Jungle Watch Pages

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Just as predicted, Apuron's handlers have sent his false letter about Marriage Equality to the Catholic Media in order for Apuron to appear a moral leader. 

Sadly most of these news organizations will simply knee-jerk to fill a news hole with anything that supports their own cause and don't fact check anything. But of course, why would they expect a bishop to lie?

On second thought, this particular site, ChurchMilitant.TV is a constant critic of bishops who lie. They need to know that Apuron is one.

Log into this site now and let them know your disgust with how they are being duped and used. If you are a paying subscriber then let them know what you intend to do with your money if they continue to give headlines to Apuron.

Here is what I and Jose said:

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    Josmart below is correct. This letter was sent to you by Apuron's handlers. Apuron did not write a word of this letter NOR did he take action against the legislation when it could have mattered. He is under investigation by Rome for matters I cannot list here but you can read more about atjunglewatch.info. The letter was written in order to prop him up so he can continue to ordain "presbyters" (they don't use the word "priest") for the Neocatechumenal Way which has a supposed seminary here in Guam.
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        Church Militant has been duped again. Archbishop Apuron did not pen this piece (his foreign handers did) nor did he exert any effort to contest any disparaging laws on Guam as he sent a severely ill informed Deacon in his place to make one public comment to our legislature.
        However, this website did exactly what his handlers wanted to happen, to be propped up as some hero in the Catholic Church; but all Church Militant did was put lipstick on a pig. Do the due diligence to find out exactly how much of a failed shepherd he has been.


      1. Hey!! Tim how come you're causing all these PROBLEMS

        1. Yes, on Guam, apparently telling the TRUTH is a problem. LOL.

        2. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 1, 2015 at 2:48 PM

          Yes, telling the truth openly seems to not be the norm. I've learned as Tim did. The problems are there. To solve them necessitates a dialogue. To leave them unresolved would be your SILENCE. Tim is not causing any PROBLEMS.

        3. Why not ask the three on the hill as to who is causing all this problems, maybe their answer would give you an idea as to why people are asking all three to resign and retuirn the assets to the Catholics on Guam. jesofchalanpago..., Jesus S.N. Cepeda

        4. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 1, 2015 at 5:34 PM

          A gin parientes ham, agan yu. 510-685-4999 or 415-812-9065, johncharlestoves@gmail.com, jctoves@sbcglobal.net. You need to stand! Pues hafa? Sa hafa nanangua? Si Juses agang hao. Sa hafa Nanangua. Si Jesues nanangua. Esta bai chogue. Mas maolek para I Iglesias ya to SAY IT ALL! Why not now? Should our people suffer?

        5. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 1, 2015 at 5:49 PM

          The truth is that Apuron molested many young boys, Adrian Cristobal is a power hungry loser, David Quitugua is a lost soul period! STAND UP ISLAND. Hafa malagomu? Pues hafa mas? I lived the world but I love my most beautiful island. You wait, for what? Do you want French, Italian, Japanese, or my beautiful language. Hafa mas? Pago ha! Put fabot!

        6. Hey!! Toves STOP kissing Tim ass shameful '' Mamahlao ''

        7. LOL. Why don't you ask Apuron if Toves is a nut? If he was a nut there would be no reason to threaten to sue him to shut up, would there? Why hasn't Apuron ever said he did not do what Toves is accusing him of? I know why. Lots of people know why. Apuron knows why. Apuron, here are two words for you: "Remember me?"

        8. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 2, 2015 at 6:05 AM

          2:04, I can kiss whoever's ass I want. We're american are we not. Sorry, but Tim's ass does deserve kissing big time for being the ONLY ONE to stand up and heal our Church. BTW, try studying.

        9. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 2, 2015 at 6:14 AM

          I'm tired of being called a nut. Too plain, too boring, too base. Be creative...how about asshole, loser, freak. But you are afraid. It's been a month and a week since I received the letter from the Archbishop's attorney. Boys, I have more to roll out! All you on the hill get ready, and all you NEOs as well!

        10. I love you Johnboy. David Taranto , Melbourne , Australia.

        11. 6:05 AM what else are you kissing???? asshole, loser, freak, nut, idiot, stupid.

      2. I have no problem telling the truth... I have a problem with liars and troublemakers.

        1. LOL. You can't even tell the truth about your name. I know exactly who wrote the letter. And it wasn't Apuron. And I know why he wrote it. I also just got off the phone with ... well, never mind.

        2. Anon at 2:56 PM:
          If you have a problem with liars, how is it you don't have a problem with Apuron whose been publicly caught in numerous lies?
          You have not the courage of your convictions if you can't put your name to your opinions.
          Come on, identify yourself!
          Eileen Benavente-Blas

        3. @anon at 2.56:
          If you truly have problems with liars and trouble makers, why don't you confront Apuron or Cristobal, or even better go to the real source on Guam, the #1 winner by a landslide Pius the Samnut?
          Go ahead....make our day!!1

        4. "I have no problem telling the truth... I have a problem with liars and troublemakers."

          The yoyo who made the comment quoted above lied from the get go. Sounds like he/she has a personal problem. LOL


      3. Thank you John for your comments.

        Permit to clarify some terms for our readers. Pedophiles are men who molest children.
        Hebephilies are men who are attracted to pubescent children.
        Ephebophilles are men who are attracted to mid to late teens.

        It is important for readers to be aware of the meaning of each term.

        1. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 2, 2015 at 6:07 AM

          Thank you 10:13. Permit me to defame the Archbishop further. I believe all you have listed applies to him. Still waiting for my lawsuit, Apuron.

        2. Does Archie know which one he is?

        3. Archie is all the above to include imbecile.


        4. New case of Ephebophille unrelated to John Toves.

        5. Of course there is. Of coarse, of course. A new case.


      4. I would not allow any son of mine in the presence of Anthony Apuron. Boys in FD should keep well away from Apuron.

      5. Posted a comment on that article with a link to junglewatch. Hope it's posted.
        Eileen Benavente-Blas

      6. Fr. Matthew Blockley.September 3, 2015 at 10:31 AM

        Dear Archbishop Apuron.

        For the Good of Our Holy Mother the church please resign.The damage you
        Have caused is so grave it cannot even begin to heal until you resign. There
        Comes a time in life when a person has caused so much pain to others they must
        Leave for healing to begin. Your person your life has killed spiritual life of
        People, divided a nation, caused huge emotional psychological trauma.

        Please resign.
