Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, January 6, 2016




  1. Another Trojan Horse to deceive the local church into believing that Pope Frances supports the evil Cult that has infested the island.

  2. Frickin Apuron should be castrated for this crap.

    Larry P.

  3. Forgery, and not a good one at that. The Joker strikes again!

  4. Everything from this "Metropolitan Archbishop of Agana" is a joke. He has really lost it, and woe to those who continue to prop him up to keep a facade of normalcy. The Madness of Tony remains a blight in the faith life of Guam Catholics. The situation is much more grave than an LOL LOL LOL!

  5. Bro Ton, Nice Try

  6. I don't know why all you nay-sayers are so cynical. I have it on very good authority that the signature is authentic. A handwriting analyst has confirmed with 98% certainty that this IS the signature of Pope Francis Arguello. And it only cost us $40 Million dollars to get his signature...the price of the Yona property he stole from us.

  7. Same thing done for 2014 Christmas cards! Cut and paste! BTW, tonight's mass is only the beginning of the take over. If one listened to the introduction before mass and the characters of laity who processed holding their banners, the homily and so forth, then it is obvious that the move of the NEO TAKE OVER IN ALL PARISHES HAS STARTED.

  8. Fr. Matthew Blockley.January 6, 2016 at 9:57 PM

    This is really a pathetic Joke. A man who has caused so much division in families, communities, among friends, sending a greeting concerning peace. This man has Absoloutely no concept of peace, love , forgiveness, mercy, compassion. Everything is for show in his life. Everything is for personal financial gain. He really is a rather bad smell of sulphur spreading division in the community.

    1. Brother Blockley, what's on the other side of the card ?? WHAT THE...!!

  9. Oh really? I bet all the NCW cultist believe it really is Pope Francis's signature.

  10. if the pope's signature wasn't meant as a joke or prank, then whoever sent it is desperately clamoring for attention and legitimacy. more like the latter. i feel sorry for them.

    they should at least have tried to make the signature look more authentic. :)

  11. And people still go to the Cathedral and give money to them? It's time to band together and kick them out!

  12. Apuron is such a dope! Bogusly using the Pope's signature is supposed to give him some kind of cachet? Must have been Adrian's idea. Another dope in the chancery. Better to call it a "dopery" rather than a chancery!!!
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  13. It probably somebody who is trying to mock the NCW. It's obvious that it was written by another person.

  14. Couldn’t someone take the time to look up how our Pope signs his name, if they wanted to forge his signature? This is so bad, you really can’t consider it a forgery. A pope wouldn’t add pope to his name anymore than President Obama adds president to his signature.

    Perhaps we should order them a T-shirt with a copy of Pope Francis’s signature so they can do a better job in the future.

    1. Of course no one believe that Pope Francis signed Apuron's Christmas Card, and in fact there was no pretense that he did since the handwriting is the same. The idea here is to give the impression that Apuron and the Pope are one, that he is in union with Rome, and that to mess with him is to mess with the pope. Nice try, but it's another one of the Pius-Adrian childish tricks. As usual, Apuron probably didn't have a clue that the card went out with his name on it.

      Rather than exonerating Apuron, this fact makes it all the worse for him. Rome may be slow to act to address the failings of an incompetent bishop, but when that bishop's office and name has been wholly usurped by others, it is an indication to Rome that a diocese has been hijacked. Of course we know this. But this kind of evidence helps. Keep it coming.

  15. Oh my. I hope the man in the post above this one is not working at an all girls catholic high school in new jersey!

  16. What is interesting is how he signed his name. Archbishop Tony. While I have never been on his christmas list, any time I've seen his signature, he always proudly signs his entire name. It used to be Anthony S Apuron, but then I guess people started to think he was just filipino (sorry to my cababayans - I know he is as much of an embarrassment to you as he is to us!).
    So then he always signed it Anthony Sablan Apuron - see, I am Chamorro (yes also an embarrassment to us).
    Of course, he always added Archbishop, and all those letters afterwards to appear important, even though he did nothing to earn the D.D. degree.
    Alas, I guess I have called him Tony so much he finally adopted that as his new moniker.

    If only he would drop the Archbishop once and for all, a lot of dancing in the streets could begin.

    Silly Tony

  17. Basta fan este na babarias, antonio yan adrian. Esta este na clasen banida ya di mas! Mampos hao banidoso na taotao ya esta ham man impacho nu hagu yan i manga'chongmu. Pot fabot, na para. Mampos hao dakkun na taotao ya taya esta umattetendi hao.

  18. A clergy problem, so says the Dingbat...Hmmm

    AnonymousJanuary 7, 2016 at 8:57 AM
    I attended the Mass lastnite and it was beautiful. Sadly, only Father Jeff was there in regards to our local priests. If those priests think that their protest is going to accomplish anything, it wont! With their actions are they thinking of themselves or the church as whole? I will continue to pray for them. If they believe that the Archbishop was wrong in his actions is it then right to react in the way that they are doing so? When I look at the big picture and everything in general, those priests and all the other protesters, sorry for my bluntness but they seem like little children crying for their pacifiers. Where are all the capuchins too? Only Father Pat the provincial was in attendance. Then again theyre too busy selling DVDs.
    Im glad that 99% of those in attendance at the Mass were all NCW brothers and sisters and the others who did attend, theyre the good people, theyre the angels of hope, that there is still some unity and mature faith in this Archdiocese. God Bless Guam! God Bless the Church!

    I commend the organizers of the Mass for the visual presentations and how they utilized the Mission Families to remind us of our Past and Pope Francis' current and future call of Missionary work. To the ends of the earth!
    I am reminded of what Saint JPII wrote to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Rome. In it he reminded that the products of the Seminaries are not only responsible to the different Dioceses in which their are incardinated but that in their spiritual priesthood they take on the ministry of Jesus which was missionary in every aspect.

    -Jokers Wild


    DianaJanuary 7, 2016 at 9:21 AM
    Dear Jokers Wild,

    I was there too. It certainly appears that this is a clergy problem. At any rate, the Mass was beautiful, and I am happy to see that all Catholics from all walks of life and from different organizations praying together.

    1. Ah yes, well this confirms that the Joker is Adrian - as if we didn't know already.

      It was his rear end that was in hock for screwing up the schedule in the first place and then trying to rush a "special" celebration that he didn't even publish in the liturgical calendar of the U Matuna.

      So to save his sorry ass, he mocks the priests who weren't there when in fact the priests who weren't there were doing what they are supposed to do as priests which is taking care of the people in their parishes.

      And where were the Capuchins? What as sorry ass this Adrian is. The first Wednesday of every month is the St. Padre Pio Mass. That's where they were, WHERE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE, you sorry excuse of a man-child.

      BTW, what did you celebrate? The anniversaries of Ad Gentes and the close of Vatican II....A MONTH AFTER THE REAL CATHOLIC CHURCH CELEBRATED THEM.

      LOL. Fool.

    2. To say that 99% of those in attendance are in the NCW means 2 out of 200 who attended are not Neo. Impressive! Now get the hell out!!

    3. Joker, Kiss my butt. Last minute directives from your sorry office should be ignored. The Parish priest were not protesting, they were saying Mass! "Cancel your Masses..." for what? Another fundraising scheme? If you don't have enough money to run your sorry seminary start car washing!! Then you mock Father Eric? He has done more to save our souls, bring pride to our people, educate us and help preserve our culture, than you could ever think of doing. Are you jealous because people like him more than you? How about you making a dvd about how crappy the formation is for your wanna be priest at that joke of a seminary. They cannot speak English and the few that do can't put together a Homily worth listening to. So your comments are how we are supposed to have peace and harmony in our divided Church? What a joke of a Joli-bee prayer if you cannot follow it yourself! So the 1% who attended were the good people? That shows your distaste for anything not neo. Way to create that atmosphere of us against them. Trust me it is, us against you and you just proved it once again! You need to stay out of the Jungle because every time you enter you do the Mexican Hat dance on your schlong!

    4. Sadly every time this cultish sect meets; the brunt of their expenses remain a burden for us non-NEO's to bear. They Definetly are not a part of us as expressed by the Joker 'Chancelor' himself.

    5. I suppose if they made these celebrations for the neo communities mandatory, the Cathedral may be packed, considering the fact that they brag about their numbers.

  19. Hey Rudy. I'm not going to publish your trash. Pay attention. There is a hell.

  20. You Should Know. All the Trash in this blog, you be there pretty Soon.

    1. LOL. Rude-ee doesn't even try to hide the fact that this is him. Yet you lie to people and tell them you never come here. LOL.

    2. Rudy is nothing but a PUNK.

    3. :o 6:42PM ''SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE''
