Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, July 23, 2021



Pale Mike Crisostomo

Today, we posted an article which revealed the troubling teachings of Fr Mike.

We put in the article the link of the Mass celebrated by Fr Mike for the LGBTQ community.

This was the Facebook posting of the life stream of said Mass, which took place on the feast day of St Peter and St Paul, June the 29th at 17h30. It was purposed to close the end of the LGBTQ month which is always allocated to the month of June in the USA, and most of the western world.

Just a few hours after this posting, the link was removed by someone at St Anthony's parish.


What do you have to hide Mike?


It is too late to hide the dirt under the carpet. This video was seen and passed among hundreds of people around the island, before it was send over to us by angry and shocked faithful.

If  YOU Mike are strongly believing in what you preached that evening, leading astray dozens of people that looked up to you, why removed the delicto? 

I think we all know the answer.

It is way too late to close the barn door. Many people are already privy to your shenanigans.

I was hoping you would not stoop to the level of the likes of the disgraced Adrian Cristobal. Unfortunately, it looks like you have decided to go right down that pathway. Perhaps you should ponder what happened to our disgraced and defrocked former Chancellor, before you make a total fool out of yourself.

It is still time to be contrite and beg for the Archbishop forgiveness, but most importantly for the forgiveness of your parishioners, and the Catholic faithful in general. You can still do the right thing, or you can follow the road of the thousands of prelates, St Augustine warned us about.

Be a man Mike, most of all be a real priest!


  1. This is the most absurd article to date. Pale Mike Crisostomo has done remarkable work for our islands parish’s. It is disappointing to have someone tarnish his life’s work. He welcomes others into his parish no matter the gender, sexual orientation etc. He places no judgement on those who wish let the Lord into the hearts, minds and souls. The should be no request for prayers on those who associate themselves with LGBT OR THOSE “TENDENCIES”. It is saddening to ask him to step down while he has been bringing in the biggest congregation because of his openness to others.

    1. Good morning Victoria, and God bless.
      What an appropriate nom de plume, for someone from the St Anthony and St VICTOR parish! I was expecting this kind of intervention from the cumbaya supporters of Pale Mike. The only thing missing to your rousing endorsement are the guitars and the tambourines of the NCW. You have got to admit, it would add a nice touch. Of course, your endorsement fails to address the issue raised in this "most absurb article to date", which is that a Pastor's (the leader of a flock) main duty is not to fill up his Church like you would fill a theater, but rather to save the souls of the faithful and get them prepared for the after life.
      So, when a Pastor, specially one who pretends to become our next Bishop, for reasons better known to him, decides to take the path of the most traveled, in order not to save the souls of his brethren , but rather to score political points; one can, actually one must ask the hard question.
      I let you to reflect on Matthew 7:14 " But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it"
      The problem is obvious to everyone, except for those like you, who refuse to see and refuse to hear.
      Why do you think, we have been flooded with complaints from dozens of parishioners who are distraught by what they see.
      As far as Pale Mike so called "life's work", do not fear, I shall review this in an upcoming article. Perhaps then you shall open your eyes and ears. (even though, I would not bet on it0.
      Have a great weekend and a blessed Sunday

    2. How do you not see the danger in leading the flock to think it is okay to publicly go against what the bible teaches? Is filling the pews more impostant to you than priests teaching the truth they were ordained to do? God help you

  2. Did he challenge them to "sin no more"? I think Jesus said that once...

    1. Not at all,and to the contrary. Typical Church of nice, where everyone will go to paradise, no matter what. Basically apostasy, in its rawest of form.

    2. No he did not. In fact he canonized one the members who actively and publicly opposes the church teaching.

    3. Hello Anon at 3.18, it is indeed sad to see that Pale Mike added insult to injury, by allowing that individual as a lector. That is in direct contradiction with canon law. We should keep our eyes and ears opened to see the reaction of the Chancery, once everyone is back from their long vacation. I would not old my breath in regards to the Chancellor/Episcopal Vicar/Special counsel to the Archbishop, since he is so close to his good buddy Mike. This will definitely be a test case for Archbishop Byrnes.

  3. I heard the homily with my friend and he is now more confused about what the Church teaches. Yes we love sinners but loving does not mean keeping people in sin. The entire homily in a nut shell did the congregation no justice. Then again, this pale mike loves admiration more than he loves truth

    1. Hello Anon at 3.26, sorry to hear about your friend, but this underlines the need for Catholics to deepen their knowledge about their own religion, in order to avoid the type of gas lighting Pale Mike is habitual to. As far as Pale Mike love for admiration, it is a well known secret. I think I probably visit this issue in a separate column to show how this has a huge negative impact on our local church at large.

  4. Pale Mike do somethinf about fr rons endless sermons. He is taking after you, no substance. Its annoying. Dont say its because he is ESL.

    1. Well anon at 3.15, unfortunately Guam has not been blessed with many good, or even decent homilist. Fr Gus was fairly good. Archbishop Byrnes, when he first arrived was a pretty good homilist. Fr Ron is too much worried about his own ego to be able to share anything worth anything, as for Mike he never was a great public speaker, and obviously his liturgical capacities are quite limited....if you want good homilies you might be limited to Yigo, depending who the celebrant is. Good luck... Let say I agree that a Mass without a good homily feels lacking.

  5. I had no idea this kind of stuff was happening at St. Anthony's. I thought Fr. Edwin was bad with his preaching on justification by Faith Alone.

  6. Many faithful Catholics, like you are stunned by the state of affairs at St Anthony, under the leadership of Fr. Mike. Unfortunately it is the fruit of a lack of personal honesty, dissolution of attention to the core teachings of the Church, sexual corruption, and moral turpitude. So far, no one at the chancery seems to care.
