Jungle Watch Pages

Monday, June 22, 2015


Note to Hoy Father Francis: This is the Guam priest who believes he has the divine right to be Guam's next bishop.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "DONT MESS WITH THE WOMEN OF TOTO (or LARRY, YOU'RE...": 

Your Pushing your luck Timothy! Dont say I didnt warn you. 

Do you know about the parties in Menlo? Local Seminarians hosting these parties. Parties at the SF home of one of our own. Ask around. Ask Jon Toves to tell the WHOLE truth. Ask Jon Diaz to tell the WHOLE truth. Im tired of all your HALF truths. Tell Jon Toves to share all the pictures, youd be surprised. Ask around and youd be surprised at the Night Life that is enjoyed in Manila. Ask around and get the names of the escorts/companions in Manila. Reveal all the Names. Who knows you'll probably be the only perfect person left in this Guam Church. Stop acting like the problem lies in Apuron, the NCW or even the RMS for that matter. You need to realize that something so small, so petty is now being blown out of proportion, all because of your need to be in the spot light. Sorry to tell you but thats just how it is. Not once have you failed to mention and remind people of your role and what you had/have to go through to do this. If you are doing this with good intentions, why all the glamour? Calm down and let things take its course. You know for yourself that most of what you have to say does not need to be said and is only fueling the fire. You allow people to comment in your favor and even when they are wrong you fail to correct them. Your latest post empowering the people to take on the fight because our pastors wont. Ask those Pastors why they arent being so vocal? Its not out of fear of retribution from Apuron. Its because they know their imperfections also. They want to move on without the past surfacing. Call them up like I said, Ask them why arent they speaking out? Its gonna be a tell all pretty soon because like you always say, no need to try, the truth always reveals itself. LOL!
-Jokers Wild 

So how dow we know this is Adrian?

 First, because he still hasn't learned the difference between "Your" and "You're" (first word in his comment), which he does consistently and everyone who knows him recognizes it. Second, because he was obviously "there" at all those places he mentions. Third, because only Adrian could be this vindictive, spiteful and, of course, childish. A spoiled little brat.

And a few personal notes. 

Sorry, Adrian. I have no need for the spotlight. What I have a need for is TRUTH, and a need to stand up for it. And in a world of LIARS and COWARDS like you, standing up for TRUTH simply makes me stand out. 

And "glamour"? Really? LOL. So you think receiving threats to me and my family is glamour? You really are sick, Adrian, extremely sick.

And only you would think that the good priests of this island are being silent for fear of retribution from Apuron. NOT. They are being silent because they were told to be by Rome. Weren't you at the meeting? 

And silence because of their past? Only you would think of something like that. Everyone has a past and we positively assume that these priests have confessed their sins like any other. However, here you are threatening to expose the past sins of others. Let this be a warning to anyone who is stupid enough to go to confession to Adrian. 

BTW, next time sign your name "Jackass", you're hardly a "Joker". 

P.S. And about those pictures from John Toves. No worries. I'm not going to post them because none of them are as frightening and ludicrous as this one:


  1. This is one priest or so call priest I will never received communion from.
    Look around Adrian, people from Barrigada that build and I mean build San Roque and San Vicente Church is their and now having to go to our Parish to attend Mass as they have no respect for YOU or the NEO. I would hope that you and your NEO would just go and build your OWN church and leave our Parishes alone.

  2. Beginning to think that Guam need the same treatment as Mexico. Exorcism.

  3. Wow, Adriana, you sure have a writing jag on. Busy, busy you.

  4. The only ways to put a period to all that is happening are to a. Return RMS. Retire Apuron, Return the Parishes taken over by Neo's. Have the Neo seminarians return to their countries. Then Peace will once again prevail in the Archdiocese. Until the above occurs we will continue our fight.


    1. A former male escort is claiming he serviced NCW members . Room numbers dates all on record.

    2. I've published your comment, but future comments like this have to have real names, numbers, dates, etc. You can send them to me confidentially if you want.

    3. Hey, wait a minute, is this the nut job Typoon Toves up to no good??

    4. LOL, Adrian! Trying to pass this on Toves. Sorry, your writing is very distinguishable...notice I didn't say "distinguished." Poor little guy.

    5. Hey 1:01 pm, it's the 2-nut job Adrian with too much time on his hands and plenty of KAKA in his crab brains.

  5. Another indicator that this is Adrian is because he specifically (and first) mentions Menlo.

    1. Good point. The word "Menlo" is not just short for Menlo Park. But code language amongst those who went there, particularly in the 70's and 80's.

  6. ahhh, mr Adrian the joke, WE are tired of YOUR half truths !


    1. Miss Adrianna stop lies look at thy self.


    2. Adrianna you opened pandoras box . Enemies will join together and hound you out.

  7. And this is why he is poison. This weekend's front page op/ed written by Adrian only solidified that he will perpetuate a lie without batting an eye.

    Just one example: On Sunday, June 21, Adrian wrote "[RMS] Seminarians are trained for ministry in the Church, they are not trained for the Neocatechmenal [sic] way as was falsely noted."

    Adrian, are the RMS By-Laws false? For in Article III titled Purpose it states (emphasis mine) The purpose of the Corporation shall be limited to the following: to establish and conduct a Seminary to prepare men for the priesthood for the evangelization, following the life and itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way as a way of formation in accordance with the precepts of the Roman Catholic faith.

    'Nuff said.

    1. Mary Lou Garcia-PeredaJune 22, 2015 at 1:54 PM

      Jose M at 9:18 AM, thank you for pointing out how the U Matuna Si Yu'os: Roman Catholic Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Agaña, Guam, BKA U Matuna Si Yu'os: Neo Tabloid of the Archdiocese of Agaña, Guam actually put an op/ed on the front page in the guise of an authentic news article!

      Clearly the Super High Intensive Training that Adrian receives from his Non-Catholic Wayward catechist(s) makes him immune from admitting — recognizing? — that he is spreading falsehoods in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to the "Mission" statement of the publication to " … print and distribute a true report of the Roman Catholic Church's ministry of changing lives through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." It would be more accurate at this point to change the end of that "Mission" statement to read "… through the proclamation of the gospel of Kiko Argüello's Kool Aid."

  8. Tim said "And silence because of their past? Only you would think of something like that. Everyone has a past and we positively assume that these priests have confessed their sins like any other. However, here you are threatening to expose the past sins of others. Let this be a warning to anyone who is stupid enough to go to confession to Adrian.

    This is absolutely the NCW way. Second scrutiny is a time that Fr. Pius "collects" your sins and saves them for a rainy day. All the other priests and catechists under him follow suit. What makes this detestable is that this is all perpetrated by NCW clergy.

    1. What ever happened to the seal of confession. Adrian's blog is opposite of one who represents Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sad times are brewing in the Catholic Church, now no one will want to confess knowing that It may be used against them in the future.

  9. Adriana looks like "TATOO" from the TV series " FANTASY ISLAND." instead of saying " Boss, da plane, da plane," he's saying "Pius, da plan, da plan!"

    Adriana seems to act like he is so uninformed about anything and everything. We, on the other hand know otherwise. Adriana has no PERCEPTION, let alone any KOMON SENSE. His level of intelligence is so warped that he can't see beyond his nose.


  10. This priest been threatening to reveal information .

    The lies he intends to reveal are his menlo secrets & Tons.

    Ask Jon Diaz and other seminarians why they left Guam?

    Ask about Ton's lovers?

    1. Ton's lovers. Well, well, taken a lonnnng time for truth to pop out. Rome? You all listening. How much worse do you want it to get?? We're heading down a very dark road here. Pope Francis, you are very satisfied with with our Archbishop? That's what he told us. Have Mercy on us all.


  11. What about his visits to Palm Springs?

    We can reveal names dates room numbers.

    What about parties he would trans gender in Menlo.

    Ask Delgado, Jon Diaz, and others.


  12. Priest dangerous nasty priest.

  13. Yep, just as Father Pius once sail: " WE can't send anyone to Menlo Park, it is full of homothethuals. "

    1. ahah anon at 11.30, you are right, we all know Pius hates competition......

    2. That's ok, 11:30, father Pius lives here.

    3. 11:30 You really made me LOL!!


  14. Adrian, if you were the author of this comment you need to apologize to those you have wrongly accused . Even if there were truth in the unkind words you state it is unacceptable for you to comment about a brother priest on a public blog. By the use of words you have insulted every priest in San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Guam.

  15. Hello everybody,
    back from the mainland to read this garbage written by our evil little dwarf.
    Interesting to note several things. Adrian in his noted and remarkable style talks about seminarians who are supposed to have done this or that.
    Indeed our dear little Adrian, would know about these facts, since he was one of the main facilitator of said events.
    Also as a class A snitch, he regaled in the voyeurism he is famous for, to report to his puppet master the savory details (real or imagined).
    This in itself can be considered and indeed is scandalous and unchristian.

    Fortunately this is where the comparing stops. Many of the seminarians that were lured in such sad situations decided of their own free will to not continue in their search for a vocation.
    Seeing this as a conflict of interest, of moral ethic. (two subjects our gnome on the Hill has always failed to comprehend), many decided to move on to other lives, other careers while trying to continue to be good Catholics.
    In fact if you look at the high number of seminarians from Guam that decided not to pursue a vocation,(from that period) many ended up being victims of our current bishop and/or his current minions.
    Had it not been for the strong presence and counseling of our dearly departed Fr. Tony, who was a mentor to many of these young men, many would have gone into the tormented pass of John Toves' cousin, who was scarred for life.
    The lack of moral compass that Adrian insist on demonstrating to all of us, is no longer surprising, it is just sad and pathetic.
    Some of Adrian former classmates have chosen to continue following their vocation, and become real priests.
    Like Tim say after confessing their sins, and looking for a new path. "Let the one without fault cast the first stone" told us our Lord. These men chose to move on to better and more noble lives.
    This is between them and the Lord. They have chosen a life of service of others, of denial of self and love of all sinners.
    Adrian and his cohorts, have chosen a life of self service, power, and temporary honors.
    By doing so and thanks to their lack of morals, they have decided on a path of evil, which they demonstrate everyday, they are not willing to divert from.
    The Gnome on the Hill is a sad, pathetic little worm, whom I have always pity rather than despised. I know that soon enough he shall face man's justice as an appetizer to face God's.
    Poor, Sad, little clown.

    1. Poor in spirit, Sad excuse for a priest, and a hideous Clown who has elevated himself to Joker. You're sick Adrian, and we are sick of you and your ilk !!

    2. Sick of you Adrian. Best thing get your ass off Island we will hound you until you leave.


  16. Big mistake should pope Francis appoint him Bishop. It would be eternal death to our Island home if he led our church.

    1. Adriana for Bishop??? Never going to happen. Go back to Denver, Joker. We didn't miss you one bit. BTW do you know little Alberto used to complain about you? Just couldn't take much more. He shouldn't have done that to lay folks. I really don't blame him.

    2. Archie, keeping your composure at the office today?? Or are you dancing around in a rage? We know you can dance. Oh, yes sirree

    3. Adrianna, you handsome devil, you.

    4. Used to danc dancing queen taking his cloths off in public. Reality sorry.

  17. Will capitalize on Adrian's picture this Halloween and sell Adrian masks. It's grotesque, hideous, and downright UGLY! Caution: Wearer runs the risk of getting pelted with chada gueru. KALAKASS!!


  18. Holy Father pope Francis please do not make this photo a bishop our people will not be safe .

  19. John C. Ada Toves "Typhoon"June 22, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    Adrian, is this how you live your vows. You attempt as Apuron does to intimidate TO WIN. Win what my brother? More wealth? More prestige? Did you not have enough already with your family name? Do you really need more? I sat in your house many times. I greeted your family many times. I was happy to see you at the chancery, but only for the shortest moment until you revealed your true colors quickly. Is this what your vows mean to you? I am truly very sorry and saddened to see what you've become.

    Do not threaten my brothers! You see, the people don't know that you were there at many of those functions. You did not say no. It would be in your best interest to not bully them.

    I will have more to say.

    1. Richard NochefrancaJune 23, 2015 at 4:03 AM

      I fully agree with john. I too was previliged to have met your mom and siblings at your home in Barigada. What happened to that Adrian I worked shoulder to shoulder with at the Agana Cathedral (summer 87-88). Wake up my friend as your continued lies and deception clearly is oppositte of the plans we shared at the beginning of our spiritual love of our Church and most especially our Blessed Mother. I remember the sweat we both shared when we both had to clean the Basilica attic. What happened to that charisma you shared with me and the parishioners of both Agana and Barrigada? What do you get out of being a member of this Cult that has divided the church your mother so dearly loved? As a friend. I ask that you recollect your thoughts and ambititions and ask yourself, is this what I was called to do when I made my vows to be the image of Christ to everyone I meet. Peace from a distance.


    2. Studying life/ actions of Father is it possible Fr may have been abused as a seminarian resulting in psychological confusion. Sense much deeper issues Here.

  20. Did he have a stroke because one side of his face is drooping lower than the other half. With that said, we don't need another Archbishop that will have to leave the island for heart bypass surgery that will include an "all expense paid" extended vacation in the U.S. shortly after for reasons unbeknownst to the island.

    1. Homer Simpson. Don't you think?

  21. Beginning to think the flying pots pans true after all.

  22. VOTE NO CONFIDENCE IN TODAYS PDN. Front page, folks.
