Jungle Watch Pages

Friday, September 30, 2016


KUAM: Archdiocese issues statement after news of complaint about finances

Just hours after the Archdiocese of Agana cleared Monsignor James Benavente of any wrongdoing, a complaint was filed by the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. with the Guam Police Department and the Attorney General's Office. According to the complaint, Catholic Cemeteries alleges $13,000 was misused for Monsignor Benavente's 20th anniversary dinner in 2014. CONTINUED



Congratulations to Msgr. James Benavente for pursuing to the end, for "running the race," for not growing "weary in well doing." While the declaration of "invalid" relative to the charges against him might be the best we can hope for at this moment, it is nevertheless, as Andrew Camacho so noted at the press conference, "a step in the right direction." 

And also as noted in the previous post, all of this goes away should Apuron return, and he intends to do so! This is why Msgr. James was wise to say that this is NOT an occasion for celebration, but "let us roll up our sleeves." For we have only succeeded thus far in stopping the death fall of the diocese. There is much to do. 

Msgr. James and those close to him worked long and hard to counter Apuron's attack. From the outset Msgr. James knew that this wasn't just about selfishly "restoring" his name, but about restoring the diocese. Apuron's attack on him was just one of several attacks to destroy the Catholic Church on Guam and pave the way for an aggressive and radical neo-insurgency which was intended to follow the crippling of Msgr. James. 

In short, beating back Apuron's accusations meant beating back Apuron, and beating back Apuron meant beating back the Gennarini-Pius-led onslaught on this diocese. It has been a very hard fought battle (thus far) and some of it is documented below:


Apuron is STILL Archbishop of Agana. He has NOT been removed. And the fact that he has NOT been removed, even after a personal appeal by Hon to the pope himself to remove him, is a statement as to just how powerful the Kiko's are in Rome. 

Apuron is maintaining his innocence. And should he be exonerated by a Kiko-infiltrated Vatican tribunal, he will return and UNDO everything that has been done, and then punish all of his opponents severely. Do NOT grow weary in well doing (Gal 6:9). 

Keep marching. Our continued and growing presence on the street Sunday after Sunday is the ONLY thing keeping the Vatican from sending Apuron back here. (In fact, early morning intel says he already is. More on that later.)


At a meeting with the Presbyterial Council on July 25, 2014, Attorney Jackie Terlaje (the "trained lawyer") presented Apuron's charges against Msgr. James Benavente. Today, those charges were declared INVALID.


Here is a letter from the Presbyteral Council and the College of Consultors to Apuron regarding that meeting:


Today. 10am. Re: Msgr. James Benavente. Will probably be streamed live on KUAM.


(Posted by Frenchie)
The Red Pope, as both his enemies and his friends have nicknamed him, is falling in the long and sad tradition of the Vatican's political Cardinals, who have for better and often time for worse dotted the Curia's long History.

One thing about the man, is that he is a very shrewd operator, in the traditional Italian understanding of the word. He is a consummate  man of the shadows, and of the power wielded around the Vatican.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


It is particularly fitting for us who are engaged in this Spiritual Battle for the soul of our Church on Guam to honor St. Michael and continue to implore his help. It is also a Feast Day which I annually remember for a personal reason and I share this story each year on this day: 

Thank you for reading it. And may St. Michael also come to your aid in a personal way.


 Posted by Frenchie

Guam is administratively attached to the Congregation  for the Evangelization of peoples, which is led by the red Pope: Cardinal Filoni.

How did this ever happen?

The reason we are coming under the umbrella of Cardinal Filoni, is that Guam is considered as a land of Mission.

This is the result of deliberate decisions and administrative moves by this man:

Anthony S Apuron, here with one of his minion. The Sheppard of our Church was the one that actively brought a Trojan Horse in our midst by actively and knowingly pursuing the status of Land of Mission for our island.

This might sound strange to many since we have been Catholic, longer than the US has been a country.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Catholic Families for Apuron claim new law creates more injustice

LOL. Here's the statement of the year:

"Archbishop Anthony Apuron, had he been present, would never have allowed such a discriminatory bill to pass."



The reason no other priests are saying anything is because they are still in fear. Fear from The Hon, fear from what will happen to them should they speak up. Fear that their "cushy" assignments will be taken away. To Fr. Efren, thank you, thank you for your bravery in coming out. To the other clergy.....I guess the souls you are entrusted with, don't mean a thing to you. Obedience to man or to God?

Defamation suit ?? Tim all the suit you write in suit blog about the Bishop is nothing but a lie,your judgement day will come and you cannot write your way out of that lying asshole!!!


Posted by Bob                            Part II
The Other                                                                                               The Elder 

There are two. Both are Davids. Both are Quituguas. Both are Monsignors. There the similarity ends.  One, The Elder, properly placed on the right side of the page, has distinguished himself by standing up for what is right--more about that later. The other has also distinguished himself by standing up for what is wrong.
Part I was posted yesterday and was only a very short summary of the many wrongs of Quituqua The Other. Today we turn to Monsignor David I. A Quituqua, i.e. The Elder, who in contrast to The Other, speaks up for what's right. Some examples follow but first let's examine the some dynamics of group punishment.


On December 20, 2014, John Toves called Archbishop Anthony Apuron. He posted a copy of his conversation of his comment to this blog on the same day. In light of the revelation by Ramon De Plata, let's repost it:

(Toves) "Archbishop Apuron?"

(AAA) "Yes"

(Toves) "This is John Toves from California."

(AAA) (Silence)

(Toves) "How are you?"

(AAA) (mumbled) "Fine."

(Toves) "You said fine?"

(AAA) "Fine."

(Toves) "You have not been listening to the media, or the people?"

(AAA) "I have been staying low."

(Toves) "Why is that?"

(AAA) (Silence)

(Toves) "Archbishop, I will persist in trying to meet with you. I am thoroughly disappointed that you had been unable to meet with me each time."

(AAA) "I am following the advice of my attorney." "I cannot talk to you." "I have to go." (starting to hang up)

(Toves) "I know about Chalan Pago."

(AAA) (breathing heavier)

(Toves) "I know about you and Father Tony Cruz, and the altar boys." "I have met with persons directly involved."

(AAA) (still heavier breathing) (hangs up) (beep, beep, beep, beep)

A few days later, wanting to wish Apuron a "Merry Christmas" on Christmas Eve, Toves sent Apuron this:


Posted by Chuck White

A Dallas law firm is seeking information about a Fr. John Sutton, who allegedly raped one of its clients and who taught history at Father Duenas Memorial High School from 1971 to 1974.  Apuron and Broulliard were at the school in that time frame too, right?


There is often a price for doing the right thing. Today is the Feast of the "Good King" Wenceslas.

Posted by Tim

Wenceslas was a 10th-century Catholic Duke of Bohemia also known as Vaclav the Good, and was martyred after being assassinated by his wicked brother, Boleslaw the Bad. Wenceslas's remains are interred in St Vitus's cathedral in Prague, and he was recently made patron saint of the Czech Republic. His Saint's Day is September 28.  READ THE STORY BEHIND THE CAROL and more at CATHOLIC.ORG


Posted by LaPaz, Jungle Watch Correspondant from Spain.

Two days ago I watched "Spotlight" movie. Very sad. 
A lot of pain, unnecessary pain and of course unwanted by God. 
Humans do sin. Humans are not perfect. Humans are limited. Humans are able to do the worst.
But humans have natural law inscribed in their deepest heart and there are some red lines all humans are able to know at least by intuition. 

There are some things every human person resists because such instinct says. If it does not work it is because that natural instict is damaged. If a mother kills her baby it means she has her natural instinct damaged. Her natural instinct is to protect her baby even against her own life. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Posted by Bob 
The Other                                                                                               The Elder 

There are two. Both are Davids. Both are Quituguas. Both are Monsignors. There the similarity ends.  One, The Elder, properly placed on the right side of the page, has distinguished himself by standing up for what is right--more about that later. The other has also distinguished himself by standing up for what is wrong.                                                                               


Posted by Tim

And for good reason. The letter began with Hon telling us he is trying to get the pope to get rid of Apuron. In fact, not only did the Neo priests NOT read the letter, several have told Hon to his face that his is NOT their bishop. 

David the Rector blew off Fr. Jeff San Nicolas on the LFM seminary-visit issue, even though Fr. Jeff is the competent ecclesial authority for the Archdiocese of Agana in Hon's absence. 

Yet, Fr. Mike Crisostomo is the only priest to get Hon's bony finger in his face and a public ass-chewin'. 

What does that tell you?

BTW, Hon. There are now THREE individuals who are not represented by attorneys but who have brought claims of sexual abuse against members of the clergy. John Toves, Jonathan Diaz, and the lady who came to see you. 


Hey Rude-ee. Did you read Hon's letter from the pulpit? Or do they even let you go there anymore?


From the Guam Daily Post story:
At least 15 "AB Hon Go Home" signs and one "Hon a Failure" sign circulated the picket line during yesterday’s protests. Vice Speaker Benjamin Cruz, who participated in the protests, carried one such sign. 
"I wanted to express the depths of my dismay and disappointment in this new archbishop," said Cruz. 
Cruz told the Post he had been largely ostracized from church proceedings by Apuron and that he had had great hope in Hon's appointment as apostolic administrator. That hope was lost, he said, when Hon released the statement asking Calvo to veto Bill 326.
"When no one (from the church) came to testify against Bill 326, I felt hope – I thought maybe the church was not going to oppose this," he said. "But last Sunday when the letter went out, I felt betrayed." 
Cruz said he had twice crossed the picket line to attend 9:30 Mass in order to personally let Hon know he was available for consultation with regard to the church's sex abuse response committee, but that he was never contacted. 
"We need to have him understand that maybe it's time for him to go home," he said. "I thought he was going to clean up the mess, but all he's doing is protecting the predators and protecting the fortunes of the church rather than protecting the souls of the archdiocese."


September 26, 2016

Earlier this year Joseph Santos made a promise to Doris Concepcion.

Santos, of the Silent No More organization, promised he would not take down his iconic truck sign until the law was changed on Guam that lifted the civil statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases.

On Friday the Governor signed Public Law 33-187, authored by Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr., that removes the statute of limitations. So tomorrow Santos will be joined by Senator Blas and Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. at the gravesite of Concepcion’s son where they will remove his sign as a promise fulfilled to the grieving mother.

The public is invited to attend. The event will be held at 11am tomorrow, Tuesday September 27, at Veteran’s Cemetery in Piti.

For more information, please contact the Office of Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr., at 475-2527 or via email at frank.blasjr@gmail.com.

Note: the press release says "tomorrow" because it was released yesterday. The event is today. 


Posted by Tim

Ric Eusebio continues to make himself a cartoon - a white-coated emblem of what Kiko Arguello Kool Aid (KAKA) does to he brain. 

In the Daily Post story, Eusebio blames everyone but himself for the passage of Bill 326 and its enactment into law as P.L. 33-187

But here's the big funny:
"Eusebio began advocating against the passage of the bill last week as it awaited a decision by the governor on whether to sign it."
So, "the doctor" waits till AFTER the bill has passed to begin "advocating against" it. LOL. Ummm, Earth to Eusebio, that's why public hearings are called PUBLIC hearings. They are called PUBLIC hearins so that the legislature can hear the PUBLIC. But Eusebio wasn't there. 

Eusebio did not submit even so much as letter, but now suddenly he's an expert as to what the new law does and doesn't do, and on what everybody else should or shouldn't have done:
"He further blamed the passage of the bill by the legislature on Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai, apostolic administrator to the Archdiocese of Agana. Eusebio's criticism of the archdiocesan administration was fueled by reports that church authorities failed to weigh in on the bill while the legislature was accepting testimony.'
How do you not add an SMH and an LOL to this lunacy. Seriously, he, Dr. Ric Eusebio, who had every opportunity, right, and duty to "weigh in on the bill while the legislature was accepting testimony," DID NOTHING, but he is willing to criticize Archbishop Hon for doing nothing. 

Do you see what KAKA does to your brain, folks? Do you see here the real fruit of the Neocatechumenal Way? This guy is a CATECHIST. He is in charge of the shaping of your soul if he is YOUR catechist. 

I mean, seriously, this guy had no problem going PUBLIC a couple weeks ago to defend Apuron, Pius, and RMS. But he said NOT a word against Bill 326...ummm, until it PASSED! 
"Bill 326, in addition to monetary restitution for all, could have been about the types of family support the government would have been able to provide for families identified to be at risk for child abuse," he said. "Instead, sadly, it focused on the perceived injustice of alleged victims of the Catholic Church."
More SMH and LOL. The words "Catholic Church" NEVER appeared in the bill. Neither its author nor the legislature as a whole ever brought up the words "Catholic Church." Not even the victims who publicly testified in support of the bill used the words "Catholic Church" other than to say they still love and do not blame the Church. 

No, the words which were brought up over and over again were not the words "Catholic Church!" but the two words and one initial which is what Eusebio is really upset about: ANTHONY S. APURON. 

Thanks, Ric. Thank you for your constant and very visible reminder of what KAKA does to the brain. 

Monday, September 26, 2016


Hafa Adai my friends and family,

Our island family has been through much these past several months. I hope that we can now move forward and begin the process of healing.

Just as Pope Francis called on us to pray for the victims of sexual abuse during a Worldwide Day of Prayer, I ask everyone to pray for our island’s victims of this heinous crime, most especially the vulnerable of our community, our children.

In the words of Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz: “This universal expression of healing and sorrow, joined by our brothers and sisters around the world, will be a powerful reminder that no survivor should walk the path toward healing alone.”

We pray that the survivors of sexual abuse begin the healing process. We pray they receive deep comfort in the support of their family and friends and from the community. We pray that what has been stolen and broken will be restored. Most of all, we will continue to proactively protect our children and our island from this horrible injustice, so that no individual will have to undergo this pain and suffering.

God bless our children, our families and our island of Guam.


One department accused of resistance to financial reforms is the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples – known as Propaganda Fide – that oversees and funds the Church in mission territories. 
The 400-year-old office has extensive property holdings and a degree of autonomy: the prefect in charge of the department – currently Cardinal Fernando Filoni – is known as “the red Pope”.

The Prefect oversees the Catholic mission territories and is traditionally dubbed the "Red Pope" as a reflection of both the power of his congregation and the red vestments of the Cardinal Prefect. The office's sizable resources (furnished by income from its long-maintained Roman real-estate holdings) provide a significant amount of funding to the efforts of the developing church, and the congregation's cardinals are responsible for recommending appointees to the episcopacy in mission areas, mainly African and Asian countries, a task that falls to the Congregation for Bishops in more established locales. Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai is Secretary (Filoni's deputy) of the Congregation. Their knowledge of China and the government-controlled Chinese church will be crucial in resolving diplomatic issues between the two entities.

NOTE: SMH. Hon can't even handle a small dispute between normally non-confrontational and peaceful Guamanians. How's going to handle Communist China???


Pesch: What happens after child sex abuse bill becomes law
Like many others on Guam, I woke up Saturday morning wondering what the future holds for us as a community. With Gov. Eddie Calvo’s signature of approval to Bill 326, we are on an unchartered course of attempting to hold a religious institution accountable for alleged acts that, if true, are both morally and legally deplorable. This is going to take some time to sink in.


This is from January 2015, when Hon first told us to shut up and sit down

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Posted by Jose M.

You had one job.

It just wasn't the one you led us to believe you were here for.

And since you have thus far failed at both, it's time for you to leave.

HONestly, you don't have to go home, you just can't stay here.

Today, over 150 people wrapped around the sidewalks that border the Cathedral to display support for our brave outspoken, truth promoting, soul saving priests, and to give Abp Hon the boot.

The following are a few more photos documenting the will of these people and parishioners of the Catholic Church on Guam.


We'll lay off the Diaz comments...for now.


SUNDAY, SEP 25, 2016. HAGATNA, GUAM. Members of the Concerned Catholics of Guam and the Laity Forward Movement continue to their weekly picket line on the steps for the Hagatna Cathedral Sunday morning. Messages on their signs have changed slightly -- now calling Apostolic Administrator Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai a failure and demanding he go home to Rome.


We now have verification of what we have suspected from the beginning: a full and complete Neocatechumenal takeover of the Archdiocese of Agana. 

We also have verification of our suspicions that Hon was never here to bring reconciliation and unity but to continue that Neocatechumenal takeover after things went askew with Apuron.

All of this is clearly laid out in David the Rector's September 7 letter to Fr. Jeff San Nicolas wherein Fr. Jeff, the "competent ecclesial authority" for the Archdiocese of Agana in Hon's absence, is told by David the Rector, that Cardinal Filoni, Prefect for the Congregation for the Evangelization of People and "Kiko's best friend in the Vatican," that he (Jeff) has no jurisdiction over the so-called Archdiocesan seminary, otherwise known as RMS. 


Posted by Bob

IS IT TIME FOR HON GO HOME? We came close to finding our this morning when a record 150 picketers showed up. We had our usual DEFROCK APURON, NO $$ FOR RMS and HON ?? signs. The 15 AB HON GO HOME signs went really quickly. Some folks brought homemade GO HOME signs. Had we had 150 HON GO HOME signs it would have been just about enough!


Posted by Tim

Posted on HERE'S WHAT HON IS GOING TO DO, Anonymous writes:

An accusation of sex abuse...hon has so many accusations that he refuses to follow up on. I hope he initiates those before he picks on pale Mike. 
Well, since apparently the other alleged victims are already all lawyered up, here's one Hon can work with, and some say, he already is. 

On June 27, 2016, at the first public hearing for Bill 326-33, Jonathan Diaz orally "testified" on....well I don't know what he testified on. 

After a lengthy story about everything from being molested by a seminarian, to losing his job, to not making enough money to live on, to being denied entrance to a seminary, to no one believing him, to no senator came to his aid, to being "ostracized by this community," to being called "mentally ill because I am a bisexual man," to losing the election against Madeline Bordallo in 2010, to... Mr. Diaz finally wraps up his testimony in favor of "adding another year to the window," (there is no "window in the bill, the bill lifts the statute of limitations permanently) and a protest against the "Vatican's decision concerning the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa" (a reference to the recent appointment of Ryan Jiminez as bishop-elect.) You can find Mr. Diaz' testimony on pages 23-27 of the Committee Report.

So have at it, Hon. In fact, I heard he missed his first appointment with the new SARC. No surprise. Oh, and here's a few other things to help your research. 

On August 28, 2014, Mr. Diaz left the following comment on my blog accusing "our Ordinary" of sexual assault on a former seminarian, and calling - before anyone else did - for Apuron to be "defrocked." 

Tim, this is Jonathan Diaz. It is my understanding that Rome has been contacted concerning an incident of a former seminarian of our Archdiocese for a sexual assault by our Ordinary in the 1980's at St. JOSEPH'S College, in Moutainview, CA. I encourage all seminarians past, priest or not, to please contact Rome about this incident vis a vi Our Nuncio. We had several of them and I believe That there are substantial people who can vouch for this and is not gossip. This is fact because as a Catholic Sexual Abuse Survivor on this island of Guam, who is very much still a Catholic, I firmly believe with all my heart, mind and spirit that Apruon must be defrocked! It is time to move Rome with not only our prayers, but with actions. I am kindly asking people to not receive Holy Communion from Apuron until things get resolved. He cannot be allowed to stomp all over us because these scandals are scandals, not gossip! And if they continue to use the pulpit for politicking, just know that they will be challenged by me and everyone else who have the right to know where our money is going! We are not dumb sheep anymore!

On November 24, 2014, Mr. Diaz went further, claiming that for Apuron "one boy was not enough," and demands for Apuron to tell "the truth" because "God is demanding it, not me."

And yes. Archbishop needs to speak up and why one boy was not enough. He needs to answer the people and he must be redeemed. God wants his people healed, but let us all please wait. Trust God. Trust the Holy Spirit. He is afraid to tell the truth. Let us all hear the truth. And he will answer because God is demanding it, not me.

So, Archbishop Hon, there you go. But then he is accusing Archbishop Apuron, so I gues you can't touch this one right? Oh, what to do, what to do?

Well, no worries. Mr. Diaz has already foreseen your dilemma, because when some seriously credible Apuron victims came forward this past May and June, Diaz, on June 10 - three days after Walter Denton shared his horrific account of being raped by Apuron - officially proclaimed Apuron's innocence on the PDN's Facebook page:


Jonathan Blas Diaz His Excellency The Most Reverend Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM., Cap., Doctor of Divinity IS INNOCENT!
LikeReply1June 10 at 10:18am
Augustus Francus Lmao!!!!
LikeReply2June 10 at 10:56pm
Tina Lg Bongat Batshit crazy!
Jonathan Blas Diaz Let us continue to believe in the words of the Archbishop of AgaƱa that claims he is innocent for he, (and all of us, myself included) must practice what he preaches!

Archbishop Hon, you have no idea what you're in for. You best call Papa Francis and ask for a reassignment.



Posted by LaPaz, Jungle Watch Correspondent from Spain.

Yesterday I made a mistake in my last published post. An anonymous told me and I had corrected it. It was related with the name of the Cardinal Filoni, Prefect of Congregation for New Evangelization.

I also want to say yesterday my neocatechumenal nose was right. I wrote that neocatechumenals of Guam had started to send some "messages" and today we know their first messenger pigeon has hit the target.

I do not know how do you say in English when somebody obtains high score with dart game, but in Spanish we say DIANA!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Posted by Tim

This guy is tricky. Hon will get his revenge on us and here is how he is going to do it. He's going to bring up an accusation of sex abuse against Fr. Mike Crosostomo. He's going to use someone who "makes his bed with whoever will sleep in it." Stay tuned. This is one evil dude.


Posted by Tim

Note: Okay, I've tamed the original title of my post a bit. No need to add to Efren's words. Sure would be good now though to see our priests rise up so we can see who the real ones are. So far we have Efren and Mike C. Any other takers?

Before anyone makes assumptions, let me briefly (yeah, "brief" hardly describes my comments, right?) say something I was told, not from the grapevine but from the "grape" in person. Fr. Mike Crisostomo is a hardworking priest and is a valuable asset in our community. Very few people have my respect, and he is one of them. Realistically there might be issues ahead of him but we must allow the process to take its due course. At any rate, I am standing up for him because he is a brother priest. That is what we do, stand up for people we love and care for.

An outraged Archbishop Hon pointed his fingers at him and banged the table during the Presbyteral Council on Friday afternoon. He accused him of being disobedient for not reading the letter from the pulpit. In full view of the other members at the meeting. Why Archbishop Hon singled out Fr. Mike is beyond me. I heard Fr. Jeff also got berated in private earlier. Many priests, including the NCW presbyters, did not read his letter and did not get a scolding. Truth be told, I DID NOT READ THE LETTER EITHER! Did I get called? Well, not yet. Fr. Mike was forced to write a letter of apology. The sad thing in that scenario was that NOT A SINGLE MEMBER STOOD UP IN SUPPORT OF FR. MIKE. Except perhaps for the Amko Msgr. David IA Quitugua. Why am I writing this? Because the gesture of Archbishop Hon is not becoming of one who is trying to establish unity and reconciliation. Because he has disrespected a fellow local priest in public and reduced him to a whimpering bull pup because "he has the power and he was sent by the Vatican"! Given the circumstances surrounding his failure to bring resolution, I sincerely doubt that.

If Archbishop Hon continues to quibble and remains duplicitous, he hampers the process. He is better off admitting that he is the wrong person! He may retire to his office where he can push paper and kiss rings! Archbishop Hon is costing us money we do not have, and is railroading the slow progress towards resolution. He has done a lot of damage just this last weekend, splitting our Catholic people into loyalties and confusion by demanding the reading of his letter. He is blaming priests for something he should have resolved on Week One of his arrival. He failed to act, which is why we are in a bigger mess than if we ousted Archbishop Apuron ourselves! I support Father Mike and I protest this indignity. A pastoral bishop should respect his priests and seek out their welfare, not shame or embarrass them in public because the priest does not conform to his agenda. A pastoral bishop does not hide behind people he had appointed and leaves them to do the dirty job. A pastoral bishop seeks consensus and invites laypeople to be part of the discussion. A pastoral bishop is beyond censure, and if Archbishop Hon cannot accept that, then he is part of the problem. He might try out for a popularity contest instead. I am confident that with the newly-minted law, the local Catholic Church will earn integrity and credibility. The action of our legislators sent a clear message that they stand behind the people but, more importantly, they respect the rule of law and justice.

I stand behind this comment and will accept any consequence of my words and actions. I do not speak for my peers who may need to own up to what they proclaim in public. I often speak my mind, and it does not get me a lot of invite to clergy meetings. I am fine with that. As the saying goes, "you are defined by the company you keep." A Spanish saying is even more apt, "Da me con quien andas y te dire' quien eres." St. Michael, protect us in battle.
Father Efren Adversario


You sent Hon here to "restore unity"??? Really? Apuron only raped our children. Hon is raping our Faith. He has now targeted a priest who the people will rally to protect like no one else. In fact, for Hon's own safety, it is time you remove him. The people will explode when they learn about this. Take this message seriously. 


Posted by LaPaz, Jungle Watch Correspondent from Spain.

Today Guam Governor has given a step foward against of the "discourse of fear" fed by neocatechumenals during the last few days.  

The Neocatechumenal Way has never showed special compassion with any victim of any kind of abuses, since the moment its own ideology explains every abuse as an event of God -not caused by permitted- for the conversion of the victim, who is ordered to forgive her/his abuser and, at the end, the conversion of the abuser when he/she is forgiven.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Posted by Webster.


What a difference three words can make and do. As inspiring and moving as, I love you.

And what a difference one man can do when he picks up a cause and runs with it. Inspired by the righteousness of these three words, Joe Santos started the Silent No More movement. As he felt a duty early in his life to serve his country in the United States Army, he felt a duty later in his life to serve the cause of justice for child sex abuse victims.

He put a Silent No More sign on the back of his truck and took it everywhere he went, from morning to evening. He initiated a petition to have the Statute of Limitations lifted to protect our children. He collected signatures. He took his message everywhere and anywhere, even to places where he was not welcomed. People listened, and people responded. He amassed a following.

He drove his message all the way to the Legislature and then to the Governor, who signed the bill into law several hours ago. A knight in shining armor indeed.

We all became a part of Silent No More, willingly or unwillingly, by being reminded daily that our silence and our lack of inaction can easily lead to the destruction of others. We all watched in silence as certain members of our clergy abused our defenseless and innocent children.

We cannot afford anymore to be silent in the face of injustice and depravity. Our Church learned that lesson today.

Let us thank the Joe Santos of this world, and let us pray that our Church will take this lesson to heart.

Will our Church leaders take heed? That remains to be seen.

Archbishop Hon and Fr. Jeff: Are you listening?


Posted by Tim
There is a huge chance that the history of the Catholic Church on Guam will be rewritten … by Catholics. And it’s pretty awesome. 

Continued at:


Posted by Tim

In today's Voice of the People, Fr. Ken Carriveau attempts to excuse the archdiocese's absence of testimony on Bill 326-33 by saying that to do so would have been against "federal guidelines" banning political activity for tax-exempt organizations"
"I suggest that it is not a “case of fear mongering,” but rather, as in my case, a matter of following federal guidelines. Confusion over the ban on political activity by tax-exempt organizations has existed ever since it was first imposed by Congress in 1954."
It's funny to see Carriveau reference "confusion over the ban on political activity by tax-exempt organizations" when Carriveau himself is even more confused. He apparently does not know the difference between political activity and legislative activity. The IRS itself makes this distinction:


Posted by Tim

Bill 326 threatens nonprofit institutions (submitted by Ken Carriveau)
I wish to comment on Mr. David Sablan’s statement made in a recent Pacific Daily News article: “Where was Archbishop Hon and the other members of the clergy when the Legislature held public hearings and comment period on the bill? This is a case of fear mongering.” I suggest that it is not a “case of fear mongering,” but rather, as in my case, a matter of following federal guidelines. Confusion over the ban on political activity by tax-exempt organizations has existed ever since it was first imposed by Congress in 1954. CONTINUED

To which I left the following comment:

Seriously, Ken. You mean to tell me that all those years you priests turned your pulpits into podiums to lobby against gambling, you were actually violating IRS rules? And if a ban against churches participating in political activity kept the archdiocese from submitting testimony against Bill 326 then you are then admitting that it is now violating that ban by submitting petitions for the governor to veto the bill? People of Guam. Do you see why we need Bill 326 to become law?

P.S. I'll be back with more


Posted by Tim

At first, I was one of those who was urging others to "give Hon a chance."

In fact, when a listener called into the Patti Arroyo show on June 10, the day after Hon's first address to the Catholics of Guam at St. Anthony's, and expressed disappointment that Hon had said "nothing about the victims," I immediately called in and angrily protested that we needed to give him a chance. 

However, within a few days, I was to see the error of my thinking and immediately realized that Hon had been sent here by Filoni to do one thing: save RMS, and save Apuron if he could. 

And who is Filoni? 

As Frenchie explains in his post A STUDY IN DOUBLE TALK, AND MISLEADING PEOPLE, Cardinal Fernando Filoni is "Kiko's best friend in the Vatican.