Jungle Watch Pages

Monday, June 26, 2017


I understand that the other Adrian (not Cristobal) is hard at work attacking Msgr. James on the other blog. Just letting you know we know it's you, Guamboy. LOL.


  1. Thanks Mary Lou for the copy, but I don't want to publish his jealous vomit on my blog. I just want him to know that I know it's him.

  2. yes, last night I read a comment Diana posted. Then ten mins later she removed it. Who is Guamboy?

  3. Read this evening the increase in Parish assessments made by Archbishop Byrnes.some 50% increased. very sad. However, this is a result of allowing Apuron to run down the Archdiocese in 30 years. A bishop like him leades to disaster which is what Archdiocese now experiences. Some will be upset with Byrnes but don't be. Aim your anger at Apuron, Adrian, David. They are the reason why parishes have to now pay more. If your angry go and blast the hell out of them.

    1. Blame the fools who kissed Apuron's fat ass for 30 years.

  4. Priest leaker , make yourself known. Diana want to break u face.

  5. The Bishop did not lead it to disaster is your group who led it to disaster with your own hidden agenda. Hell exist my friend. If you folks you believe you have salvation.... then your not Catholic.

    1. LOL. Our agenda is not hidden. Every Sunday we carry signs that say APURON OUT. That's the agenda. BTW, why did he run?

    2. Your level of English grammar, makes me suspect you are part of these poor souls holding up in the neo bunker in Yona. We shall pardon you for your poorly written attempts at an insult, not so much from the goodness of our heart ( which you so sadly deny the existence) but rather because our Lord Savior taught us to be kind to the meak and the feeble.
