Jungle Watch Pages

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Really Archbishop? Another trip with Harold? Off to South America?


  1. Hmmm, only Harold??? Someone going to be jealous!!!

    1. Presbyter OJ would not mind. He is enjoying the limelight of his new toy solar panels, one can tell as he flares his nostrils in that Hagen commercial. Harold needs time alone with his daddy, and what a perfect ruse to have some quality time for these two. Meanwhile, faithful people of the Archdiocese, pay up, the travel funds are kinda getting low. You know, they might get bumped into economy class. God forbid, it will be a major hair-pulling! Come on, attend the conference on Saturday, at $30.00 a pop, they just might not have to forfeit that welcome champagne drink, real china and toiletry to freshen their breath. You know, it is more pleasant experience that way...wink...wink.

    2. Harold may sit in the back...but Archiebald? Never.

  2. Off to Philly to run interceptions so the Pope can get more chocolates and a brown envelope

    1. I wouldn't be surprised....the Pope might see them and say, "Geez! You guys are everywhere!"

    2. Laughable really, passing themselves as the Pope's groupie in every place he visits. Apuron, get a grip, he wants to see poor people, not the bloated ones like you!!! You cannot salvage your reputation through photo opportunities with the Vicar of Christ. This reminds me of accounts of the revolutionary war, wherein groupies following the soldiers were not just their wives but unabashed women of the night to give comfort and pleasure to the troops. Yikes!

    3. Thank you 6.44pm. What is nice now is that even within the stress of everything. Some offer us light humor in comments. I don't think the pope wants to see " bloated ones like him"

  3. OHHHH, noooo not those dopes chasing the pope down in Philly. So embarrassing. Hope it's not true.

  4. It makes my laugh how they aren't affected by the things you say any try and do. They still go on with their lives. Keep trying.

    1. Yes, Satan loves to let these kind of people "go on with their lives." Gives him more time.

    2. If they are not affected, then why do they continue to do "damage controls" every time Tim exposes them. Not only that, their malice and vindictiveness continue as more and more people are leaving the church because of the shenanigans of Apuron and his ilk.

    3. To anon at 12.04:
      You really believe they are not affected?
      They try very hard to make it appear as it does not affect them, but it really has an impact on them.
      A) Financially, with funds drying out, they have to shuffle all their structure around and put more pressure on their own to finance and to replace what the faithful used to pony up.
      B) The three on the Hill are now facing pressure when they are in Guam. From people openly defying them, to people being passive aggressive, refusing their phone calls, when they are not facing plain rejection.
      This has pushed them even deeper in the close circle of their shrinking communities.
      Pius, now is so scared that he is always shadowed by "protectors". The man is reviled.
      Just look around when they go to a restaurant or just shop around, you will see people starring in anger, or just avoid their presence.
      Soon, I would not be surprised if some people even start refusing service to them.
      They are being more and more rejected. I would suggest you look at the pix of the recent blessing of the new hospital. Apuron is sitting right next to the governor, whose body language is striking (almost turning his back to him through the ceremony.)
      You should hear the tension in the bishop's voice when he has to talk to people not into his inner sanctum. You could almost feel sorry for him.
      C) The extra efforts the handlers of the NCW are putting in to shore up Apuron, are laughable. We all read the now infamous letter that was published by Church Militant, I must have had 10 emails from friends around the US asking what the deal was with that. Every time they try stings like this, the general public, is now recognizing more and more: "oh its that controversial bishop from Guam"
      This is a nightmare for them.

      D) Apuron is starting to be ostracized by his fellow bishops, in the USA and abroad.
      In the Phillipines, his name is dirt. In the pacific conference, his reputation is totally shot. Believe me, for a guy with his ego it is huge.
      Both the Archdiocese of San Francisco and LA are pissed at him because of the affair with Wadeson.
      The Bishop of Oakland who was a teacher of Fr. Paul is more than disgusted.
      The Bishop of Reno ( a Chamorro from the mainland) has made his position quite vocally lately in regards to Apuron.

      It is impacting them dear anon, they might posture and play unaffected, but it is impacting them greatly. The light is being shone on their shenanigans and people are taking notice of the issues.

    4. 7:24 AM Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Satan Loves you Baby all the hate you bring }:-<>

    5. Rudy, you back again? 2:01PM. Usually it's AM. What's wrong? LOL. Addicted to my blog. Luv it.


    6. Thanks Frenchie your much more diplomatic than me. Apuron is hated in the Philippines because of what he did to Filipino priests. He is hated in the state of California where bishops are daily opening this blog to read about him. And for me I detest the little hitler for what he did to me.

    7. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 3, 2015 at 3:47 PM

      7:24, 7:24, 7:24, Timmy brings back hope of love and healing to Our Church. Click all you like. Power of the click...enjoy. You must really be pathetic. Can't make it stand huh? Enjoy sucker punches. Major low self esteem. Go see a therapist, and maybe you wont need enhancement. Maybe Two Lovers Point,...if you can find somebody.

    8. Rudy, no wonder other priests look at you with such pity in their eyes. You are lucky your brothers are not as hateful as you are.
      It is always sad to see a priest waste his life on things that go opposite to his duties.
      If you do not embrace Christ teachings soon, you will follow in the steps of Anthony, Cristobal, Pius and other putrid servants of the evil one.
      It is obvious you are not a happy and/or fulfilled person.

    9. TYPHOON HaHaHaHa.... Go see a therapist. you should know pathetic '' NUT''

    10. Hmmm... therapist broken down to two words: "the rapist". Coincidence?

  5. Maybe the Arch wants meet the parents....

    1. And ask for his hand in marriage. The NEOS do not discriminate just as long as you can keep funding their war machine from hell. That is why AAA did nothing. Kiko is a modern day hitler and it's the Catholic Church that he's trying to eradicate for his own personal beliefs and benefit.

      James T.

  6. A little off topic, but would somebody tell us about Deacon Bill Hagen. Is he a neo?
    Blessed Diego Parish in Tumon.

    1. Apuron made demands on deacons to join the NCW a while back. If he's a newly ordained deacon then he's more than likely a Neo.

    2. Not necessarily, 10:31 AM. Most deacons who were forced to join ncw did not buy the idea. They are intelligent professionals who love to serve the Lord, unfortunately apuron has severely limited their capability to bring the Good News with joy and freedom. Claros is an exception, he got ordained because he was a yes man. It was this sole qualification that makes him shine in the twisted neo brainwashing machine. Peel the layers of this eager beaver and you get...nothing.


  7. Spending more money flying around , poor people of Guam paying for all this.

  8. The reason for asking about Deacon Bill, is their advertising for their solar company with the Juicer. What is the deal here? Anybody has the inside scoop.
    Wanna do some solar, but I am not gonna give my money to some Neos

    1. Go with Tom Tanaka's company: Guam Solar Solution's: 472-7737

    2. Tim, thanks for the info. on Guam Solar Solutions. Been wanting to get more details.

    3. No prob. As you know, Tom has been a real warrior in this. We should support those who are willing to be warriors however we can. And if they have companies we do business with, then all the better. In fact, say JungleWatch sent you. :)

    4. Thank you Tim, I though it odd that Bill Hagen company was getting all the Neo's Business, and actually used the Juicer in their promo. Will stay away from that group.
      Looking forward to give some business to Tom Tanaka instead.

    5. Mr. Tommy Tanaka is a class act. He belongs to a distinguished pedigree that thrives on honor, duty and integrity. We are fortunate to be able to pick his brain on the brouhaha of the church's lack of leadership. Support his business, please, you are guaranteed quality service, product and maintenance.

    6. Juicer in a promo? I wanna see that! Muscles bulging, nostrils flaring! Any girls in the foto?

    7. Juicer trying out Mussolini pose. Looks good on him.
