- AnonymousMay 31, 2015 at 12:58 PMWell the First Holy Communion at CB was completely ruined by the Dancing Bishop. NOT ONE SMILE ON THE KIDS OR ANY OF THE FAMILIES. So sad. Leave, Tony. You have taken away our religion. Very touching, however, how you thanked the COMMUNITY for attending ...
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
The comment referencing the KIKO-mantra "God will provide", when what really happens is that good and faithful Catholics are defrauded into providing for the KIKO'S, reminds me of the following story:
Below is a letter "from" Archbishop Apuron asking for money for Catholic Communications. A few thoughts:
First, the Archbishop did not write a word of this. Do you really expect us to believe that the archbishop, whose only contribution to regularly informing his flock is to copy reflections out of 365 Days with the Lord and paste them into the U Matuna, actually wrote a two page letter to us? But then again, the letter is asking for money, so maybe he did write this!
Second, he wants the money for the U Matuna. Really? You mean so he can fund the printing of more lies to us? So he can publicly destroy even more good priests in its pages? So he can continue to advance his Kiko-agenda at our expense?
Third, the letter mentions "TV apostolates". Really? What TV apostolates? He mentions "Catholics on the Move", but the chancery gives no money for the support of that show. Another attempt to deceive?
Guam Pacific Daily News by Thomas Tanaka
In response to Miraflor Herrero's letter of May 16, there are flaws in her version of the "truth" with regard to the turmoil in our Church. First, the Redemptoris Mater, or RM, seminary is not to form diocesan priests as we were all led to believe. These priests coming out of the RM seminary have a different mission and purpose, as I will explain below.
In response to Miraflor Herrero's letter of May 16, there are flaws in her version of the "truth" with regard to the turmoil in our Church. First, the Redemptoris Mater, or RM, seminary is not to form diocesan priests as we were all led to believe. These priests coming out of the RM seminary have a different mission and purpose, as I will explain below.
Friday, May 29, 2015
- AnonymousMay 27, 2015 at 6:42 PMThis may indeed seem sickening and scandalous under present circumstances in the Archdiocese wherein there are issues he has no desire to resolve by virtue of the role that the Vatican has entrusted him. At another time this might simply appear as an attempt by the Baldyga Group to endear audiences to the new Cultural Show at Sandcastle. What better way to showcase a new act than involve a locally-known leader such as the Governor, the Archbishop or a Senator. Under present circumstances, however, it indicates a horrible lack of prudence and modesty for him to gyrate awkwardly on a public venue. He could have easily declined the pressure but this, as in many instances, demonstrates lack of will and addiction to notoriety. What could have been light-hearted ribbing has gone to deep proportions of hatred and dismay from many people already tired and overwhelmed by the many missteps and malicious deeds of this particular archbishop. In the same manner he lacks the will to step down for the greater good of all.
I have heard from more than one person who was at the event where the archbishop danced on stage with the "cultural" dancer. It was apparently a VIP event and both the governor and lieutenant governor were there. It was reported that the dancer first tried to get the two of them to join her on stage but they decorously declined. She then scored with the archbishop.
These kind of shows often involve "member of the audience" participation. So why did Calvo and Tenorio decline? Didn't they realize that it was all in good fun? Of course they did. But they also apparently realized that there are certain kinds of "fun" that, due to one's public position, should not be engaged in for a variety of mature reasons.
In other words, they knew how to "just say no". The archbishop did not.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Archbishop Apuron is known to be proficient in the Chamorro language. Perhaps you can ask him to send you the translation.
Tim Rohr with Jess Lujan on THE BUZZ, Wedneday, May 27, 2015 - Part 1
Tim Rohr with Jess Lujan on THE BUZZ, Wedneday, May 27, 2015 - Part 2
Link to "The Ultimate Treachery"
Tim Rohr with Jess Lujan on THE BUZZ, Wedneday, May 27, 2015 - Part 2
Link to "The Ultimate Treachery"
Sinajana Community Center.
All are encouraged to attend.
Also, these books and others will be made available for purchase at the meeting.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Of course he's had lots of practice at those neo-eucharists.
Archbishop Apuron is doing a Q&A at 4pm, this evening at Ordot Church.
An attempt by the bishop to actually act like one? An effort to be open? transparent?
April fools.
The questions have been presubmitted and screened. Apparently more rabid efforts to prop this man up.
After 30 years of absenteeism? Do they really think this is going to work?
After reading this in the Jungle you can be sure they'll have extra body guards including Deacon For Sure For Sure.
Enjoy the show.
And don't let him tell you that he can't restore Fr. Paul and Msgr. James to their positions because "it is in Rome's hands". That's an outright LIE.
An attempt by the bishop to actually act like one? An effort to be open? transparent?
April fools.
The questions have been presubmitted and screened. Apparently more rabid efforts to prop this man up.
After 30 years of absenteeism? Do they really think this is going to work?
After reading this in the Jungle you can be sure they'll have extra body guards including Deacon For Sure For Sure.
Enjoy the show.
And don't let him tell you that he can't restore Fr. Paul and Msgr. James to their positions because "it is in Rome's hands". That's an outright LIE.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
A man with a wife and family, who never had a job, who depends on his wife to support the family and his own evil habits, takes up with another woman. But rather than abandon his wife and family, he stays on, pretending to be a husband and father so that he can continue to take his wife's money and use it to support his mistress.
There is normally nothing lower than a man who abandons his wife and family, but a man who robs from his wife and children to support his mistress is "worse than an infidel".
This is Apuron.
His mistress is the Neocatechumenal Way. His wife and children is the Catholic flock he vowed to shepherd when he was consecrated bishop. He has never had a job. He has always lived off his wife. And he stays on as bishop so that he can rob from that wife and support his mistress and their many bastard children.
Diana |
AnonymousMay 26, 2015 at 4:58 AM
DianaMay 25, 2015 at 9:44 PM
Dear Anonymous at 6:58 pm,
Tim Rohr already said that the Archbishop is frolicking around the world while the Archdiocese burn, and he publishes a photo at a time when the Archbishop returned from Israel. Why didn't he publish a photo of the Archbishop frolicking in the Philippines? Or Rome? Or even Paris?
I have said many times that Tim Rohr and the Latin Traditional Catholics are fellow Catholics and brothers. The enemy had always been Satan. Unfortunately, all Tim has been doing for almost two years is bashing the Archbishop and the NCW. He never had anything good to say in his blog. It is almost two years since Father Paul and Monsignor James was removed.........and so far, what has he gotten????? Anthony Apuron is STILL the Archbishop. You can complain to Rome with letters and photos all you want, but it has already been almost two years.
Dear Anonymous at 6:58 pm,
Tim Rohr already said that the Archbishop is frolicking around the world while the Archdiocese burn, and he publishes a photo at a time when the Archbishop returned from Israel. Why didn't he publish a photo of the Archbishop frolicking in the Philippines? Or Rome? Or even Paris?
I have said many times that Tim Rohr and the Latin Traditional Catholics are fellow Catholics and brothers. The enemy had always been Satan. Unfortunately, all Tim has been doing for almost two years is bashing the Archbishop and the NCW. He never had anything good to say in his blog. It is almost two years since Father Paul and Monsignor James was removed.........and so far, what has he gotten????? Anthony Apuron is STILL the Archbishop. You can complain to Rome with letters and photos all you want, but it has already been almost two years.
First, the misuse of the English language, extremely pedantic grammatical construction, and the usual imbecilic inanities, not to mention "her" previous reference to me as a "plumber", reconfirm my belief in just who exactly "Diana" is. And how sad that we actually pay her salary. But beyond the coward and perverted "Christian" witness that she is, let's have some fun with her little comment.
Monday, May 25, 2015
According to this comment, "The Diana" has claimed that I had attempted to make the Dead Sea Frolic photo appear to be recent and what's more, that I had photoshopped in Apuron's and Cottman's faces. Here is my reply:
That's pretty funny, but typical. No, nowhere did I say that this was recent. In fact, if I had intended to position the photo as recent I would not have been dumb enough to post a picture of Apuron with hair. And if it was photoshopped as the idiots claim, then I would have photoshopped more recent heads of Apuron and Cottman.
The picture is just one picture in a whole album of pictures showing Apuron and others (like the Vicar General) romping about the Holy Land with their playmates. In fact, not only did I not have any need to make the pic out to be recent, I in fact wanted to show HOW LONG Apuron has been neglecting his duties as bishop and instead has been whoring around with his mistress, and I don't mean Cottman.
The picture is just one picture in a whole album of pictures showing Apuron and others (like the Vicar General) romping about the Holy Land with their playmates. In fact, not only did I not have any need to make the pic out to be recent, I in fact wanted to show HOW LONG Apuron has been neglecting his duties as bishop and instead has been whoring around with his mistress, and I don't mean Cottman.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
The post THANK YOU FOR STATING THE OBVIOUS brought out some pretty vitriolic comments, evidence that there is extreme, deep-seated anger against Apuron.
This is no surprise. I have been hearing such comments whispered privately for many years.
However, no matter how badly Apuron has hurt others, most people were willing to keep their hurt to themselves or at least to keep it to a low murmur. We all have our failings and we were willing to put up with Apuron's.
His mistake was when he took his hatred for Fr. Paul and Msgr. James public, trashing their family and friends a long the way with reckless disregard.
So he should not wonder why others now do the same to him.
P.S. It's not about the swim.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
In reference to the picture of the woman and the man frolicking in the Dead Sea while on vacation in Israel, Anonymous tells us:
AnonymousMay 22, 2015 at 6:19 AM
You just don't understand the community and its Presbyter, Tim. It's family. Why aren't you ok with that? It's your problem.
The woman is Pat Cottman, who along with Pius the Samnut is the other half of the so-called Neocatechumenal Way Responsible Team for Guam. The man is Brother Tony, otherwise known as Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ofm Cap. D.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Agana.
The problem is absolutely summarized by the above comment. Apuron is with his his community. He is its presbyter. In fact, he is with his family. And we are perfectly okay with it.
Friday, May 22, 2015
“Do not publicize your sufferings, or even your patience in suffering. It is only the God un-blessed projects that seek newspaper publicity. There is more wisdom, more power and promise of blessing in the instructions of Our Blessed Lord: ‘Say nothing to anyone.’"
- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (Lent & Easter Reflections)
"Well, after many sufferings – we have always been persecuted because it is difficult to accept a charism from lay people - it is consolation that the Lord has given us."
- Kiko Arguello (receiving the worldly recognition of an honorary doctorate)
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thank you Deacon Steve for not being a stooge to KikoCrap!
Apuron must follow his own policy
Regarding the letter from Joaquin "Danny" Santos of Piti in the May 5 Voice of the People, it is unfortunate that he views sex abuse prevention as an adversarial issue. Shouldn't we all demand our leaders to make every effort possible to protect our children?
- AnonymousMay 21, 2015 at 1:18 AMThis picture reminds me of the time I went to a funeral in Chalan Pago and that presbyter kept the whole church congregation waiting, including the poor grieving family for about 20-30 minutes. We were all just sitting there waiting, wondering where he was and why the delay. What I thought was worse though, was when we got to the cemetery, he forgot the holy water (sprinkler) and he quickly borrowed someone's used bottled water to bless the coffin/deceased, making the excuse that he blessed it already. So disrespectful, unprofessional and unprepared!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
...FROLIC IN THE DEAD SEA with one's catechist.
Apparently, one of the many "bennies" of joining a group that has "no material goods". LOL :)
The CCOG has rescheduled it's Sinajana Village meeting from this Thursday to next Thursday:
- May 28
- 6pm
- Sinajana Community Center
All villages are welcome.
What a sick megalomaniac narcissistic sad little man this Kiko is. "Sufferings and persecutions"????? WTH? Tell that to the Christians who are being nailed to crosses and burned alive by ISIS.
AnonymousMay 20, 2015 at 6:31 AM
ZENIT: What meaning for you does this recognition from the Catholic University of America have with this conferral of the doctorate in Theology honoris causa upon you and Carmen Hernández?
ArgĂĽello: Well, after many sufferings – we have always been persecuted because it is difficult to accept a charism from lay people - it is consolation that the Lord has given us.
ArgĂĽello: Well, after many sufferings – we have always been persecuted because it is difficult to accept a charism from lay people - it is consolation that the Lord has given us.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Hi Mari Flor,
I will not waste your time or mine disputing your own version of the “truth” on RMS. There is ample information for any objective person to come to his own conclusion. The operative language is that the RMS Seminary is to be used for the exclusive use to train and form Neo clergies in perpetuity. I do not know how else one can interpret this language.
I am indeed a practicing Catholic, but passive in all matters other than those issues facing my Parish. I however became very active when I learned of the efforts by Archbishop Apuron and his Neocatechumenal minions attempt to convert Traditional Catholics. I will share why as a Concerned Catholic I decided that I have the obligation to stand up strong in defense of my Catholic Faith. This threat is being spearheaded by no other than the Archbishop. He and Kiko and their cohorts want to shove their interpretation of achieving salvation down our throats. I, along with thousands of others, are perfectly at peace that our way to Heaven is our non-changing Faith founded by Jesus Christ that has remained unchanged for 2000 years. I am certainly not interested in Kiko’s and Carmen’s version barely 50 years old. I will however list for your information the reason for me becoming an active Concerned Catholic
Monday, May 18, 2015
If you're wondering why I haven't responded to Ms. Herrero's op-ed in Saturday's PDN, it isn't just because of the storm, it's because it is so stupid it hardly deserves the dignity of a response. However, since I've had plenty of practice with The Diana, I always see "stupid" as an opportunity to educate. But rather than do it here. I have submitted my joyfully devastating critique to the PDN for publication. Such an opportunity Ms. Herrero, such an opportunity! And incredibly BAD TIMING on your part...which you soon shall see.
Friday, May 15, 2015
By Rabbi Jonathan Kligler | May 8, 2015
"Kiko not only had a big personality, he had a huge ego. He talked about himself at great length to us, his captive audience. My first impression – one that never abated much – was that all of the rabbis were there, at least in part, as Kiko’s trophies to be displayed to the Vatican hierarchy that was there, as if to show how important the Neocatechumenal Way had become."
Some notes to consider after you read the article.
The author is no doubt of a liberal bent - as you will surmise - and he loses it a bit when he ventures into the pre-Vatican II stereotypical caricature of the the church's supposed teaching that the Jews were "Christ-killers". There is no such official teaching by the church, pre-Vatican II or otherwise. The Church has always officially taught no more and no less than what is recorded in Scripture. The Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate - noted in this article - while repudiating acts of anti-semitism by some Christians, simply restates what the Church has always officially held.
In fact, the Council of Trent (1563), the Council so viciously maligned by Kiko, lays the blame for Christ's death on all people, but most especially Christians who persist in sin:
"In this guilt are involved all those who fall frequently into sin; for, as our sins consigned Christ the Lord to the death of the cross, most certainly those who wallow in sin and iniquity crucify to themselves again the Son of God, as far as in them lies, and make a mockery of Him. This guilt seems more enormous in us than in the Jews, since according to the testimony of the same Apostle: If they had known it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory; while we, on the contrary, professing to know Him, yet denying Him by our actions, seem in some sort to lay violent hands on him.
Furthermore men of all ranks and conditions were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ. Gentiles and Jews were the advisers, the authors, the ministers of His Passion: Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him, all the rest deserted Him." (Article IV)
Thursday, May 14, 2015
AnonymousMay 14, 2015 at 1:02 PM
Pope Benedict XVI said the NCW Mass was to be open to all. It is also said that Communion on the tongue (the NORM) cannot be denied to anyone. Yet, try to receive Communion on the tongue at their Mass; they tell you to find another Mass.
Sadly, the neos are no different than many non-neo priests, who though they may not send you to another Mass, clearly show their displeasure at having to place the host on your tongue. Some even "frisbee" it in. Yet these same priests complain about the neos.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Neo's standing during the consecration at Chalan Pago |
In light of all the crap that has been wrought upon this diocese by a Neocatechumenal Way that thinks they can do whatever the hell they want, and especially in light of The Diana lecturing us about "obeying Pope Benedict" (LOL), it would be good to return to the warning Benedict gave the kiko dingbats back in 2011:
Pope offers support, caution for Neocatechumenal WayCatholic World News - January 17, 2011In a sign of support for the Neocatechumenal Way, Pope Benedict XVI held a private audience on January 17 for members of the controversial lay movement. But the Pope also offered words of caution, stressing that members of the Neocatechumenate must work with the bishops and obey the Church’s liturgical directives.Kiko Arguello, the founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, shared the microphone with Pope Benedict at a commissioning ceremony, in which 230 members were sent out on missions, to organize new communities in “de-Christianized” areas. [Like Guam?]Since its founding in Spain in 1964, the Neocatechumenal Way has attracted nearly 1 million members, and has active communities in 120 countries. While drawing high praise for its energy and its ability to foster vocations, the group has also encountered criticism for some of its practices. The liturgical practices of the Neocatechumenate have drawn a rebuke from the Vatican, which insisted on adherence to universal liturgical rules. And the Japanese bishops have charged that the group promotes division among the faithful.Pope Benedict—who has regularly joined in the annual commissioning ceremonies—expressed his appreciation for the lay movement in his remarks to this year’s meeting. He said:For more than forty years the Neocatechumenal Way has been contributing to the revitalization and consolidation of Christian initiation in dioceses and parishes, favoring a gradual but radical rediscovery of the riches of Baptism, helping people to savor divine life, the heavenly life which the Lord inaugurated with His incarnation, when He came among us and was born like one of us.The Pope also drew attention to the official approvals that the Neocatechumenal Way has received from the Vatican: first for its internal statutes, and then for its own “Catechetical Directory of the NeoCatechumenal Way.”Pope Benedict cautioned, however, that these “seals of ecclesiastical approval” should be a reminder that the lay movement should work within the framework of the Catholic hierarchy, “in filial obedience to the Holy See and the pastors of the Church.” Underlining that point, the Pontiff said that the movement should “insert itself into the harmony of the ecclesial body.”“In this light,” the Pope said to the members of the Neocatechumenal Way, “I exhort you always to seek profound communion with pastors.”
So Pope Benedict WARNS the Kikobots to "obey the Church's liturgical directives." Hmmm, now why would he be doing that unless, the Kikobots were disobeying the liturgical directives (which we all know). Now why do they do that? I was reminded of The Zoltan's answer of a year ago which I will copy here:
Chuck, I told this also to Tim: our interpretation of the liturgical books allows us to follow contemplated consumption of the Eucharist, while your interpretation would not allow this. So this is a question of interpretation. We accept that differences in interpretation are possible. You should ask for an official confirmation for your interpretation from Rome. Unless you have this confirmation, we cannot accept it and just follow ours. We ask you to, please, respect our community based Catholic lifestyle.
So you see folks, the Neocatechumenal Way views the General Instruction of the Roman Missal as the General Suggestions of the Roman Missal. They are not bound to follow what the Church directs the rest of us to follow. Only Catholics are bound to follow those directives. Zoltan, Diana, Apuron and the rest of the Kikobots are not Catholics so no need for them to obey what the rest of us must obey. Rome's rules are simply to be interpreted to their liking.
CCOG will be having their next village meeting in Sinajana at the Sinajana Community Center located across from St. Jude Church on May 21, 2015 at 6 pm.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
A 27 year old teacher was arrested for having sex with a minor and distributing pictures of the two in the act. Read story here.
Here is the comment I left on the PDN:
I don't see why this is a problem.
Recently a Fr. Luis Camacho was arrested after being caught with a minor girl at a remote beach in Agat. Camacho was eventually charged with "custodial interference", but there are numerous unofficial reports, including a letter from Deacon Steve Martines, the former Sex Abuse Response Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Agana, that the two were having sex. There is also the matter, though also unofficial, that the charge was downgraded because the girl said it was consensual, which obviously can only refer to one thing.
From this news story in the PDN it sounds like the relationship in this case was also consensual otherwise the main charge would be rape or sexual molestation of a minor. However (though child abuse is mentioned), the primary charge is the distribution of child pornography.
But if the sex was consensual, why can't the girl consent to the distribution of pictures of the two having sex? If it was consensual then the two were doing nothing illegal.
Guam lawmakers need to address the double standard. They say it is okay for a 16 year old to consent to have sex with anyone of any age 16 years or older, but it is illegal for her to consent to the dissemination of pictures of her having sex in a perfectly legal sexual relationship.
What's funny is that if either this teacher or Camacho had bought their partners a beer they'd have had the book thrown at them for supplying alcohol to a minor. But xxx intercourse, xxx, or xxx? As long as you're 16 and say it's okay...no problem.
Here is the comment I left on the PDN:
I don't see why this is a problem.
Recently a Fr. Luis Camacho was arrested after being caught with a minor girl at a remote beach in Agat. Camacho was eventually charged with "custodial interference", but there are numerous unofficial reports, including a letter from Deacon Steve Martines, the former Sex Abuse Response Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Agana, that the two were having sex. There is also the matter, though also unofficial, that the charge was downgraded because the girl said it was consensual, which obviously can only refer to one thing.
From this news story in the PDN it sounds like the relationship in this case was also consensual otherwise the main charge would be rape or sexual molestation of a minor. However (though child abuse is mentioned), the primary charge is the distribution of child pornography.
But if the sex was consensual, why can't the girl consent to the distribution of pictures of the two having sex? If it was consensual then the two were doing nothing illegal.
Guam lawmakers need to address the double standard. They say it is okay for a 16 year old to consent to have sex with anyone of any age 16 years or older, but it is illegal for her to consent to the dissemination of pictures of her having sex in a perfectly legal sexual relationship.
What's funny is that if either this teacher or Camacho had bought their partners a beer they'd have had the book thrown at them for supplying alcohol to a minor. But xxx intercourse, xxx, or xxx? As long as you're 16 and say it's okay...no problem.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Diana answers:Where in the liturgical books or in the statutes approved in 2008 does it state that all can receive the consecrated bread, return to their place with consecrated bread in hand, and consume together with the priest receiving the consecrated bread last? I saw that moving of the sign of peace was approved in the 2008 statutes but didn't see in writing that the way of receiving and consuming after a time of waiting was approved. Does the NCW follow the Roman rite?Thank you, Diana.Eleanor Aguon
Thursday, May 7, 2015
A full and augmented version for all four installments can be read here. A PDF of the same can be accessed here. Feel free to distribute.
Continued from Part 3
Continued from Part 3
Let's review the key points.
On November 22, 2011, Archbishop Apuron, without the approval or knowledge of the archdiocesan finance council, the college of consultors, or the Holy See, filed a Declaration of Deed Restriction with the Department of Land Management of the Government of Guam, restricting the former Accion Hotel property for the sole use of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and the Blessed Diego Institute, in perpetuity.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
- Fr. Angelo Veraldi, a Neocatechumenal seminary professor from Italy, instructing permanent deacon candidates in Guam, March 15, 2014.
As Chuck White demonstrates in his newest expose of Kiko's ill theology, Kiko obviously has a different God than ours.
The next CCOG village meeting will be at Chalan Pago Community Center, next to the baseball field on May 7, at 6:00pm. Please invite your family and friends.
Here are the directions to the Community Center 160 Chalan Huego
From Hagatna, head south on Route 4 (Chalan Pago). At the intersection (before Island Fresh) of Route 4 and Mai Mai Road, take a right at the signal light. Follow road until the next intersection ( Santa Cruz St. and Chilenko St.). Take a right on Chilenko St. then a left on Chalan Huego. You should be able to see the Community Center and the Jose U Atogue Baseball Field. Look for the signs for the baseball field.
Note. A reader advised:
...the letters on the street signs are soooooo faded BUT if, after turning right from Rt 4, you follow the road, there will be a green house on a hill on the right side and the turn to the ball field and CC on the left. There are "no entry" signs and an orange net-like barrier on the left side of the road after turning in from Rt 4 so there's no choice but to follow the road to the right.
Here are the directions to the Community Center 160 Chalan Huego
From Hagatna, head south on Route 4 (Chalan Pago). At the intersection (before Island Fresh) of Route 4 and Mai Mai Road, take a right at the signal light. Follow road until the next intersection ( Santa Cruz St. and Chilenko St.). Take a right on Chilenko St. then a left on Chalan Huego. You should be able to see the Community Center and the Jose U Atogue Baseball Field. Look for the signs for the baseball field.
Note. A reader advised:
...the letters on the street signs are soooooo faded BUT if, after turning right from Rt 4, you follow the road, there will be a green house on a hill on the right side and the turn to the ball field and CC on the left. There are "no entry" signs and an orange net-like barrier on the left side of the road after turning in from Rt 4 so there's no choice but to follow the road to the right.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Apparently Mr. Santos did not use the name most people know him by: DANNY SANTOS - the big NEO chief in Asan.
Response to How far are Apuron's foes willing to stoop? in today's PDN by JOAQUIN S. SANTOS JR.
- Jose Martinez · Follow · Top Commenter · Founder at Traditions Affirming our Seafaring Ancestry (TASA)It's letters like this that are so revealing to what extant the lost will go into rationalizing sexual exploitation and the subsequent cover up. The Archdiocese has a Sexual Misconduct policy that was ignored and tossed away when it came to Fr. Luis' incident and the Archbishop is the one who decided to do just that. However, Mr. Santos would rather point the finger at those who want to protect parishioners from predators in choosing to place the blame on those who are whistle blowers for the cover up. Perfect.
Just because there was a resignation, just because Fr. Luis' priestly faculties were removed and just because the Archbishop spirited Fr. Luis off island never to be heard from again, does not mean that the predatory nature of the incident did not occur. A full investigation does not stop because the culprit was caught.
We, the Church and the greater community of Guam, need to know why and how Fr. Luis, a pastor and person with great authority, failed his parishioners and his young victim. Most importantly, we also have a duty to make sure it does not happen again. I don't have confidence that the Archbishop is interested in the same.
From the usual trash at the Dianas blog:
Actually I only have one accusation, and it has been the same accusation for nearly ten years. The NCW celebrates an illicit liturgy, altering the communion rite to reflect Kiko's theology and violating the liturgical books and even their own statute. The accusation remains and has never been answered.
Of course the real reason (I warned you) for the current stream of vile trash that some of you are reading over there (I don't go there) is because of what they know is in "the letter". I'm enjoying watching them squirm and vomit.
AnonymousMay 5, 2015 at 10:03 AM
Do you think that even if patty, Tim and co knew they were wrong they would admit it? I think the poor souls have gone too deep. It is so humiliating to admit that magnitude of their evil that they MUST keep this charade going. All their accusations have been answered but they cannot accept the answer because it would shame them publicly too much. And so they keep digging their hole. Poor things.
Actually I only have one accusation, and it has been the same accusation for nearly ten years. The NCW celebrates an illicit liturgy, altering the communion rite to reflect Kiko's theology and violating the liturgical books and even their own statute. The accusation remains and has never been answered.
Of course the real reason (I warned you) for the current stream of vile trash that some of you are reading over there (I don't go there) is because of what they know is in "the letter". I'm enjoying watching them squirm and vomit.
John C. Ada Toves "Typhoon"May 4, 2015 at 8:07 PM
Anon 6:08, here is an update. What you heard on the The Buzz was information on a "Victim #2" who had been molested by Archbishop Apuron. His island attorney contacted me with the information and allowed me to release some brief details in hopes of bringing another victim forward. I had two subsequent conversations and two emails from the attorney. The timeline was given to me. I have my phone records and emails for documentation. I have not received further communication as of yet.
Managing Editor from EWTN who I've been in contact with since January (he called me) is working to break the story. He asked if I had a cannon lawyer working on it
I consulted with a cannon lawyer early April who is willing to go through Rome once more but from a different angle. I am beginning my fundraising for his retainer so he can file. I advised EWTN of the lawyer.
I've called the Archbishop prior to every move but unfortunately always seem to get only voicemail. I mentioned that I had thoughts about the dance and other clips but I would like to hear good faith on his part. I'll be happy to provide call logs for this as well.
I've tweeted and Facebooked weekly to the island since January. I guess I need to get a life, - but I know I have my God.
So, Anon 6:08, I intend to remain a thorn in his side. I do finish what I start. That is one of the few things I have in common with Tim who has my deepest gratitude and respect. I am happy to post any update here.
It is already beyond what any individual can do, my friend. It really is now, - What will we ALL do?
Anyone may contact me at johncharlestoves@gmail.com
Managing Editor from EWTN who I've been in contact with since January (he called me) is working to break the story. He asked if I had a cannon lawyer working on it
I consulted with a cannon lawyer early April who is willing to go through Rome once more but from a different angle. I am beginning my fundraising for his retainer so he can file. I advised EWTN of the lawyer.
I've called the Archbishop prior to every move but unfortunately always seem to get only voicemail. I mentioned that I had thoughts about the dance and other clips but I would like to hear good faith on his part. I'll be happy to provide call logs for this as well.
I've tweeted and Facebooked weekly to the island since January. I guess I need to get a life, - but I know I have my God.
So, Anon 6:08, I intend to remain a thorn in his side. I do finish what I start. That is one of the few things I have in common with Tim who has my deepest gratitude and respect. I am happy to post any update here.
It is already beyond what any individual can do, my friend. It really is now, - What will we ALL do?
Anyone may contact me at johncharlestoves@gmail.com
Monday, May 4, 2015
Janet B - MangilaoMay 4, 2015 at 6:22 PM
Tony is either feeling sorry because he was stupid, or feeling great anxiety if he benefited personally from giving away the prize of the Archdiocese.
Sad days ahead for our Archdiocese because we either have a stupid shepherd who refuses to step down, or a crooked crozier-holder who is running scared because Tim and his posse are on to his crimes.
Our only hope at this point is for Rome to finally act decisively to replace our stupid/thief shepherd with someone with the integrity expected of the office of bishop. If Rome doesn't act then they also become culpable for ALL the problems we have.
And the longer Rome waits the more difficult the job for Tony's replacement.
ROME - we hope you consider our welfare before the welfare of one of your own bishops. I think we have proven beyond a doubt that Tony is not worthy of the office entrusted to him. If you truly care about "we the faithful" then you must step in and make a change.
Nothing has gotten better since you were here in July and January. Tony has only perpetuated his lies with more lies. How much more will we be forced to bear under this "leadership"?
We prayed on Sunday that you would hear our cries. Many more prayers being said by priests too afraid to speak the plain truth. It is up to you to act, but be advised we will not stop, nor will we relent. In fact, many of us are willing to take more drastic action to stop this disease which infects us.
Remember, a doctor must take out and remove some cells to save the body when a patient is infected with cancer. We are the patient, and Tony and the NCW is the cancer. Get out your sharp scalpel and excise the abnormal cells from within before we progress to Stage 4 and are diagnosed as inoperable!
Sad days ahead for our Archdiocese because we either have a stupid shepherd who refuses to step down, or a crooked crozier-holder who is running scared because Tim and his posse are on to his crimes.
Our only hope at this point is for Rome to finally act decisively to replace our stupid/thief shepherd with someone with the integrity expected of the office of bishop. If Rome doesn't act then they also become culpable for ALL the problems we have.
And the longer Rome waits the more difficult the job for Tony's replacement.
ROME - we hope you consider our welfare before the welfare of one of your own bishops. I think we have proven beyond a doubt that Tony is not worthy of the office entrusted to him. If you truly care about "we the faithful" then you must step in and make a change.
Nothing has gotten better since you were here in July and January. Tony has only perpetuated his lies with more lies. How much more will we be forced to bear under this "leadership"?
We prayed on Sunday that you would hear our cries. Many more prayers being said by priests too afraid to speak the plain truth. It is up to you to act, but be advised we will not stop, nor will we relent. In fact, many of us are willing to take more drastic action to stop this disease which infects us.
Remember, a doctor must take out and remove some cells to save the body when a patient is infected with cancer. We are the patient, and Tony and the NCW is the cancer. Get out your sharp scalpel and excise the abnormal cells from within before we progress to Stage 4 and are diagnosed as inoperable!
Dear Friends,
A little break from all the drama to help out my friend, Troy Aguon, and promote his new app. Maybe it will teach me how to say "arduous and painful closure to your assignment" in Chamorro. LOL :)
Joking aside, get the app!
Catholics take part in a prayer rally organized by the Concerned Catholics of Guam yesterday at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in HagĂĄtña. The rally was held to demonstrate the group’s displeasure with some of the decisions made by Archbishop Anthony Apuron in the administration of the archdiocese.
Hundreds of Guam Catholics gathered for a motorcade and prayer rally appealing for justice, accountability, and action in the Archdiocese of Agana. The event began with a motorcade from difference village regions to the rally site on the front steps of the Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna.
For more pictures and info go to
Here is a press release from yesterday from the CCOG:
Guam Catholics gather for prayer rally and motorcade
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Monday, May 3, 2015
Hundreds of Guam Catholics gathered yesterday for an island-wide motorcade and prayer rally on the front steps of the Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna. The motorcade was divided into several regions assigned to village parishes and mayor’s offices. Cars were decorated with yellow and white ribbons and posters stating “I Love My Catholic Church,” “KATOLIKU,” and “JUSTICE. ACCOUNTABILITY. ACTION.”
The prayer rally was a grassroots effort to appeal for justice, accountability, and action from local church leadership concerning recent controversies involving the removal of two local priests, church finances, and the conveyance of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary property in Yona to the Neo-Catechumenal Way. The rally began with the singing of Chamorro traditional hymns and the Divine Mercy Prayer and concluded with the release of a rosary balloon as participants sang “Katoliku”.
“The motorcade and prayer rally was a tremendous success and was clear indication that Guam Catholics are very much concerned with the lack of leadership from Archbishop Apuron,” said Greg Perez, president of the Concerned Catholics of Guam.
“The sad reality is that our appeal for leadership and answers to our concerns have been ignored by a leader who has stood silent on every issue placed before him. Archbishop Apuron’s inaction is a deafening silence and we will continue to press forward to restore faith in our church leadership and to bring unity and healing to a very divided church.
“I thank the volunteers for sharing their time, talent, and resources in organizing this event. Additionally, I express my sincere appreciation to those who took time out of their busy Sunday to pray with us and I am confident that our message, through patience and perseverance, will be heard,” said Perez.
Media Inquiries: Please contact Greg Perez at 727-3233 or David Sablan at 482-4647
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Coreen (Leon Guerrero) indicated today, during a lecture to the parents of First Holy Communion candidates, that the Holy Father has granted the Cathedral Basilica (ONLY this church, because it is the 'mother' church; the Vatican church - NO other church ON Guam) strict right to Plenary Reconciliation. She said that if you confess at the Cathedral, all your sins will be forgiven, without punishment, from the moment you received First Holy Communion to the present day. She indicated, if you go to confession at another parish on Guam, you will be forgiven, but will still have to pay for your sins in purgatory. So, basically, she is saying confession doesn't really mean anything in any other parish - ONLY at Cathedral. This is a clear effort on behalf of the ArchBishop/Neos to try and force people to come back to the Cathedral - and they are doing it in the Pope's name. According to Coreen, the people only have THIS YEAR to come back to Cathedral to be forgiven for their sins without punishment. After 2015, your souls will be lost in purgatory.
We were not the only parents that were extremely disturbed by this proclamation. AJ (Balajadia) challenged Coreen, who didn't have an explanation other than the Holy Father granted Cathedral this specific special rite. In speaking with other parents after the meeting, they are just as concerned with the education their children have received in Cathedral's CCD program. Most agreed, including AJ and I, that we will be pulling our children from CCD at Cathedral and registering then at parishes with no Neo influence.
Tanya Balajadia
Here is the actual decree. Note there is NO requirement to "confess at the Cathedral" in order to obtain the plenary indulgence, only the obligation to "visit the Cathedral of Agaña, under the title of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the form of a pilgrimage and there devotedly participate in the jubilee celebrations..."
The pope refers to the "customary conditions (sacramental confession, eucharist communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff"), because they are always required for a plenary indulgence no matter what the occasion. While it is preferred that these customary conditions occur on the same day as the act of indulgence it is not necessary, and nothing is said about the location because one can fulfill these customary conditions at any Catholic church:
Here is the actual decree. Note there is NO requirement to "confess at the Cathedral" in order to obtain the plenary indulgence, only the obligation to "visit the Cathedral of Agaña, under the title of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the form of a pilgrimage and there devotedly participate in the jubilee celebrations..."
Decree from the Holy Father Granting Plenary Indulgences
The Apostolic Penitentiary, in virtue of the faculties granted to it by Our Holy Father Francis, grants a Jubilee Year with the connected plenary indulgence, with the customary conditions (sacramental confession, eucharist communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff) rightly fulfilled, to be gained by the truly penitent faithful, which may be applied even to the souls in Purgatory by way of intercession, if they should visit the Cathedral of Agaña, under the title of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the form of a pilgrimage and there devotedly participate in the jubilee celebrations, rightly determined by His Excellency, the Most
Reverend Metropolitan Archbishop, or at least through a suitable space of time will have been occupied with pious considerations, including the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and with invocations of the Holy Virgin, the Mother of God. Those pious faithful who are prevented by age or grave sickness, may equally be able to attain the plenary indulgence, having arrived at a detestation of whatever sin, and having formed the intention, where it should be possible, of fulfilling the three conditions, if they should add themselves spiritually to the jubilee celebration and the pilgrimages, having offered their prayers and sufferings to a merciful God.
So that access to the divine gift through the keys of the Church might be rendered easier by pastoral charity, this Penitentiary earnestly asks that priests endowed with suitable faculties for hearing confessions, might offer themselves in the cathedral church with a prompt and generous spirit for the celebration of Penance and that they might often bring communion to the sick.
The present [stipulations] are to be in force throughout the Golden Jubilee of Agaña, everything to the contrary not in the least withstanding.
Given at Rome, in the halls of the Apostolic Penitentiary, on the 22nd of September, A. D. 2014. Maurus Piacenza, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church Christopher Nykiel, Regent Decree from the Holy Father Granting Plenary Indulgences.
"It is appropriate, but not necessary, that the sacramental Confession and especially Holy Communion and the prayer for the Pope's intentions take place on the same day that the indulgenced work is performed; but it is sufficient that these sacred rites and prayers be carried out within several days (about 20) before or after the indulgenced act."
http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/tribunals/apost_penit/documents/rc_trib_appen_pro_20000129_indulgence_en.htmlAlso see my post: THE AGANA INDULGENCE. LUTHER REVISITED?
Pius knows what is in the letter I am quoting from in THE ULTIMATE TREACHERY. And he knows what's coming in Part 4. So expect all kinds of filth thrown at me from his blog.
There was no fanfare, no breast beating, no "finger in your eye - shut up and sit down" attitude from the Cursillos after the pope met with them in Rome on April 30:
In his prepared remarks the Pope told the estimated 7,000 cursillista’s gathered in the Paul VI Hall that they were called to build on the charism that the Lord has entrusted to them.
He said the pioneers of the movement were authentic missionaries and did not hesitate to take the initiative and bravely approach people, to help them on their journey of faith.
The Holy Father urged those present to follow their example, and the infinite love of Christ that frees and transforms lives.
He said, I encourage you to go beyond", faithful to your charism! To keep alive the zeal, the fire of the Spirit that always compels the followers of Christ to reach those on the peripheries, to "step out of their comfort zone and have the courage to reach all the suburbs that need the light of the Gospel".
Pope Francis finally urged the participants to help the men and women of today to discover the beauty of faith and a life of grace, but in a way that is guided by humility.
Wow, imagine that. Another group with a "charism."
And compare what Pope Francis says to the Cursillos to what Archbishop Apuron says about them:
"...the Cursillos, it amazes me when they have the Cursillo, a weekend for example, how fired they are. But then immediately after that weekend they fizzle out."
One shepherd encourages his sheep. The other shoots them in the back and leaves them for the wolves...while he gets on yet another plane.
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