Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Posted by Tim

In "Our View: Repeal abortion law that violates patients' rights" (Pacific Daily News, June 28), the PDN editorial staff begins with this:
A law passed late last year that requires women, prior to an abortion, to certify on a government checklist they have received information regarding the health risks of abortion must be repealed.


  1. Wow. Didn't know PDN was an anti-life paper.

    1. PDN is also pro LGBT and liberal. I prefer reading the POST on any given day.

    2. Both papers are liberal. They are respectively tied to USA today and WPO

  2. Not like anyone actually reads this paper seriously anymore. It's become mostly off-island news copy-and-pasted from other sources and they're even struggling to get their paper out some days. Heck, they didn't even print one day recently.

  3. "B-b-but Anita and Lou told us that the law..."

  4. You know we live in a messed up time when the privacy of an individual is more concerning than the life of a child. Smh.

  5. Society has fallen unto the snares of the Devil!
    We are entering the Dark Age of Me, myself & I.
    Roe vs. Wade was a result of the "Protestant Reformation" of the 1500s which eventually led to Protestant denominations calling for the repeal of laws prohibiting contraceptive education and sales in 1931.

    In 1972, forty two years later, the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion!

    Today Euthanasia is a common practice in Hospitals across America and abortion has taken the lives of 57,762,169 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973.(2015 circa)

    Sexual perversion has led to an Executive Order signed by past President Barrack Obama granting equal rights to transgender persons. The absurdity of Transgender bathrooms is leading institutions to adopt "No gender" bathrooms in order to comply with Federal Regulations!!! Watch out ladies, the seat will always be up!

    St. Michael the Archangel defend us!

  6. Society has fallen unto the snares of the Devil!
    We are entering the Dark Age of Me, myself & I.
    Roe vs. Wade was a result of the "Protestant Reformation" of the 1500s which eventually led to Protestant denominations calling for the repeal of laws prohibiting contraceptive education and sales in 1931.

    In 1972, forty two years later, the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion!

    Today Euthanasia is a common practice in Hospitals across America and abortion has taken the lives of 57,762,169 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973.(2015 circa)

    Sexual perversion has led to an Executive Order signed by past President Barrack Obama granting equal rights to transgender persons. The absurdity of Transgender bathrooms is leading institutions to adopt "No gender" bathrooms in order to comply with Federal Regulations!!! Watch out ladies, the seat will always be up!

    St. Michael the Archangel defend us!

    1. Unisex public bathrooms are magnets for rapists and pedophiles. Target and Wal-Mart stores on the US Mainland have lost a lot of walk-in female shoppers, especially those with children, because of them.

      Regardless of how sissified drag queens look, those perverts have the physical strength and aggressiveness of men because they are men, not women! Criminal elements among them are extremely dangerous!

  7. No surprise. The global mainstream media have always been virulently pro-abortion. They'll totally embargo pro-life news that contradicts their editorial bias, including huge annual walks and marches for life with tens of thousands of demonstrators. The current Vatican supports the Rome news embgargo by remaining silent.

    The worst case of embargoed pro-life news was probably the US trial and conviction of millionaire Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell who ran a notoriously filthy house of horrors in a Philly ghetto. It happened in around 2013. Nightmare details can be found though Google.

    Satanic Gosnell is the only US abortionist ever convicted of first degree murder for partial-birth abortions and a maternal death. To escape the death penalty, he waived his appeal rights and received three life sentences without the possibility of parole. Federal sentences for drug trafficking and Medicaid fraud were added. Gosnell's third wife and most of his untrained clinic staff were also imprisoned. The victorious District Attorney is a practicing Catholic African-American.

    The mainstream media totally refused to report on this landmark case which lasted for several months. Pro-life organizations carried the news and horrifying images online. Gosnell's specialty was severing the spinal cords of screaming late term babies with scissors. He laughed about how big some of the murdered babies were. Their body parts were stored in the clinic's fridge along with employees' lunches and in jars on visible shelves. He was a family practitioner, not an Ob-Gyn.

    US movie theaters joined the media and refused to run a feature film on Gosnell that was released last year. Facebook censors pro-life threads as well. I won't use it.

    1. Gosnell and his wife were totally bankrupted by their serial killings. Everything they owned was lost or confiscated, including a $900,000 beach house and $250,000 in cash found when the Fed raided their Philadelphia residence. Reportedly, the cash came from his illegal drug trafficking.

      Following the trial, his college dropout-son around age 22 was seriously injured when he was shot multiple times by a neighbor whose home he was burglarizing. I don't remember what type of prison sentence he received. The wages of sin, etc.

    2. The Court awarded $3.9 million to the daughter of the pregnant woman Gosnell murdered. That made local news.

      His State sentence was three consecutive life sentences plus 30 years, without parole. I don't know what was added for the Federal drug and Medicaid fraud charges.

      Gosnell appealed his conviction and says he'll be exonerated soon because his rights were compromised by prejudiced Catholic prosecutors. He told a female reporter earlier this year that he was staying in shape to run triathlons when he's released. The woman said he groped her during the prison interview.

      He's a total psychopath. One of his traumatized abortion victims says he hit her during the procedure.

  8. The entirely new Pontifical Commission for Life with its virulently anti-life Anglican membership will neutralize both abortion and euthahasia. No longer Catholic, it's nothing but a witches' coven now. Blame Francis and his "Who am I to judge?" bullshit for that. Pontius Pilate revisited. And we all know how that episode ended!
