Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, March 31, 2017


Cordial greetings to all of you,

Here it is our 41st picket this Sunday,. No matter how long  it takes, we will never never give up until Apuron is removed and defrocked . Show up Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. In front of Cathedral Basilica. Please bring your family and friends. See you on Sunday.

Be positive and keep the faith,

Lou Klitzkie, LFM


  1. Tim
    On Diana's blog, EWTN will be presenting a show on the NCW. If this show encourages people to join the NCW, there will be more NCW members celebrating the illicit Mass worldwide. I am unable to get a reply re this, can you help inform EWTN before the first show gets broadcast - april 1.


    1. Nothing surprising. Which is why I pay no attention to EWTN anymore. They're unquestioning suckers for stuff like the NCW kool aid. Let's just say if Mother Angelica was still around there'd be no such idiocy.

    2. If it wasn't for Mother Angelica's constant invitation, Kiko Arguello wouldn't have agreed to have been interviewed on EWTN back in 2001 or somewhere around there. ;)

    3. If we have learned anything about Kiko Arguello over the last few years it is his excellent chameleon abilities. In fact, I believe only Satan is better at appearing as an "angel of light." And most of this has only come "to light" (at least for English speakers) via this blog and Chuck White's research over the last few years. There was an interview by EWTN several years ago, but Mother Angelica left the air in 2001 after having a major stroke.

    4. In fact, here's an appropriately title entry from another blog:

      CULT FICTION - Protestant cuckoo in the Catholic nest, or what you see is most definitely not what you get.


    5. I can't see anything on the April 1 EWTN program scheduling that looks like a feature on the NCW. Anyone know what the title is supposed to be? A little late to protest I would imagine, wish we had know this in advance.

  2. Agreed, Tim. EWTN has become a non-Catholic disgrace. Nothing but greedy, juvenile Charismatics and Evangelical converts who sound like Tea Party Protestants. Unfortunately, EWTN owns the mainstream US Catholic media. The Neocats are right up their alley.

  3. Tim,
    I'm saddened with your response. EWTN needs to be informed; otherwise, we will be partly responsible for the perpetuation of the NCW Mass as it is when the NCW attracts more members. Please reconsider and please help.

  4. It's been said that EWTN will change without Mother Angelica. Sad?

    1. No "will change" about it. EWTN went to the dogs as soon as Mother Angelica retired in 2001.

  5. Could we ask EWTN to advertise the times and venues of the NCW eucharists especially those on island so that anyone who wanted to attend could gate crash and see if the gathering is truly catholic and welcomes everybody?

    1. Be assured that anything the neocats would "advertise" would be for only what they would permit you to see.

    2. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaApril 2, 2017 at 3:30 PM

      The program which will feature the NCW is a talk show called "The Church Universal." According to the EWTN description, "The Church Universal, spreading the good news about Catholic Lay Movements and their central role in the new evangelization. Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, M.F.V.A introduces viewers to the varied apostolates and outreach ministries within the Church." The only way we will see the NCW pseudo-liturgy is if there is a clip featured during the program.

    3. apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...

      EWTN to feature Neocatechumenal Way
      Apr. 6, 2015198


      This month, Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) will feature members of the Neocatechumenal Way in one of its regular programs.

      Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe M.F.V.A hosts “The Church Universal,” a EWTN program about Catholic Lay Movements and their role in the new evangelization. He will feature members of the Neocatechumenal Way. They will share their experience and the impact that this particular reality in the Church has had and continues to have in their lives.

      The first airing on Guam’s cable channels will be 3 p.m. Monday, April 6. Last March 6 Pope Francis had an audience with members of the Neocatechumenal Way in which its initiators, Kiko Arguello, Carmen Hernandez and Fr. Mario Pezzi presented priests, families, and whole communities who are willing to bring Jesus Christ
      to the furthest corners of the world. Pope Francis confirmed their charism and encouraged the members that “today, in every latitude, humanity greatly needs to hear that God loves us and that love is possible! These Christian communities, thanks to you missionary
      families, have the essential task of making this message visible.”

      The Neocatechumenal Way has been present on Guam since 1997 and is in ten parishes with well more than 20 communities. God has continued to be faithful and generous, may we in turn receive His graces through this beautiful inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

      The local broadcast times for the first of two episodes on EWTN featuring the Neocatechumenal Way are as follows:

      4/6/2015 3 PM
      4/10/2015 5 AM
      4/12/2015 3 AM
      4/13/2015 3 PM
      4/17/2015 5 AM

      To be aired on Docomo Pacific Cable TV and GTA Teleguam.

      For more on the series visit
      EWTN at http://www.ewtn.com/churchuniversal/

      For info. on which TV station
      visit http://www.ewtn.com/channelfinder/

      To watch via streaming online, link to this page below or download
      the mobile app. http://www.ewtn.com/live/ewtnplayer/jwplayer.


      apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT... NO MONEY... apuron OUT...

    4. The Chiller channel is #116 on GTA.

  6. to anon. 649

    the first show of the NCW is to appear on "church universal" and it's to appear Sunday april 2 not april 1

    Below is the link for details:


    let's us help ewtn spread the truth. this show is an avenue to spread the truth to millions. they need our help.

    if the Catholics new, BEFOREHAND, that they would be led to celebrate a Mass that has no permission from Rome for the alterations to it, the NCW would not be able to boast of its numbers.
    let us pray not only for the NCW and EWTN that they desire to seek the truth, and spread the truth, but also for ourselves who have lost hope in thinking that they will never accept the correction given (not by US, but by the POPES).

  7. Anon 10:58 p.m., is EWTN allowing the Neocats to celebrate their blasphemous pagan rites in Mother Angelica's magnificent Catholic chapel?!

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaApril 2, 2017 at 3:37 PM

      No, Anonymous at 4:37 AM, there will be NO NCW service performed by a presbyter in +Mother Angelica's+ chapel featured on EWTN. "The Church Universal" is a talk show.

    2. Thank heaven for that, Mary Lou.

  8. to anon. april 2 437 am

    I couldn't imagine them doing that! But, perhaps asking EWTN to allow a NCW Mass with all their unapproved additions and deletions in Mother Angelica's church, might make them rethink EWTN programming. Can you imagine the EWTN priests refusing Communion on the tongue? or sitting to consume the Eucharist? Mother Angelica would have blown the place up before she would allow such behavior at Mass.
    This is a woman who obeyed the Holy Father when in the early days was asked by Rome to refrain from celebrating the daily Mass (on TV) facing east. I believe the reason was the Pope didn't want the viewers to think that celebrating towards the people was not permitted by Rome. Irregardless, Mother Angelica obeyed.

    Does anyone have an email address for Doug Keck (head guy) of EWTN?

    1. Anon 1:13 p.m., EWTN's President and CEO is Michael Warsaw, not Doug Keck. Keck is some kind of EVP. Check the Network's website for their mailing address: www.ewtn.com.

      Treacherous Keck put Mother Angelica out of business by bullying her into retirement. Coming from the cable TV company that hosted the pornographic Playboy Channel, he's credited with modernizing/destroying EWTN by entirely changing its look. Doug Keck is responsible for the Network's sleazy appearance and poor content.

  9. I seriously doubt there will be a neocat Eucharist. They avoid the television on those things. Probably just an hour of kiko rambling.

  10. Every Sunday for 14 years, even in very bad weather, devoted elderly protesters picketed Boston's Cathedral over child abuse issues. They finally quit last January because it became obvious to them that the corrupt Church would never change. Boston's Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Rome's sham child protection boss, gave them no support.

    Meanwhile, Boston's fugitive archcriminal, Bernard Law, still wallows in Red Hat privileges. JP2 made him Archpriest of famous Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica in Rome and gave him a household staff of 3 nuns. On his retirement at age 80, Francis gave him a luxurious apartment in Rome's largest and most famous palazzo. Obscene rewards for covering up 225 pedophile priests who raped at least 1,000 Boston children during Law's 18 imperial years in office. His palatial US residence was sold to Jesuit Boston College for over $100 million to help pay off the abuse settlements.

    Because of Law, Mass attendance in heavily Irish Boston is down to 12%, and falling. Relative to its pre-scandal condition, the Church in other northeastern states is only a shadow of its former self. Boston's scandal came close to sinking the entire US Church. Collection baskets never recovered from it.
