The minutes of the clergy meeting with Archbishop Krebs, Tuesday, July 15, 2014
"The people will know."
-Archbishop Martin Krebs, July 14, 2014, to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Agana.
(Extra commentary in red.)
(Extra commentary in red.)
Father Mike Crisostomo begins by reviewing the CARA Action plan. (Note: These plans were put in place as a result of the 2010 CARA study on the Archdiocese of Agana. They were shelved immediately after the facilitators left, just like the recommendations of Archbishop Krebs were shelved as soon as he left. The Archbishop has demonstrated time and again he has no interest in unity. And until now, he could keep that lack of interest hidden.)
The first recommendation of the plan is the creation of various boards to assist the Archbishop in decision making.
Fr Pablo Rodriguez (Rector of the Seminary) asks if we are like a corporation then? (Note. According to the Archbishop's reasons for not including the Seminary in the Archdiocesan financial reporting, the Seminary is a legal entity completely autonomous from the Archdiocese. One wonders then why the Seminary rector, or any member of the clergy at the seminary, an autonomous institution, should be included in a discussion that involves the governance of the Archdiocese? But then, we know why.)
Fr. Adrian Cristobal, the Chancellor, states the Presbyteral Council has had ongoing discussions regarding the boards. (Really ???????. The action plan recommending the boards was composed in 2010. It is now 2014. So they've had ongoing discussions for four years????? Either that's a lie or the Presbyteral Council is grossly incompetent.)
Fr. Mike Crisostomo speaks about the benefits of a proposed Clergy Personnel Board.
Now watch the Kiko's circle the wagons around the Archbishop. A board, any board, would build in a layer of accountability and limit the Kiko's power. Can't have that.
Fr. Pablo Rodriguez says we are small, we do not need boards, we can just go in and see the Archbishop whenever we need to. (Sure. But it's what happens after that's the problem.)
Msgr. David C. Quitugua, Vicar General, points out that Fr. Richard Kidd had said he recently had good discussions with the Archbishop and that a personnel board isn't needed (apparently because one non-Kiko priest had one good discussion). He said the Archbishop has an open door policy. (Right. Like the open door OUT he showed Fr. Paul.)
Deacon Steve Martinez says that advisory boards are good, that they would help to relieve the Archbishop of mundane issues, and that they also provide an opportunity for appeal or redress of decisions. (Oops. That's the problem!)
Fr. Adrian then repeats that we are small and that one on one relations with the Archbishop are best. (Right. That's been working so well, hasn't it?)
Deacon Bill Hagen (who is also a business man and understand the role of boards) points out that boards help to insulate the Archbishop. (He means this in a good way, so that the Archbishop won't get himself in trouble so easily.)
(The Kiko's apparently feel that they are losing ground so...)
...they say that they are able to see the Archbishop whenever needed and neo-Deacon Larry Claros questions why we can't use the existing Presbyteral Council and College of Consultors (two "boards' which already exist.)
Deacon Bill Hagen points out that people bypass the boards and because the Archbishop does not want to disappoint he is prone to accept things he shouldn't. (Yes. We have seen this, which is why boards should not be permitted to be bypassed. That's why they are there. But the Archbishop has demonstrated he is even willing to bypass the canonically mandated finance council and ignore his legal counsel as well...when it comes to doing the will of the Kiko's.)
Archbishop Krebs, after hearing all of this (and probably being aghast at this prattle) finally weighed in with a hammer that put an end to the discussion. He said that boards are most important and that they are canonical and non-negotiable. He then added that Pope Francis has been criticized for having too many boards. But due to some bad experiences in his past as a Jesuit superior when he made decisions without counsel, he now believes in and employs several boards. (A good example is the "board" he recently constituted to help him reform the Curia.) BOOM! That put an end to discussion on the need for boards.
(So now we'll see if the Archbishop will take the wise council of Archbishop Krebs and follow the example of the Pope. It still staggers the intellect to think that in a time when Pope Francis is pushing for greater collegiality, that our Kiko's are pushing for the opposite. Funny how they use Pope Francis whenever he's useful but discard him when he gets in the way. But then we're used to that, aren't we.)
Fr. Mike Crisostomo then pushes on to the next topics: clergy unity, breaking down barriers, the climate of fear amongst the non-Kiko clergy, and the imposition of the Neocatechumenal Way on people.
A few Kiko priests expressed surprise saying "What fear? What lack of unity?" (Ummm, yah.)
Then the Archbishop states (remember Archbishop Krebs is present) that he had never imposed the NCW on anyone, it was all voluntary, always. (Ummm, right. What Archbishop Apuron doesn't know is that Archbishop Krebs has in his possession the letters he wrote to the three Filipino priests in 2008 demanding they serve the Neocatechumenal Way or get out of the diocese.)
Deacon Steve Martinez then spoke about his experience during his diaconate formation when he and several others were given the ultimatum to join the NCW or not be ordained. He also mentioned the ultimatum given to the Filipino priests.
The Archbishop (remember Archbishop Krebs is present) apologized if there was a "misunderstanding" (!!!!) and said it was always voluntary and that any Filipino priest who wanted to be incardinated simply had to get a letter from their bishop releasing them. (Okay, here, read the letters for yourself.)
Fr. Adrian Cristobal, Chancellor, said that the Archbishop, in ordering the diaconate candidates to join the NCW or else, merely wanted them to listen to a catechesis, and also apologized if there was a misunderstanding (remember Archbishop Krebs is present). SMH, SMH, SMH
Deacon Len Stohr and Deacon Bill Hagen then both verified that the candidates were told to "walk" and that it was not voluntary.
Fr. Adrian Cristobal (now caught) then said the only thing he could say: that he couldn't remember, but apologized if that was how it was conveyed. (SMH! Oh, and remember, Archbishop Krebs is present. Is there even a remote possibility that he would have apologized if Archbishop Krebs was NOT present? They've had TEN YEARS to apologize. Right.)
Deacon Larry Claros then spoke about his obedience and how much the Neo had helped him but that his wife did not join.
Fr. Richard Kidd responded to Deacon Claros saying he was happy for Larry but that he too (Fr. Kidd) was told to walk. And when he did not join the NCW, his entry into St. Patrick's Seminary (in California) was delayed for nearly 2 years. (Yes, making life "arduous and painful"is the Archbishop's standard MO for those who do not submit to the Kiko's as he has.)
Several Kiko-priests then default to their standard testimonies testifying to how the NCW has saved marriages, helped children, and how one priest tried to commit suicide before joining the Neo. (Ummm, really? What assurances do the people of Guam have that the priest, who we must presume operates among us, now has a completely clean bill of mental health? Oh, yah. He joined the Neo. Done.)
Fr. Jeff San Nicolas pointed out that regardless of what was conveyed, the fact is that people felt pressured to join the NCW and this needs to be acknowledged and accepted and the NCW must recognize the feelings of others. (Thank you, Fr. Jeff. But a voice of reason is hardly appreciated it seems.)
Deacon Bill Hagen then spoke about the NCW method of psychological entrapment. (Good way to put it, Deacon Bill. There are plenty of Neo escapees willing to back up your point.)
Fr. Richard Kidd then suggested that there be separate vocation directors for the NCW and the Archdiocese. (This makes sense. The NCW has a completely different mission than diocesans - thus the two separate seminaries...ahem.)
Deacon Steve Martinez said that he was in the NCW twice, once voluntary, and the second time forced, and that the imposition caused the diaconate to lose some men that would have been good deacons, and wondered how many men who would have been good priests have also been turned away. He said this is an example of how a board could help. (Of course when it comes to vocations, the Archbishop already has a board: his catechists).
Deacon Frank Tenorio began speaking (as he did at the previous meeting) about his love for the Archbishop, but Archbishop Krebs stops him saying that they didn't need any more testimonies, but needed solutions. (WOW!) Deacon Tenorio then said his solution is fidelity and obedience.
(In fact, because the Archbishop has never been challenged before by his priests - at least not like this and with the exception of Fr. Paul's legal challenge (his challenge does not put him outside fidelity or obedience) - it can be said that fidelity and obedience by the clergy has been the status quo. And so apparently the Nuncio paid us a visit to see for himself how well that wonderful standard is working!)
Msgr. David I.A. Quitugua (the elder) then pointed out that Archbishop Apuron IS the problem, saying that he is a father who shows partiality, that he needs to change his allegiance to the NCW, that even though the Archbishop chooses the NCW for his personal spirituality that as a bishop he is not a private person and must be a father to all, not just the Neos. He said that the people see this favoritism.
Several Kiko-clergy then state that the Archbishop is very fatherly and that the NCW is not imposed and that they are obedient, etc., etc., etc.
Fr. Efren Adversario then pointed out that people are hurting...and to not be blind but ask why they are hurting, that this is not about the clergy present, but about the people whom they are ordained to serve. (Wow. What a thought. Thank you Fr. Efren. Someone actually thought about the rest of us: the Church.)
Fr. Jeff San Nicolas then spoke about his education in administration and how boards are an important part of any structure and that the Chancery is set up wrong, that the Vicar General and Chancellor are overloaded, and the governance of the Archdiocese needs more people.
Archbishop Apuron (remember Archbishop Krebs is present) then got on a roll, apologizing, and explaining that he needs the NCW personally and spiritually, his heart is good, sugar high, fried foods bad, he needs to cut his activities, he goes to weddings, funerals, fiestas, cursillo closings, etc. that he doesn't impose the NCW on anybody, etc., etc., etc. He then added that gossip is evil.
(Hmmmm. Wonder who he had in mind. But of course NOTHING here is gossip. Everything here is fact. And the truth is that we HAVE TO talk about it here because the Archbishop says NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. In fact, because the Nuncio's meetings with the clergy were published, there should have been at least a statement released. But NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. Secret, secret, secret. Hush, hush, hush. Problems? What problems?)
(Hmmmm. Wonder who he had in mind. But of course NOTHING here is gossip. Everything here is fact. And the truth is that we HAVE TO talk about it here because the Archbishop says NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. In fact, because the Nuncio's meetings with the clergy were published, there should have been at least a statement released. But NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. Secret, secret, secret. Hush, hush, hush. Problems? What problems?)
After a break, Deacon Bill Hagen states the need to move beyond discussing symptoms and discuss solutions. He stated that the problem is the chancery's management style and questioned how a new one could be created.
(Oops. That's exactly what the Kiko's don't want. So they launched into default defense mode with more testimonies about how they have been saved by the Neo, and how they feel everybody's pain and hear the cries of the poor, etc., etc. etc. So much for Deacon Bill's suggestion.)
However, Fr. Richard Kidd attempts to salvage the meeting by saying "let's get back to solutions, anything else is a waste of time." (Wow!)
Archbishop Krebs agrees and say's "let's come up with one solution to start things, something practical." (Gotta love that German penchant for the practical! Something unknown around here.)
Father Eric Forbes suggests a regular schedule of 30 minute meetings between the Archbishop and each member of the clergy, one on one, to discuss issues, ideas, problems, etc.
Fr. Jeff San Nicholas suggests that the chancery structure be fixed and to reactivate the boards.
Fr. Mike Crisostomo asks which is it, boards or one on one meetings?
Deacon Len Stohr recommends the appointment of a separate vocations director for those desiring the diocesan priesthood (not Neo).
Oops. All to practical. The Kiko's sense they are losing ground, so they attempt to once again circle the wagons, piping up about the proliferation of protestant denominations, how they were saved by the Neo (again), the dangers of the devil (outside the Neo of course), their door to door evangelization, and how the Archbishop is already fatherly. (Yah. What father threatens his son with an "arduous and painful closure" to his membership in the family and then kicks him to the curb. Fatherly?")
Fr. Efren breaks up the Kiko-cabal saying "perception is reality", that management must step back and reevaluate, and, since they were nearing the end of the meeting, that there must be more meetings to decide how to progress.
Fr. Francesco (don't know his last name), a bona-fide Kiko, then lays into the people of Guam saying that our culture is the problem, that we spend too much on funerals, that we spend "meeeellions and meeellions" of dollars on food, that all our time is spent cooking, and that Guam has to change.
(The crowd falls silent. This was bad. Fr. Francesco just spilled the beans. For this is what all the Kiko's think about everyone who is not a Neo. It is we who have to change. The do not have to change. They are truth and light. We are darkness and wrong. "Judases", they call us. And we spend all our time COOKING!!!!)
Since no one could say anything after that, Archbishop Krebs steps up and restates the two proposals: monthly one on one visits and separating certain duties among boards. He then says that it is up to Archbishop Apuron to decide (uh oh) to have open discussions (good luck). He notes that this was a good beginning but that it is not finished, and that they have to learn to march together. He then wishes them his blessings.
(It's instructive that Archbishop Krebs doesn't even "go there" - where Fr. Francesco just went. But too bad, because this is what Archbishop Apuron believes too. THERE is the problem!)
(It's instructive that Archbishop Krebs doesn't even "go there" - where Fr. Francesco just went. But too bad, because this is what Archbishop Apuron believes too. THERE is the problem!)
Archbishop Apuron concludes by reminding everyone that Monday is Liberation Day - a most important holiday - and that nothing can start until after that, etc., etc., etc.
There is spaghetti for everyone, but most leave. The End.
Good for Archbishop Krebs. He left it up for Archbishop Apuron to decided!! Hooray!!! That is the way it should be. The Archbishop decides! The rest follow.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Krebs is a delegate. He has no authority in this diocese. He will report back to Rome. It is the bishop's job to keep unity, just as it always has been. If he fails then he will answer to the Pope on his next ad limina visit...if he's around that long.
DeleteAnd I find Archbishop's Krebs reminder that we must solve our own problems vindicating. For months I have been hounded about shutting up and letting Rome resolve our issues. I refused to shut up because I know that Rome will not do anything until it gets too bad to ignore.
So for now, count on it getting worse. The good news is that I don't have to do anything but let you see what these people say and think. Oops. Too much time blogging. Got to get back to cooking.
Wow! Surely the nuncio clearly sees the division in this Archdiocese. But because he left it up to Apuron, we all know what will happen next - absolutely NOTHING! The Kiko reign of terror will continue. Our poor non neo clergy, and those who want to be regular diocesan priests, not presbyters, together with the local faithful will continue to see the Kiko fruits of hatred, favoritism, and the glory of being "holier than thou." the efforts of our non neo clergy will be in vain, as Apuron and his left and right hands will continue to do what they do. I hope they prove me wrong, but as you can see from Francesco's remarks, GUAM and her people are the problem! Archbishop, why don't you get rid of him too, or do you think the same way Francesco does? Guam spends "meelliioonns" of dollars on food? I'm sure you're eating it too when you are invited to fiestas and weddings and other events. This is the mentality of the kilos! God help us!
ReplyDeleteFather Francesco's statement is a NO,NO! We do not believe in letting the dead bury the dead as the NCW do. Remember the word of Pope Francis, respect the culture. If you have no respect for our culture....then GET THE FCKN HELL OUT!
ReplyDeleteAt gatherings who is the first at the party table......YOU PEOPLE, the RMS PRIESTS and the SEMINARIANS! Don't attend our funerals, weddings, etc. do not eat the food we place on the table.
I take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
DeleteAnonymous July 18, 2014 8:29a.m. I TOTALLY agree with you!..RESPECT who we are as a people!...I am deeply disturbed by Fr. Francesco's comment! Taima'mahlao!..NO SHAME!..Lord, come to our aid!...God bless us all!
DeleteDeeply disturbing comment offensive .
DeleteWhere is that priest?!! He comes here on our dime, gets treated by us like royalty, EATS OUR FOOD THAT WE COOK FOR HIM and his free-loaders, I want to stuff his face with a plate full of donni sali!! Get rid of these illegal aliens who come here to get a free ride on the people of Guam, staying at a fake seminary with a swimming pool. Show me a seminary which has all these luxuries? If I see that priest anywhere on this island, I will confront him to EAT his words!
DeleteThe Italian likes vino. Just ask him. Lots of vino. Right Francesco?
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
ReplyDeleteVery revealing and very needed to be out in the open. The Archbishop is not for the archdiocese, he is for Kiko. This could be the final straw that initiates my movement away from anonimity. The shroud has been lifted.
ReplyDeleteThank you to all the clergy and deacons who had the courage to stand up against the deceptions and thuggery coming from the Archbishop and his crony neo priests! Shame on the kikos!
Taking deep breaths and contemplating much right now.
Yep. They stood up against the deceptions. So much for the climate of fear!!
DeleteArchbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron has no self respect how can he respect others. Because he has no respect the Archdiocese is in moral decay.
DeleteSo, where is this climate of fear, Tim?
ReplyDeleteRead by Fr. Mike:
Delete5. Create and Archdiocesan Committee of Unity (asap)
a. By Archbishop (coordinated by Vicar of Clergy)
b. Purpose: Unite all clergy – practice collaborative
leadership will all // breakdown barriers
c. Don’t’ impose NEO with fear
It is cleary apparent that the kikos and neo priest shun accountability and transperency. They are very comfortable with their dictator Kiko and scoff at the idea of any advisory boards that comprise of anything other than neo.
ReplyDeleteThey are afraid and they should be. Shame on all of them and shame on the Archbishop for subjecting the Catholic Church on Guam to this evil.
Fr. Francesco Asproni? Is he still in Barrigada?
ReplyDeleteYes, how are his homilies?
DeleteStandard screening in American Seminaries: ◗ Clinical interview with an in-depth family history
Delete◗ School history
◗ Social and sexual history (dating and friendships)
◗ Extracurricular activities
◗ Behavioral issues (such as pathological guilt or perfectionism)
◗ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence
◗ Rorschach Inkblot Test
◗ Internet sex screening test
◗ Background questionnaire concerning sexual misconduct
◗ Social media questionnaire usage — asking about all types of all media, including TV/Internet/social media, and what do they use the Internet for?
HAVE RMS STUDENTS HAD ANY OF THIS BATTERY OF TESTING? We have a right to know that they have been screened.
I don't think so. There's no quality control. I heard that the seminary fired its Latin professor because he gave failing grades to most of the Neo seminarians. They had to find a replacement who is more lenient to incompetents. The seminary should have fired their Homiletics professor also.
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
ReplyDeleteCorrect. People of Guam are the solution. People power.
DeleteI take great offense of that statement. My culture has been here longer than your NCW! I will not even dignify you by calling you Father, priest. We are the Problem???! Well, priest.....We Are Also the SOLUTION!!!
ReplyDeleteOops, guess the Archbishop is changing the culture too by serving pizza, spaghetti, garlic bread, etc. What no Kadon mannok, haggan, fanihi, kelaguen, Kadon pika, etc!
ReplyDeleteIf you folks want to change culture, begin with yours! Go back and evangelize the drug cartels, the terrorist and whomever in your own country.
Evangelization? A convert Steven Hahns says it best. "To evangelize is to show your family and friends that you love being a Catholic." This does not mean that during your conversations you must always quote the bible!
Father Francesco, don't forget to say this during your sermon when you say mass at Barrigada. I am sure the parishioners would appreciate it! Don't forget the emphasize "change the culture."
To the Chamorro grassroots is this what we have been fighting for....a change in culture!
No foreigner has the right to tell us that our culture is wrong! TAYA DIRECHO-MU ( You have NO RIGHT)!!!!!!!!
To Benji Santiago, Joe Rabon, Dr. Bennett Dungca, Rosa Palomo, Ann Hatorri and all others who hold our culture true to our hearts....what do you think about Father Francesco's statement?
Spaghetti is cheap. the arch a bishop is on a strict budget. But he shouldn't eat it carbs no good for high glucose.
DeleteFr Francesco? Is this the priest at San Vicente? At a recent funeral he was surely down in the social hall enjoying all the food. I'm just surprised that any of the clergy were able to understand what he said at all. Was there an interpreter? I heard his homily once and I thought it was given in Italian. I didn't understand a word.
ReplyDeleteOk, that was quite uncharitable. But how dare he criticize this beautiful sharing at times of trouble, and also at times of joy like weddings and christenings.
What an ending to an otherwise stunning meeting. It sounds like not a lot was actually accomplished, but I am so proud of those men who courageously spoke out for the truth and for a change that will improve the situation we now find ourselves in. Monsignor David Ordot hit it right on the head, the Archbishop is the problem!
Who is Fr Efren?
From what you have relayed Tim, we can see there is a striking polarization between the haves and the have nots...the kikos and the regulars. We really need to pray for a new Archbishop who can compromise and resolve rather than take one side over the other.
Last comment, from what was relayed, it doesn't sound like our own Archbishop offered any solutions, just excuses. If he wasn't going to help resolve these horrible issues of division why was he even there? As our leader we should have expected him to take a lead role. Good thing the Nuncio was there to at least get people going in the right direction...and to see how the three on the hill will lie whenever it is convenient.
Can anyone clarify Fr. Efren? Hasn't been around here for a long time. Celebrating Mass around here.
DeleteA priest of Agana. Spent last decade or so as military chaplain. Recently left military and has returned to Agana. He was recently assigned to the Cathedral. The appointment was confirmed by Archbishop Apuron. Yesterday the Vicar General and the Chancellor ganged up on him, revoked that assignment, and sent him to FD to be the chaplain there. I'm sure Fr. Efren is okay with that. But just shows you the instability of this archdiocese. One day the Archbishop makes a decision. The next day it is undone. If not a climate of fear, certainly a climate of who the hell is running things around here!
DeleteMore retaliation for speaking out! Or is this just another "misunderstanding?"
DeleteHow do you know he spoke out?
DeleteYou doubt me?
DeleteI like Fr. Efren. At last Sunday's 5:45 a.m. mass he studied the Chamorro translation of the Gospel for a few minutes and did an acceptable job in proclaiming it to the congregation. That speaks well of his respect for the culture and willingness to help this community revitalize the Chamorro language. He apologized for not being able to preach in Chamorro but will work on it. In his first mass at the Cathedral-Basilica, I witnessed him speaking in tongues and with inspiration from the Holy Spirit. He will do well at Father Duenas.
DeleteFr. Efren excellent priest. . Respects culture language people.
DeleteMaybe they should send Father Michael to FDMS...he can do his ministry there. Father Efrin can replace him at the Cathedral!
Don't waste your words on padre Francesco...doesn't understand English.
DeleteThis is what makes this site so very legitimate and relevant. The kikos will try to shut us up and shut us down but Truth speaks to power!
ReplyDeleteWhat an embarrassing transcript for the Archbishop. I would have desperately demanded that this be kept away from the public also!
Father Francesco and neo have no respect for culture.
ReplyDeleteEvery day shocking stories are now posted concerning the archdiocese.
Sickening archbishop Apuron.
Let us take a moment and bow our heads praying in silence for those who have died in another Malaysian Airlines that was shot down over the Ukraine.
ReplyDeleteNot to be disrespectful, but this is where the evangelization should be. This is where the RMS should all be sent to. Countries in turmoil and upheaval need to see the Light! The Middle East is another place. Just this morning aside from another Down Maylasian aircraft, the fighting over the Gaza Strip has just escalated more! Where is the evangelization there? There should be more seminarians there to accommodate the situation. Then again, remember that China is considered the sleeping dragon and can wake up anytime! More seminarians should be there even if it means underground evangelization! You have to start somewhere. Kiko sending what 2000 missionaries to China is a dream! Only a dream! Start now NCW...start your full evangelization in China! Why wait! There are enough seminarians here on Guam to do the job. Any volunteers? Submit your name to the Archbishop. He will make it know to Pius who in turn will let Kiko know. You can all call Fhina your new home! Evangelization is spreading the gospel to those who have not heard it!
Maybe you can all change their culture there! Give it a try! What are you all afraid of? This is your mission, this is your duty, this is your obligation to the NCW and KIKO!
They will never go where they might run into difficulty or hardship, lest they experience a arduous and painful mission!
Delete12:28PM are you reading my mind? Are they afraid of real persecution that no one volunteers? HMMMM!!!!!! Where is their trust in GOD!
DeleteLiberation Day an important holiday? Yes we were liberated from the Japanese forces! Now can we set a date to be liberated from the NCW who want to change our culture! BIBA CHAMORRO, ABIBA I KUTTURA! ABIBA I HINENGGE! ABIBA I LENGGUAHI! RESPETA yan PRUTEHI I FINA'NA'GUEN I MANAINAI-TA!
ReplyDeleteRise up Guam neo is here to remove culture. Unfortunately they see you as living in tree houses.
DeleteThey are living in our houses! Want to even own them!
DeleteRespect begets Respect. You expect us to respect you? Francesco.....Really?? IMO, you, individually, have over stepped your so called welcome to this island just by disrespecting MY culture. SMH in disgust.
ReplyDeleteFr. Francisco leave Guam.
DeleteOh me oh my, now they will say we are persecuting Father Francesco the way we are persecuting Father Wadeson and the Three Musketeers on the Hill!
ReplyDeleteArchbishop, do you know the song with the lyrics...Rise up Shepherd and follow? Follow, follow, rise up shepherd and follow. To say that the NCW helps you personally makes me wonder? Personally with your pocketbook, personally being introduced and made famous in Rome, personally helping you sabotage our culture? The NCW helps you spiritually? How? By uplifting your spirits with pizza parties! Uplifting your spirits when your own people cry for help? Uplifting your spirits when you need a shoulder to cry on? Uplifting your spirits when they are they only ones who are fervent in obedience? Fatherly love and devotion to them and thoe rest can hang out to dry!
Trust and faith in God is what we need. Remember what Diana said, we don't need family...we have God! Pray,Pray,Pray! Are you so confused and in turmoil that you need the NCW? You must not be a happy camper! A happy camper you still are not!
Dear Anonymous at 1.21,
DeleteI know it certainly was not your intent, in calling the 3 stooges on the Hill the three Musketeers.
But this is a flagrant insult to all Musketeers.
The 3 Musketeers were men of Honor, whose fight against injustice became part of French Mythology.
These three you are criticizing are anything but men of Honor. If they were, we would not be where we are now.
Frenchie, thank you for clarifying that the Three on the Hill do not — in any way, shape or form — fit the criteria to be considered “Musketeers.” But I was thinking that Anonymous at 1:21 PM might have been thinking of the Three MOUSEKETEERS, which were DC Comics characters from the 1950s. According to, the Three MOUSEKETEERS “… had nothing to do with the Alexander Dumas’s adventure heroes …” and included “ … Fatsy (fat and pompous), Patsy (tall and dumb) and Minus (short, clever, high-spirited, and somewhat prone to impetuousness).”
DeleteWith the exception of Minus being described as “clever” and “high-spirited,” the other descriptions — pompous Fatsy as well as tall and dumb Patsy — seem to fit the Three MOUSEKETEERS on the Hill and would explain why the Archdiocese of Agana is in such a sad state of affairs, thanks to them!
Father Francesco NEXT MISSIONARY to China! Outer Mongolia! Too bad, yes, we are picking on yet another.
ReplyDeleteThank you for informing the international church .
ReplyDeleteAlthough the Archbishop has done wrong, there is no need to make slanderous, ill remarks about him. Look at the examples of the saints such as Saint Padre Pio. The bishop in his area was known for being a very sinful one. When someone spoke ill of the bishop in front of Padre Pio, he chastised that person for speaking ill of the bishop, who is a representative of Christ. We can only pray for our bishop and address our concerns in a respectful manner, reminding ourselves of the office he holds. We need a new bishop, no doubt. But there is no need to be uncharitable in our remarks. He already knows he has done wrong. Everyone knows. Rome knows. Now, we just have to be patient and see what happens. As the Nuncio pointed out, it is a matter for the Diocese to solve. Let's hope our bishop resolves it. Hopefully, if he willingly resigns. The people with have more respect for him if he does that.
ReplyDeleteIt would actually be easier if ours was just a sinful bishop. Then we would have pity on him and pray for him. But no, I don't think he knows that he has done wrong. In fact, he completely believes in his mission which he is why he has pursued it with ever more vengeance all the while mocking us saying "no one can get me."
Delete@ 2:23pm Please don't mischaracterize what is happening. You insult all of us when you try to make the Archbishop the target when he himself is doing the targeting.
DeleteDo you always go after the victim for pointing out the crimes of their trespassers?
It's almost like blaming the rape victim for the crime.
DeleteAnd I must add that if the Archbishop really knows he's wrong, he would have restored Fr. Paul to pastor of Santa Barbara and dropped his Decree of Removal. Until he does we just assume that he DOES NOT THINK HE IS WRONG. This is what is causing the outrage and the outraged remarks.
DeleteArchbishop Apuron said: "I don’t want anybody going to the blogs or spreading the news again so that it’s all over the place. WE NEED TO START THE HEALING WITHIN OURSELVES AND NOT SPREADING IT OUT THERE so it becomes like wildfire and everybody interpreting and misinterpreting things." He also adds, here that: "gossip is evil"
Delete... BUT, would Archbishop Apuron -- in the interest of "starting the healing within" -- restore Fr. Gofigan to Dededo and drop the removal?
... BUT, will Archbishop address our concerns so as to clarify issues; prevent misinterpretations and nip scandals stemming from his silence?
... BUT, will Archbishop also retract his gossip about Fr. Gofigan which he initiated at the clergy retreat in the Philippines, since, "gossip is evil"?
Yes, there are 2 sets of rules that are followed by this Hierarchy and the kikos -- depending, of course, when and which set benefits them at the moment.
Storming heaven with our St. Michael, the Archangel prayer against satan and the evil forces.
Just to clarify what I read presumedly by a Kikoman Theologist, the Archbishop does not represent Christ. He represents the Apostles who were repentent sinners. Christ never sinned. He is God made man. God does not sin.
DeleteHe should just quietly retire and take David and Adrian along with him. If he were a leader in the military, he has become ineffective and useless to those that he he trying to save. Any leader would want the people entrusted to him/her to have faith and trust in his ability to lead. All three have lost that, so it is time to relinquish the leadership position, and to remove those two that have caused the problem. Jes of Chalan Pago
ReplyDeleteAs for you Fr. Franchsco..., I regret that I am not as eloquent in speaking and writing as some of the others, but...,I had a lot of respect for you while you were a Seminarian-in-residence at my Parish. It took you a while to be ordained but you made it. You should have been studying the culture of the indiginous residents. You should have tried to find out as to why people were always having something to eat at rosaries, novenas, and the parish fiestas. The Chamorros always share what they have even at the time when food comodities were very scarce (Japanese Occupation, typhoons, or after other calamities of the island) and when visitors from other villages come too our village, we share what we have with them as a way of welcoming them intoo our midst. The first time you and I spoke with one another, you asked about this, I tried to explain to you, for you as a foreigner did not understand the island custom. I welcomed you into our parish, and now you try to impose your culture on us, after all the time you were in the food line? again Jes of Chalan Pago
ReplyDeleteFather Francesco was a seminarian at Yona for over10 years. He was not fit to be a priest but I guess archbishop and company felt sorry for him and ordained him anyway. Now, we are stuck with a priest whom we have to support for the rest of his life.
ReplyDeleteFather Francesco tended sheep in Sardina before he joined the Neo. I heard Sardina is poor and having severe social problems. Francesco joined the Neo to get away from that poverty and hardship. His academic qualifications are pitiful. H should have never been ordained. We are now paying the price for it.
ReplyDeleteFrancesco is another disgrace ordained by archbishop apuron.
ReplyDeleteTwo this week Francesco and wadeson .
How old is this Francesco.
ReplyDeleteSo, Francesco says that GUAM's problem is our culture......... doesn't he know that part of our culture came from the SPANIARDS! How naive of him, he needs to study up on Guam's history............. and we don't spend millions and millions on funerals, its not the peoples fault, that's that cost now.... someone needs to educate to pooooooor man.............
ReplyDeleteThat's just it...a poor simple, uneducated man a priest of Agana.
Delete12:30pm. Francesco is not el Espanol, he is Pizza to the Archeebeeshup! Father Francesco go back to the Italiani food and culture. TELL YOUR FELLOW ITALIANOS THAT THEY NEED TO CHANGE THE CULTURE BECAUSE IT IS THE CAUSE OF THE DECLINE OF CHRISTIANITY....I am sure you will get peezza in your eye!
ReplyDelete@7:11am Not helpful, can't read or write English.