry baby when you don't get what you want. You go and try to hurt others to get it or at least try to hurt them. So Juvenile. Grow up.

  19. I am awaiting my letter and all the letters to my fellow parishioners at NSDLA in Mongmong to explain ourselves to the Archbishop as well. If he wants an answer as to why the AAA did not generate the funds he was expecting, we are more than happy to reveal our reasons.

  20. Toto parish will be celebrating their Fiesta on the weekend of the 13th. ARCHBIHOP, are YOU ready to face the parishioners? How much will the Parish pay you for celebrating our EUCHARIST? You really shouldn't be paid to celebrate. If this is what you wish to do as an Archbisop, to celebrate the Fiesta masses in each village, then your services should be free. Show the parishes that being paid is not important. It's the coming together as a community to celebrate the EUCHARIST that significant. Practice what you preach. MONEY IS EVIL!

    1. Well said. AAA services should be free when it comes to celebrating the Patron Saint of all Villages and all celebrations when anyone is to receive any Sacrament!!!

  21. Fr Mike would be well advised to hit record on his phone before walking into that meeting

  22. To all Anonymous commenting here and standing up for Pale Mike,

    While I applaud your efforts, your comments are going to the wayside because you have not put your names to your messages of support. The Archbishop and NCW heads will dismiss your sentiments because of your anonymity, but with your names, they cannot be discarded as easily.

    Please call on the grace of God to generate courage to place your good names, your good reputations, your righteous intentions to your comments of support.

    1. Jose M., we will come forth and be visible at the Pastoral Visit. Until then, some of us really need to stay anonymous for the time being!

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 4, 2015 at 5:18 PM

      Jose M. at 11:43 AM is absolutely correct. By continuing to hide behind the Anonymous label, the messages of support for Fr. Mike will not make any kind of impression on AAA and the NCW "hierarchy."

      Please USE your Confirmation name if you don't want to use your Baptismal names or an easily recognized AKA/BKA. But USE a name instead of remaining Anonymous.

      PRAY to the Holy Spirit for the Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord to live your life as a SOLDIER OF CHRIST AND Member of the CHURCH MILITANT!

      God bless us all!!

  23. Joe R. San AgustinJune 4, 2015 at 11:53 AM

    Archbishop – You are treading on dangerous ground by your bullying of Fr. Mike and other priests. I know you won’t, but --- Back off, and reconsider your plans (whatever they are) because you have a larger and stronger force to contend with if you persist. You are inciting war, and if that is what you want (from the people, not from your priests), then that is what you will get – and you will have to answer to Rome for it.
    To quote Admiral Yamamoto’s warning against the Pearl Harbor attack (though he had to lead it), attacking the U.S. is simply waking up a “sleeping giant”. In our case, the people have not actually been sleeping; they just have been very patient -- so far, Archbishop, but I fear you will have a riot on your hands if you push too hard. This is neither a threat nor a desire (and I wish it will not come to be), but from the climate out here one can make a calculated prediction that things could get out of hand.
    I am the most timid, and least vocal, at our CCOG meetings, always trying to advocate for a softer resolution to things, often teased as being wimpy and wishy-washy, but after three failed attempts to reach out to you via letter (all stamped received), and most especially after this most recent plan of yours to go after the priests for the failure of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal – and I know from sources that your letter has gone out to at least 3 or 4 or more priests – that’s the final straw! I will be more vocal at future CCOG meetings. The failure of the AAAppeal has little to do with the priests, and very much to do with the laity who are being encouraged by us (CCOG) to stop the money flow. It is our only tool.
    You really don’t need to discuss with your priests how the AAA goals were not met and what to do to meet them. Like Tommy Tanaka said, it is a waste of your time and theirs! Parish priests are not the ones putting money into the envelopes for AAAppeal; parishioners do. Going after them is so typical of “attacking the messengers, not the message” – and the message has been loud and clear: be truthfully transparent in where the money is going, and maybe people will reconsider.
    The AAAppeal issue is not the only one CCOG is very concerned about (and we will insist on the others), but since you have chosen this as your weapon for now, so be it.

    1. I'm sure the NEO-NCW CULT Presbyters moved funds from the main collection basket to the AAAppeal envelops out of fear from getting hit with this letter....Shame on them for misleading the intentions of their parish in order to promote their beloved CULT Seminary. JOY!!!

  24. Archbishop, here is one reason they don't give to AAA. It reads Archbishop Apuron of Agana or Apuron of the Archdiocese of Agana. Maybe, if you change the initial, they might give. Just kidding. Even if you change the initial, they still won't give. Why? Because they are smart. Lol.

  25. I didn't get this from Fr. mike. Really, now, Tim.

    1. And Archie didn't really write this, right Crystal No Balls?

    2. Who gave Tim a copy of the letter is not what you, Adrian, should be concerned about. You and your bald archdeceiver should worry about what's happening as we speak. The sleeping giant is awake and is getting ready to rumble. Are you and the rest of your fellow buffoons ready? Chamu hit!!

    3. Anon 12:16. Who gives a rats ass where Tim got the letter! The letter came from "call me Tony" and that's all that matters. Father Mike has not done anything wrong yet he gets a summons. Curly hair diver Luis does something inappropriate and where is he? BTW the Japanese ground service crew in Narita must be anti-Neo too. Right before I got on the plane to come to Guam they called you, "Adrian Crystal Ball your upgrade to First Class is ready". When a priest gets enough mileage to get upgraded to first class on a plane, you wonder if he is spending any time in his parish. Then again Neos need to travel to keep up the some sort of pretense. Father Mike is off limits!!! My fuse is short, so don't light it!!!

  26. Dear Archbishop,

    Will you get your fanny spanked if your $$$$ numbers don't rise by July? The Giuseppes will want to see the books! TRANSPARENCY FOR THEM. Woodworm, you having been doing your job. Uncle Screwtape will not be very happy with your results! Woe to you. Clap, clap for me.

  27. Bully, bully, bully. Why wait till the 10th ??? Have some other projects on the fire

  28. Janet B - MangilaoJune 4, 2015 at 12:27 PM

    Dear Tony:

    No need to meet with Fr Mike, whom we love, or any other non-kiko priest on Guam, whom we love. I can save you all that time by listing the reasons why the AAA was a total failure. But rather than bore you and all the other Jungle Watch readers with a long list of reasons, As the bible says, with a minor modification I make in brackets:

    There are also many other [evil] things that [Apuron] did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written. Jn 21:25

    Unlike my usual self, I will be as succinct as possible so as not to fill the world with your crap.

    The reason why the AAA was a total failure is because the people of Guam now realize YOU ARE A TOTAL FAILURE!

    But my grandmother always taught me not to end a message on a negative note, so I have some positive and good news for you:

    1. Try going to the donors of the Seminary to get them to fund your needs. I am sure they
    would gladly help you in your time of distress. One more letter ought to do the trick.
    2. If that doesn't work, no worries, according to Diana, "God will provide!"
    3. You've stolen enough from Guam you can retire in luxury, and Rome is so slow to react
    that you'll probably be a distant memory before they ever decide to ask for the money

    Happy pizza!

    1. The donors are vigilant that tony comes no where near. Now, or ever. That door locked with triple locks. Boom! Bye.

    2. Let him go with his hat crumbled in his hands andbefore his masters and tell him he doesn't have the money

  29. First, Fr. Adrian wrote this. It is his style of writing. Secondly, until NCW is suppressed, all diocesan priests will be retired as parochial vicars with no control over the parish finances and governance. Thirdly, you must all petition Rome once again over direct removal of not only Apuron, but the removal of NCW and RMS. Fourth, build coalitions with other Christian communities of Guam that show solidarity with CCOG. Fifth, keep praying.

  30. Bring it Archbishop! We are ready to fight for our church and our faith. Take down Pale Mike. It will give us more reason to rise up!!

  31. Tony, you fool! You just keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. Soon you will be where you belong!!! For so long you've inflicted misery,spread lies and deceived the Catholic Community of Guam. I reduced my weekly donation to the church when I found out where my money was going, but starting today, you will not get even ONE RED CENT from me or anyone in my family! No need for you to call in Parish Priests to explain this financial drought! This is ALL ON YOU!

    1. Enough is Enough....This so called Prelate wanna be has dug a hole so deep, he can be buried in it. Let's start a petition to keep this unholy and greedy man from being buried in the Cathedral Basilica (Holy Ground deserving of spiritual leaders who brought Christ to their flock through their actions and words). JOY!!!!

    2. Richard – Good thought about starting a petition NOT to have Archbishop Apuron’s remains buried in the Cathedral Basilica alongside men of stature like Bishop Olano, Bishop Baumgartner and Archbishop Flores. To do so would be to violate sacred ground! I have a morbid idea (kind of like “you can have cake and eat it too”). Though it may sound too cruel, it cannot be any crueler than what he is doing to us now while he is still alive.
      Why not dig a crypt right in front of the Cathedral Basilica (outside the church itself, right behind the Kamalin obelisk), put the casket down and cement it so the stench of lies do not come up, then put a decorative bristle mat over it for people to wipe their feet before they enter the Cathedral, with an epitaph that reads “Herein lies an archbishop unlike any other”. And when people ask why is he unlike any other, his story can be retold. His memory will live on forever to fulfill his narcissistic dream.
      Seriously - who could make that decision NOT to have him buried in the Basilica sanctuary alongside Olano, Baumgartner and Flores? That is a serious question, unlike my morbid suggestion, said in jest, tongue in cheek, sick humor - if you will.
      Sorry – I cannot put my name to this one, because I really am not that morbid!

    3. Thanks ANON @1031AM. Unfortunately, the grounds of the Cathedral Basilica to include the outside is Sacred Ground were prelates of every diocese are laid to rest. Church is not Archbishop Anthony Apuron, Church is all of us that believe in the One Catholic and Apostolic Church (where two or more are gathered in my name, the trinity is there). The building of current San Vicente and Santa Barbara Churches was not built by AAA; it was the faithful under the guidance of the late +Monsignor Zoilo Camacho. Where many pastors failed fulfilling the dream of moving from a wooden structure to a more secured and permanent one, It was +Monsignors Charismatic Zeal that brought that dream to fulfillment. Likewise, the renovations of the Agana Cathedral were done by that very same Charismatic Zeal of Monsignor James Benavente (whom I may add, served +Monsignor Zoilo Camacho as an altar server in Santa Barbara and continued to serve everytime he came home each summer while studying in California for the priesthood. It is the members of this One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that makes the decision on who gets buried in the Cathedral Basilica. AAA should build a church for his less than 1000 followers of the NEO/NCW and stop abusing our resources. I confirmed in the latest post "More Notes" ....NEO/NCW Cult Presbyters moving funds from their general parish fund to the AAApeal. O' what a web this evil cult weaves when they practice to deceive. STOP ALL FORMS OF DONATIONS NOW!!! This is the only way for the Vatican to notice that Presbyter Anthony Apuron is a failure as a spiritual leader. I see the hurt this movement has done to our church, so I am not afraid of putting my name to my posting....


    4. It is the duty of the people of Guam not to allow burial in the Agana Cathedral. In a post Apuron church we do not wish to attend Mass in cathedral and be reminded of the despot. Burial in the cathedral places an eternal death sentence on the church of Guam. I longed believed he should not be laid to rest in cathedral.

  32. I am sitting down reading this letter and cannot help but think this bishop has gone bonkers. He has no grasp of reality. Our parishes are hurting not just the annual appeal. Our parishes can hardly keep up with the backlash of his lack of accountability, lies and deceit. Yet he calls Fr Mike about his strategy to raise the amount of collection! Priests are not to blame, he is. And what is with the month of July that he chooses to axe loyal priests and leave them in a pool of blood to fend for themselves. Sick, sick man!


    2. Oh me, oh my! Is that what they think of us - cockroaches to be exterminated? What is next, gas chambers? Apuron, o apuron, what evils have you brought to this island! Scum and disease worse than the plague! All the while we just wanted everyone to peacefully co-exist in this place as we live out our dreams for our community, our families and ourselves! You have gone too far, and now you can't fix the runaway train.


    3. Insane psychopath.

  33. OLBS Church is ready for you Archbishop don't even try & by the way Toto-Mongmong Parish is a bigger/larger group.

  34. If a full on riot is what will make Rome take notice of the goings on here on Guam, it's time to put on our battle gear!

  35. Archbishop, no priest stands taller than those "put down" by you and your masters!

  36. Bernie Afaisen SablanJune 4, 2015 at 3:30 PM

    I have been turning into junglewatch almost on a daily basis. I have read the many stories and posts, listened to the numerous audio files, and have sat quietly through all of this until now.
    Somehow, I knew that you will somehow find a way to attack Fr. Mike and now that that time has come, I must speak up and hide no more. You should think twice, three times or however many times you think you should before you attempt to do anything you might regret. Fr. Mike is a well respected and honorable man and I, along with many others (I'm sure) will not allow you to do to him what you have already done to so many others.
    It STOPS here! I will DEFINITELY join in on the RIOT!


    1. Bernie, Fr. Mike shouldn't be the only one to receive the letter. Check out the report in last week's Umatuna. Donations at a majority of the parishes are low. Check Inarajan. Taya donations. We are giving ours to the Friary.

      We'll be praying for Fr. Mike. As you stated he is well respected and people will not accept another foolish decision by the Archbishop.

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 4, 2015 at 11:04 PM

      Bernie Afaisen Sablan, thank you for taking the time to keep yourself informed by reading the posts and comments on this blog as well as listening to the audio files. Most of all, I thank you for your courage in posting your comment and using your name instead of the "preferred" ANONYMOUS!

      I believe you represent many others who are not willing to stand by quietly if AAA decides to take action against Fr. Mike. The fact that you are willing to post a comment using your name is significant; I pray your courage will inspire others who continue to use the Anonymous label to state their support for Fr. Mike to follow your example.

      God bless you!

  37. Janet B - MangilaoJune 4, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    Q: What did one pile of dung say to the other pile of dung?
    A: Today is the worst day of my life! I just got stepped on by Tony. Now I can't get rid of the stench.
    Other pile: Yup, it happens everywhere he steps.

    Tony Too Funny! Happy pizza.

  38. Everybody calm down, and lets take a look at what he is claiming to cut first. It is all just another flat out lie! Hospital ministry- Huh??? practically non existent, save for 3pm mass. How many with deceased loved ones have had to wait hours for a hospital priest to come and give the prayers for the dead. Many have instead had to call their parish priest, same for last rites.
    Prison ministry- again huh??? only ministry up there is neo, and only happens at their convenience. Education of our seminarians??? It is high time to stop fooling yourself archie, get them a real education, and no need to worry about the true "diocesan" seminarians, they have their own funding. What are you going to do? remove Fr. Mike?? really? Sure you want to do that? Gonna shut down IHOM parish or any other parish that you've sent these letters to??? I dare you! You will end up with five parishes, barely able to support themselves.SMH

    1. 3:45, thank you for calling for calm. We really have to take a breather to help plan a strategy in case Fr Mike or any of our priests finds himself in a pickle. What would those of you who propose a riot willing to do? There will be a price to pay whenever we make a definite stand, just as those who have publicly put their name in this struggle have discovered. Pray over it, because it is not going to be a one-time event you participate, but a lifetime of making a stand for what you believe. If you have to cower for cover to protect yourself when push comes to shove, might as well not start. Tim Rohr is an example of one with deliberate and heroic conviction, to the point of his family unduly and deservedly receiving insults. It is not easy to be on the side of the Truth and righteousness - ironic, since this is the side we expect from our clergy and spiritual leaders. Bottom line, search your hearts, and be strong - and eventually have the self-respect and holy satisfaction for doing what is right. Please excuse my anon status, I am a clergy member whose hands are tied yet very concerned about our situation.

    2. What to do you ask?
      May be we should get inspired by the Italian catholics of old.
      Whenever and where ever the Arch or any of his clique shows up. (That would include the genarinis of course) the women and children praying the rosary block their traffic, while the men share with the archbishop and his minions their contributions of fresh eggs and over ripped fruits.... (tomatoes are fruits ).
      This is an old Italian tradition to show displeasure that I believe should be revived on Guam.
      Pius and Genarinis should appreciate our bridging over of culture.
      The crowd can of course help with incantations. ...such as shame! Shame!
      Of course this non violent. The reception of eggs and fruits being the duty of the archbishop and his administration.
      You of course are just sending contributions in nature.
      Wink , wink, nod, nod

  39. Marilu D. MartinezJune 4, 2015 at 4:48 PM

    We commend the majority of the parishioners of Toto and the other parishes whose parishioners were united in standing their ground with NOT GIVING TO NOR SUPPORTING the appeal. It was the voice of disappointed Catholics, not Father Mike's doing!

    This appeal’s fundraising report showing every parish’s level of support should have reflected a report consistent with the reports shown for Toto, Agana Heights, Malojloj, Merizo, and Ordot parishes -- very very low, almost nil support; or, consistent with the reports for Maina, Talofofo and Umatac parishes which sent this loud and clear statement:: “ZERO, ZILCH, NADA support from us for this year’s appeal!”

    1. Umatac -- Gofigan strong. Arduous and painful ZERO.

  40. Then, will fr. Mike be locked out like fr. Paul ?

  41. If parishioners do not wish to support the arch's appeal for money, it is his own fault. A parish priest cannot coerce his parishioners into putting money in the collection baskets. The arch refuses to come clean with how chancery monies are spent. Parishioners took action and closed their wallets to the arch's appeal.
    Archbishop Apuron,
    Quit bullying our diocesan priests. We are fed up with your tactics. We do want to give you any of our hard-earned money. You are only further alienating non-neo Catholics with your stupidity. Fr. Mike cannot be held responsible because his parishioners do not wish to support your appeal. You are the problem. Resign.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  42. One Sunday in Fr Mike's homily, he encourage the parishioners of Toto to donate to the AAA. He tried his best get donations but the parishioners just don't want to support AAA until there is transparency on how our money is spent.

  43. I hope that when the time comes to do something, act, even peacefully, that the folks (there are MANY) who are upset by the arch's actions actually do something. I attended the prayer rally and was quite surprised at the low turnout. And not because of all the hype as displayed by the many anonymous and known commenters here, but by the utter frustration I hear from many families and friends in regard to our island and its catholic leadership. So many hurt and upset yet they did not show up. It was a little disappointing. Not because there is power in numbers but because many people have chosen to take a back seat or at the very most post comments here. Sometimes that's just not enough. Please act. Don't be afraid of our neo friends and families and acquaintances and what they may think or feel. They themselves proudly stand for their beliefs despite OUR sentiments and we are doing the same, except in my opinion we are on the right side of this struggle. Take a stand and make your voices heard and your beliefs known. When's the next rally? Let's be an entourage for Pale Mike to his meeting with Archie.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 4, 2015 at 11:43 PM

      Anonymous (June 4, 2015 at 7:09 PM), I'm guessing that the prayer rally to which you referred in your comment was the most recent one held on Sunday 3 May by CCOG and not the earlier CCOG prayer rally held on Thursday 16 April. I was somewhat disappointed — but not really surprised — at the low turnout. There were about 200 in attendance, not a few dozen per "The Diana." But it appears to be, as you noted, a matter of people choosing to "take a back seat" despite all the comments in this blog, demonstrating that "Talk is cheap" and few are willing to put their words into ACTION.

      BTW: I'm sorry you choose to post as Anonymous instead of using a name, especially if you believe that "we are on the right side of this struggle." If you truly believe that you are on the "right side," please use a name — using your Confirmation name or even a pseudonym such a saint's name would be better than scrolling through screen after screen of Anonymous comments.

  44. My family will never donate money to support YOU perverts, RMS seminarians!

  45. Hey AAA, I guess the OFM in your title now means "Outta your F#&kin Mind"!


  46. This situation clearly Shows that the ailing Apuron is completely out of touch with reality. As he collects thousands of $ for his NCW in the world this is the very money that should be used for the church on Guam. The source of the money is the people of Guam because the monthly assessments to the chancery from the parishes come from the people. This money then supports this pathetic seminary. Now money to fund his so called seminary is short he will bully the clergy to make money for him. Best the entire Catholic community of Guam stop giving any money to Apuron for he simply is not to be trusted. Guam people are rich and generous we know that but everyone should stop the money .

  47. tony
    yo, you're not real, you're fake
    running your mouth, but you made a mistake
    we see through you, like a pane of glass
    one shot of trouble and you're out like 'ras'
    screaming about I'm not into this, bless
    we never really wanna get into this mess
    you were goin on like you're a gangster
    when you were the first to run outta ya

    your nose it just grew...
    faking and frauding, I do believe mans talking
    real life gets boring, your truth all distorting

    a crippled broken soul means to an ending
    your living a lie, and just pretending
    living a lie still
    we know what you are!
    you're a f-ing liar!

  48. tony
    don't take this the wrong way
    I feel like I'm drowning
    surrounded by takers in a world overcrowded
    surrounded by liars
    don't get me started
    let's see who gets further, half, or wholehearted
    don't take this for granted
    I know this is subjective
    take what's been handed, roll with the punches
    let's see who's left standing, or what could be mended
    if life is a joke, I won't be offended

    trust me when I say that this is not the way
    it's not the way
    i've done all my time for all of your crimes
    it's not in the rhymes I write line after line
    it's in the lies you've lied time, after time

    I feel sick to my stomach for all these lines that have been written
    I feel sick to my stomach for all the lies that have been given

    In my defense, can you see what I'm up against
    I want more
    never laid to rest until this all makes sense
    In my head, in my thoughts everything has a cost

    all of this time, we've been living a lie
    In your defense, might as well be laid to rest
    nothing more, nothing less
    doesn't matter if it even makes sense in your head
    all this time, we've been living a lie

    1. Janet B - MangilaoJune 5, 2015 at 7:21 AM

      Q: How can you tell when Tony is lying?
      A: His lips move!

      Real eyes
      Real lies

  49. The Lie Clock

    apuron died and went to heaven.
    As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

    He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks.
    Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

    "Oh,' said apuron , "whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's.
    The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

    "Incredible,' said apuron. "And whose clock is that one?"
    St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

    "Where's my clock?"
    "your clock is in Jesus' office . . . He uses it as a ceiling fan."

    1. Oh thank you for this humor I needed to laugh and I did heartily. There have been some very serious and emotional postings and I think we are just seeing the tip of it. But sometimes change calls for radical movements and I think people have had enough and are ready

    2. That's hysterical! I have to remember that one!

  50. So they're considering doing away with two of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy? So typically self-serving for this administration.

    Just out of curiosity, I looked at the ACB website to see how each parish donated. What I found (http://www.aganaarch.org/archdiocesan-offices-and-chancery-staff/archdiocesan-annual-appeal/) was a 2-year-old report.

    And while I was there, I clicked on the link to the Disclosure of Financial Statements of the Archdiocese of Agana, where I saw this:

    "The AOA is continuously working to improve its fiscal management. The AOA plans to hire an independent CPA firm to conduct annual financial reviews beginning with the fiscal year just ended June 30, 2014, and to have these financial reviews disclosed to the public as soon as they become available."

    There is ZERO accountability there, and it feels like the Church is being run by Keystone Priests at this point... lastima!

  51. Here is my 2 cents- 1- close down RMS we have enough pastors, parochial vicars, etc. in the parishes. Don't need anymore (unless there is a take over plan) much cheaper to send them to the regional one. The Malojloj one is pratically empty- I hear 3 of 4 got out. Use the 66k raised to pay for hospital and prison chaplain. Eliminate the "emergency fund". Most orders have insurance and depending on the priest- if he has a need- the people will help. No more "extra pay" to be given to ghost priests. Eliminate chancery staff- not needed- they don't host or organize anything worthwhile or effective. Reduce the umatuna to a single page or diocese announcements and schedules. Most info can be sent eletronically or to parishes for bulliten inserts. Sell the property, Equis, other assets and get the diocese out of debt, and rebuild the ailing parishes and social halls. After all is said and done the diocese can have a lot of money- offer cheaper catholic education, support the schools, lower burial costs, and have effective ministries for the poor, pregnant, and addicted. This is what Pope Francis would do.

  52. Janet B - MangilaoJune 5, 2015 at 7:30 AM

    Mass this morning the priest revealed that he too has been called in to meet with Tony. It seems that the not so great deceiver has a busy week next week meeting with many many priests.
    Tony - have you ever heard the expression:
    Three strikes and you're out?
    Fr. Paul is strike one
    Monsignor James is strike two
    July is baseball month. When strike comes no matter whom you choose to slay we the people will take it upon our own initiative and physically depose you ourselves.
    To quote a really crappy leader, you WILL face a more arduous and painful closure.
    Rome wants us to solve our own problems......
    We agree and we wait.

    1. Janet, you are missing strike three was Reverend Father Efren Advisario; thanks to my friend, Reverend Father Jeff SanNicolas, he has a job at FDMS as the chaplain. Just to note, this charismatic and popular Pastor obtained Federal Funding for the renovation of Saint Joseph Church in Inarajan. As a target of the NEO/NCW, he can no longer serve as a Pastor while AAA is in charge.

    2. Richard is right. Don't forget the mistreatment of Fr. Efren, and the other Filipino priests as well. Fr. Manny comes to mind.

    3. We are facing sad tidings as this insane spiritual leader alienates great charismatic leaders (former pastors) of the cloth and puts in place NEO/NCW Cult Presbyters that cause the numbers to dwindle due to their arrogant and selfish ways of preaching their illicit version of the Gospels (Good News). Father Paul, Father Efren, Monsignor James are great examples of not only talking the talk, but also walking the talk. Not much I can say about these NEO/NCW Presbyters and Seminarians. I am so reminded of Reverend Father Efren Advisario's Christmas Message : http://www.junglewatch.info/2014/12/fr-efren-this-christmas-i-hereby-affix.html#more
      Christmas 2014, Father Efren affixed his name to the cause of Concerned Catholics of Guam. He believes in their goal to build bridges and to foster transparency (in all levels of administrative decisions) in the Archdiocese of Agana. More importantly, He believes in the integrity of their leaders. I hope that all those great posts under anonymous follow suite and affix their name to what they have penned. This goes with the saying that the pen is more mighty than the sword..... Peace and Joy to everyone defending our One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church in Guam.

    4. There was a Father Gary who used to be at the San Vicente Parish some time ago. He too got the axed!

    5. He was Father Manny "Gary" Garrido who initially was the chaplain for Guam Memorial Hospital. He used to say mass in Toto Parish but was stationed in San Vicente Parish and was asked to be the priest for the Neo community in Barrigada. When he refused to become a Neo, AAA sent him THE LETTER and asked him to show up at THE MEETING at the Chancery. When he came back to San Vicente Parish after the meeting, the locks were changed and his belongings were thrown outside in the garage. His car was taken away. He was forced to call around the community for someone to pick him up. Fellow Filipino priests initially sheltered him but were threatened to be ousted by AAA. Members of the Cebuano Filipino community stepped forward and sheltered him, giving him money and food until he could get a flight back to the Philippines during the peak Christmas season. AAA further threatened that Father Gary was not to step foot into any church on Guam. Father Gary would hide in back of churches during Mass so he could fulfill his Sunday obligation. Finally, when Father Gary was able to get back to the archbishop of Cebu to explain his situation, he found out that AAA rushed to the Philippines ahead of him with a concocted story of disobedience and other sins about Father Gary. AAA repeated the same story to everyone on Guam who believed him. The enraged Cebuano Filipino community kept sending Father Gary money until he was able to find a parish to support him. Just ask any Cebuano on Guam about Father Gary.


    6. 9.59pm your comment had been forwarded to cardinal Vidal / Archbishop Palma of Cebu and to Cebu clergy. Thank you for sharing this with readers.


    7. Tony we will hang your balls from the basilica bell tower .

    8. Bonggg, Bongggg.

    9. 2:04 am, what is there to hang? He gave his to kiko in one of their initiation rites.

    10. I remember this story now. Was is Fath Jun who first housed him in Mongmong? I do know. That whoever was in Mongmong did the good deed. He made him stay at the so called retreat center. The Mongmong parish priest wad told not to house him, nor any other priests.

      I hate to say this, but the Filipino priests who kiss the Archbishop where the sun don't shine should be ashamed. Is being incardination here more important than the treatment of your fellow Filipino priest?

      Shame, shame,shame!

  53. Hey you "Bejongs". Come out and support Father Mike and send a message to the archbishop that his bullying must stop! See you on June 10 at 3 pm at the Chancery for the rosary.

  54. Oh Apuron I thought the NCW motto was "God will provide" ???? Not "let's sit down and talk about strategies and goals." Send those missionaries packing- we aren't a mission or in need of their services.. They are a drain on the diocese- free tuition, employment, ect. All in service to their master Pope Kiko and the NCW and to no one else.

    1. Sounds like a nursery rhyme I learned .."Drain, drain...go away! Take Pius and don't stay another day!" SIGI! HANDA!

    2. Those attending the RMS seminary are rejects. They come to Guam for recognition. They can't pass the "trust" test. They use religion to feel accepted by the people. We will not forget even if they complete their worthless training. People of Guam, protect our future, especially our kids, from these rejects.

    3. Calling on the Sanchez families also!

  55. 10.08am. Unfortunately true. RMS students are mostly rejects from other countries who would not be recommended for ordination if in St. Patrick's seminary menlo park. Students are only here to get ordained and have all expenses including travel paid by the people of Guam. It is a fraud and sham created by tony. A sham he still believes will create him a cardinal under next pope. Yes he believes Francis has two years left. He has five years. Still plans to end his life as a cardinal. Several persons in Rome were asked about possibility of an Anthony Cardinal Apuron. No answer just smiles. Seminary, chancery is one big financial sham led by frauds.

  56. Not only the Bejong families, the Bali Tres, Belok, Sarasa, Donne, Ginza, and Eging families. We will stand together and will not contribute anymore. I dare the Archbishop to come to Sinajana - Saint Jude Parish - my parish. We only contribute to the Capuchin Appeal. Obispo, na' para ni kochinadas, pot fabot.
    Tun Pedro Santos(Familian Bali Tres)

  57. It is with no doubt that Fr. Mike's supporters will show up in front of the Chancery in full force at the appointed time.

    So, expect Apuwrong, and his cronies to keep Fr. Mike waiting indefinitely (in the hope that his supporters will get tired of waiting and go home) or be told at the last minute that Apuwrong is attending to an emergency and will just call Fr. Mike to come over when Apuwrong has the time (making it difficult, if not impossible, for Fr. Mike's supporters to rally en masse at the last minute).

    This could be a possible scenario for "girly men" such as Apuwrong, Adrian No-Balls, etc. as their fearful reaction to the proposed rally/protest to be held at the same time as Fr. Mike's appointment.

    So the Toto Crusaders should have Plan B prepared for such eventualities.

    Take heart, people, we've got Apuwrong and his ilk on the defensive!

  58. Oooweee!


    DianaJune 5, 2015 at 7:27 AM

    Dear Anonymousat 5:46 pm, 

    The jungle consistently say that they want their local priests serving them only on Guam. This is what the John Paul II Seminary was set up to do. That is not patronizing and wrong. The jungle got what they wanted.

    1. LOL. STUPID. No, we just don't want to have to pay for your reject cunnilingus loving, juice-sucking priests and then have them vacation for the rest of their lives on our dime...let alone endanger our children.

    2. Too bad they had to have classes in another language and then translated by another seminarian. So effective. Just excellent opportunity.

    3. Correction, the PEOPLE of GUAM want their local priests serving them on GUAM. NOT the REJECTS from RMS seminary. To the local boys in the RMS seminary, go back to your daddy so he can rescue you, he is probably a womanizer too.

    4. John Paul II seminary was opened only to attempt to assuage the critics of the neo seminary. It's a sham. It was opened without any feasibility study on the costs and ability of this archdiocese to run it. The Yona Neo seminary is running on a deficit. It's always in the red. If we can't afford to run the Yona Neo seminary, no sane person would say we can afford to run another one. Mindless thinking is what it is!

  59. My gut tells me that this "diana" creature is a Hyde of the other persona Jekyll at the other end of the pendulum. I believe this Jekyll is a goody-goody-too-shoes in public life but trigger-happy closet queen in private. How else to explain how off-tangent "her" comments are to the issues at hand. I think "she" is a total waste of our time and attention. Let her wallow in her fantasies of perdition.

    1. Diana can come out of the closet now and marry his boyfriend. Yes, Diana is anatomically male but is a "girly man".


    2. Girly man...... Only need to look at him.

    3. Notice time periods Diana comments. Very set times. Comments appear before San Ramon opens and closes. Very set sop on his page.


  60. Any harm comes to any priest mentioned on this page take this as a warning a sexual abuse case will be filed. Warning.

  61. Keep the Neo Seminaries open, so we can have more presbyters de-virginizing our children in recreational sites: Presbyter Lu*s at Rizal Beach with a 17 year old consenting girl.

    Hire Neo teachers and staff in our schools, private and public, so they can prey on the students: examples: Ms. Ba*a, sexting teacher & Mr. Tais*p*c, student groping (and rubbing his crotch on a girl) staff

    We all forget WAY TOO QUICKLY. Please make another "grocery list" of what apuron and the neos have been doing. We, Catholic Church are so forgiving and forgetful.

    End this nightmare. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH apuron and neos! Get the hell out!


  62. Tony get hell out!!!!!!!!!


  63. Apuron ranting over comments ............ Guess hot food touched a nerve............ Needs root canal............ Ranting like a mad man diocesan personal. Even Lisa looks sick of
    Rantings .


  64. Cash flow is not meeting monthly payments of archdioce. Between August thru November serious shortage fundings.

    1. Tell Tony not to worry. Suggest he goes for a dip at the beach, get a massagee afterwards, and maybe a manicure and pedicure before he hits his favorite karaoke bar.
      Call me Tony.

    2. Diana, Really? Who are you talking about. Hmmm?
      DianaJune 6, 2015 at 8:00 AM
      Dear Anonymous at 7:31 am,

      They came to Guam to teach you true Catholicism......that the man is the head of the house (not the woman). If you wish to continue to have the woman become the head of the house, go ahead.....but just remember, it is NOT Catholic.

      Also, one more thing. I remember hearing another RMS priest speak about the Taotaomonas. We do not need to ask the taotaomonas' permission to enter or pass through the jungles. One priest said that the taotaomonas are the" spirits of our ancestors." The belief of the Church is that when a person dies, his/her spirit either goes to one of three places: Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell. They do not remain on the earth. If you believe that the spirits of your ancestors are on the Earth.....that is NOT Catholic. So you have a choice. Either become a Catholic or not. It is bad enough that we have so-called Catholics favoring same-sex marriage, which is more complicated than the taotaomonas living on earth! If you cannot understand the simple Catholic teaching that the spirit of a person does not live on the earth, then it is no wonder why Catholics on Guam support things that the Catholic Church opposes.

      By the way, the taotaomonas are not in Hell. Why? Because they never rejected Christ. In order to reject Christ, one must first hear of Him.

    3. I remember Diana say, that nowhere in the bible does it say the woman is the head of the household. If you are not following this, you are not Catholic.

      Diana, why don't you ask the Presbyters why it was/ is that it was customary for the children of Spanish family to carry their mother's name and not the father?

      Does it make me less of a Catholic or not a Catholic at all, if I deem myself the head of household because my "man" is not capable of it for various reasons such as being an invalid, away on tour of duty, unable to support because of injury and so forth.

      Diana, Diana, when the bible says the man is the head of the household it means he is to protect and support his family. It does not mean he is the dominant ruler!

    4. Wow! We weren't "true" Catholics and that's the reason why the NCW came to Guam. That Diana is a hoot!!

  65. yep, right on schedule. "peace," indeed. i wouldn't be surprised if apuron will greet pale' mike with a kiss before their meeting.

    what's the agenda behind this latest target? toto isn't that big, so it's not the $$. so my wild theory is that it's to eliminate another potential candidate for bishop.

    if i were on island and this happens, i would join the righteous riot against this injustice. enough's enough.

  66. Tim, before you drag father crisostomo into the forefront I would suggest you speak with him and be sure that he has nothing to hide. I would suggest that you also do research as to an account that the finance council of Toto set up at the First Hawaiian Bank and was hoarding thousands of dollars without the Pastors authorization. Im assuming you first asked father before using his name but I would tread carefully. When its time to lay the cards on the table you must be willing to reveal all or fold up. Im doubting that you will post this comment but either way, you are treading on rough waters. You may be willing to lay all your cards down but dont force someone else' hand if you dont know what they are holding.
    -Jokers Wild

    1. LOL! Adrian. You pathetic little coward, you. What a waste of life you are. Thank you, Rome. Thank you for moving so slow. You give us more time to draw out these KAKA slime balls for all the world to see.

      LOL. Too funny, Adrian, really. Too funny.

      You who shipped Cunnilingus Louie off to Neo-never Land at a cost of tens of thousands to us and hundreds of thousands over his lifetime - since you’re going to have to hide him forever!

      You who stole a deca-million dollar asset from the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Agana and gave it to your neo-snot friends so you can continue to have your ass kissed! (Oh, what a thought. Reminds of the picture John Toves sent me of you in the seminary. Geez!)

      You who blatantly lied to Aaron Quitugua and robbed us how many other good men like him!

      You, Adrian Crystal No Balls. You! And you want to talk trash about Fr. Mike. LOL! You are so stupid.

      Did that work with Fr. Paul or Msgr James?

      Here’s a clue.


      The people love them more now than ever. It’s standing room only at their Masses.

      Go ahead and trash Fr. Mike you tiny little excuse of a man. Fr. Mike is loved because people know his soul. And you are hated and despised because they know yours. A soul full of the stench of narcissistic spiritual rot. On display for the whole world to see, and smell too.

      Thank you, Rome. Take your time. Take your time.

    2. If this comment is from puny adrienne, it comes as no surprise. No need to fear him, his own family spits him out as involuntary vomit. That shows how embarrassed they are of a cleric who acts like a pompous little tyrant. Pity, he never got the requisite counseling in his seminary days. St. Patrick's did not recommend him for ordination but here we are, stuck with a maniacal boy determined to destroy others.

    3. Anonymous at 6:56 PM:

      What kind of twisted sense of logic are you harbouring? I'll let that marinate for awhile and let you ponder just how silly is your accusation.

      Texas Hold'em? You're playing Crazy Eights.

    4. Actually Tim, I did not trash fr.crisostomo at all. It was actually fr.crisostomo who discovered the account that the council had set up at the bank when he was assigned to toto. I know of this personally from his mouth.
      Like I said, "tread carefully". Be sure that you are willing to hold everyone up to the same standards that you so deem appropriate.
      I did you a favor by reminding you to be careful in who you drag into this mess that you have created.
      I love fr. crisostomo also and I would hate to revisit the past but if you continue to drag him into this and use his name and image as a ploy for your own agenda, I would think twice. Give him a call and get his permission to do so.
      If you post this comment up and decide to counter my points again, you will leave me to believe that you do have the support and permission of fr. crisostomo.
      Theres only a few ways you could have obtained this letter. Not that its important how you obtained it but its so obvious.
      Lets read the Umatuna si Yu'os over a cup of java one day?
      -Jokers Wild

    5. John C. Ada Toves "Typhoon"June 7, 2015 at 5:37 AM

      Adran, you are a coward and have always been a coward. That includes your little turtle too. God knows who the good priest are as they have always been loved and respected by the people! Do not threaten Tim, though I know he is capable of defending himself.

      Remember, I have no filter. So you do need to tread lightly. But, you may oblige me if if you must but know that would only delight me further.

      Why don't you use your "bring it on" again (very ten years ago). But you always were behind in every aspect. There was initial excitement when I met you at the chancery until I remembered how evil you had become. What would your parents say? You are not loved or respected by the people.

      You can easily move the spotlight to shine on you, if you'd like.

    6. More LOL. What an embarrassment you are to this diocese, Adrian, if not the whole Catholic Church. LOL. Such a pathetic fool. Can’t stop laughing that you really think you are that important. You’re such an idiot that even the word idiot is demeaned in applying it to you. LOL. You fool. The issue of your stupid little letter involves the whole parish, especially the Toto parish council since it was the parish, not just the pastor, which was tasked with raising the funds for your appeal scam. Fr. Mike share the letter with his parish council because they are the ones who have the information you say you are looking for, you stupid idiot. The letter was shared by members of the council and I got a copy. What an ass, Adrian, really, what an ass. But keep it coming. Because when Apuron is gone, you will be gone too, and we want to be sure of it. So keep providing us all the evidence we need to make our case that you should be locked up in a monastery somewhere for the rest of your life, or better yet, sent to Israel to live as Kiko’s footstool which is how he will treat you when you are no longer of any use to him. LOL, Adrian, LOL.

      P.S. If you and Apuron don’t want people to get copies of your asinine letters, then pick up the phone and call the people you want to talk to. But then that would take courage, and you are only made of straw.

    7. P.P.S. Here's a little greeting from your friend John. Notice the picture he uses of you. I have several others. LOL.


    8. Jokers Wild - You're full if it. Are you also one of those with a "wifeee" issue? Why don't you call your neo brothers and seminarians and play Strip Poker. You'll probably have better luck there.

    9. Tim, I told you I already know who gave you the letter, thats why I invited you to a cup of JAVA over at the JUNCTION. Of course you got it from the council. I knew this all along. You've been trying to make it seem like no one will ever figure the whole scheme but it was obvious since the get go. All your information leaks on the Umatuna? careful now....careful now
      -Jokers Wild

    10. LOL. Yawwwwwnnn. Besides being really stupid, you are terribly boring, but then most stupid people are. LOL. Peace.

    11. Let's see the other photos of Adriana, Tim. Oooohhhh, Adriana.

  67. Now it's time for you all to pledge to the typhoon gives AAA appeal to have him removed. if the only way to get Rome to listen is sexual scandal, let's find it. it'll at least open the dialog . he's barely asking for $2000 ... I'm sure it'll take less than 20 of us to do so.

  68. http://www.youcaring.com/canon-lawyer-retainer-359173#.VWKgH3IynMN.facebook

    Give the Tony his own headache to deal with...

  69. Fr. Matthew Blockley.June 7, 2015 at 12:07 AM

    He owes me money but I doubt he will every pay . He has a lot of money to spend but neglects his responsibility.

  70. who does, father?

  71. How are you sure it's Adrian?

    "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry." - Padre Pio

  72. Click on the following link to support Father Mike Crisostomo:


  73. Where is Fr. Wadeson? where did he go?


  74. aaa plans evil attacks on clergy this week.. Be prepared.

  75. Where is Wadeson, where is Luis, where is Wadeson, where is Luis. Our dear diocesan priests, and we can't know.

  76. Comment by Anonymous @6:56 p.m. is answered by Tim @9:07 p.m. in which Tim addresses Anonymous as Adrian. Anonymous @4:19 a.m. corrects Tim by defending the statement he made @6:56 p.m., thereby admitting that he is in fact, Adrian.

    So, come out of the closet, Adrian. Stop hiding behind Anonymous. Tim knows who you are.

  77. HOLY CRAP! Get a load of this..it's not how successful other parishes are giving to the appeal, it's the mere fact that we don't want to give PERIOD. Other parishes took out of their parish funds to cover their asses. SIPSIP!

    Påle' Mike doesn't need to take lessons!

    AnonymousJune 9, 2015 at 9:15 PM

    Good evening, Diana. I'm hoping that you will be able to give me an honest answer.

    The meeting that Fr. Mike was instructed to attend with the Archbishop, is the intention really just to discuss strategies to increase donations for the AAAppeal or are there other concerns?

    I am concerned because I don't want anything to happen to our priest at IHOM. Pale' Mike has encouraged everyone at mass to support the AAAppeal. It's unfortunate that even with his efforts and the efforts of others, people still do not wish to donate/support the AAAppeal. Pale' is loved by his parish. He's supportive and takes the time to talk to his parishioners and to learn more about them than what's on the surface. 

    Thank you for your time.



    DianaJune 9, 2015 at 10:01 PM

    Dear Anonymous at 9:15 pm, 

    What Tim Rohr does not know is that all priests got the same letter as Father Mike. The Archbishop has called a meeting for all the clergy ( NOT just Father Mike) to discuss incentives to raise the AAApeal. The Archbishop also sent letters to parishes who are doing well with the AAAppeal so they can learn what they are doing that makes them successful.

    1. LOL. I do know. I even have copies of some of the letters. I also know that it is a ruse. AAA knows damn well why the Appeal failed. There is no reason to discuss strategy. LOL. the fact is that this is Claros' idea. He's the one in charge of the Appeal and it was a major failure. He's trying to save face. And yes we know that several pastors raided their general fund to keep AAA off their backs. One pastor actually solicited funds from off island.

    2. Why didn't you mention this before, Tim? Your post only mention Fr. Mike.

    3. Because this is all a ruse. We know that apuron and his boys want to take Fr. Mike down. It’s all about intimidation. And its about you, Adrian and your sidekick wannabe Deacon ForSureForSure covering your asses...and kissing Giuseppe's. Enjoy. Courage.

  78. Zowie, Diana sure knows a hell of a lot for a young woman only walking for a few years ( and not a priest). : - )))). Really, Diana. Do you think we forgot you in the beginning of your blogging career. When you insisted you were a concelebrant. Young woman, for sure, for sure.

  79. Dear Adrian,

    You should be embarrassed of yourself with your responses or statements. But alas, you know no shame. It is evident that you are in no capacity capable of being a spiritual leader for Christ's flock. Your manipulative, vindictive, and selfish desire for power are nothing short of evil. The fact that you use "Jokers Wild" as your calling card only displays how unstable you are. I hope Rome is really paying attention now. But alas, it does not matter, you outted yourself and Guam's Church will have nothing to do with you.

    You, Tony, and Msgr David can do us all a favor and go on a permanent sabbatical on a Mission trip far away or just stay in Isreal with your beloved Kiko. We won't cry, we promise.

  80. Adrian the Joke is a Wildman as he's not playing with a full deck. He's a spoiled brat fed with a silver spoon since ever since. Get a real job Adrian!
