posted by Frenchie,
On December 15th 2024 at 10;35 Anonymous commented, in an exchange with Tim regarding the Neos: " I was disappointed to read that Pope Francis declined to attend the re-opening of the Notre Dame Cathedral, that iconic monument of French Catholicism in Paris. I do hope there was a representative from the Vatican present at the re-opening which I hope will contribute to the revitalization of the Church in France ( and indeed in all of Europe)".
This is a comment fairly representative of many Catholic's concerns, which reflect both a lack of knowledge about the present and past situation of the Catholic Church in France, as well as the reason for Pope Francis not attending that ceremony.
I have never been an apologist for Pope Francis, and his many declarations which are often contradicting and confusing. In fact I have often criticized his modernist approach which betrays his close ties to the Peronist movement in Argentina (which was responsible for the deliquescence of the country), and the Jesuit movement of Social Justice in South America. A movement totally not understood in the USA, but central to Francis world view. It is often seen as a precursor to the woke movement, in many regards it is socially more radical. Should you be interested you just need to consult the webpage of the Jesuits, to quickly comprehend their goals and motivations. Nothing has changed in their approach since they were expelled from several countries and severely reprimanded, by no less than 5 popes. They only bided their time, kept a low profile before being rehabilitated, yet fundamentally their core beliefs never changed.
That having been established, Francis had several good reasons not to be used as a prop by Macron (the french president). Further despite all his confusing stands on so many issues, Pope Francis has been very consistent about his views of the Masons and their relentless efforts to destroy the Catholic Universal Church. Bergoglio has always seen the Masons and their allies as an existential danger to the Church. He has made numerous clear warning about the danger that Masons represent, and he has encouraged the Bishops to take steps to counter their influence and denounce their nefarious agenda.
On December 9th 1905, the french government of the III Republic signed a earth chattering Law regarding the separation of Church and State. The law titled: "Loi du 9 decembre 1905, concernant la separation des Eglises et de l'Etat" applied to all christian churches. It confiscated all Church properties, and gave the buildings to the municipalities. Regulated what could or could not be said inside, as well as what could be displayed in and out of the said buildings. It changed the status of priests as employees of the State, and listed penalties both civil and penal for infringing said law. Therefore the Notre Dame of Paris Building is the property of the municipality of Paris. While the Cathedral is use for the worship of the Catholic faithful, under the care of the Archbishop of Paris, there is no guarantee that the state could not transform it into a Museum, a Mosque or a Protestant Temple. Actually the Mayor of Paris, Mrs Hidalgo, along her city council of Greens, Communists and GLBTists floated the idea to turn the Cathedral into a museum for several months after the fire. More recently a conservative member of the council, who is a muslim suggested charging an entrance fee to enter the Cathedral.
The 1905 law was the brainchild of two french politicians: Emile Combes 1835-1921 a radical socialist, and a free mason of the grand orient since 1869. Aristide Briand 1862-1932, socialist, cofounder of the Humanite (the communist party daily) Free Mason of the trait d'union orient de St Nazaire 1887, and finally of the Knights of the workers 1895. Aristide Briand was the President of the council of Ministers 6 times, a Nobel Prize Winner, and one of the main advocate for the league of Nation, and a commercial Europe. Basically a globalist before we knew what it meant.(A Masonic goal of world government led by an enlighten elite) It is in this context that Pope Francis has always refused to visit Paris. He previously visited Strasbourg for the Youth movement week, and Marseille, which he titled the oldest city of the western Mediterranean.
Meanwhile Macron, the President of the French Republic, also a Mason, who is being challenged at home consistently, and whose personal life is far from being stellar, is in dire need to look as presidential as possible. His policies have ruined the country, and he has tried without shame to appear as an international star. (which he has failed completely) . His plan for the re-opening of the Cathedral was so radical and in poor taste, that even the spineless Council of French Bishops opposed it. The plan was something along the lines of the opening of the Paris Olympics. A compromise was finally reached with a two part re-opening. One where the world leaders would be welcomed in a semi religious ceremony, the other the next day which would re-consecrate the Cathedral as a place of worship. This of course was not acceptable to the Pope.
To answer Anonymous question of a Vatican official attending the ceremonies. The answer is yes, of course. The official being the Nuncio for France.
Meanwhile, the Pope chose to accept the invitation to visit Corsica by the Cardinal Bishop of Ajaccio, a Franciscan, and currently the youngest Cardinal of the Conclave. There was a moment of uncertainty because the authorization for a visit had to be accepted by the President of the French Republic. Of course Macron being Macron, made the Pope wait till the last minute, to give his approval. In the end fearing a backlash from the notoriously hot tempered Corsicans, he relented. In the end Francis became the 1st Pope to visit Corsica, another step on his policy of outreach to the Mediterranean communities, and gave Macron a lesson in diplomatic tit for tat.
As for the revitalization of the Churches of France and Europe, it has been on the way for several decades. Almost 60 years after Vatican II and its catastrophic consequences for our Church, the revitalization has come mostly from the traditionalist movement, which has done a tremendous job of outreach to the young and the non believers. Here lies the conundrum, the modernist movement within the Church has not only taken the sacred out of the liturgy, it has also emptied the churches of its faithful. The irony is that the churches in France and Europe that have high attendance and devout following are the traditionalists. France which for decades lost thousands of priests to death and retirement while churning out barely 100 new priests a year, has seen a three fold increase in vocations. Yet these vocations are mostly from traditionalist communities. A similar movement also has happened among religious communities of Religious Sisters and Brothers. Hence the Vatican is faced with a dilemma. While promoting modernists to Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals, the base of the European priesthood is made of traditionalist priests, while the modernists of the 60s are now in their 80s or 90s. This probably explains some of the knee jerk reactions we see from time to time. Further the priests brought in from Africa, South America and India to fill the gaps in Europe mostly come from far more conservative societal background, which compound the issue for the Vatican.
It is a perfect case of damned if you do, damned if you don't
P.S: One of several reasons Francis has been relatively harsh vis a vis of the Neocatumenates, is that he does not like their Judeo Masonic structure and their Masonic tendencies to secrecies.