Wednesday, June 28, 2023


By Tim Rohr

Frenchie calls into Bob's show and calls out Lt. Governor Josh Tenorio and Adrian Cruz for being part of a "coterie of gay, lesbian and trans activists." 

Listen here.  The call is queued up.


By Tim Rohr

"Looking at the large number of victims covered up for decades by the Guam Catholic Archdiocese, we are outraged by the innocence that was stolen by some of the most trusted men in our community and the damage it has done to so many families. We can only hope that reforms and promises made by the church will be effective to prevent any future occurrence." - Lt. Gov. Tenorio in his statement about the arrest of Adrian Cruz. (The full statement is on Kandit News.)

Well, first of all Mr. Tenorio, you're welcome. How many years did you know about these atrocities and did nothing? How about your uncle? And how many years did your boss know? She knows everything, right? She was Apuron's go-to girl for many years when Apuron needed money. 

In fact, in case you need reminding, after Apuron fled Guam, he was found cowering in a home in California owned by a VP of your boss's bank.

Accusers locate Apuron

Guam Daily Post, Feb. 1, 2017

"Lujan said his firm was able to establish that Apuron is residing in a home owned by John and Shirley Quitugua. Shirley B. Quitugua is listed as the vice president of the Bank of Guam’s San Francisco branch, according to the bank’s branch manager listing on the company website."

Apuron's atrocities were not hidden. Like your friend, Adrian, Apuron lived in a "can't touch me" class, and was quite certain he could molest, rape, and lie all the way to a red hat. He even bragged about it.

It was only because of the very few who stood up to Apuron and his monkey militia, and at great personal cost for some, that Apuron's house of horrors came tumbling down; and the victims you pretend to care so much about - but did nothing for -  can now finally see some glimmer of justice. So, yah, you're welcome. 

And P.S.

It wasn't the "Guam Catholic Archdiocese" who molested, raped, and covered up "the large number of victims," it was your boss's buddy.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


By Tim Rohr

Guam's abortion situation is national news...once again, this time in a New York Times story (or here) dated yesterday, June 26, 2023, and titled:

In Isolated Guam, Abortion Is Legal. And Nearly Impossible to Get.

Apparently the writer and the photographer personally visited Guam and one has to wonder why such a big outfit as the New York Times would send two people to little ol' Guam to do this story.

Given how the story goes, with the typical beating up of the Catholic Church, this thing sounds all too familiar and smells very similar to how two doctors from Hawaii suddenly took an interest in Guam, got licensed here, and then sued us with the help of the ACLU. 

A FOIA by the Vigilance Committee turned up evidence that the whole deal with the Hawaii docs and the ACLU was a setup by our own governor with the help of her abortion lieutenant, Jayne Flores, and her taxpayer funded Bureau of Women's Affairs. 

So the Times story stinks the same. It smells like the Times people were "invited" by "someone." It smells even funnier given that the writer, a David Chen, is a sports business writer for the Times:
David W. Chen reports on the business of sports, investigating the corporate, non-profit, and government players with skin in the games. - (byline at the end of the story)

Before I dismantle the story and its laughable cliches, I'm thinking of the bright side of this constant johnny-one-note attack on the Catholic Church relative to this issue, especially since there is absolutely no evidence, here on the ground in Guam, that the local Catholic Church carries any weight on any issue, abortion or otherwise. 

The bright side is that these guys, the pro-aborts, have nothing else. They have no argument to support, justify, promote in any sort of sane way, the killing of the unborn. So all they have is attack, attack, attack. And the most convenient whipping boy is the Catholic Church, not because of anything the Catholic Church actually teaches, but because all too many Catholics are all too willing to "walk into this." In case you're wondering what I mean, Merriam-Webster has a definition for "walk into:"

to become involved in or fooled by (something) because one is not aware of what is really happening

Here is an example from the story:

In an interview at the chancery of the Archdiocese of Agana, where Pope John Paul II stayed overnight in 1981, Father Romeo Convocar, the apostolic administrator, said that abortion pills obtained by telemedicine is now one of his biggest concerns.

Umm, so what did "the pope slept here" have to do with the story other than to further caricature Guam as a rabid Catholic enclave where women are chained to stoves and impregnated against their will? And why did Fr. Convocar even give these jokers an interview? That's a real "walk into this." Seriously, don't even talk to these people. Let them write their stupid stories but don't let them use you to do it.

But more seriously: "abortion pills" are the "concern?" Really? How about a governor who proudly presents herself for communion at our cathedral while radically pursuing every possible avenue to propagate abortion in the community she governs? Is that a "concern?"

What about what's going on in our local Catholic churches and schools that has produced a mentality like the governor's and the thousands of abortions procured by women who identify themselves as Chamorro and who are most likely Catholic? 

And there's this:

"Lou also attributes her becoming pro-choice to her Catholic education…The pro-choice advocates drew strength from the encouragement received behind the scenes from other women, including nuns, who could not express their support publicly…" - Vivian Loyola Dames, in “Chamorro Women, Self-Determination, and the Politics of Abortion on Guam,” (Asian/Pacific Islander American Women - A Historical Anthology, Pg. 375.)

And this:

"(Lourdes) Leon Guerrero recalled that in the 1990s she had Catholic nuns confiding in her their personal understandings of her position. The nuns were adamant about not agreeing with abortion, but they understood the necessity for accessibility as they saw first hand women who had children that were neglected and abused." - A HISTORY OF ACTIVISM OF THE GUAMANIAN WOMEN’S SOCIAL MOVEMENT: FROM THE FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN IN BEIJING 1995 TO PRESENT, A final paper by BREANNA G. LAI, January 2016, Pg. 48

I'm having a difficult time trying to get my head to stop shaking but let's move on to the other stupid stuff in this story:

...a pending court case could soon cut off access to abortion pills, the last way for most women on Guam to get legal abortions.

This statement is referring to the ACLU telemedicine suit which is not about abortion pills but about the in-person counseling requirement. There is not a single thing stopping any doctor, or nurse, or "qualified person" (including the governor herself - an RN) from providing the in-person consultation required by law before distributing the death pills. And as far as I know, the requirement remains enjoined by the District Court and any challenge to the injunction appears to be as dead in the water as the babies will be in their amniotic sac once mommy gets her pills in the mail. 

“Guam is a litmus test,” said the territory’s attorney general, Douglas Moylan, a Republican who opposes abortion. “If anti-abortion forces were to succeed anywhere in the United States, I would say Guam would be one of them.”

Once "they" say "Republican," you know exactly where they're going. After the Catholic Church, the next available whipping boy is a "Republican." Beyond that, Doug is wrong. Save for a once a year "wave" and a few folks with signs here and there, there is NOTHING to support Doug's view and much to support the opposite, including the election and re-election of a governor who is Guam's most public and vehement advocate of abortion ever. 

A streak of anti-abortion sentiment runs through Guam, and there are other attempts to further restrict the procedure.

Once again, a big LOL. Said "streak" is a few folks with signs who appear for an hour or two on weekends. (Thank you to them, by the way.) And there are no thunderous lectures from the pulpit. We heard more about the evils of gambling from our church pulpits than we've ever heard about abortion. 

Abortion has long been a taboo topic in Pacific island communities; about 80 percent of Guam’s inhabitants are Catholic, reflecting the island’s Spanish colonial past.

Okay, here we go. False, false, false. While it might be "a taboo topic" - I mean who in the heck talks about their abortion at happy hour anyway - said "taboo" has done nothing to staunch the local appetite for it. (See graphic above - abortion by ethnicity.)

William Freeman, the last doctor who performed abortions when he left Guam, said that when he first arrived on the island 39 years ago, seven doctors performed abortions, and “phone calls threatening to kill us or blow us up” were routine.

Oh, poor Willy. Meanwhile, said "threats" didn't slow him down. He and his buddy, Griley, knocked off hundreds of Guam babies a year for more than thirty years leaving their bodies to rot in dumpsters right in the heart of Tamuning.

Famalao’an Rights, a reproductive rights nonprofit founded in 2019, stepped up its organizing in 2022 when the proposed six-week ban was gaining traction. A legislative committee’s 2,200-page report on the bill crackled with anguished emails and handwritten letters from the public, mostly opposing the ban.

Well then that pretty much upends everything the writer has written so far, doesn't it? The "ban" is in reference to the fetal heartbeat bill. And it's true, opposition to the ban and support for abortion was monstrously overwhelming - demonstrating as has been demonstrated time and time again: GUAM IS OVERWHELMINGLY PRO-ABORTION and has been for decades.  In fact, self-styled history gurus like Bevacqua lecture us as to how abortion is an indigenous practice. So where's that "streak of anti-abortion sentiment?" 

And, given the overwhelming support for abortion in Guam, why won't any of our more than 300 doctors - some of whom have publicly advocated for abortion - do them? In fact, the doctors don't even have to perform abortions, they only have to meet with the prospective patient, go through a checklist, and hand the patient an informational pamphlet. The Hawaii doctors will do the rest. This is the "in-person requirement" that is what the ACLU lawsuit is all about. 

But no one will even do that, not even the governor who as a registered nurse is a "qualified person" pursuant to the informed consent law. Here's a tip governor, instead of spending tens of thousands of our tax dollars trying to recruit abortionists or conspiring to get the ACLU to sue us, spend a few minutes a week with women seeking an abortion and do the in-person stuff so your friends in Hawaii can mail them their damn pills.

(Note: Just my opinion, but I'm thinking that having a battering ram to beat up on the Catholic Church is more important to the pro-aborts than actually providing abortions or even the required information. Should even one doctor or qualified person provide such service, the pro-aborts would lose their stage to scream at the Church - as demonstrated in stories like the present one.)

The Dobbs decision was demoralizing for the activists, who are bracing for more anti-abortion bills and preparing to help women obtain abortions, even if it means breaking the law.

Umm, there is no law to break. Guam remains, as it has always been, one of the easiest places in the nation to procure an abortion. Even the few laws we do have are never enforced. And fat chance we'll get that injunction lifted on PL 20-134. We've already pretty much blown that opportunity. And even fatter chance we'll get anyone in the legislature to even touch this issue. 

Yah, they passed that heartbeat bill, but not because they wanted to. They passed it because it was politically safe to do so. They already knew the governor would veto it and that there wouldn't be the votes to override the veto. So they could safely vote for the bill to say "hey, look at me, I'm pro-life" while knowing the bill would never become law and Guam women could go right on killing their babies. 

In late April, she (Sharon O'Mallan) and Agnes White, a nurse, pointed to a billboard that they had helped to create: “Healing the pain of abortion — one weekend at a time.” The goal, they said, was to recruit women who had abortions to attend a confidential counseling retreat sponsored by an international religious group that opposes abortion.

This is one of the most ridiculous and tell-tale "reaches" by the writer. O'Mallan and White are not - in this context - opposing abortion, they are supporting an outreach to women who have already had an abortion and who may need help in healing. But somehow that's a bad thing. Really? Helping women who have suffered trauma is a bad thing? This slap at O'Mallan and White really clues us in to what the writer was after - or more than likely, told to go after, especially since said writer has to insert that the counseling is "sponsored by an international religious group." Had to fit religion in there somewhere, right?

Women on Guam said they have already been dealing with the difficulty and stigma of abortion for years.

Well, we can tell the guy who wrote this story is a sports writer and not much more. Otherwise, he wouldn't have included that bit about massive opposition to the heartbeat bill and then try to come back to this stigma B.S. What an amateur. Come on governor, you can do better. 

Happy Tingson was working as a hotel housekeeper in 2015, when she became pregnant. She told only two people: her best friend, Rhea Patino, and her boyfriend at the time. “Not a single smile on his face,” said Ms. Tingson, who was comforted by Ms. Patino and another friend when she became emotional during an interview at her sister’s house. “He was pretty much saying, ‘It’s not the right time for us to have it, we’re not financially stable,’ ” Ms. Tingson said.

Well then maybe it wasn't "the right time" for you to be having sex with your boyfriend, was it? But then "her boyfriend at the time," (AT THE TIME) may not have kept that "smile on his face" had you said "NO." Keep those boyfriends smiling, Happy! (That's her name.)

“They said the fact that you came from Guam, and had to fly out here — it’s so sad, because you have no clinic out there,” Ms. Pitino, now 32, recalled. “That’s so dangerous. How can they do that to you guys?”

Yes, how can "they" do that? How can those doctors and other "qualified persons" who write letters to the editor, give speeches at Rotary clubs, and passionately testify at public hearings in favor of abortion, including your own governor, force you to "fly out here?" 

That's who the "they" are. It's not "the church," it's not the laws (which are never enforced), and it's not some stupid stigma. The "they" are all the docs and qualified persons who openly, publicly, and usually vehemently cry "how can they do that to you," and then "do that to you" by refusing to provide the services "they" say you have a right to.

Well, "they" had no problem getting the Times people to "fly out here." I wonder where they stayed. Maybe the 19th floor?


By Tim Rohr

In a comment to a previous post titled CONVOCAR'S MASS FOR HEROD, Anonymous writes:

You ‘Catholics’ would rather women die than receive necessary medical care when a pregnancy threatens their lives or isn’t viable. I hope you all get what you deserve. That being the opportunity to witness someone you know suffer this fate. Mind you, I’m not wishing women ill; I just want you to see it with your own eyes when the inevitable happens. 

It's an important point so I thought I'd give Anonymous his/her own post with my reply. 

I would first say "Who you callin' Catholic?" 

1. The post on which Anonymous comments addresses the fact that our now twice-elected Catholic governor, the most public proponent of abortion in Guam's history, continues to receive Holy Communion without consequence, and even - as per the subject post - from the hands of Guam's current Apostolic Administrator, who is functionally our bishop. 

2. I would also remind Anonymous that the most viciously pro-abortion president in U.S. History, a regular Mass-going Catholic, is currently in the White House. 

3. Likewise, I would also remind Anonymous that the most ardent defenders of abortion in Congress have been Catholics: Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and many more. 

4. In fact, 2024 presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a member of America's most prominent Catholic family, just declared his support for abortion. 

5. Moving on to U.S. Catholics at large, according to a 2022 Pew Research poll, only 10% of all U.S. Catholics believe abortion should be illegal in all cases. That's about even with the rest of the U.S. which is at 8%. So, functionally, 90% of Catholics believe abortion should be legal to one degree or another.

6. More specifically to Anonymous' comment, only 13% of U.S. Catholics believe abortion should be illegal when the mother's life and health are threatened. This is also on par with the rest of the nation which is 11%. 

So "Who you callin' Catholic?"

On a personal note, and to Anonymous saying "I just want you to see it with your own eyes when the inevitable happens." I have seen it with my own eyes. Four times.  

And a P.S. 

Pope Francis just ordered a "visitation" (a modern form of the word "inquisition") of Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas. Strickland's "sin" appears to be his defense of traditional Catholic morality and teaching and especially his calling out of Catholic pro-abort politicians. He's been vocal for awhile, but what appears to have triggered Francis was Strickland showing up to march with Catholics in Los Angeles at the recent Dodger "Pride Night" which honored a Catholic hate group. So rest assured Anonymous, there's nothing to worry about from "Catholics," not even the pope. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023


By Tim Rohr

At the root of any successful society is the healthy, intact family. This is not a religious principle. It's a biological one. 

Since it takes a man and a woman to reproduce a child, and it takes that child the better part of two decades to become self-sufficient and in turn produce the next generation, the family unit, in terms of primal biological survival, has always been at least a two decade commitment which is renewed with the birth of every child. 

And in days gone by a couple produced many children, making the commitment usually "till death do we part" even before anyone ever thought of those words. 

But that was before government got involved. 

A recent article in Epoch Times has once again set out what has been set out so many times before: 1) America is in trouble; 2) it's in trouble because of the breakdown of the family; and 3) the breakdown of the family is due to "fatherlessness." 

Unfortunately, the article does not go much beyond simply reporting otherwise already well-known facts:

  • one in four U.S. children are living in fatherless homes
  • 63 percent of youth suicides occur in fatherless homes
  • 85 percent of children in fatherless homes have behavioral disorders.
  • fatherless kids are 20 times more likely to be incarcerated

The Epoch Times is not known for being mainstream, so here's hoping that one day its writers will go beyond reporting useless proposals like this:

"The AFPI (America First Policy Institute) is calling on officials and community leaders to support a pro-fatherhood campaign that would share the joys of fatherhood. 'Amplification from athletes, celebrities, musicians, actors, and national role models can push the importance of fatherhood to the forefront of public consciousness,' it said."

The article goes on to suggest that new legislation from Republican lawmakers holds promise:

A number of Republican lawmakers have been active in introducing pro-family legislation in the last couple of years. Notably, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) has introduced seven bills that seek to help young families, focusing mostly on pregnant women and new moms.

With many families now having two income providers, parenting is often burdened by busy agendas. “Laws in our country should work to chart a new course and help parents balance child-rearing, work, and other priorities throughout day-to-day life,” Rubio wrote earlier this year.

Talk about the blind leading the blind. One thing we don't need is for more stupid policies from stupid government people. What we need is for smart government people to get rid of stupid policies instituted by stupid government people which incentivize the destruction of families and fatherlessness in particular. 

Destructive Policy No. 1: NO FAULT DIVORCE

To illustrate, imagine this. You hire a contractor to fix your roof. Said contractor requires 50% up front. You pay him. He starts the work and then quits half way through. No reason. He's just tired of the job. Sure you only paid him 50% but your roof is open and rain is coming. And then he sues you for the other 50% because he doesn't like you anymore. 

That's no-fault divorce. Marriage is a legal contract. Imagine a society in which any other kind of contract is legally treated as marriage is: where the other party can just quit for no reason and with no consequence. 

In fact, not only no consequence, but the quitter has got the law on his side to take you for everything you have. Such a society would be considered lawless. In fact, it wouldn't be a society for long. But that's exactly what no-fault divorce law has done and is doing to society's most important contract. 

There is a lot more legislative idiocy, but for now, I'll just address one more, which, after no-fault divorce, is probably the second most destructive policy.

Destructive Policy No. 2: CHILD SUPPORT

In short (though I'll have much more to say in future posts), child support laws functionally incentivize a parent, usually the mother, to either take the children and abandon the father, or otherwise get rid of the father - usually through false abuse allegations. 

The mother, even before anything can be proven, is immediately awarded child support from the father, the enforcement of which is under pain of prison. What a deal...for mom anyway. 

The mother, upon receiving the coerced money from the father, is not held accountable in anyway for how she spends the money. Again, what a deal...for mom. 

The father at this point 1) has been abandoned by his wife; 2) has lost his children through functional - but legal - kidnapping; 3) has been presumed guilty (because he is immediately forced to pay child support) until proven innocent (if he ever gets a chance to prove it); and, 4) especially if he has been abandoned, has been left with all the usual family expenses - the mortgage, utilities, family health insurance, tuition, etc. - but now has the added burden of spending tens of thousands of dollars in family court to defend himself in a legal world where Dad is a "deadbeat" and is guilty of whatever his wife accuses him of until proven innocent - if ever. 

As Stephen Baskerville writes in TAKEN INTO CUSTODY, our child support laws enable:

"...a mother (to) simply escape the uncertainties, vicissitudes, and compromises inherent to life shared with a working husband by divorcing, whereupon she acquires the police as a private collection agency who will force him, at gunpoint if necessary, to pay her the family income that she then controls alone."

Saturday, June 24, 2023


By Tim Rohr

June 22 was the feast day of St. Thomas More.

(Here is a link to a good historical article on him.) 

 While he is usually remembered for standing up to a King (Henry VIII) and losing his head for it, he also had a lesser known struggle with his wife who badgered Thomas to give into the King lest their family be financially and socially ruined. 

As we know, Thomas More gave into neither the king nor his wife, (choosing his Catholic Faith over both) which is why he is a saint. And yes, his widow and children were financially and socially ruined. 

So perhaps not only should Thomas More be the patron saint of politicians and lawyers (which he is), but also married men. And God knows married men need a patron like St. Thomas More today more than ever. 

As Thomas was preparing to die (he was initially sentenced to die by being hung, drawn and quartered but was granted beheading by Henry as an act of mercy) Thomas wrote a letter to his wife. Here is how it starts. 

3 September 1529

Lady Alice, in my most hearty way, I commend me to you.

And as I am informed by our son Heron of the loss of our barns and our neighbors' also with all the corn that was in them, except if it were not God's pleasure, it would be a great pity that so much good corn was lost. Yet since it has pleased him to send us such a chance, we must, and are bound, not only to be content, but also to be glad of his visitation. He sent us all that we have lost, and since he has by such a chance taken it away again, his pleasure be fulfilled; let us never grudge at it, but take it in good worth, and heartily thank him as well for adversity as for prosperity.  CONTINUED

Friday, June 23, 2023


By Tim Rohr

This is another one of those "not typical JW" posts, and just an interesting thing.

Happy Anniversary (June 20, 1975) to the movie JAWS. It was a great movie, and I still think it was Spielberg's greatest. But it became the greatest quite by accident. 

According to a story I read, Spielberg couldn't get the shark to work. He had planned a much more active role for his mechanical shark than what we see in the movie. 

But because the thing kept breaking down, Spielberg had to give up on a movie about a shark and instead turned it into a movie about the "idea of a shark," which morphed, in our psyches, into a movie about fear, generally, and especially fear of what we cannot see.

In fact, Spielberg's shark doesn't actually show up "in person" until more than an hour into the movie. And even after it appears, the shark's appearances probably don't amount to more than a couple minutes, if that. 

The real "shark" is John William's score, especially the most famous two notes in music history. 

Had Spielberg's shark actually worked the way it was supposed to, Jaws probably never would have been the success that it was, and still is. 

I think there's a lesson there somewhere. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023


By Tim Rohr

The following was posted on the Facebook page of the Umatuna. I will follow the text with a few comments.

June 21, 2023--Prot. 2023-141
Message by the Apostolic Administrator
U.S. District Court issues Final Decree
consummating compensation plan,
closing archdiocese bankruptcy case


To all in our Catholic family,

With deep thanksgiving to our Almighty God, I share much welcome news from the United States District Court of Guam announcing the official closing of the Archdiocese of Agana’s Chapter 11 Reorganization (bankruptcy) case related to clergy sexual abuse.

We received the following from the Bankruptcy Division of the District Court of Guam late yesterday, June 20:


Notice of Electronic Filing

The following transaction was received from fad entered on 6/20/2023 at 11:44 AM CST and filed on 6/20/2023

Case Name: Archbishop of Agana, a Corporation Sole, Most Rev.

Case Number: 19-00010

Document Number: 1204

Docket Text:

Final Decree. Debtor's [1202] Motion for a Final Decree - GRANTED. The Plan has been substantially consummated; and This Chapter 11 case and Estate are hereby CLOSED. (fad)


"But as for you, be strong and do not relax, for your work shall be rewarded." – 2 Chronicles 15:7

The final decree by Judge Frances Tydingco-Gatewood means that the archdiocese’s compensation agreement with the victim survivors of clergy sexual abuse is officially approved and completed. That chapter may be closed. However, to be certain, there is much work yet to do in our journey of bringing healing, justice and reparation to those whom our Church gravely harmed.

Legally at least, our bankruptcy status is lifted. Spiritually, it affirms the steadfast truth that God never abandons us. So long as we dedicate ourselves to Him in our efforts to do good, Our Lord blesses us.

Thus, we must continue to focus wholeheartedly on the many tasks and responsibilities of post-bankruptcy work. This includes but is not limited to completing the transfer of properties and assets to the victim survivors through their court appointed trustee; providing tuition vouchers and cemetery plots to their families; activating the non-monetary compensation elements of the plan; strengthening our Child Protection and Safe Environment protocols and policies; reorganizing the archdiocese; and rebuilding our finances. We must work harder to protect all children from harm of any kind.

I convey my sincerest gratitude to the numerous individuals, groups and families of our schools, parishes and archdiocesan organizations for your tireless work, sacrifice and continued support. We have reached this important point of our journey of atonement and reparation because of your steadfast trust in our Lord.

Thank you to Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Byrnes. We continue to pray for your healing. Thank you to my brother clergy and dear religious sisters. I extend much gratitude to former Finance Officer Josie Villanueva. Thank you to the many volunteers who help the Church in different ways, including the dedicated members of our Finance Council and Internal Review Board, past and present. 

Thank you to the many others even outside of our Church who have had major roles in helping us, from our hardworking attorneys here and abroad, the attorneys of the victim survivors, the banking and insurance institutions, Judge Tydingco-Gatewood, Chief Bankruptcy Judge Robert J. Faris and Curtis Ching of the Office of the U.S. Trustee, and companies which have supported us amid our trials and failures.

Thank you to all the victims, the courageous men and women who have endured in pain and continue to bear the wounds of betrayal and sexual abuse from members of our Church on Guam in the past. We are deeply sorry for the agony, betrayal, deceit and coverup by leaders and members of our archdiocese in the past.

As we work to pick ourselves up from the recent typhoon and the many other storms we have experienced in the past, we give ultimate thanks to our merciful Creator. Thank you dearest God for your unending love for us. In closing, I repeat a Bible passage which I have cited before:

“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Yours in Christ,

/s/Father Romeo D. Convocar

Apostolic Administrator, Archdiocese of Agaña


My comments

Fr. Convocar errs in initially referring to the victims as "those whom our Church gravely harmed." However, he fixes the error at end of his message when he again refers to the victims, but this time as those "who have endured in pain and continue to bear the wounds of betrayal and sexual abuse from members of our Church on Guam in the past."

I'm glad he fixed it. "The Church" is the Bride of Christ. It is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, and thus, is not only incapable of harming Her own children, but it is blasphemy and the "unforgivable sin," a "sin against the Holy Spirit," (Mk 3:28–29, Mt 12:31–32, Lk 12:10), to even infer it. 

Moreover, by laying the blame for these and so many more atrocities on "The Church," we not only defile the Bride of Christ and thus Christ Himself, we lessen or even remove the blame from the real perpetrators and the evil rot. 

No doubt, the sickness that fomented what Pope Benedict called "the filth in the Church," is systemic, and it is nothing new. In Liber Gomorrhianus (Book of Gomorrah) St. Peter Damian called out even filthier atrocities in the 11th century. 

The following is copied from the book's page on Amazon:

"Alas, it is shameful to speak of it! It is shameful to relate such a disgusting scandal to sacred ears! But if the doctor fears the virus of the plague, who will apply the cauterization? If he is nauseated by those whom he is to cure, who will lead sick souls back to the state of health?"
With these words, St. Peter Damian introduces the Book of Gomorrah, undoubtedly the most stirringly eloquent and impassioned denunciation of sexual perversion ever penned by a Catholic saint. Although it was written almost a thousand years ago, the Book of Gomorrah in many ways seems addressed to our own times, associating the phenomena of clerical homosexual behavior and pederasty, and endorsing the imprisonment of clergy who are a danger to youth. 
The Book of Gomorrah offers a scathing analysis of the evil of sodomy, while also expressing compassion for those who have fallen into such vice and the possibility of their redemption by the aid of divine grace. It explains the devastating effects of the vice both spiritually and psychologically, and warns that such behavior, particularly among the clergy, will bring down the wrath of God. It also urges the permanent defrocking of clerics who are habituated to homosexual behavior and endorses the permanent confinement those guilty of child sex abuse. 

Meanwhile, I still have an issue with Fr. Convocar's correction where he refers to "members of our Church on Guam in the past." It's not "in the past." Sin, immorality, filth, perverted atrocities are never "in the past," especially in the Church because Satan never sleeps and the ordained are his most delectable targets. Church history, if anything, demonstrates that.

Thus St. Peter warns:

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." - 1 Peter 5:8

It is understandable that Fr. Convocar and most others in our local Church want to put the atrocities of Apuron et. al behind us ("in the past"), but that is exactly what Satan wants us to do. 

In fact, what Fr. Convocar really needs to do is erect a Hall of Shame wherein are displayed the names, pictures, history, and all documents related to the proven perps as well as (with their permission) the names and pictures (where possible) of their victims. 
Note: Longtime readers of JW will remember that JW published pictures of Apuron's victims at or about the age when they were raped or molested or otherwise abused by the priest they served. Those pictures probably had more to do with turning the tide against Apuron and ultimately his conviction and sentencing by Pope Francis than anything else. We should be made to stare at such pictures again today x 300 plus. 

The other thing I find bothersome in Fr. Convocar's message,  * and this is not unique to him, is the constant coloring of "children" as the "victims." They may have been minors, but they weren't "children," at least not most. And this is a dirty ugly fact that not only few are brave enough to address, but by continually making this about "children" masks  (maybe intentionally) the real problem.

The fact is that our Church leadership has done nothing to address the real problem, and no amount of "Child Protection and Safe Environment protocols and policies" is going to do it. And it's not going to do it because it wasn't "children" who were the victims, and second, nothing has been done to screen out the worms who perpetrated these atrocities in the first place. 

There is also a third problem: the "deep church" that shielded Apuron and attempted to thwart the efforts of the people on the street at every turn. Said "deep church" is still in place. But we'll get to that another time. 

* I continue to refer to "Fr. Romy Convocar" directly because he is the papal-appointed Apostolic Administrator for the Archdiocese of Agana. In other words, on his desk, and at least for now, there is a sign - even if you don't see it - which reads: THE BUCK STOPS HERE. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


I have referenced the book GOOD BYE, GOOD MEN in several past posts. 

The book is essentially about the fact that there is NO "vocations crisis" (i.e. a lack of men who desire to become Catholic priests); and, what there really is an orchestrated conspiracy within the U.S. (if not the entire western church) to eliminate candidates for the priesthood who embrace tradition and orthodoxy, and the promotion of what C.S. Lewis called "men without chests" so that the Catholic Religion would be destroyed from within. 

I'll have more to say about this later - since I consider it the central crisis of human history (a fact I will explain) - but for now, here's the author in his own words. 

Monday, June 19, 2023


 By Tim Rohr

Well, I was sort of thinking of making it through Fathers Day without getting mushy about my own dad, but...I wasn't successful. 

There is too much to say about my own dad. So I won't say it. Cuz I know most men (especially men) feel the same about their own. 

Nevertheless, I'm gonna share a little post I did on FB about my dad. 

Thanks for entertaining me. 

Sincerely, Tim

From my FB post:

Just a small note on this pic. It's actually a still-frame from a "movie." The baby is me. It's 1956. The handsome man is of course my dad, Martin Henry Rohr.

As I am presently in California and assisting my 89 year old mother, a few days ago I took her to visit the grave of my brother and her parents, both buried in the same East LA cemetery and only yards apart. (It's also where she will be buried - next to my brother.)

After visiting the cemetery, as is our usual practice whenever we do this, we drove by the home where my mother grew up  - on Princeton Street, East LA. In fact, not only is her childhood home hardly a mile or so from the cemetery, said home is visible from the cemetery when standing exactly on the spot in which my mother's parents are buried.

As we drove to her childhood home which is located on a dead end, I quickly "stared" at this very spot where the above picture was taken - with this picture in mind.

Princeton Street dead ends at what can only be described as a steep slope covered with tar - which is how erosion was restrained back then - and at the end of that dead end was a white - steel traffic guard, rail, or whatever you call it.

In this pic, my dad is standing next to that white-steel rail at the end of Princeton Street and below which is the "tar hill." You can sort of see the "falling off" in the pic.

That steel rail and the tar hill is still there. And as I turned into what was my grandmother's driveway in 1956, I stared at this spot where this pic was taken - and made a silent memory.

It's weird. I grew up at this East LA Princeton Street house until I was about 5 years old. But I remember it more than any other home I ever lived in.

Maybe some of you old people know what I mean. 🙂

FATHERS DAY - 2014 AND 2023

By Tim Rohr

Fathers Day came and went. No big deal. Guys don't care about special days like girls do. Flowers and all that. I'm presently traveling and visiting relatives and marked the day with a decent smoke (cigar) with my brother-in-law. 

Was about to close out the day when something kept bugging me about saying something about Fathers Day on JW.  My first thought was to go after (JW style) the "war on fathers" that is rife in every corner of our modern culture, from Hollywood to our Courts. 

But I didn't have the energy for that, and then this popped up. It's a 2014 cover story in what was then the Marianas Variety. And while I rarely make JW about me, permit me to do so as the sun sets on Fathers Day 2023. 

(The copy is old and faded and not copied very well and a few lines are cut off. I typed out what I could read of the text.)

The ultimate father
Tim Rohr knows the definition of the word ‘father’ very well. He is a father of 11 children.
By Trina San Agustin Cruz
Sunday, June 15, 2015

FATHER, as defined in the dictionary is 1) a male parent; 2) a man who exercises parental care over other persons; paternal, protector or provider. However, a father is much more than that simple definition. A father is a person who teaches a son how to fish or play ball and/or a daughter how to change a tire or how to throw a proper punch to defend herself. A father also helps (missing text) and support the household.

Tim Rohr knows the definition of that word very well. He is a father of five boys and six girls (to total that up, that’s 11 children.) He first became a father in 1985, nearly 30 years ago. The age gap between his eldest and youngest is 23 years. Birthday celebrations in the Rohr household are traditionally consolidated into monthly birthday parties. 

Rohr and his wife, Leone, did not plan on having as many children. “Every child was unplanned, but wanted! As for our number 11, let’s just say we’re so glad we had just one more. And if you could see her, you would agree,” he said. When asked if they would have another he replied, “only if he or she was a beautiful and wonderful as the first 11 children.” Rohr said it’s not much different from how he was raised. “God, family, hard work, discipline, manners, take care of each other (it is all) pretty much the same,” he said.

When he first became a father 29 years ago, things were different. Life was different. It wasn’t as fast-paced and connected as society is today. 

Some parents today use tablets and smart phones to keep their children busy to allow themselves some free time to shop for groceries or even to take a peaceful shower. So how did Rohr and his wife keep their children busy? “By giving them plenty of brothers and sisters,” he said. Our children are each other’s best friends. They have always played together and now that some are getting older (missing text) businesses, they travel together, they participate in each other’s activities.

Even with the changes in society with time, words of encouragement will never change. Rohr says his children will say his best piece of advice to them all is “You can do it!” His additional words of wisdom to his children include “Never miss Mass and work for yourself.” 

It is with these words of love and support that he has sent off three children to start their new lives outside of the Rohr nest. His eldest child remains on Guam, but is flying solo. His second eldest is now resident of California, and one of his daughters is currently attending a college also in California. But how does any parent prepare for their children leaving the nest? He said there were no preparations on his end to let his children out of the coop. 

Rohr finds that always having child small enough to walk on his back is the best thing of being a father to 11 children. But aside from that they just make home life so interesting. "They are always entertaining. We’re never bored. You would have to be at our dinner table to understand," he said. He never though he’d be married and (missing text)...

But if he did then he’d have maybe just one or two. “I am so glad my life did not go as planned. It still doesn’t. But seriously, lots of people talk about trusting God. However, there is nothing quite like having a large family to make you do so,” he.added.

For first-time fathers, Rohr offers three simple pieces of advice. Be open to life, you can handle much more than you think you can, and God will provide if you do your part.

Rohr suggest that fathers should accept all the children God wants to send you. Stay together no matter what. Don’t worry about getting your children into college, be more concerned about getting them into heaven. Do that and you’ll be happy when you’re old.”  


Hang in there Dad's. Never give up. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023


By Tim Rohr

First, I want to thank The Diana. 

JW had been bumping along at about 20,000 pageviews per month with boring posts about abortion and same-sex marriage, but we are barely halfway through June and JW already has nearly double the views:

The only thing that can account for the sudden increase is a single JW post about the NCW, which I wouldn't have posted except that The Diana functionally invited it (as demonstrated in the JW post). And now that The Diana has replied with a retaliatory post, I'm excited about the numbers going even higher.

Well, no, it's not really about "the numbers" as in "stats," it's about the number of people around the world (see the Flag Counter in the sidebar) who otherwise would never know the truth since the NCW leadership continues to operate behind cloak and veil. 

Speaking of "cloak and veil," the fact that The Diana still has to post behind a pseudonym after all these years tells us all we need to know. (Note: It's true that some contributors to JW have used pseudonyms. However, the name Tim Rohr was and is always on this blog, and in such a way that I can be held personally accountable - and "persecute-able" by my detractors.) 

Also, before going on, I again want to make the distinction between the rank and file members of the NCW and its leadership. Any post on JW about the NCW is about its leadership, not the rank and file members who, as far as I know, are sincere Catholics only wanting to deepen their faith and are kept in the dark or misled by the NCW leadership as much as the rest of us are.

Just Like Old Times

Just like old times, it's always hard to know where to start when countering The Diana. (I'll assign the pronouns "she" and "her" for convenience.) As usual, she makes the most laughable "reaches" in efforts to make the most absurd connections. 

The Diana's main "thesis" in her retaliatory post is...well, I'll copy it here:

Nowhere in Scripture does it mention the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, where did we get this teaching? Well, certainly not from Tim Rohr.

Here's the context:

Rohr misleads people by focusing that the letter was to the Rome Diocese. However, what I placed in bold clearly showed that the Statutes of the Neocatecumenal Way allowed for small-group celebrations of the Easter Vigil. Does Tim Rohr think that the NCW in Rome have a DIFFERENT approved Statutes? Rome was referring to the Statutes that all NCW worldwide have.  Rohr goes on to say: 

Meanwhile, the episcopal council of Rome appears not to have read the NCW Statutes which say nothing about "small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil." 

 So what? Nowhere in Scripture does it mention the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, where did we get this teaching? Well, certainly not from Tim Rohr. We got this from the Holy See...the Vatican. Tim Rohr is simply taking a stance that all Protestants use against the Catholic Church. Who is Tim Rohr to dictate what should be and should not be in the approved Statutes?

So The Diana says that because the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not found explicitly in Scripture then neither do the practices of the NCW have to be found explicitly in its Statutes. (Note: See how The Diana equates the NCW Statute with Dogma, the Dogma of the Assumption!)

It would be fun to go on and on about the those things which are set forth explicitly in the Church's official teaching and its laws which are wholly ignored by Kiko and his clan (the NCW leadership), but Chuck White has already done a pretty good job of doing that here.

Meanwhile, for the edification of all, let's review some stuff The Diana says - however ridiculous and tiresome this exercise may seem.

The Diana says:

Rohr misleads people by focusing that the letter was to the Rome Diocese. However, what I placed in bold clearly showed that the Statutes of the Neocatecumenal (sic) Way allowed for small-group celebrations of the Easter Vigil.

What The Diana placed in bold is this:

An exception exists for “national churches,” like the U.S. Catholic community at St. Patrick Church in Rome, and for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil, Midili said.

In my initial post, I noted that Midili and his crew appeared to have not read the NCW Statutes since the Statutes say nothing about "small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil." I shall copy the relevant Statute again here:

Art. 12

[Paschal Vigil]

§ 1. Axis and source of Christian life is the paschal mystery, lived and celebrated in a pre- eminent way in the Sacred Triduum,42 whose brilliance fills the whole liturgical year with light.43 For this reason, it constitutes the fulcrum of the Neocatechumenate, since this is a rediscovery of Christian initiation.

§ 2. “The Paschal Vigil, focal point of the Christian liturgy, and its baptismal spirituality inspire all Catechesis.”44 It is for this reason that during the itinerary, the neocatechumens are initiated gradually45 into an ever more perfect participation in all that the holy night signifies, celebrates and realizes.

§ 3. In this way, the Neocatechumenate will stimulate the parish to have a richer celebration of the Paschal Vigil.46

(Full Statutes of the NCW linked here.)

Clearly, nothing about the NCW celebrating the Easter Vigil in small groups. And, as pointed out in JW's initial post, the fact that the NCW Statutes set out the provisions for the celebration of the Eucharist in small groups for the other Sundays of the year in a separate statute (the very next one), clearly indicates that The Pasch/Easter is separate and unique to the other Sundays of the year. But then most of us already know that, or should.

More Fun

Here's another fun Diana statement:

Does Tim Rohr think that the NCW in Rome have a DIFFERENT approved Statutes? Rome was referring to the Statutes that all NCW worldwide have. 

Well, yes. There may in fact be a difference between the Diocese of Rome and the Archdiocese of Agana and in fact, every diocese in the world because the NCW Statutes clearly state that the NCW is "at the service of the bishop," not the pope:

Art. 1

[Nature of the Neocatechumenal Way]

§ 1. The nature of the Neocatechumenal Way is defined by His Holiness John Paul II when he writes: “I recognize the Neocatechumenal Way as an itinerary of Catholic formation, valid for our society and for our times.”1

§ 2. The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the bishop as one of the forms of diocesan implementation of Christian initiation and of ongoing education in faith. 

Thus, the diocesan bishop is authorized by the NCW's own Statutes, and in its very first article, to implement, apply, enforce, regulate, or completely disregard and/or dismiss the NCW Statutes however said bishop pleases. 

Thus, contrary to The Diana's claim that Fr. Romy has to obey the pope, Fr. Romy, the papal-appointed Apostolic Administrator for the Archdiocese of Agana, with all the administrative authority of a bishop, pursuant to Article 1 of the NCW Statutes, can require the NCW to do or not do whatever he sees fit.

The bishop's role and authority is further emphasized - and precisely relative to the NCW's celebration of the Easter Vigil - in Art. 21 §2:

...the neocatechumens solemnly renew their baptismal promises in the Paschal Vigil presided over by the bishop...

So, if the NCW is celebrating the Easter Vigil in their "small groups" then just how is "the bishop" to preside over all of "the neocatechumens solemnly renew(ing) their baptismal promises in the Paschal Vigil?"

Obviously, the subject statute presumes absolute attendance and participation in the Easter Vigil as presided over by the diocesan bishop (or his canonically appointed substitute) which can only be (normally) at the diocesan cathedral. 

Meanwhile, as Chuck White demonstrates, the Neocats' own "pope," Kiko Arguello, commands "his people" to not only avoid the cathedral, the bishop, and even the parish church, but to celebrate the Paschal Vigil in their homes. See: Sprinting Towards Schism

The authority of the bishop, as set forth in the NCW Statutes, also speaks to The Diana's conclusion at the end of her retaliatory post:

The NCW received its instruction and interpretation from the Holy See since the approval of its Statutes. And the NCW recognize only Pope Francis...not pope Tim.

Once again, as so often in the past, The Diana (and whoever backs her) refuses to acknowledge the plain meaning of the text of the NCW Statutes which clearly set forth the authority of the diocesan bishop relative to the governance of the NCW and NOT the pope - who, in his capacity as a bishop, is only the bishop of the Diocese of Rome.

And Finally

Finally, The Diana says this:

In the same way, just because one does not see "small-group celebrations of the Easter Vigil" in the Statutes does not mean that we should not celebrate it in small groups. The NCW have been saying all along that we are allowed to celebrate the Easter Vigil in small groups, and it was that document from the Episcopal Council of the Rome Diocese who interpreted the approved Statutes in that way. So, why should one listen to Tim Rohr?

As noted in my initial post, while the NCW has "been saying all along that we are allowed to celebrate the Easter Vigil in small groups," the fact is that it - the NCW in Guam - doesn't. And it didn't even before Fr. Romy's recent directive. Instead, the NCW in Guam has historically gathered all the communities together for a single "large-group" celebration of the Paschal Vigil, albeit in their own unconsecrated space. 

So "why should one listen to Tim Rohr?" Well because Tim Rohr does not say anything that the NCW Statutes don't already say. The NCW leadership just can't keep track of its fabrications. And I do. It's not hard.

Meanwhile, thank you for Diana for the bump up in pageviews. Please reply. Yours Always. Tim

Friday, June 16, 2023


Covid, flu outbreaks cause public health crisis at Guam's storm shelters

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

While struggling to restore water and power throughout the island, the government of Guam is now dealing with a public health crisis triggered by flu and Covid-19 outbreaks at the storm shelters. 


Monday, June 12, 2023




KANDIT NEWS: "The governor and her army of messaging misfits repeat the same tired refrain: 'We're doing great. We're restoring power and water and we're recovering faster than before.'"

Sunday, June 11, 2023


By Tim Rohr

Every once in a while, someone sends me something related to Guam's Neocatechumenal Way that he/she/they want me to be aware of. Usually it's a link to a post on my old friend "Diana's" blog. I normally don't care to address it. 

Back when "the monk" was running this place (and running Apuron) it was necessary to engage the errors since no one else was. But the monk is gone and so is Apuron, so it's really the new guy's problem, not mine. 

And, as far as I know, the Neo's are conforming, or maybe just laying low in order not to raise any red flags while Rome searches for a new bishop for this place. 

The link someone sent me today had a comment from Diana which was refreshing to read given that Diana in effect said to "behave and mind your manners." 

Anonymous: Diana, the Way has its statutes and directory approved by Rome. With those approval from the Vatican, don't you think that would override the moratorium? Just asking. 

Diana: Dear Anonymous at 8:57 am,

The approved statutes and directory does not override the moratorium. According to Article 1 section 2 in the approved statues, “The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the Bishop as one forms of diocesan implementation of Christian initiation and of the ongoing education in faith.”

Furthermore, the letter of Pope Francis to the Neocatechumenal Way dated June 27, 2022 stated:

This missionary spirit, that is, of letting oneself be sent, is an inspiration for you all. I thank you for this, and I ask of you docility to the Spirit who sends you, docility and obedience to Jesus Christ in his Church. Everything in the Church, nothing outside the Church. This is the spirituality that must always accompany us: preaching Jesus Christ with the strength of the Spirit in the Church and with the Church. And the one who is the head, let’s say, of the various Churches is the bishop: always move forward with the bishop, always. He is the head of the Church, in this country, in this state…”

Therefore, the NCW should obey the moratorium issued by the Archbishop or to Father Romy who is the Apostolic Administrator. So, when the moratorium stipulates that the Holy Eucharist be held inside the Church before a consecrated altar, then the NCW should be obedient.

Diana's answer is solid. Thanks Diana. However, her answer reminds us that the Neo's do not normally celebrate "Holy Eucharist...inside the (c)hurch (on) a consecrated altar," and it takes a special instruction from the bishop to cause them to do so. As its founder Kiko Arguello has said: "any old table and any old place will do" (paraphrased). 

Meanwhile, it appears Diana still can't resist resorting to her old self. In her post above the comment, Diana implies that Fr. Romy is disobeying the Pope:

Easter was celebrated in the NCW in Guam differently as in previous years due to the fact that we obeyed Father Romy, the Apostolic Administrator. Father Romy made a few changes in our Easter Vigil so that it became a Sunrise Mass rather than a vigil...I am certain that in time we will celebrate the Easter Vigil again as we did before. Why? Because it is not only us who need to be obedient to the Bishop or Apostolic Administrator (as in this case). All Bishops must also be obedient to the Pope.

Diana goes on to copy a portion of an article from Crux and emphasizes the following:

An exception exists for “national churches,” like the U.S. Catholic community at St. Patrick Church in Rome, and for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil.

Sounds pretty authoritative, coming from Rome and all. However, the excerpt is from a document distributed by the "episcopal council of the Rome diocese" to the Rome diocese, which is why "the U.S. Catholic Rome" is mentioned. The full article in Crux clearly indicates that the matter concerns ONLY the Rome diocese, not the Archdiocese of Agana and NOT Fr. Romy.

Meanwhile, the episcopal council of Rome appears not to have read the NCW Statutes which say nothing about "small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil." 

Art. 12

[Paschal Vigil]

§ 1. Axis and source of Christian life is the paschal mystery, lived and celebrated in a pre- eminent way in the Sacred Triduum,42 whose brilliance fills the whole liturgical year with light.43 For this reason, it constitutes the fulcrum of the Neocatechumenate, since this is a rediscovery of Christian initiation.

§ 2. “The Paschal Vigil, focal point of the Christian liturgy, and its baptismal spirituality inspire all Catechesis.”44 It is for this reason that during the itinerary, the neocatechumens are initiated gradually45 into an ever more perfect participation in all that the holy night signifies, celebrates and realizes.

§ 3. In this way, the Neocatechumenate will stimulate the parish to have a richer celebration of the Paschal Vigil.46

The very next article in the Statutes addresses the small group celebrations which are permitted on other Sundays of the year. Sure, it doesn't specifically say "other Sundays of the year," but that's because the authors and approvers of the Statute assumed they didn't have to. It's clear that Art. 13 addresses "other Sundays of the year" given that Easter stands above and apart from the other Sundays.

Art. 13


§ 1. The Eucharist is essential to the Neocatechumenate, since this is a post-baptismal catechumenate lived in small communities.47 In fact, the Eucharist completes Christian initiation.48

§ 2. The neocatechumens celebrate the Sunday Eucharist in the small community after the first Vespers of Sunday. This celebration takes place according to the dispositions of the diocesan bishop. The celebrations of the Eucharist of the neocatechumenal communities on Saturday evening are part of the Sunday liturgical pastoral work of the parish and are open also to other faithful. 

As we have come to expect, unless the NCW Statutes specifically say "DON'T" or "NOT PERMITTED," then the Neocats (the leadership) interprets the Statutes to their liking. 

The Neocats, at least in Guam, don't do the Easter Vigil in small groups anyway. It's usually an islandwide bash with all the communities coming together. 

I don't have a problem with the Neocats doing whatever they want. In fact, I've experienced far worse "straying" from liturgical norms at "regular" parish Masses. However, I'll still set the record straight from time to time. Not that I'm an expert. I just read the Statutes, as written, and adhere to their plain meaning. You can do it too. 

Courage :)