Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Posted by Chuck White

A credible source has revealed that Neocatechumenal presbyter Fr. Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira departed Guam this morning for Denver Colorado, a Neocatechumenal Mecca.  One source said that he was "transferred."  Another said, "It's for good."


  1. He did not show up in his prison ministry? Still stubborn and hard headed.

    1. Waldo both didn't show up at the DOC and he reeked of alcohol when he did. Imagine how demoralizing that must have been for the prisoners. Incarcerated, abandoned and disrespected by their own Chaplain.

      Obviously, the abominable Neocats wrote off the Corporal Works of Mercy which include "Visit the imprisoned".

  2. Who transferred him? I believe the NEOS should be responsible for the stipend of their priests who are no longer serving the island to include their medical insurance too. What sayeth you AFC members?

  3. Fr.Waldo incardinated into Archdiocese of Agana. He may have left Guam but the Archbishop of Guam Anthony Sablan Apuron OFM cap remains his bishop. Arcbishop Byrnes has no authority over him.

    1. Such arrogance Ann. 11:18

    2. To 1:07am.
      please can you explain why 11:18pm has " such areogance"
      is that statement a lie or truth? To best of my knowledge it is a true statement so how can it be areogance?

    3. Not accurate statement, 11:18 PM. Archbishop Byrnes has administrative responsibility for the Agana Archdiocese, Apuron is suspended and has no power to make decisions. These actions must be explained by the Chancery Office that sanctioned Waldo Orange Juice's departure.

  4. I say good riddance. Hope this time its for good. That would be a big blessing..

  5. Heard that he is OFF the payroll here. Let's see Adrian to Canada (but still on the payroll); Edivaldo to Colorado (off the payroll); Pius off the payroll, I believe, and is somewhere in the world, but surely not on Guam; I heard that David Atienza, the anthropologist at the UoG, is the new chief catechist. So, now we are down to Lurch the acting Rector; Presbyter Alberto Rodriguez in Agat; 4 other presbyters: who are "pastors" in Umatac-Merizo; Santa Rita; Asan; and Presbyter Vincenzo Acampora in Barrigada; and the NCW seminarians (free-loaders) at the No-Longer-An-RMS building in Yona, which is owned by the Archdiocese of Agana. The presbyters must be removed from the parishes above and replaced with true and trained pastors. And of course the "live Saint of the NCW", Apuron. I have heard he is considered a Saint by some of the NCW followers. . . truly sad.

  6. It appears Edivaldo is on his way Miami Florida and Denver!

    1. Lots of oranges to pick at Florida orchards.

  7. Wondering if mgr. Byrnes knows.

    Neos normally notify the Bishops after the fact, if ever they do.

    About The Waldo's new "mission": who the heck in the world could ever need his -erm- skills?

  8. The latest from the KAKA filled Dungbat itself....

    DianaMarch 9, 2017 at 6:45 AM
    Dear Anonymous at 3:36 pm,

    Father Pius is the head catechist of the team. David Atienza, his wife, and one other person who is a cantor and a seminarian (if I am not mistaken) are a part of the team. I apologize for forgetting the cantor's name. He is Polish and I cannot pronounce or spell his name. Father Pius was not removed as the catechist for Guam and sent away.

  9. Wow, Waldo. Cool beard just like Brother Ton.

  10. So, Does AB Byrnes just have to kiss Generrini ring and accept Atirnza and spouse appointment?

  11. Diana, babe, insisting Pius is the head Catechist.

    1. Pius's itinerary is probably to San Francisco to see Brother Tony. From there, maybe to New Jersey to escorted his sisters to Malta where they will begin a new Neo Carmelite Order.

    2. Is Brother Tony still in Fairfield CA or did he bolt again after PI's found him hiding there? It

  12. I see the thugs are trying to disguise themselves with the trademark Kiko beard. I hear the Diana is growing one too. LOL,

  13. Evildado in Colorado to promote his new book "The Joy of Juicing" with the help of Licking Louie. Licking Louie to give an oral presentation/demonstration on how to get the juices flowing.

  14. Edivaldo is in Denver as there is NCW pilgrimage going on.

    1. Back in the 1980's and 1990's Denver was a hotbed of big money Marian visionary rackets and brain-dead Charismatic cults. It's probably fertile ground for the NCW.

      The old Denver diocesan seminary was so heavily contaminated by flaming homos in those days that it was totally shut down by then-Archbishop (later Cardinal) Stafford. He later re-opened it with strict controls and, if I recall, he also changed the seminary's name.

  15. The piltimag to see Santo Kiko in Denver. Probable rebevous with Putrid over here.

  16. Monkey face is in Denver for two days then he continues to Miami Florida.

    1. Who paid for this trip? Any trips affiliated with the Neocatechumenal way should come out of the black trash bag.

    2. Good question.

      Guam to Denver to peak-season Miami is one helluva heap of airfare. The archdiocese shouldn't be on the hook for any of it because Waldo's LOA is elective. If Byrnes paid for his trip, demand an immediate refund to church coffers.

    3. at least $1,000 to fly Guam Miami. Who paid? Catholic Charaties.

    4. If Archdiocese of Agana paid for the Monkey's trip ticket, I say, Money Well Worth It....Just get rid of the bum.

    5. If Catholic Charities was robbed to pay for Waldo's hefty airfare, that would be obscene. In the US, CC is barely surviving due to massive chancery funding losses caused by the pedophile priest disaster.

      Local Catholic social service programs where I live are being funded by elective parish collections from struggling people, plus donations from the Knights of Malta and other wealthy individuals.

    6. It wasn't. Waldo's funding comes from the black trash bags and selling fresh squeezed orange juice.

  17. Eldivado needs to submit to a drug test. The pressure of persecution has weighed on him highly, I mean, heavily.

  18. There you have it folks, comment straight from a KAKA filled Zombies mouth from the KAKA filled Dungbats latest blog. They definitely are another religion. They need to build their own church and stop abusing our resources.

    AnonymousMarch 10, 2017 at 7:26 PM
    Dear anon, why don't you just stop being so obsessed with Fr. Edivaldo?! What on earth do you have to do with him? He is our priest not yours!

    1. "Your" priest, ha ha ha! Thanks for admitting you neos have different personnel. Then why did you allow your leadership to siphon off funds for his so-called formation at the "seminary" and other untold perks from the Archdiocese? You are just a dumb follower oblivious to the errors and abuses of your neo handlers. Go establish your own orgiastic bacchanalian celebrations of joy in your own neo-built churches. Then perhaps we can give you a measure of tolerable respect, and not see you as mindless leeches. By the way, we are not obsessed with your priest Udu. We are nauseous and sickened by his presence so his absence and that of his mentor Apuron is a welcome breath of air. Good riddance!

    2. That "your" priest thing is the same cult lingo we heard from militant Charismatic heathens we essentially shut down in this diocese years ago.

      The only ones left are a few insular, foreign-born oldsters in very small Hispanic and Filipino churches and the chancery controls them. No more wild Masses.

  19. What are these people laughing so hard at this disgusting talk from Fr. Edivaldo! What a topic . Fr., may you wear your collar the right way?

  20. But Edivaldo was introduced as a priest from the island of Guam

    1. Sadly, as long as this Kong remains in cleric state, he will spread his brigand ways, to our embarrassment. He was never meant to be ordained but a lascivious bishop wanted him close at all times and to justify his presence around him by ordaining Kong a priest. All thanks to pedophile Apuron. They should both go to Skull island. Where's the Chalan Pago vehicle, Udu? Sales enough to live on for a year-ish vacation courtesy of the Archdiocese of Agana?

    2. "Kong" is the perfect name for Waldo. In his degenerate, alcoholic state, he looks and acts like an ape. Thankfully, he didn't kill or maim anyone while drunk-driving on Guam.

  21. Why are you all saying disgusting things about this priest? He's an awesome priest and he helped my community get through the step of Shema. You should all be ashamed.

    1. Maybe it's because of the disgusting things he says. You should be ashamed.

    2. He’s a great man. You should be ashamed to attempt to defame a man in this way. You must be flawless, Tim.

    3. He’s a great man. You should be ashamed to attempt to defame a man in this way. You must be flawless, Tim.

    4. I don't know what you rise up to? In order to defame someone, you have to say something about them that is not true. Tim is absolutely correct in what he said. Waldo is a hoodlum and a drunkard with poor personal hygiene who has a very foul mouth. There is nothing defaming about it. Just a very sad fact. You can ignore the reality (it is quite fashionable nowadays) it does NOT change these facts.

  22. Re: Fr. Edivaldo. I rarely look at this blog anymore and am happy that Frenchie has taken on the task. After many years and tens of thousands of posts and comments, I really have no interest or care. However, just for fun. I will reply to your comment at Oct. 24 2921 at 12pm, i.e. "he's a great man."

    I've known Edivaldo since about 2000, and well before he became a priest. I've had many conversations with him and basically appreciated he energy for the faith since it matched mine in a way.

    I believe he would have and could have been a really excellent priest, and believe he may even be that now (since I haven't had any dealings with him since about 2016).

    Edivaldo's downfall was his attempt at "glory" after Apuron was exposed. Edivaldo tried to do a TV special exonerating Apuron and it failed miserably, i.e. the famous "fist pump."

    But all that is over and gone (or so it seems). I do hope Edivaldo moves on and grows up. Like many other priests (and seminarians) Edivaldo was infected with the Apuron virus (actually it goes on before Apuron) while he was here in Guam.

    I still think Edivaldo hates me. And for good reason. I don't hate him. I've actually always liked him and always thought we could drink beer together and laugh.

    Maybe someday. All the best to you. Tim Rohr
