Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, March 10, 2017


From the other blog:

This is the dude who accused a grieving mother of a "malicious and calumnious accusation against the Archbishop..." and of "false testimony." 


  1. Can someone tell me what is persecuation ???

    1. I heard it's similar to constipation - being full of B.S.

      As much as they suffer from this debilitating affliction, he and his brothers are called to carry their load "with Joy."

      Second question . . . who is "Joy?"

    2. Persecuation, noun - term used by neos to denote their destiny, i.e., "first, the equation," that equation meaning "get out of our lives and stop destroying our Catholic faith."

  2. I've been feeling PERSECUATED for a good while now. How about you?

  3. Uhmmm. He's getting really hard to look at; much less listen to. Really left. Pius, left, Edivaldo left. We need to be assured.

  4. Right...Persecuto is a delectable piece of cured ham great over biscotti, also delicious over salad with olive oil...what?...oops my bad.

  5. ...yes with JOY...tell that to the victims!

    CATHOLIC "Calling All To Holy Obedient Life In Christ"

  6. The community that is persecuated together stays persecuated together with Joy. … with Deign, with Pus, with Edi-Fido, with …

  7. Oh, my! "Persecutions" again (and persecuations as well).

    It's like Francisco "Kiko" José Gómez Argüello Wirtz, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, who said to NeoGuam NeoBoys (on August 1st, 2016, at NeoGMG):

    "courage, let's pray for your Bishop [Apuron], pray for yourself and [pray because of this] entire persecution" («Coraggio, preghiamo per vostro vescovo, preghiamo per voi e per tutta la persecuzione»).

  8. The persecutions Edi is talking about is all the documented truths that JW has uncovered and exposed about the dasterdly deeds of Apuron and his NCW cult.

  9. After reading the latest accusations I just can't help but think back to a story not to long ago.

    A penis is to a microphone as a microphone is to an aspergillum.

  10. Use "persecuate" in a sentence:
    1. It's a nice day out on the beach, anyone care to persecuate with me?
    2. It is such a hot day that I am persecuating.
    3. The economy has deteriorated here that we see a lot of people persecuating to other places.
    4. Come, persecuate with me and have a joyful experience.
    5. I am not just a number so I will appreciate if you can stop persecuating me.
    6. I am obsessed with purses, so I have to persecuate over to the mall to buy some more.

    1. Percy, quate doing that, unless you want to be perscated.

  11. To finally get rid of this clown who fixates on squeezing juices out of teenage girls, compares teenagers to masturbating primates, and who is outright disobedient to his superiors. He really has no business pastoring anyone, not even convicted felons at DOC.

    1. Even @ DOC, he often refused to celebrate Mass, replacing them by prayer meetings, where he rambled aimlessly.
      So bad, that other priests had to take turns to go and fill in, celebrating Mass in stead of the assigned chaplain.
      When inmates complain about the smell of alcohol....you know there is an issue.

    2. Ok. Substance treatment for Edivaldo. A whole year. Hope it helps.

    3. Add some vodka to freshly squeezed orange juice and watch out what you get!

  12. Many of the convicts at DOC have higher morals than Edivaldo.

  13. Why doesn't Byrnes revoke this degenerate's faculties and permanently remove him from public ministry?! He's dangerous! Florida has a massive homosexual population, so he'll be in his element there.

    1. Edivaldo, granted one year leave of absence until oct. 1, 2017, effect mar 7, 2017, by i'm one of yours byrnes.

      see mar 12, 2017 umatuna si yu'os

    2. One year leave of absence? March 7 2017 through September 30, 2017 is less than 7 months. Why was he given leave?

    3. Ejivaldo's leave of absence = Paid vacation courtesy of Archdiocese of Guam Catholics. Sleazy Brazilian boy taking us for ignorant fools. Well, sexual predator Apuron is one fool who facilitated this predator colleague's access to the island of Guam. Leave of absence, my foot, he never did anything worthwhile to earn it. Many of the hardworking local clergy deserve a break more than this pervert.

  14. Please note my latest post with text from Fr. Jeff clarifying that Edivaldo is not receiving any support from us during his "leave."

  15. Two despicable neos rewarded. Wow, this is the wrong message.

  16. Anon on Lady Di's blog said that Fr Edi Waldo had to pass through 4 security checks to enter DOC. Therefore intoxication not true. Huh. AND yet another Anon on notorious blog says the Fr Mike J no longer going to be at the cathedral. Where he going. Who will be the Vice Rector?
