Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Posted by Chuck White

Carmen Hernández, co-founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, died on July 19, 2016, and the 2008 Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way states how the vacant position on the International Responsible Team of the Way will be filled.

How many of you really think that Kiko follow the statute?  Read more.


  1. Rules and regulations are for ordinary people.

  2. over the weekend, i was reading an article about fidel castro. when he disagreed with a tribunal's judgment, he simply made up a new constitutional provision to make sure his enemies were found guilty.

    i wonder how many neocats have even read or studied their statutes. to compare, in my community, studying our constitutions is an essential part of our formation.

  3. Kiko will do whatever it takes to empty the pockets of suckers in his diabolic cult. The wily old reptile won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on his massive bank accounts.

    Kiko and B16 were so close that some of his ill-gotten loot is undoubtedly hidden at the IOR/Vatican Bank.

    1. You've mentioned B16 several times. Where's your evidence?

    2. seems like you forgot that ncw has to spend a lot of money to buy bishops & cardinals

  4. Ah, yes. In the words of Kiko the cuckoo, "Carmen is irreplaceable". It has been said that graveyards are filled with those who thought they were irreplaceable. But somehow, mankind continues on.

    Kiko presents us with his style of faith. It is not God that draws you closer to God. It is Kiko and Carmen. There is no faith in God, but the catechist will always remind you to be absolutely obedient to your catechist.

    For a kiko-nut, faith means believing in Kiko above all things. God is made irrelevant in Kikos teachings. Just follow him and you'll be okay. That is the type of crap that gets regular Catholics, who become ensnared in the NCW, into a lot of spiritual trouble.

    BTW, if I were Fr Mario, I'd be very careful. With Carmen gone, and Kiko refusing to follow his own statutes, Fr Mario is in a risky predicament. Kiko's ego is bigger than the world. And with Carmen gone, Kiko is just one accident away from being in complete control of the Kiko cult.

    If some tragedy were to suddenly befall Fr Mario, it would be Kiko 24 by 7. You can be sure Kiko is aware of how close he is to total domination. Will he stop at nothing to become overlord and master?

    Probably not.

    1. And what would happen to the NCW "if some tragedy were to suddenly befall" KIKO?

  5. The Neocatechumenal Way statute is merely a "glossy brochure" provided to the Vatican to get some sort of "approval" for their movement.

    1. Actually the final statute was a STATUTE provided BY the Vatican to the Neocatechumenal Way informing them what they could and could not do. The Kikos turned it into "the pope approves us." They HAVE to LIE.

    2. "DianaNovember 28, 2016 at 8:49 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 5:15 pm,

      We already follow the approved statutes, and they still hate us."

      Hahahaha!!!! When I was in the programme, we didn't follow them one jot! And I like these good folks am constructively critiquing it !!!! Hahahaha!!

      A ten year "itinerary" my foot. They don't trot out their distorted "teachings" about prayer until after it's supposed to have (already belatedly) "ended".

  6. Kiko & Neos, "Carmen is irreplaceable..."
    Translated, "the money is mine all mine..." (Followed be a diabolical laugh)
    Just call me if you want more Kikoisms translated.
    Your welcome.

  7. In recent photographs, Kiko looks like he has one foot on a banana peel. Is he in poor health, or just old?

  8. The Neocatechumenal Statute anticipates that the International Responsible Team will be composed of either:
    1) A single man, a single woman, and a presbyter OR
    2) A single man, a married couple, and a presbyter.

    So it's possible that choosing an unmarried woman or a married couple, younger than himself, with presumably more energy would seem threatening to him. He'd have to compromise. Things might move in a new direction. He couldn't be the center of it all.

  9. Statutes? What statutes?

  10. oh my !!!! ....did you notice that this is one of the RARE TIMES you can see some Latin words in the NCW ???? '''''neocatechumenale ITER STATUTA !!!''''''

  11. Did I read it right? The Apostle Kiko? Nah, it doesn't sound right. "The Gospel according to Kiko". Nope. Maybe for the neos but not for Catholics.

  12. Q: Kiko, who is going to take Carmens place? Kiko: Carmen who?

  13. Statutes are wet paper for Kiko. They are only for the gallery.

  14. The "statutes" don't cover:

    - ex-neocatechumenal, post-neocatechumenal, post-ex-neocatechumenal and ex-post-ex-neocatechumenal "communities"

    - the fact that the "itinerary" takes 27 or so years in place of the published 10

    - "families in mission" when not asked for by a diocese (completely unrelated schemes may explicitly provide for that of course)

    1. A thing so fundamental I almost never state it is that the Statutes don't provide for individuals to be explicitly and publicly released from the holds, binds, bonds or whatever they are called which get put on one by stealth over the years.

    2. manipulation and control is not something the NCW wants to advertise-so naturally it is carried out stealthily

  15. Lets hope that Pope Francis will be merciful to those who choose to dismantle the Church of Christ and write their own canon law. Lets pray that he will fight as the Fathers fought to protect Jesus's most precious gift to the world.
