Jungle Watch Pages

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Posted by Tim

Dear Friends. A few days ago we requested prayers for a young girl who was suffering from "a severe bulimic disorder and depression. Yesterday. I received an update from her mother as follows. Please continue to keep her in your intentions.
Dear Tim...she is recovering very good, she eats and little by little is saving her life. She is extremely tiny, but much better than when she arrived there on emergency. Please, pray for her, she is a very nice person and anorexia is hell.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Tim. I was actually planning on writing to you to ask how she is doing. Thanks. Prayers from me continue, and hope the Divine Healer does what is best for her. Also, I pray that Cheri Wegner's fund raising event goes well tonight, so she could get the medical attention she needs. Oremus pro invicem. (Let us pray for each other). - Joe.
