Jungle Watch Pages

Thursday, June 30, 2016


We are willing to give Archbishop Hon a point or two for at least getting the names David C. Quitugua and Adrian Cristobal out of our faces. I have some ideas about their replacements which I will share later - and granted, I realize that probably neither of them wanted these jobs. 

So for now, let's move on to the next issue, which should have been the FIRST issue (after extending a personal helping and welcoming embrace to the sex abuse survivors - alleged or otherwise, which of course did not happen.) 

The FIRST issue is the status of Fr. Paul Gofigan and Msgr. James Benavente. It is the FIRST issue because it was the treatment of these two priests by Apuron, David, and Adrian which was the catalyst for the explosion that followed.

It is also the issue that Archbishop Hon has had the most time to deal with as well as the authority to do something about. Both cases were known to Hon in his capacity as Secretary to the "competent congregation" for at least a year and half. That NOTHING was done regarding either case before Hon arrived here is telling. That NOTHING has been done SINCE Hon arrived here is even more telling. 

When I say "nothing has been done," I don't mean poking the issue and floating proposals for a possible resolution. I mean: 
  1. a clear and public condemnation of how these two priests were treated by Apuron, David, and Adrian, and 
  2. an immediate restoration of the two priests to their positions. 

Let me explain.

1. Hon must PUBLICLY condemn the actions of Apuron, David and Adrian against Fr. Paul and Msgr. James because these two priests were themselves PUBLICLY condemned by Apuron, David and Adrian. 

2. Both MUST be restored to the previous positions, Fr. Paul as pastor of Santa Barbara and Msgr. James as Rector of the Cathedral and Pastor of the Cathedral Parish (he was both), because both were removed in a manner that was canonically illegal. 

In Fr. Paul's case, he was illegal replaced by a parochial administrator without first being removed according to the canonical provisions for the removal of pastors. In Msgr. James' case, he was removed without being afforded his canonical right to due process to address the accusations Apuron made against him. 

The key word is "removed." Neither priest was transferred. Both were suddenly and abruptly REMOVED. Neither priest was offered a different assignment. Both were assigned later to St. Anthony only after the expression of public outrage.

Given that both priests had their canonical rights violated, Archbishop Hon, in the name of justice and unity, MUST condemn Apuron's illegal acts against them and restore them to their positions.

Once that is done, Hon can then ask for their courtesy resignation, which (I've heard) he is asking of everyone, and they can be reassigned as he sees fit. 

The Cathedral

However, one thing must be clear, the NEO's are NOT to hang on to the Cathedral. The Cathedral MUST be the seat of unity. The NEO's, who only represent a tiny percentage of the diocese, should not be permitted to occupy the "seat of unity." 

What's more, it is EXTREMELY CLEAR that their "eucharist" is so dissimilar to our Catholic Mass, that the NEO celebration of their "eucharist" in our Cathedral is a shot through the heart of any attempt at Catholic unity. 

The Neo Communion Rite

And as long as we are on that subject it is time for Archbishop Hon to either show us the document permitting the NEO's communion rite or publicly prohibit it. To review, there are two elements of the communion rite which do not conform to the liturgical books nor are they permitted in the NCW statute:

1. The priest delays his communion until the sacred species has first been distributed to the communicants. (The liturgical books require the priest to first consume the sacred species, and THEN distribute Holy Communion.)

2. The neo-communicants "receive" the consecrated bread* in their hands but do not immediately consume as required by the liturgical books. They return to their seats, consecrated bread in hand, and then consume upon receiving a signal from the celebrant. 

* We are not sure if the bread is actually consecrated since from what we can tell, the Neo belief is that Jesus was a sinner and thus not God. But we will address that another time.

You could say that this manner of receiving communion is GROUND ZERO for the heartache in this diocese as this is the practice Apuron openly defended during his infamous 2006 KOLG radio tirade. Hon MUST either show us the document permitting this practice or must officially and publicly prohibit it. 

Okay? Ready, set, go!


June 30, 2016 Announcement from the Chancery of the Archdiocese of Agaña

Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai, S.D.B., Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Agaña has appointed the following Officials for the Diocesan Curia:
Rev. Father Jeffrey San Nicolas – Delegate of the Administrator (assuming responsibilities similar to those of the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia).
Rev. Father Jose Antonio “Lito” Abad – Chancellor
These appointments were made after the Apostolic Administrator had spoken personally with all of the Clergy on the island and many other members of this local Church. It was the result of the weekly meetings of the Presbyteral Council of the Archdiocese and must be seen as a collegial effort for the purpose of promoting unity and stability in the local Church.
The two appointments take effect today, June 30th, 2016. The two new Officials will make their public Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity during the Prayer Meeting for Unity on Saturday, July 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. at Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica. All of the Clergy, Consecrated Religious, and Lay Faithful are cordially invited and encouraged to attend.


There's this scene that keeps playing in my head and it won't go away. It looks like this. 

Archbishop Hon is yelling into the phone while Fr. Ted sits nearby shaking his head and looking at the floor. On the other end of the phone in Rome is Cardinal Filoni who is shouting back. Behind him and leaning over his chair is Kiko Arguello and Anthony S. Apuron. Filoni is mad at Hon for not putting down the rebellion and Hon is mad at Filoni for sending him to this "God-forsaken" place.

This may not be what is actually happening, but given Apuron's brazen June 6 video message on the steps of the Vatican - a message never discredited by Hon, one can only assume that Apuron and Kiko are hard at work with their friends in high places. 

But why so much effort for Guam? 

Compared to Kiko's vast empire, not even the 70 Million Dollar property should matter this much. And then to send a Secretary of a major Vatican Congregation to babysit while Archie is away? What's up with that? Why is Guam so important to them? 

It's really about demographics. 

In order for Kiko to take over the Church - something he has already gone quite far in doing - he must produce armies of presbyters. It's sort of how Islam is currently conquering Europe where Muslim immigrants are out birthing Europeans 5 to 1, not to mention the vast increase through immigration itself. 

The challenge Kiko has in doing this is that only a bishop can ordain a priest, so he has spent a lot of energy and effort buying up bishops. That's not hard to do, but nowhere was it easier than on Guam. With Apuron firmly in hand (perhaps because his molestation history was known to his neo-master), Kiko had a bishop who would ordain anyone he was told to ordain. For whereas other bishops were easily purchased, they still maintained some standards for ordination, especially since the Vatican began investigating seminaries under Benedict. 

Because of Apuron's obedience to his neo-masters, Guam's RMS was the place to send the rejects, all the guys no other bishop would take. This is why Guam has twice the number of seminarians at our RMS than does a diocese like Boston which is more than ten times our size. With no stable professorship, no real courses, and little oversight from the Vatican, the RMS factory has been in full swing, pumping out presbyters lickety-split.

In order to keep this machine going, Kiko and Gennarini knew that they needed an obedient successor to Apuron. Their best bets up to this point were Adrian or David. But then, DAMN that JungleWatch! These guys are now too toxic and have to be passed over - sending Adrian into crybaby tears and David to the clinic begging for meds. 

So what to do? 

I'll tell you what they are doing. If they can't have the arch-neo's David or Adrian, they will work to get someone who will be a complete yes-man, someone they can control like Apuron, someone who, even if he is not a neo, will still bend to the neo-will. Who could that be? 

I don't know. I was hoping that Rome would see fit to put in a bishop from elsewhere for five years or so until things get right, but now I don't think so. I think Filoni seriously believed he could rehabilitate Apuron and stick him back in here until retirement - another 5 years in which he could ordain tons of more presbyters. But now that the possibility of lifting the statute of limitations looms, he is having to rethink this. 

Filoni can't afford a bishop or an administrator not friendly to the neo's. They need someone in here they can control. And it appears they are moving fast. Hon wants out of here ASAP. Everyday brings a new disaster and his star is fading in Rome. 

I sense that Hon, Filoni, and Kiko are scrambling to get a neo-friendly bishop in here pronto! Apuron is still in the background saying "what about me? what about me?" But Filoni probably saw the testimonies at the public hearing and realized that Apuron is definitely now a NO GO!

So who will it be? 

I think we'll be able to tell by whoever Hon makes the next Vicar General. Watch for it. 


I received a message yesterday that Apuron may have snuck back into Guam a couple nights ago via Korean Air and is holed up at his half-a-million-dollar pad in Adacao. There can only be one reason for him to do this: he believes he will soon take control again of the archdiocese...or maybe he never was not in control (which is how it seems).

Let's start an Apuron watch. If you live in the area keep an eye out for anyone going in and out of the property.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I noticed something funny about the 2016 Directory showing the names of incardinated priests away from the archdiocese.

There is a name missing. A certain Fr. Louis Brouillard. Perhaps you don't know him. His name turned up recently in 2013 after the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, was forced to turn over secret documents regarding clergy sex abuse. 

As you can see, as late as 2013, he is listed as a Priest of the Diocese of Agana. It says "diocese" because Agana was not yet an Archdiocese when Brouillard was removed from ministry here in Guam, probably around 1981, and sent to Duluth. 

And as you can also see from this 2005 document, Apuron has kept him on our diocesan payroll:

Before I get to the real point of this post, you probably already noticed the discrepancy: I am estimating that Brouillard was removed from Guam in 1981 (because that's when he shows up in Duluth) and Apuron's 2005 list says he left Guam in 1972. 

I think I'm right because on July 5, 2013, the Umatuna ran a feature article about the 40th anniversary of San Isidro parish, established in 1973, and noted that Brouillard was its first pastor:

Hmmmm. Now why would Apuron want us to think that Brouillard was already gone by 1972? 

Perhaps it has something to do with the real meat of this post which is: Why is Brouillard still a priest of the "Diocese of Agana" (meaning he's still on our payroll)  in 2013, when he was removed from ministry nearly thirty years previously and by the diocese we apparently squirreled him off to? ((I guess Qatar and Ballin weren't available back then.)

Perhaps you are asking why he was "squirreled away" out of Agana in the first place. Well, we've been collecting the stories, and they are pretty horrific. Don't worry, you'll hear about them in time. We're being careful with this. At least one of his victims has already met with a local attorney, and from what I have learned, there are many more. 

So here's the deal. Brouillard was never laicized even though he was removed from ministry in Guam. And then, apparently because he kept up his molesting ways, was removed from ministry again in the diocese we sent him to. Why wasn't he laicized? "Defrocked?" Why is Apuron still paying him? Could it be that Brouillard knows about Apuron and Apuron knows about Brouillard? You think? 

If Brouillard was made pastor of San Isidro in 1973, and from the Duluth records, not moved there till 1981, then he would have been here during the late 70's when Apuron was "allegedly" helping himself to the bodies of little boys. 

You know, you gotta wonder how someone like Apuron with this horrible history, could have been made a bishop. Guam is too small for Apuron's sickening sex spree not to be known. We know from Walter Denton's testimony that at least one priest knew, and it is quite possible that several priests knew, including Brouillard and maybe a few others that are still around. (Guess who?) 

Apuron was made a bishop in 1984. Brouillard had already gone off to Duluth to molest white boys (instead of brown ones). Brouillard was removed from ministry in Duluth in 1985. From 1981 to 1985, since he was active in ministry in Duluth, it would be expected that he was paid by Duluth. But once he was removed from ministry in 1985, the responsibility for his welfare reverted back to the the diocese where he is incardinated: Agana. 

Apuron was made Archbishop in 1986 upon the death of Archbishop Flores. Could it be that Apuron made a deal with Brouillard to take care of him as long as he kept his mouth shut? After all, one word from Brouillard and Apuron would have been quickly toppled from his episcopal chair which he had barely yet warmed. I think there may have been a few other deals made like that as well. (Guess who?)

Archbishop Hon, this is not going to go away. There are many boys (now men in their 60's) who know the name Brouillard and I have heard the most awful, unbelievable stories. Oh, and he was a scoutmaster. GEEZ!!! And you are not going to believe what he made those boys do on their camping trips. It wasn't tying square knots - at least not with ropes. 

Apuron had to know all this, but we'll wait for our court date for all that to come out. You know, under penalty of perjury and all that. Meanwhile, Brouillard's name needs to go back in the directory. He's still alive, you know. In fact, he recently just had a visitor. (I have the picture.) Courage. 


P.S. Let this post serve as an ad for anyone who was molested or otherwise sexually used or abused by Louis Brouillard. Contact me at junglewatch.info@gmail.com and I'll send you to the attorney who can assist you. This is where that INSTITUTIONAL LIABILITY is going to kick in. Too bad, Archbishop Hon. If only you would have done the right thing to begin with. You didn't. 


TO: Camillo Ballin, Roman Catholic Vicar Apostolic of the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia
FR: Archdiocese of Agana
RE: Return of Lickin' Louie

Dear Bishop Ballin:


Pope Francis dumps two more bishops as house cleaning continues

Read More

This is actually old news (July 2015). And before you get your hopes up, it is quite likely that neither of these bishops were personal friends with Kiko, as is Apuron. Thus, they were easy for the pope to get rid of. 

Apuron knew these accusations against him would one day come, and from the beginning he has always known that the Neocatechumenal Way was his only way out - which is why he took so good care of them. So far, it has proven to be true. 


"For too long, monsters have found shelter in our culture of silence. They are shielding from the light in that same dark place where we cloak the truth."


Three separate sources have advised that Apuron is not depressed. He is on his laptop openly sending messages asking for prayers because he is being persecuted. He is reminding his well wishers that he is the Archbishop of Agana and he is returning to Guam as Archbishop.


My note: While this is almost impossible for anyone to conceive, we must expect the worst because Archbishop Hon has done NOTHING to discredit all the messages from Apuron so far: 
  1. The video message from Rome saying that Hon is here at his request, 
  2. Apuron's presence in the Umatuna - which was only removed after we raised a storm about it, 
  3. Apuron's message in the Gala program claiming to be persecuted, 
  4. Hon's continuing to speak of Apuron as if he is completely innocent (his praying for him "without prejudice"),
  5. Apuron's public letter to the Filipino community as if he was still in complete control of the diocese, and
  6. The constant speaking of Apuron on The Diana blog (which is Pius and Adrian) not only as if his return is imminent, but as if he is still in charge:

  1. Dear Anonymous at 3:13 pm

    The Archbishop is there to oversee all the communities, not just his community. He chose to walk with the NCW, but because he is the Archbishop, he is treated differently. For example, he does not have a catechist, and he is not a catechist for a community because he oversees the entire Neocatechumenal Way.

Note to Apuron. While your neocat cronies may try to slip you back into Guam, the Agat boys have some very angry relatives who are looking for you. You might know why. My suggestion: better to settle for that nice Roman villa episcopal crooks like you are rewarded with for staying out of sight. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

(translated from a post found on Osservatorio sul Cammino Neocatecumenale secondo verita.)

Typical Neocatechumenal Gesture



ARROYO: "I know that if they have these allegations then say, 'Hey, I want revenge. I want you to do something right now.' 



DATE: JUNE 27, 2016

Filoni went to the Holy Father with the suggestion to send Hon. It is unheard of for any pope to send a secretary of any congregation to administrate a diocese in trouble. Power game going on here for ncw to control Guam.

To do that Hon is now offering positions to those who he wants to win over.
This is why the pope and Hon give different messages. Pope wants things cleaned up. Hon wants to a assist ncw control.

In Rome Hon is not well liked.  Many want him out of the congregation. Problem is today Hon begins to see he can't do the task given. So he is going to give plums to those who he suspects need shutting up. 

Sadly for 30 pieces of silver some priests are compromising with him.


Apuron accusers urge passage of bill that would lift time limit on molestation lawsuits (UPDATED)


Apuron accusers testify on bill that would lift time limit on molestation lawsuits



Alleged sex abuse victims speak-up to support bill



Church Remains Silent on Child Sex Abuse Statute Bill as Dozens Show up to Hearing



From someone inside the Vatican:
"...it is sad to note that thanks to Apuron and Ballin, and their personal connections within Vatican, the Catholic Church at this moment looks like a totalitarian institution protecting the personal interests of bishops. They (the Kiko's) have all the power in their hands to do whatever they want. We can only pray to the Lord to reveal the truth. The real truth, not the one of Vatican and the NCW.
I told you not to ask Rome for help. Let's do this ourselves. Today's public hearing was the first step. We're going to pass this bill and get it signed into law and then we are going to clean house. Anyone dirty better run now. 


Robert Klitzkie, Esq.
22 Baki Ct., Yigo, GU 96929
(671) 653-6607

June 27, 2016

Testimony of Robert Klitzkie before the Committee on the Guam Military Relocation, Public Safety and Judiciary on Bill 326-33

Mr. Chairman and honorable members of the Committee:

Justice requires broadening the reach of this remedial legislation to provide relief to those who have suffered at the hands of child sexual abusers to include not only the abusers but also their enablers, aiders or abettors, those acting in concert with them and their religious institutions or corporations sole. The three C’s are referenced here: condonation, cover-up and conspiracy. Recent history tells us that the three C’s were all too prevalent in the worldwide Catholic Church. The institutional hierarchy of the Church condoned, covered up and conspired to prevent victims of child sexual abuse from attaining justice.


The "correction" refers to the original media statement dated June 26. But the correction itself is dated June 26. It appears there is an attempt to make this look like a "clerical error" that they caught right away.

However, the email header for the correction says it was sent out today, June 27, at 1:23PM:


Dear Archbishop Hon,

Your buddy over in Qatar, Camillo Ballin, is acting like Fr. Luis Camacho is his priest. In fact, On April 8, he told Mr. Charles White that he is "now his bishop."


...so he doesn't have to issue any more corrections.


Posted by Chuck White

Bishop Camillo Ballin MCCJ of the Vicariate of Northern Arabia has published a letter dated June 25, 2016 saying that after an investigation by the Holy See, Fr. Luis has been exonerated!  Read more.


"I literally fed my son to Apuron."


Mary Torres, Tom Ada, Frank Aguon, Frank Blas, Nerissa Underwood, Tony Ada.



13 year old Walter Denton to Fr. Tony after he raped him.

I woke up feeling something or someone on top of me smothering me and I felt something going in my ass-hole and it was hurting me. I was pinned down to the bed on my stomach with my legs spread apart. I could not move. I could not move my arms or my legs. I was pinned down. I felt something going into my ass and it hurt so much. I shouted out to Father Anthony to stop. I kept shouting and I tried to move but, all I could feel was him on top of me thrusting something into my ass.  
He told me it will be alright.  He said he will take care of me and give me straight A's in Theology. It seemed like forever that Father Anthony stayed on top of me. I was crying out to him asking him to please stop. I kept saying that it hurts and to please stop. I could hear him moaning and him thrusting his penis in me. He finally stopped and he laid down on me like he was resting. He got off me and I immediately got off the bed. I was crying and breathing hard. I can feel my butt was all wet. I asked him why he did that to me. I kept asking why. He said if I said anything to anyone, no will believe me.


See related KUAM story.

We're sorry, Archbishop Hon, for doubting you. It would help if the information you sent to the Vatican actually had the victims' names right.

For the record, his name is Roland Paul Lizama Sondia.

I noticed that you once had it right on your website. In fact, it came right up at the top of the page when I googled it.

But darn, here's where that went:

We realize that this probably has more to do with the BUFFOONS you continue to surround yourself with - you know, the ones who drove this diocese into the pit of hell in the first place. But since your name is at the top of this dung heap, we gotta call you on it. 

Now just a couple other things. 

What is this "without prejudice" stuff. If you mean praying for the salvation of the souls of both the accusers and the accused, well, we're with you on that. But if you're praying for Apuron's personal "healing" and peace of mind, as we would hope you are praying for his victims, then we have a problem with that. Why don't you try praying for JUSTICE first. "No justice, no peace. Know justice, Know peace." Remember that? 

And lastly, we are NOT going to settle for this "I sent it to Rome" stuff. We want to know WHO you sent it to and WHAT they are doing. And we want REGULAR updates. 

To make sure of that, YOU, in your capacity as the one person with complete authority and responsibility for the Archdiocese of Agana, will be the focus of much of today's Public Hearing to lift the statute of limitations on past sex crimes. 

Sadly, because of your complete ignoring of this matter, even mocking the possible veracity of the victims' accounts, we have to now hold you institutionally liable for their mistreatment. 

In fact, we are inclined to think that the only reason you sent out the above statement on Sunday is because of what you know is coming on Monday. Meanwhile, have the trained monkeys you keep at the chancery write the name R-O-L-A-N-D on the chalk board 100 times. 

June 23, 2016  


To:                              All Senators, Media, and Stakeholders

Fr:                               SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.

Subject:                 2ND Notice – Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM

In accordance with the Open Government Law of Guam, relative to notice for public meetings, please be advised that the Committee on Guam U.S. Military Relocation, Public Safety & Judiciary, will convene a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the I Liheslatura Public Hearing Room. Included on the agenda are the following bill(s):

·              Bill No. 326-33 (COR): - “An act to amend § 11306, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated and to repeal § 11306.1, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the statute of limitations in cases involving child sex abuse.” (Sponsor: Senator F.F. Blas, Jr.)

The Hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21 and Docomo Channel 117 or streamed online at: www.guamlegislature.com.

The Committee requests that, if written testimonies are to be presented at the Public Hearing, copies be submitted one day prior to the public hearing date, to the Office of Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at Suite 503 DNA Bldg. 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatña, Guam, via fax to 475-GUM3(4863), or via email to:aguon4guam@gmail.com. Copies of the aforementioned Bill(s) may be obtained at I Liheslaturan Guahån 's website at: www.guamlegislature.com.  Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services should contact Niel Tirador at 475-4861/2 or email at committee@frankaguonjr.com.  Please feel free to contact my office should you have any additional questions or concerns. 


Over 100 people picketed in front of the Agana Cathedral Sunday morning. It's only going to get bigger...(and soon) LOUDER. 

Go here for more photos


...it looks like the STINKING MONK has already taken over Saipan's version of the Umatuna:

Jason Granado is one of the several neocats "missing" from this this archdiocese - missing priests, whom, as far as we know, we are still institutional liable for. You will notice a couple of other names (I'll get back to them.)

From the 2015-2016 Directory for the Archdiocese of Agana

Here is the new ad hoc committee created by Archbishop Hon responsible for the "repositioning of priests." We see that Fr. Lito Abad is its chairman. 

Dear Fr. Lito, within TWO WEEKS we want a FULL accounting of these absent priests. We want to know:
  1. Where they are, 
  2. What they are doing, 
  3. Why we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on their education and formation only to have them disappear, 
  4. Whether or not we are financing their travels and their ministry in God knows where, 
  5. Whether or not we are still paying them a stipend, and 
  6. Whether or not we are institutionally liable for their health care, retirement, and screw ups. 

Sunday, June 26, 2016


...Archbishop Hon has never refuted any of the claims by Apuron that he is only the hired help Apuron says he is. The video of Apuron in the right sidebar on the steps of St. Peter's claiming Hon is only here at his asking has never been countered or discredited by Hon. This is why we see this:

Dear Anonymous at 1:05 pm

Archbishop Apuron's title is permanent, and Archbishop Hon's authority of the Archdiocese of Agana is temporary. This is why the jungle wants to take his title away from him. 


As Tim has been alluding to in various posts and comments, there are indeed various stories of clergy gone wild in the 60s and 70s; shameful and depraved behavior that have darkened the hearts of many people. Not all the victims are children sexually abused by priests. There are also women and their families who have been damaged by the philandering actions of clergy who do not live up to their vows. Sadly, it just echoes the rampant adultery and sexual abuse that has been occurring in the society at large for many, many years. We reap the consequences of those actions socially with broken and dysfunctional families, and ecclesiastically with a dysfunctional and divided church. Bravo to those revealing the truth. It is a step toward healing. And it doesn't feel like Kumbaya dammit.

Agree to all of the above with a certain caveat. The behavior of the clergy is not an "echo" of what has been going on in society, but the cause. As the Church goes, so goes the world. The world does not have the grace to conquer the world, the Church does. It is the filth in the church which has given us the filth in the world. Fix the Church. Fix the World. That's how it works. Start now.


Maybe it's because English is not his language???

Did he mean "For all those who are suffering BECAUSE of the division and discord in our Archdiocese"?

Did he mean "For all those who are suffering as a RESULT of the division and discord in our Archdiocese"??

Did he mean "For all those who HAVE HAD painful experiences because of the horrible idiots running our diocese and who I have so far kept in place"??


Pope to Hon: take "URGENT MEASURES"...!

Hon: forms committees


NOW do you see why I said STOP asking Rome for help?


The idea that putting David C. Quitugua and Adrian Cristobal in charge of anything related to the fixing of the DISASTER that is this diocese, a DISASTER that these two lying scumbags (along with the Rubber-stamp Apuron and the Stinking Monk) have personally wrought is the equivalent of putting a pedophile in charge of the kindergarten. 

What the HELL doesn't this guy get?

Rest assured Quitugua, Cristobal, and Hon - We have only begun.

June 23, 2016  


To:                              All Senators, Media, and Stakeholders

Fr:                               SENATOR FRANK B. AGUON, JR.

Subject:                 2ND Notice – Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM

In accordance with the Open Government Law of Guam, relative to notice for public meetings, please be advised that the Committee on Guam U.S. Military Relocation, Public Safety & Judiciary, will convene a Public Hearing on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the I Liheslatura Public Hearing Room. Included on the agenda are the following bill(s):

·              Bill No. 326-33 (COR): - “An act to amend § 11306, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated and to repeal § 11306.1, chapter 11, title 7, Guam Code Annotated relative to the statute of limitations in cases involving child sex abuse.” (Sponsor: Senator F.F. Blas, Jr.)

The Hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21 and Docomo Channel 117 or streamed online at: www.guamlegislature.com.

The Committee requests that, if written testimonies are to be presented at the Public Hearing, copies be submitted one day prior to the public hearing date, to the Office of Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at Suite 503 DNA Bldg. 238 Archbishop Flores St. Hagatña, Guam, via fax to 475-GUM3(4863), or via email to:aguon4guam@gmail.com. Copies of the aforementioned Bill(s) may be obtained at I Liheslaturan Guahån 's website at: www.guamlegislature.com.  Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services should contact Niel Tirador at 475-4861/2 or email at committee@frankaguonjr.com.  Please feel free to contact my office should you have any additional questions or concerns.