Jungle Watch Pages

Saturday, October 7, 2017


By the way, today, October 7, is the "Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, formerly known as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory and Feast of the Holy Rosary, is a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated on 7 October, the anniversary of the decisive victory of the combined fleet of the Holy League of 1571 over the Ottoman navy at the Battle of Lepanto."

Also, by the way. I intend to retire this blog before it reaches NINE MILLION...or at least this long, sad, very ugly saga of Apuron's Archdiocese of Agana. Looking forward to the future. Courage. :)


  1. Thank you for the wake up call Tim Rohr. God Bless You!

  2. The blog will make a good reference for a documentary.

    1. Too unbelievable to be a documentary. Will have to be horror story.

  3. Yeah right will bring back up that 16 year old girl you took advantage of

  4. THANK YOU,Tim, for your dedicated efforts in cleaning up our Church. Your expose' encouraged us to join in the fight. May God bless
    you & your family always! Ann Auyong

    1. Your church is up for sale

    2. Incorrect. Apuron sold it in 2002. We are in the process of buying it back.

  5. I wonder how many thousand page-views were from the NCW cult members. I hope that some of them were enlightened by the truth that this website promoted. However I am not too optimistic, because brainwashed victims usually cannot discern the truth for themselves.

  6. @Anonymous at 5:
    Such brave words from a coward who won't even put his name.

  7. Rose de los Reyes (Seattle, WA)October 8, 2017 at 2:07 PM

    Thank you, Tim, for your time, energy, and dedication. 8 million views (and counting) is another milestone well worth the recognition.

  8. Hoekers and drugs coming soon!!!!

    1. Obviously you must be an ESL student who lacks the English part. "Howlers".... That's a new word for the evening. Must be a neo code word...What a dumbass!!!

    2. "Hoekers", that's the word.

    3. to the moron anon at 7:50pm:
      Hoekers is not a word. Lay off those drugs you talk about and maybe study the dictionary a little more.
      But thanks for your inane input...it is what always makes coming to the Jungle fun. You never know what to expect from a bunch of soul numbed, mindless kikos.

  9. Tim, do you know why Bishop Byrnes has not come out PUBLICLY kicking the communities out. He IS destroying everything they built, he has EXILED all the priests and NOW the seminarians... (or he will in the near future)... BUT WHY IS HE SUCH A COWARD NOT TO PUBLICLY SAY IT? He is ACTING on it, but is AFRAID? to admit it?

    1. Anonymous @ 12:14 AM: I guess Archbishop Michael J. Byrnes is the embodiment of the saying “Actions speak louder than words.” 😊

    2. Because Actions speak louder than Words. AB Byrne's is a man of actions. God Bless Him.

    3. Who knows. Maybe Byrnes want to clear the island of Neos so he can bring in the movement he loves. ALPHA! Do you guys think he just forgot about it? He didn’t.

    4. OOOOHHHH! The persecutions!!!
      Anon at 12.04....What is the weather like in Jersey?

    5. Alpha isn't a movement, nor is it an "ecclesial reality."

    6. Tim, what is Alpha? Is it “approved by the Pope”? As the Way is?

    7. LOL. The way is NOT "approved" by the pope. Show me.

    8. LMFAO Anon 12:14 -
      Byrnes "is destroying everything they built." So what have they built?
      They built a fake relationship with Lateran that eventually crumbled on its own.
      They built a fake seminary that failed miserably.
      They built communities that lose members at a faster rate than they can replace.
      They built up a pedophile priest/bishop so he thinks he is really a good leader.
      So Anon 12:14, is there anything else they built that I missed?

      Byrnes "has exiled all the priests". Who exactly has he exiled. I am not aware of one.
      He certainly did not exile Luis Camacho or John Wadeson. Their actions did that all by themselves.
      Did he exile Pedro Durango or Harold Colorado? No they just disappeared all on their own.
      He didn't exileJason, Aurelio, Santiago or Fabio. Apurun did that.
      He didn't exile Jose Alberto, Julio, Miguel, David or Francesco. They all are at the seminary with assignments.
      Byrnes didn't exile Antonino, Vincenzo, Jucatan, Edwin Billygoat, Kristoff or Julius. They are all serving in our parishes.
      He didn't exile Adrian Joker, but did send him to Canada for canon law studies.
      So who exactly did he exile?

      But beware anon 12:14. Here is a list of all he should exile for the following reasons:
      Totally worthless and untrustworthy: David, Adrian, Jose Alberto, Jucutan, Kristoff
      Bad english skills: Antonino, Vincanzo, Francesco
      Mental or sexually twisted: Edwin Billygoat, Edivaldo OJ
      For having a wife shorter than 4'6": Rudy

      Yup, that pretty much would clear out the riff raff. But Byrnes is too classy to do that without trying to reform the deformed. But at some point he will have no choice. I hope you comment puts him closer to that point.


    9. Perhaps Anon @12:14 is expecting that AB Byrnes should get their permission first. We should remind you that AB Byrnes is the ecclesiastical authority in the Archdiocese, unlike Apuron he doesn't take orders from his catechist, Bishop Pius, or Gennerini, or Pope Kiko.

  10. Jersey unseasonably warm. Almost Hot!

    1. Probably getting too closed to hell

  11. In order to heal the sheep of an infection you will need ABx.

  12. 8 million people is that including the people that call you a f****** a******

  13. Anon 2:49...sorry to disappoint you but you and your kind don't count.None of you are included / accounted for in the 8 million..

  14. 8 million sounds like Tim Trump wow that makes me a star I can get away with anything get rid of the bishop sell the church properties

    1. Well, yes, yes it does. Can't wait to get my commission.

  15. Commission??? more like hell of Fire

  16. Tim Trump you get your commission Karma a b**** that's a bitch just like you
