Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, January 22, 2016


Today is January 22. It is the sad anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that has led to the holocaust of at least 53 Million dead children - vacuumed, scraped, torn, or poisoned in and from their mother's wombs. 

Across the nation this sad anniversary is being marked by protests, marches, speeches, and pro-life events of all kinds. Even the news of a blizzard is not hindering the hardy warriors for life in Washington D.C. 

But on Guam? NOTHING. Not a peep. Why?

Because on Guam, our Apuron-led church has always done its little demonstration on the nearest Sunday - when it is convenient, rather than on the actual anniversary when the rest of the pro-life nation, in union, speaks loudly in one voice against the inhumane assault on the most innocent and defenseless of us all. 

More so, our archdiocese organizes its annual Roe v Wade event on Sunday because then they can get all the school kids to participate so it gives the impression that there really are lots of people - but there aren't. Like everything else our archdiocese publicly does, in order to give the impression of a large amount of support, it relies on the schools to turn out their students to these events - and in some cases students are even required to attend. 

It's quite ridiculous. Not only does it occur on a day which has nothing to do with the anniversary of the decision and when it is not in union with the rest of the nation, our supposed pro-life "demonstration" (a "wave" at the ITC intersection) is done on a day when there will be the fewest people to see it: a Sunday. 

So once again, on a meaningless day, and on a day when there is the least traffic, Guam's Catholic school kids will be herded to a street corner and made to yell and wave in order to prop up a mostly absent leader (he'll be absent altogether this time I hear) so he can look like he actually cares. 

Sadly, once we do our "wave" and having once again congratulated ourselves on being "pro-life," we will go home and forget about the "silent screams" till next year. Meanwhile, Guam's abortion mill, publicly supported and championed by the businesswoman to whom Apuron gives most of his business to, will continue to chop up children at the rate of almost one a day - most of whom are Chamorro, while the bishop plans his next trip with Harold. 

Visit Esperansa.org for more information


  1. Truly a sad state of affairs in the archdiocese due to a pathetic excuse for an archbishop.

    1. I completely agree this archdiocese is in bad shape. Once flourishing with parishioners but now, empty.

  2. "for sure, for show."

    has apuron acted with genuine leadership in building up a culture of life? no. to those who beg to differ on his track record: just show the record that says otherwise.

  3. Sadly these events do nothing to truly make an impact on the society and culture of Guam. They are horribly organized and most adults don't participate. The actual march for life in the fall is another example of only having young people FORCED to be there with very little adult participation. It seems like most adults think that it's a "youth" thing but it should be a family affair. Furthermore, No priest wants to do this on a Sunday after several masses and exhausted from parish work. If the people of Guam really want to stand for the Pro-life movement in Guam then they should stop voting for politicians who are not, start organizing the rallies/events on a parish level or amongst several other parishes.

  4. I totally agree with this column. Waving banners and shouting at the driving public on the "Lord's Day" of all days is just plain assinine. It is a sham to drag our parishioners and students to this activity for a "look and see" photo opportunity. How dare the Chancery make this kind of decision! So symptomatic of the rot and disorder of the archdiocese. It is reminiscent of the "look at me, and vote" waving we see during political election season.

    The subject of abortion is a grave matter and requires more education and engaged discussion. It requires an incisive look by investigating the circumstances surrounding decisions made by pregnant women to kill children in their wombs. I understand that for many women it is not a simple matter as "choice" and that many factors contribute to the fateful decision of terminating life growing inside their womb. Whether conceived through callous and impulsive sexual activity or not is not the issue. It is taking responsibility for a life no matter the consequences. As a Church we need to work with all sectors of society to resolve issues through solid legislation, education blitz, community outreach, counseling, media and interfaith cooperation. The world knows about the staunch mandate of the Catholic Church and Christian Communities to respect human life from conception to natural death. We do not have to force it down their throats. This leads us to look within ourselves: are we truly on board with what the Church teaches? Or are we waffling on this issue by not getting educated on the current abortion statistics on Guam? The Esmeralda Project needs to be supported and commended. Our actions should step up to a different level of commitment in the conviction that abortion is a crime that cries to the heavens for justice because it kills innocent lives who cannot defend themselves. Also, because it goes contrary to the Divine Plan for humanity.

  5. I doubt brother tony would even show his face at the wave today. That's just how he leads these days.
