Jungle Watch Pages

Saturday, February 27, 2016


The courageous Catholics of the Laity Forward Movement will be handbilling this Sunday, Feb. 28, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Santa Rita at 10:30. 

The Media will be there. 

You are invited to join them.

For more information call: Priscilla at 969-7842, Lou Klitzkie at 653-6605, Mae Ada at 734-7777. Teri Untalan at 727-3577.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to make a few observations during our LFM at the parishes that we have visited. As mentioned, although there were only 14 of us LFM at the Barrigada Parish, I believe that the parishioners in attendance at San Vicente Church, are true parishioners that believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Guam. As mentioned, Adrian Cristobal DID NOT come out after the mass to inquire why we were there. He got his information from the security guard, who by the way was taking down license plates # of vehicles parked in the parking lot. Seems like someone is running scared or does not want to be seen because if there was a commotion, I would want to find out. At the Hagatna Cathedral during Valentine's Day, the atmosphere wasn't any different. These presbyters (this includes archbishop Tony Apuron) did not come out of the church to acknowledge us, the LFM and actually, there was a very strong Apuron supporter who decided that he should "CUSS" at one of the ladies who was trying to hand him our pamphlet on how anyone can access the information that is being put out on JungleWatch about the atrocities that is going on in our Catholic Church. Parishioners at Piti parish welcome the pamphlets and the priest even asked questions from one of the LFM members about why we were there. As we moved into NEO TERRITORY (Santa Rita and Agat), reception was lukewarm. The NEO presbyter actually (in no uncertain terms) told Mr. Bob Klitzkie that the Santa Rita parish is NOT LIABLE should something happen to us (the LFM). It seemed that if one wants to attend mass at any Catholic Church on our beautiful island of Guam, we would need permission from "that parish priest" that we would like to attend their mass.
    Dave Sablan tried to explain to this presbyter why we were there and somehow, the presbyter scheduled an appointment for a Tuesday to meet with Dave Sablan. so, onward we marched to the beautiful village of Agat. The presbyter, Alberto
    or someone from the NEO COMMUNITY must have known that we, the LAITY FORWARD MOVEMENT were coming to the village because, the LECTOR (before the end of the mass) announced that we, the LAITY FORWARD MOVEMENT are outside waiting to pass out leaflets to their parishioners and do not take it from us. That tells us that the NEOs are ACTUALLY going INTO THE JUNGLE(WATCH) and as Frenchie says, DENY, DEFLECT (so Mr. Frenchie, I forgot the other word you use) but you get what I mean. At the Santa Barbara Parish, we, the Laity Forward Movement, in addition to handing out the leaflet for more information about the CRISIS in our Catholic Church, we were handing out the book (TARGET=PRIEST). We informed the parishioners that if they wanted to know what happened to their parish priest, Father Paul Gofigan, this book would answer any questions they may have. I know that this was a long observation but I feel that People are beginning to get the word about the parasite that is eating away at our Catholic Church and My Dear People of Guam, Please Stand Up and Be Counted. This includes not giving your hard-earned dollars to archbishop Apuron for his miscellaneous expenses (his discretionary funds as stated in the Umatuna and that these monies are going to the respective charities, RMS, Blessed Diego II and etc, etc). As always, we, the Laity Forward Movement will continue to fight for the ONE TRUE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH of GUAM.
