Apuron is STILL Archbishop of Agana. He has NOT been removed. And the fact that he has NOT been removed, even after a personal appeal by Hon to the pope himself to remove him, is a statement as to just how powerful the Kiko's are in Rome.
Apuron is maintaining his innocence. And should he be exonerated by a Kiko-infiltrated Vatican tribunal, he will return and UNDO everything that has been done, and then punish all of his opponents severely. Do NOT grow weary in well doing (Gal 6:9).
Keep marching. Our continued and growing presence on the street Sunday after Sunday is the ONLY thing keeping the Vatican from sending Apuron back here. (In fact, early morning intel says he already is. More on that later.)
A positive step forward, many miles to go.
ReplyDeleteMarched last Sunday...to be continued for as long as it takes.
ReplyDeleteThere are still many things that need to be done. As Monsignor James states, now is not the time to celebrate. Continue the pickets. If that monster is on island, we need to know. A newly signed law awaits him.
ReplyDeleteChelu, You @ 1:06PM, PARA yan tulaika i na'anmu sa yangin mahihita pues baba enao na para unagan mamaisahao kumo sikaduka. Ayoha i man gaige gi ortro banda yan i dumalalaike i gurupon Eusebio enao hutungo na man kadukus.
ReplyDeleteLet us continue with our battle march and call out more of our island Katolikus; we're far from claiming victory. The score board is 2 - 0, still many remaining and many more miles to go. Esta.
Pls don't let my alias bother you. Just like you, you call yourself Anonymous because we don't want to reveal our
Deleteidentity. My name I sam Juanita and what's yours? I will try to switch to anonymous next time just so you won't be offended. Thank you for your interest. Rest assured though, Tim knows whose side I'm on and it matters.
Fr. James showed humility when he said that he offered up Mass & prayers for his accuser Apurun and was relieved that all the people that had worked with him were vindicated as well. A true shepherd puts his flock first.
ReplyDeleteThe only negative comment I have is HON'S excuse that he had a prior engagement!Horse shit HON. You've lost face and do not want to face the media! So GO HOME! You won't be missed by the NCW, the victims or the faithful.
Hon has prior engagement? An excuse to avoid conflict, yes, it is rat's ass excuse! And what is that prior engagement? This is a big part of the reason why he is here and he comes up with an excuse of a "prior engagement?" Well, Honee Babee, you can attend to all the peripheries of your duty and not the essential ones. After all, you are a "non-confrontative problem solver." Now, you tell us how oxymoronic that term is that describes you! Be honest, you do not have the goods to do what you were sent for.
DeleteHon has prior engagement? An excuse to avoid conflict, yes, it is rat's ass excuse! And what is that prior engagement? This is a big part of the reason why he is here and he comes up with an excuse of a "prior engagement?" Well, Honee Babee, you can attend to all the peripheries of your duty and not the essential ones. After all, you are a "non-confrontative problem solver." Now, you tell us how oxymoronic that term is that describes you! Be honest, you do not have the goods to do what you were sent for.
DeleteAA Hob has been a disaster for us. Just a little over a week ago he used Fr. Mike to demonstrate that he, like Apuron, can be mean to our priests. Hon has done nothing for victims of child sexual abuse except set up the "Nededog Committee" but has not revised the diocesan sex abuse policy.
ReplyDeleteHon has done nothing but "BS" us about the Yona property. On August 18 he said,
"Thus, I hereby sincerely ask the collaboration of all the faithful to act with obedience to the directive of the Holy See. And, in particular, I request that community which now enjoys in perpetuity the use of the “property” to spontaneously and effectively renounce, without any litigation, such a benefit obtained from the Archdiocese of Agaña. Such a courageous act of renouncing will certainly earn respect and recognition from the Holy See, as well as many faithful, the Presbyteral Council, and myself.
The Church will update the faithful as it progresses in this area" He's back form Rome and hasn't said boo about the property--no even a thank you to the CCOG for the documents he took along.
Hon has also been silent on the report of his own committee recommending closing RMS.
One of his charges locked the ladies out of RMS. Hon hasn't made that right either.
On of his own priests recommended a five year moratorium on the Neocatecumenal Way. Again, the silence from Hon is deafening.
Hon knows what's to be done and has the power to do it. He hasn't. This Sunday I'm going to get to the Cathedral early so I can grab a HON GO HOME sign. They'll probably go pretty fast.
Are we to believe that Hon actually asked the Pope to replace apuron? This is Hon, the master of double speak, who speaks with forked tongue that we are talking about.
ReplyDeleteNothing decisive will happen on Hon's watch. Why prolong the agony for him and for us? He is inept and unable to comprehend the enormity of the issues facing he Archdiocese. The longer he delays action, the worse things get. His patchwork solutions are defective. He represents, perhaps, the overall ineptness of Vatican bureaucracy. Is this the best they can send from the all-men's club?
ReplyDeleteIs Hon a Neocat in sheep's clothing?
ReplyDeleteWith some things looking positive for our church, I must caution everyone to not let your guard down just because scraps are being thrown to us. There are still some things that need to be addressed. The laicizing of apuron; the naming of a new archbishop; the lawful return of the Yona property; the ousting of NEO; the addressing of the survivors of apuron....just to name a few. These tidbits being thrown out are good things but Justice still needs to prevail. Until such time, Onward Christian Soldiers! St. Michael defend us.