Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In light of Zoltan's tirade against my anti-abortion efforts in his comments on yesterday's PDN editorial, perhaps today's news of the latest undercover video will help Zoltan understand why someone has to stand up for the most helpless and innocent among us.
"...you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural. Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.”
-Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for Planned Parenthood for America tells a hidden camera.


  1. AND HE CALLS OUR ACTIONS A BUNCH OF WHAT AGAIN? WELL I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT THE PRO-FESSER HAS TO SAY THE FACTS STILL REMAINS THE SAME. HERE IS SOMETHING TO TROW INTO ZOLTAN'S FACE :http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ahead-of-pope-francis%e2%80%99-visit-survivors-of-sexual-abuse-take-stock/ar-AAejgh3?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=iehp

  2. ALSO TYPHOON TOVES YOU MIGHT GET A THING OR 2 TO HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY TO BRINGING JUSTICE TO THOSE YOU FIGHT FOR AND YOUR CAUSE OF PEACE AND UNITY, WELL BASICALLY DOING THE RIGHT THING.http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ahead-of-pope-francis%e2%80%99-visit-survivors-of-sexual-abuse-take-stock/ar-AAejgh3?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=iehp

  3. i bet the clergy didn't see this coming.
