Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Fr. Jeff wants it both ways...or is he simply part of the Plan of Deceit? 

He tells us that the priests who are not living in the archdiocese are "on mission." 

He then tells us that they are no longer receiving financial support from us.

If these missing priests are really "on mission" then they are on official archdiocesan assignment and it is canonically ILLEGAL to withhold normal financial support. 

So either these missing priests are NOT really "on mission" or Fr. Jeff is supporting a policy which violates Canon Law. 

Of course the truth is they are NOT on mission. They are AWOL. Where is Wadeson, Apuron, Luis Camacho, Fabio...? 

Why did we spend tens of thousands of dollars on Jason Granado and then give him to Saipan? Or is there another reason he is in Saipan. 

On mission? Quit lying to us, Jeff. 


  1. Guam is over run.

  2. The Saga of Profit Kikos' master scheme; get flunkies incardinated into a KAKA filled compromised bishops diocese and ship him off to other Catholic Churches to care for the KAKA filled Zombies mission of creating more KAKA filled Zombies. Result; both diocese suffer. The one that incardinated the bastard pays thier salary and the mission diocese are not only raped from thier resources but also suffer from members being sucked into this Cult.... wow Father Jeff, I knew you before you became a priest. I never thought that you would be quick to give up on the true Catholic Church.

  3. well, readers will now see Jeff spent his priesthood running with the hare and the hound. He was fully aware of sexual abuse in Guam chose to always support Archbishop. Diana believes good priests are obedient even when they protect immoral bishops. Jeff did exactly that and more unknown. I always believed he has always worked to defend neo and their causes. He is nothing more than a two faced lump two hundred pound lump of lard. Sorry but i have no time for people like him who are two faced. He is a liar and i hope readers wake up and see it. Big fat ugly liar working against us.!

    1. I love the Archbishop. So sayeth 300 lb Fr Jeff. Someone else not up to the job. Some guys tried to help you but you are way too big for your britches.

    2. believe me other priests and local businessmen attempted to really help Fr.Jeff. He refused to even listen. I knew he would never listen because he has been quietly defending Apuron NCW to neglect of his own blood.
      Everone can have an opinion but what you cant do is slag off Tim Rohr who got us this far in our work. Without this blog we never achieve our goals. Jeff was saying yes yes to Tim but behind his back attacking us. That is disloyalty. you know what we do with disloyal ones. They go to the black room below stairs!

    3. Hey, some of us fatties are very devout Catholics.

  4. Awwww, c'mon ,Tim. You're gonna make him cry.


  5. Civil war to come. Fr. Jeff will ignite the flames that will ravage the cladding of Archdiocese of Agana.The Fire of Agana....... will burn.

  6. This is indeed a very disturbing development. It has been rumored that many a local priest are getting quite irritated by wishy-washy Fr Jeff.
    That is a sad state of affairs.

    1. Well, Frenchie, Hon said these same priests unanimously wanted Jeff. Why did they put him up to it. Seemed strange then; and more so now.

    2. Well Anon at 1.25, I am not responsible for Archbishop Hon's statements. It could be true.
      At the same time it could be easily explained. Since Jeff has always been a fence sitter, waiting to see where the wind blows from. He was the perfect candidate for all parties.
      That was almost a year ago.
      What was true then, probably evolved. Nothing strange into this.
      His advises to the new arrived Archbishop, have apparently not been fully honest, to put it mildly, hence the level of irritation.

  7. Wake up, Saipan! Like us, you have been overrun by NEO's and many of you are either part of the coverup or you have your heads in the sand. Many of your leaders got bought out by the Chinese gambling mafia; too many fathers and grandfathers are breaking up their families by divorcing and marrying first, their Filipino maids and now, their Chinese and Russian human-trafficked sex slaves; Western and Asian businessmen are running your tourist-related big and small businesses; and like Guam, crystal meth is ruining young lives, while Christian churches are thriving and stealing away too many weakened Catholics. (Actually, those Christian churches are doing much better at educating and building the Christian values of your youth than many of the schools here on Guam). Don't make the same mistakes we made here by waking up too late to see and face the truth. Do your own investigation about your own "beloved" archbishop, his ties to Putrid Pius and how and why Father Jason ended up on your shores. Oh, what- too much, too soon? Let's start a discussion. Maybe it'll light a fire and start some action. BIBA KATOLIKU! BIBA CHAMORU! BIBA MARIANAS!

    1. Fr Jason, when ya coming back?

    2. Biba Chamoru BIBA MARIanas.
      Cladding of buildings causes Fire. You got it!

    3. Look sweet heart Jason aint returning. Unless all hell breaks lose.......

  8. Take a break Fr.Jeff.
    Go to the states for three months.
    clergy have no confidence in your spineless leadership.

  9. Janet B - MangilaoJune 21, 2017 at 5:41 PM

    Fr Jeff full of bad advice in the hopes of peace rather than reality and truth.

    The truth is the NCW has done a lot of really bad stuff, and unless the leaders can address the truth there will never be peace.

    Pale Jeff not able to see this. And unless Abp Byrnes is able to face the truth, and surround himself with people willing to speak the truth, he will never know peace on Guam.

    Sorry Pale Jeff, but your resignation should be the next letter to hit the bishops desk.

  10. It appears that Jeff as the delegate of the apostolic administrator refuses to make the very hard and painful decision to recommend discipline of the NCW for their outright rebellion. Jeff wants to be a peace maker, at the cost of disregarding the truth, and forgetting the divisive actions of the NCW upon the Archdiocese. Fr. Jeff, in all our endeavors, shouldn't truth be the prevailing criteria for all our decisions? is there any truth to the accusation that you support the NCW? Didn't you allow the NCW to take up shop in Yigo while you were pastor of that parish? Just remember that your actions speak louder than your words, and we are reading by your actions that you are sensitive to the NCW cause.

    1. Lord, have mercy. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Wake up, Jeff. Need you be reminded about serving two masters? (And this one is no brainer. Sorry Lord to use this comparison.) Your Maker or Guilty Apuron and company, the likes of kiko/pius/generrini. Spn2

  11. Peace and Unity can only happen when TRUTH reigns.

  12. To embark on a Mission for Peace is a noble cause. To be an effective peacemaker one must be willing to see the truth and the greater good of the Archdiocese and benefit of all. Perception is real Truth is not.

  13. Greed is what clouded Jeff's decision making, to support the NCW!

  14. Fr. Jeff is losing his credibility as he tries to placate both sides.
    So far, he's batting a zero! Give it up, Jeff, to someone more capable of speaking the truth.
    Ann A.

    1. What credibility? He was wrong to accept the position in the first place, knowing he had his own agenda. Beware, all who aspire to pursue their personal vendettas, you will be found out and, guaranteed, Liam Neeson will find you!

    2. Fr Jeff got affirmation he needed . Still not mature enough for all of 'this'. Not nearly. But who else do we have? Alberto? ;-))).

  15. Judas priest epidemic.

  16. Fr. Jeff didn't read the Bible passage that says you can't serve two masters.

    1. Fr Jeff should know that passage well, since he leads the Bible study on Mondays at Sta Barbara. But perhaps he is too emotional at this time, to deal with it
