Jungle Watch Pages

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Hello Everyone,

Last Sunday we had close to 60 picketers. Although drenched and soaking wet, when the rain poured....for twenty minutes....no one stopped to take cover. Now that is true allegiance to the cause and faith!

See you all Sunday, February 26, 2017 in front of the Cathedral ....9:00 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. for our 32nd week of picketing.

Si Yu'us Ma'ase

Lou Klitzkie, LFM


  1. Picketers might want to start trying to persuade family members to also attend. From there, the extended family members that Guam is so well known for, and so on. Trying to persuade strangers or in writing may not work so well. The notices in Jungle Watch are good reminders though for those already picketing, or for those who used to. Please continue to post the weekly reminders. I welcome it.

  2. I hope you're coming tomorrow.

  3. Hehehehe! Rain with no wind last Sunday was exhilarating and kept temperature cool! Made me feel like a kid again sloshing in puddles! Had to watch out though that I did not catch a cold, so I had an umbrella! A little exercise in the morning with a steady walk for 45 minutes' prayer and singing to uplift the spirit, and then to mass to receive the Body of Christ and God's grace; inspiration from the readings; and then to brunch with the family, sounds like a great Sunday morning for anyone who loves our Church. So, as Bob Barker and Drew Carey would say on the "Price is Right" show: "Come on down!"

  4. By the will of God, I'll be there.

    In another topic on ---
    Posted By Webster

    #'s of comment total 66. That ain't a good number?

  5. I don't live on Guam, but I'm also praying that criminal Apuron is defrocked soon. Keep up your courageous picketing and demand a ban on the diabolic NCW from Byrnes. So far, all he seems to have done is grin into TV news cameras.
