Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


The Apostolic Administrator, Archbishop Hon, needs Apuron's help.

[Last seen at the Vatican making a video in June]
Hon claims NOT to know where Apuron is yet will need Apuron's signature on papers to return the Yona property to the patrimony of HIS archdiocese. Hon has shown acrobatic talent ducking HIS responsibility in the property's return.
Hon is a master at Doublespeak and weasel words. His August 18 press release and the Umatuna for the following Sunday don't address the fact that Apuron gave the property to the RMS Corpoaration with the Declaration of Deed Restriction of November 22, 2011. Instead Hon evades with:
  • The “property” was no doubt acquired by the Archdiocese, and yet its use has been conceded in perpetuity to RMS and BDTI.
  •  We listened to an extensive presentation made by them, who illustrate with documentation how the Deed Restriction was done without due process in conformity with the Church law and praxis and how the text of the Deed Restriction created great ambiguities.
  • It is never my intention nor the Church’s to purposely cause ill will in our brothers and sisters. 

Hon then says, "...I request that community which now enjoys in perpetuity the use of the “property” to spontaneously and effectively renounce, without any litigation, such a benefit obtained from the Archdiocese of Agaña. [My emphasis.] This language at least implies that Hon will initiate litigation.

Hon could have said that Apuron gave the property away to the RMS Corporation, that he is asking the board of corporation, Apuron, the Gennarinis and Pochetti to sign some papers to deed the property back to the Archdiocese. Hon could have gone on to say that if the papers weren't signed, he'd sue.  Hon could have but he didn't.  Best to watch what Hon does like a hawk, and take his words with a grain of salt.

Archbishop Hon "in action."


  1. Archbishop Hon has a paper
    To rectify Apuron's caper.
    Now where did he go?
    Does anyone know?
    Perhaps he's a crafty "shift-shaper."

    (A bit of poetic license on the term "shape-shifter")

  2. Report "sightings" in the comments.

  3. apuron was a patient at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles sometime in July.

  4. Hon knows where apuron is. He's just acting his usual self, speaking with a forked tongue.

  5. "Sightings", of course

  6. Just a small observation:
    Instead of posting Anthony Sablan Apuron's photo on a "Missing Kid Milk Carton" I think his photo would be more appropriate on a "WANTED (for child molestation, fraud, etc) Poster."


  7. We need to inform the United States Conference Bishops that Archbishop Apuron is roaming California.

  8. Ask Dakon Dominic Kim, apuron's partner-in-crime.

  9. Apuron is hiding between pius's legs

  10. Follow the money trail! I am sure somebody in the chancery must be sending him money. Start with Dominic Kim, the chancery secretary, the finance council, his "responsibles", close family or friends. I am sure Hon can find him if he really wants to.

  11. Anywhere between $3,000 to $5,000 monthly stipend Archbishop Apuron spending money.
    Yes people of Guam you are paying him to wine dine and dump men in the Bay area.

  12. Given what we have learnt about Apuron's gutter life style we need to look at all areas of his personal life. Is he involved in other dark practices? Is he involved in off island gambling drugs or sexual activity. We need to look deeper.
    I beleve we have only touched the surface beneath the surface may well be a life of dark sin.

  13. Vegas baby gambling well known.

  14. Truth is although Archbishop opposed gambling he was a frequent visitor to vegas casinos. This led him to purchasing a property off the strip where he entertained. He later sold the vegas property. Now he stays in Mirage Vegas.

  15. Someone should cancel all the "Archdiocese of Agana" Platnium credit cards.

  16. January 2017, in California.

  17. Any other apuron sightings in California?

    1. Who cares? Apurun is a has been low life creep, and not even worth the effort to track down. At least not until the depositions are scheduled.

  18. Janet B - MangilaoMay 3, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    from the AP News Wire, dateline May 3, 2017

    Himalaya mountaineering season now open. A climber thought he had sighted Apurun roaming the ranges. Turns out it was just a Yeti.
    The climber, with a big sigh of relief, stated: "Thank God it was just a yeti we saw. It was safer for my son with that yeti in the vicinity than if Apurun had actually been near my boy. Knowing Apurun is not here, but in Santo Domingo, allows us to focus just on the danger of Mt Everest."

    This reported asked an experienced sherpa how he could be sure it wasn't the elusive Apurun. The sherpa quickly replied: "We compared the most recent photo of the hideous creature from Guam, and what we saw on the snowbank was far better groomed than Apurun. And the yeti had no threatening gestures as the Guam beast is reputed to display when cornered. It was a bit of a disappointment when we realized it wasn't Apurun, but it was still quite a thrill to see the rare yeti."

    This is Harold Pedro Edivaldo Adrianna Camacho-Wadeson signing out.
    PS - do not try to track me down, I am being well hidden deep in Kiko's underworld.

  19. Janet B - MangilaoMay 3, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    The monster named Apurun has fled,
    leaving a trail of deception and dread.
    His trained attorney will not disclose,
    where this deviant has taken repose.
    But Fairfield is where we have been led.

    Our knock at a bank manager’s door,
    reveal photos and info galore.
    He misses his boys,
    their RMS sex-toys,
    but the Castro offers oooh so much more!

    The Church on Guam is near total destruction,
    due to heresy, greed and Kiko instruction.
    We found the cause to be “the Way”,
    because Church rules they will not obey.
    They view truth as a petty obstruction.

    Vast fortunes have quietly been taken,
    Christian values have long been forsaken.
    The Church is in ruins,
    because of a few Neo-Catechumens.
    But Katolico faith will never be shaken.

    A thirty year reign is now finished,
    and sexual perverts have greatly diminished.
    Rome sent a man from Detroit,
    Byrnes is savvy and adroit.
    With time his goals will be accomplished.

    This is a time of great revolution,
    an epic moral and spiritual evolution.
    The Son is now rising,
    there will be no compromising.
    “We the People” is always the solution!
