Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, August 26, 2016


Posted by Tim Rohr

Archbishop Apuron wants his name cleared

Apuron is planning to come back. Hon messed up. He was supposed to keep quiet while Tony rounded up his troops. However, Hon got cornered by the People who would NOT back down. Now Tony is attacking Hon for not doing what he was told. What a joke the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Agana is to eyes of the world.

From: Jacque Terlaje <jacque.terlaje@terlajelaw.com>
Date: Friday, August 26, 2016
Subject: Declaration of archbishop Anthony Apuron
Cc: Jacqueline Terlaje <info@terlajelaw.com>


Hafa Adai! As the legal representative of the Archbishop of Agana, Archbishop Anthony S Apuron, he has requested that I provide you his enclosed statement.


  1. Document/ Statement does not hold water for me. No signature. Where did Jackie get this letterhead? Oops I forgot that the Chancery is neo controlled!

  2. Wow! Is he calling Hon a liar too? Just asking.

  3. He's got some nerve. Why, I oughtta.....

  4. Are you kidding me??!! This "statement" by Apuron is just too exact to Pius' statement to the KUAM yesterday. They (NCW) is not even hiding the fact that they are orchestrating a false narrative.

    Lying liars lie as lying liars lie.

    1. What made him a liar and your statement is true!? One sided bullshit.

    2. Because you believe him.

    3. The whole statement makes him a liar. It is the same lie that they have been promoting in your (anonymous of 5:17, courage!) communities since Pius instructed Apuron to fire the original finance council (read: Pius instructed Vice Rector David to sack the council while Apuron was made to put his signature on it).

      In other words, "what made him a liar" simply is that words came out of his mouth. Which is "him" and "he?" Its all the same.

    4. And I don't believe any of your putrid lies also. See you in the next life. And GOD may have mercy on your soul!

  5. This is the NCW throwing down the gauntlet. The only conclusion possible is that the NCW truly believe they can exercise their influence over the machinations of the Church leadership. It is audacious in the extreme.

    Is it possible that the NCW can extract a happy ending for the Archbishop out of this? It seems a ludicrous suggestion - but the NCW leadership obviously believes it can!

  6. Apuron reporting in from the road to perdition.

  7. Bring it on HOME Apuron!...Can't wait!...Maybe while you are here, the Sex Abuse Bill will be passed and you would be ripe for the picking. Welcome Home!

  8. I must say I'm intrigued by the statement "I have strived and I will strive UNTIL I AM ALIVE to put evangelization at the center of my mission …"

    I'm sure the Delusional Dingbat Diana will be able to clarify that for us …

    1. Mary Lou, that would be a Pius Slip, similar to a Freudian Slip.

  9. Amazing! No signature! Anyone (Pius) could have written this melodious statement. AB HON where ever you are stay there, we want Apurun back to face the music!

  10. Bro Tony, you should take a lesson on obedience from Monsignor James and Father Paul. Waaaa.

  11. This cult is amazing. Maybe Diana wrote this letter too. LOL! What about molesting the altar boys? Why aren't you addressing that in this letter? Oh yeah, I totally forgot that the NCW and money takes precedence over a much heinous crime. Oh well, we haven forgotten about them and we will continue to fight for them until you rot in hell over my dead body.

  12. Wow! Did he just say "prosperity" in place of "posterity"? Of course in the NCW property-grabbing mentality it means "prosperity" for them and not "posterity" to benefit Guam.

    1. Of course, hence the almighty prosperity gospel of the NCW.

  13. Yes Apuron failed to sign his letter so it is not Valid like most of his actions as a Bishop.

  14. Apuron you are a disgrace to the Church of Guam and the Universial Church. It is all Karma coming back to you for the evil you did to me and others. It is Revenge. Come back to Guam have your trial but in the Process at the height of the drama i will expose you and bring you down. This is a threat!

    1. Why wait? Do us all a favor and expose him now.

    2. Anon 6:32 PM there's No need to threaten Apuron...Everyone knows that he is an Evil and Sick Monster who hides behind the cloth..He is doing a good job exposing himself and all the lies and harm he has done every time he opens his mouth...His loonies are no better than him....they really think we are as dumb and stupid as they are.!!Let them continue digging their own graves and bury themselves in their own lies..

    3. Do not underestimate our role. It is WE who are forcing him out into the open where he is displaying his lies and lunacy. He has gotten away with lies and lunacy for decades. He is not burying himself. WE have to do that.

    4. It is your malign and personal gain! That is your best is to destroy someone character. You have no damn authority with all your personal gain. Tomorrow may not be your day!

    5. Apuron himself is the cause of the destruction of his character, no need to help him out, he is doing quite well himself. Our personal gain is to expose the truth that does not exist in the NCW cult, and to show the world the evil fruits that come out of it.

  15. Replies
    1. For a bit of comic relief: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8rUZfQJjPY

  16. Well as usual, in this sad trail of coverup, since this site uncovered the truth about this property, Pius and his Straw Bishop, keep changing the narrative, at every turn.
    Lately, they have coordinated a little better than usual, their excuse for a coverup.
    But in the end, it is still a wild tale, from a serial sexual abuser, who takes his orders from his Catechist Pius and his boss Gennarini.

    As always, the coverup proves being a lot worse than the initial issue. So Apuron keeps on digging, and posing as a victim. This in itself is quite ironic in view of his personal record of victimizing preteens and teens that trusted him, and swindling the Archdiocese.
    Sad, sad, sad. And so delusional.....

    1. It is Karma Frenchie.
      Unbelievable Karma.
      For 24 years i watched this evil man.
      Now his evil is being shown to the world by his own words actions.
      Entire Church will see how demonic Apuron really is. Face of Evil.
      Demonic Evil.

  17. Clearing his name on the RMS issue is only half the battle for Apuron. If I were him, I'd put more effort in explaining his actions against those he sexually molested. This release doesn't say anything on that issue. Archie, how about a media release on that?!

  18. All this emotion!! Stay mad and join us this Sunday in front of the cathedral!! All we need is your time...

  19. Well, it definitely can't be Apuron writing this. Whoever did it forgot to add the title "Archbishop" and the "DD" after "Ofm Cap". Otherwise, one would think that Apuron would have enough time on his hands these days to keep the fluff in his title (you know, as he always did). Just saying.

  20. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)August 27, 2016 at 12:57 AM

    Fr. Apuron (and/or the ghost writers of this statement) are delusional in that they believe the Katolikos of Guam (and, like me, Katolikos from afar) are going to receive the statements below without question and doubt.

    • “Apostolic administrator Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai and other critics of the Yona property are causing ‘real, grave, and immediate damage to the church in Guam and to my good name, spreading scandal and confusion among the faithful.’ His belief and corresponding decisions and courses of action that demonstrate his belief in his absolute power as Archbishop caused the ruin of his name. And, unfortunately, has caused years of embarrassment and harm for the faithful of Guam.

    • “Apuron contends the restriction merely blocks the sale and that if it wasn't for him, those looking to cash in would've converted the RMS from a seminary into a casino.” Fr. Apuron also thinks himself as a seer, clairvoyant, a prophet when he speaks with certainty that in 2011 when the property’s ownership documents were covertly prepared [doctored] and recorded [under questionable procedures] (1) there will be a sale, and (2) when the sale does happen, the RMS will be converted into a casino by whoever will purchase it.

    • "I have always defended the moral life of the island opposing establishments which would bring money to few and moral misery and degradation to many." First, he is not in a position to remind us of his works in defending moral life. The clergy sex abuse acts that he has committed takes away any moral standing he may have had to preach on morality. Second, look at lower section of Tim Rohr’s writing on “Go to Hell, Pius” which outlines the decline (rather than the improvement) of aspects that secure family life and safety of children in the 30 years of Fr. Apuron’s leadership.

    • "I have always obeyed the Holy Father and it is my first intention to continue to do so." By his actions, many of us know this statement is not to be believed.

    Lastly, “Apuron states the Pope Francis has granted his request for a canonical trial” because we don’t believe any representations made by Fr. Apuron, this statement needs to be verified at the Vatican’s end and not simply accepted by the faithful. Even if true, a canonical trial doesn’t entirely get him off the hook on civil and criminal matters.

    His lengthy absence from Guam to face the faithful on these issues speaks volumes about his guilt and cowardice.

  21. why is this on archdiocesan letterhead? the archdiocese of agaƱa is a joke, regardless of whether it's led by hon or apuron.

  22. The trained lawyer wrote it. It has her name written all over it.
