Jungle Watch Pages

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Buenas everyone,

Hallelujah!!  (The Yona Property occupied by the) Redemptoris  Mater Seminary (RMS)  is returned to the patrimony and control of the Archdiocese of  Agaña. The battle may have been won but not the war. Picket is still on for Sunday, November 20, 2016 in front of Cathedral Basilica at 9:00AM. The message "Apuron Out." We need to extend our picket line to the parking lot on the side of the  Cathedral. Please bring your family, friends and neighbors to join us. See you all Sunday.

Come Holy Spirit,



  1. First, let us give Thank’s to the Lord God Almighty for the Battle may have been won like Lou said, but we are not done. Let’s not forget those Altar Boys who are abuse by Apu-run who himself will be here for Dec. 8, 2016 celebration. Posted on Junglewatch.info Title: “THE DIANA’S GOOD NEWS” BIBA SANTA MARIAN KAMALEN!

  2. Do "Neos Out" signs too!

    1. Yes, definitely! Out of our Island especially Pius Sammut, and all the Neocats.

  3. Try "Visiting" the RMS now? See what they have to respond, are they going to restrict the visit?

  4. Sorry. Even if we fix everything now, the neos will be doing their covert work for the next 20 years, then they'll do this to us again. If we're not careful and really eradicate this neoCancer out of Guam! Let's learn from this and expect the worst.

    Remember, they have a lot of children that could perpetuate their neoHeresy!!!

    Neos out Now!!!

    1. I am quite pessimistic about our local Church fixing itself even if we did get the neo's out. The Neo's never were the problem. They were the symptom. Hoping a new bishop will make the difference.

  5. We had a great crowd this morning for the weekly "Apuron Aerobics" aka the picket. An unintended benefit is the improved cardiovascular health of the participants. The prayers and singing make for a great workout for our souls. I am honored to march with all of the prayer warriors. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you Andrew for your "healthy" viewpoint.

  6. God Bless to ALL who attended this morning Protest. Yes indeed lot’s of new faces, and a bigger crowd.

    Thank’s Jose M. for posting those pictures, and to Tim Rohr for all your Time and Effort to release this information to our new Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes, and to the rest of the world. Biba Katoliko! Biba Santa Marian Kamalen!
