Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

PACIFIC DAILY NEWS: Monsignor Benavente resigns as archbishop delegate

Monsignor James L.G. Benavente has resigned as delegate to the archbishop for church patrimony, a post he held since Oct. 1.

The position has oversight over properties of the Archdiocese of Agana, working with the reconstituted Archdiocesan Finance Council. CONTINUED


  1. This is really sad and one HAS to wonder what is really going on INSIDE the archdiocese.

  2. Oh boy. This is not good. Monsignor James does not only have great governing skills but is a unifyer. What a loss!!!!!!

  3. Bad move Byrnes. We just need to stop the funds to the diocese. The message will surely be heard.

  4. While we welcome the resignation of Msgr David C. Quitugua from the College of Consultors (we know why), one cannot help but wonder about the resignation of Msgr James Benavente from his position as Delegate for Church Patrimony. The former is a good move; the latter is not. While many acknowledge the skills of Msgr Benavente (like 4:45pm said: "What a loss!"), and while we respect Msgr James' privacy about his resignation, it leads some of us to wonder what's going on in the Chancery. Perhaps Archbishop Byrnes can shed us some transparency.

    1. Maybe Fr. Jeff will go on K57 again and explain it all.

    2. If he gets on the air again, it should be about decisions to be made, and not explanations. We have had enough of the tearful pleas and attempts to explain. Do the job you are expected to do, Jeff, maybe we will be more respectful of your position and your capability to meet the demands of your title. Right now, you do not have the vote of many because you are like a turntable needle - round and round you go with no end in sight. Your supposed countless meetings are epic failures.

  5. Tim, please share your thoughts on why he resigned...
