Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, November 18, 2016


Apu-run plans to return for December 8 and reclaim "his" diocese. More later. Let's get ready!


  1. Bring it on Apurun. The old ladies would love to give you a Gennarini style welcome!

  2. Let him come. He'll be met with default judgments, at the very least.

  3. He is truly delusional . . .

  4. Everyone will start chanting "Shame!... Shame!... Shame!..." over and over again if he shows his face.

  5. is his canonical trial over? he just won't let go.

    i hope he gets to feel all the justice waiting for him if he does come back to the island.

  6. Let me take an airmail ticket Rome - Guam, to be, when he arrives, on my kneels to greet his Holyness!

  7. Oh Tony BOY: you've been SERVED!

  8. Perhaps this will be a friendly “meet-and-greet” to introduce himself to his eventual successor, and facilitate a smooth transition.

    Archbishop Apuron giving Archbishop Byrnes his version of the “lay-of-the-land,” so to speak, maybe even at the latter’s invitation or suggestion.

    I hope Abp. Apuron does not have more confrontational or vexatious motives, such as preemptively claiming squatter’s rights on the episcopal residence, so as to constructively evict his Coadjutor Archbishop of AgaƱa.

    Let us pray that cooperation, rather than obstruction, will prevail.

  9. Bring out the Territorial Band! Call the governor! Slaughter three cows and the five pigs! Rejoice, Guam, for he was lost and now is found. Let's have a Banquet in his honor. Alleluia,Tony Boy! You still don't get it! What a pompous, conceited, narcissistic ass you must be to think this is YOUR diocese. You've destroyed your name. You are nothing to us Catholics on Guam. You are a disgraced leader who abused his office and his flock. No one wants to listen to you except Dave Lujan and the Judge! You've sold your soul to the Neos. Let them take care of you as they seem to be good at hiding sex abusers. Apuron--Get Lost. . . Again!

  10. That was just a rumor Tim. Someone is pulling our leg.

  11. Yes Brother Tony, come back! See what happens to you...


  12. we should encourage the dictator to return. This way we can depose him to his face in a very public way.

  13. if he come here serve him in court documents and then send him off to his own house and lock him in there

  14. Apuron would come to 12/8 gathering to address the crowd, ask for forgiveness of all, and be given the opportunity again to prove himself worthy to lead the diocese. As to the criminal abuse of boys, the Yona land swindle, and the two priest' ouster he will be mum. I wonder how he's going to get past AB Byrnes.
