Jungle Watch Pages

Monday, December 26, 2016


Posted by Tim

The last couple of posts have produced a firestorm of inter-related comments. Here is my reply to most of the comments in summary:

For the first time ever, the Kiko's, all the way up to Kiko himself, are scared s____less that their scam may be up. 

While The Kikos' scam has been scrutinized elsewhere, and even labeled a heresy by at least one fearless bishop (those are rare), Apuron's role in the middle of this stench, and then the intrepid interpolation of Ballin of Doha, have rammed two bishops right into the crosshairs of that scrutiny, forcing Rome to rub its nose in Kiko's filthy mess.

This is why Filoni, while sidelined for a bit after David the RMS Doorknob unwittingly exposed him, has hurriedly regained control of Guam. 

Archbishop Byrnes may not even be aware of the depth of this evil scam. In fact, I am quite sure of it. At his first press conference Byrnes was asked a question about Filoni and he quite innocently referred to him as "who I report to.

Administratively, the Prefect for the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples, nor the Prefect for any Congregation, is not who a bishop reports to. Ultimately every bishop "reports" directly to the pope. He has no other superior. However, administratively, if a bishop "reports" to anybody, he reports to the Apostolic Nuncio or Delegate for his region. 

The fact that Byrnes' reflexively answered the question the way he did tells us (as it happened initially with Hon) that Filoni has again inserted himself personally into the manipulation of the Guam situation. 

But why?

This isn't about Guam or even Apuron. This is about sealing off damage to the Neocatechumenal Way, Filoni's first priority. Filoni is known as Kiko's pope and if The Kikos in Rome are not stopped, Filoni (already called the "Red Pope" because of the power he wields) will be the next pope and Kiko will have attained his ultimate victory. 

All was going swimmingly until a bunch of unruly Guamanians stood up and started hollering "FOUL!" The local Kikos (Apuron, the Stinking Monk, Adrian, David et al.), while carrying out their orders from New Jersey, overplayed their hand. 

The order to Fr. Paul to go find another bishop was a death sentence and left him nothing to lose by releasing all of Apuron's documents and going public in response to Apuron and Adrian's public attacks on him. 

Still, they thought they had this in the bag, and the following year they decided to take out Msgr. James, the most likely local successor to Apuron. And while there was a huge backlash to that move, The Kikos believed they could outlast that too since after the initial outrage the only real opposition was a blog called JungleWatch. 

And then we exposed The Kikos' theft of the Yona property. This was key because while the ill treatment of priests might be frowned upon by Rome, Apuron's participation in alienating a mega-million dollar piece of archdiocesan patrimony exposed him to charges of an ecclesial crime. This is why The Kikos scampered to get that hilarious opinion from the Pontifical Council of Legislative texts whose big shot Secretary referred to us as the "Diocese of Guam" and let on that he had gotten all his data from The Stinking Monk!

Still they thought they could shut us down. But then came our big break. You might think it was the horror series of sex abuse allegations that came out last May and June. It actually wasn't. Our first big break was Ballin of Doha's biting Chuck White's bait by answering Chuck's loaded email in which he chastised Chuck for inquiring about Luis and claimed that Luis was "my priest now."

As you know, the Middle East is very dangerous for Christians, and while Qatar (Doha is the capital city) is not Syria, Muslim-Christian relations are extremely sensitive. This exploded in the pope's face. Apuron, via The Kikos, had squirreled Luis away to Qatar where he was living under Ballin's protection while "ministering" to young girls of about the same age as the one he was with when he was arrested. 

(Incidentally, the CCOG recently inquired with the Chancery about the status of Luis. Incredibly, the CCOG was told that his case was "still under investigation." And this was from the NEW administration.) 

Fast forward to the point of this post. Filoni (and that always means Kiko and Filoni) knows that in order to keep the NCW from being exposed as the money laundering, power usurping, land grabbing, pervert hiding, international syndicate that it is, he needed to get rid of the three greatest threats to the NCW: Apuron, Adrian, and Pius

Why are they threats? Well, look at what these bumbling, fumbling, stumbling, conniving, small time fools (with the help of The Waldo's expert media skills) have done. They have exposed The Kikos' pimpled backside like nowhere else in the world and at no other time during The Kikos' half a century rise to power.

And now, ALL is in danger of being lost should these fools open their mouth again. Pius was summoned to somewhere. Not sure where, but he was seen in Narita boarding a plane to Rome the day after he was spotted in the Agana Shopping Center last week. Apuron, we know, is hiding out in San Francisco and has been ordered to lay low. And Adrian was ordered to get lost under the cover of a Byrnes-approved, archdiocesan financed, study sabbatical. 

This is NOT about simply removing "problem priests." This is about getting them out of the way where they can be controlled by Filoni Baloney and his cast of Kiko-freaks. 

But Filoni Baloney knows that the biggest threat of all is the long arm of Guam's new law. This is why after complete silence on the matter, Hon suddenly rushed off to Rome from whence he issued a Fatwa on the bill and tried to strong arm the governor into vetoing it. Of course that failed, but Filoni has GOT to keep Apuron out of court. Depositions will reveal some seriously damning stuff for The Kikos on a worldwide scale. 

This is why they have moved their front to making war on the new law. Even if they are not successful in getting it repealed or declared unconstitutional, they can create enough bad press about it to cast legal proceedings against Apuron as a kangaroo court of Apuron haters.  

From there they can do what they always do: deny and deflect. Apuron will disappear into retirement. Adrian will be absorbed into the neocat syndicate and will live to fight another day. Pius will rot away somewhere. And Filoni will be the next pope. UNLESS...UNLESS...WE DON'T GO AWAY!

BTW, this is also the reason why there is no canonical trial for Apuron. It's all a ruse. A tribunal might have been formed, but Apuron will not "stand trial." Filoni won't permit it. 

(Later I might get back to this post and link everything I've referenced.)

Oh, just noticed. We should be passing the SEVEN MILLION mark in the next day or so. As of 5:06pm, 12/26/16 it is:6,993,673


  1. Thanks for the informative post, Tim. There are a few restless feet anxious to get back to the picket line and shine a light on these problems. If you have suggestions for some new signs we would be happy to oblige.

    1. Good one! We will work on that and aim our cross-hairs at Filoni. Time to go above Apuron now and the Gennarinis. Apuron is still in our cross-hairs to be removed as Archbishop of Agana, but now it is time to expose Filoni and Kiko for what they are: Greedy SOBs who careless about the souls for God.

    2. Felony Filoni more appropriate for his money laundering involvement.

  2. Guess my Filoni sign is back in business. LOL.

  3. A lot of the Clergies' silence and complacency have been established. Bought by promises of peace, love and reinstatement. It's really sad that these men-of-God cannot fight the good fight. They cower behind the laity to fight for them only to fold at the end, trying to convince us that change is happening. That justice is at hand. But no, we see nothing!

    RMS is still open.
    Neos still run amok.
    Apuron is still archbishop.
    Wrongs have still not been made right.

    These clergy men forget the people permanently damaged by this whole evil ordeal. They want to shut us up. They want us to conform. They told us to be patient. But for what?

    These clergy men know who they are---A bunch of users and cowards. Man up! Before we start naming you...

    1. None of them believe in God. They are in it for the money and power.

    2. Except for a handful of faithful men of the cloth, the message of the clergy to their flock do not reflect their belief that it is only through the Catholic Church that there is salvation. That IS their job . . to lead the flock to salvation! ! Instead, As anon 12:32 said, "They are in it for the money and power." I totally understand why so many people have left the Church and, frankly right now, I feel like joining them knowing that the Pope(s) succumb to the bribes and manipulations of these scumbags. I pray for a coup d'etat in Rome! Let's get rid of all those self-serving jerks!!


  4. Card. Filoni in 2017 new vatican secretary of state. Parolin who has health problems asked to be relieved. New prefect of propaganda fide Msr. Baldisseri or Msr.Becciu or card. Tagle.

    1. If 70-year-old Cardinal Fernando Filoni is indeed to be appointed Vatican Secretary of State next year, the NCW Cult influence may have reached unprecedented levels.

  5. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)December 27, 2016 at 8:12 AM

    Tim, thank you for this piece. It is an excellent outline on the power and greed of Kiko Arguello and the clergy, especially the high ranking cardinals and bishops, who work with him and the NCW for monetary gain and power, especially Cardinal Filoni Baloney. I am most bothered by “…there is no canonical trial for Apuron. It's all a ruse. A tribunal might have been formed, but Apuron will not "stand trial." Filoni won't permit it.” If true, it spells another betrayal by the Catholic Church to the Faithful, especially the local Faithful. Are we then led to believe there is no truth about the canonical trials in the statements of Fr. Jeff San Nicolas that Abp. Apuron’s canonical trial is underway (PDN, 9/30/2016); Abp. Hon’s statement issued from Rome on 9/17/2016 (PDN 10/09/2016; Pacific Island Times, 11/1/2016; National Catholic Reporter 11/3/2016) and Abp. Byrnes press conference 11/26/2016 that the first phase of the trial has been completed (see also PDN 11/28/2016; CathNews New Zealand 12/2/2016)? Did they know or, were they, like us, led to believe their statements about the progress of the canonical trial when they made public comments about it? Out of my personal curiosity, I will contact the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the current Prefect is Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller) to confirm or deny that the Abp Apuron trial is in progress. My inquiry may likely be blown off because I’m just an ordinary person seeking this small bit of information. But I invite any of the credentialed journalists and others with standing to please inquire. Almost an entire island (and more) want to know if the Apuron trial is bogus or if the Catholic Church (Rome and Guam) is being truthful about Abp. Apuron presently facing a canonical trial that commenced in either October or November 2016 and, while the process is on hold for the holiday, it is still supposedly in progress. If there is a trial, does Filoni Baloney’s solution to “the fix” for a result favorable to Apuron lie on the Filoni controlled tribunal who presides at this trial and are to ultimately issue a bogus ruling?

    1. The word trial is used to loosely. A tribunal may have been formed and the evidence reviewed (which would be the first two stages), but Apuron will not "stand" trial. Filoni know what could come out and the outcome would be public. He'll take an option. Apuron has only said that he has demanded a trial to prove his innocence as a way of manipulating us. He will resign.

    2. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)December 27, 2016 at 8:51 AM

      Thank you, Tim. I hate to think of the twisted but real influence of Filoni Baloney. I still have hope in the slander lawsuit and the clergy sexual abuse cases to force Abp Apuron to "sing" (perhaps his testimonies can be recorded for posterity in a CD like his prior CD’s, but this one I have no doubt will top the Top 40 Chart). My hope for the truth lies, unfortunately not on our Church that teaches us to practice the truth, but on these civil cases filed in the court of law on Guam. Thank you again to the first Plaintiffs --- Roy, Walter, Roland, John/Sonny --- who make it possible to force the Church to cough up the truth in the venue called the U.S. justice system. Plaintiffs, please don’t settle. If presented with the an offer, please settle only AFTER discovery has been completed --- when all the names have been named and the named have been deposed or have issued a statement or an affidavit about the truth. That’s how the Church can get on its way to getting cleaned.

    3. Rome can take its "trial" and shove it, Filoni Baloney and Apuron up its okole. Soon we will see people advocating for a break away from Rome and its ungodliness.

  6. I wish that a monthly picket at the Vatican and all dioceses worldwide could be organised. This would send a clear message out to all unsuspecting Catholics about the treachery of the NCW that has infected our church.


  8. In Rome ncw controls 100 parishes, they have 20,000 followers, if you can find around the world 1,000 people willing to go to Rome, do you solve?

    1. I am most surprised by the number of NCW followers (victims) in Rome. I believe that there are around 2.5 million Catholics in about 350 parishes in Rome. If the NCW after 40 years, have about 20,000 followers (victims) in 100 parishes in Rome. This means that NCW has managed to attract only around 0.8% of the Catholic population, this by any standard is very poor performance.

      The biggest obstacle to the NCW recruiting more people is the NCW, as once the NCW is established in any diocese and/or parish, the devastation that the Neocatechumenal way brings to individuals, families and the Church it becomes evident to parishioners who haven’t joined. This destructive cult shows it's fruits very soon, we should pray for all those victims that have been fooled by this heresy.

    2. This is why their aim from the beginning was to buy bishops. They knew they could never sustain themselves on the people alone. Same as communism. It masquerades as a champion of the people but can only maintain power and expand from controlling the big people.

    3. RMS = Render Metropolitans Supine!

      They don't "need" more than 0.8 %, especially the way their bungling has produced publicly reported damage.

      They "need" "volunteers at projects", "church secretaries", "parish collections for pilgrimages", "red popes" . . . things like that.

  9. What about the Certificate Fiasco? Will it have no consequences?

    1. Yes, we are working on that. We have some surprises in the works...even if David runs.
