Friday, January 29, 2021


 While our governor searches for ways to kill babies, here's a doctor offering to save them.

By the way, if you know someone who is pregnant and is considering abortion vs adoption. Please have them contact me, we will provide their prenatal care and delivery, no charge. We have patients who cannot get pregnant and would love to adopt. Thank you for your consideration.


 Program notes for January 29, 2021

The ball is in Leevin’s court re the ACLU. Jim Moylan reminds is of the good ol’ days on the 19th floor. The PUC won’t let GPA off the hook. BJ recognized the Governor’s attempt to pay “COVID” pay per Wong v. Camina but now CARES Act money is gone. Ultra vires anyone?!! Joe Biden seeks to enlist George Orwell in the Army. There’s more. Joe is causing severe harm to our armed forces. Catholic Joe tells us about abortion. KKK and BLM share a lot. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • ACLU v. Leevin’
  • Moylan v. The 19th Floor
  • PUC v. CCU
  • The Governor v. Businessmen
  • Governor v. Correction Officers
  • Joe & George v. The US Military==plus
  • Biden v. The Unborn
  • KKK v. BLM

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Program Notes

Former priest Adrian Cristobal made the news again as is the archdiocese whose anti abortion rally tomorrow makes a nice contrast with a law suit against many on Guam.  The nascent Ethics Commission has the potential of being one of our biggest boondoggles. Joe Biden seeks to enlist George Orwell in the Army. There’s more. Joe is causing severe harm to our armed forces. Catholic Joe tells us about abortion. KKK and BLM share a lot. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • ACLU v. Archdiocese
  • Catholics v. Cristobal
  • Ethcs Comm. v. The Law
  • Telena v. Rory [Rory v. Drugs [Nelson v. Respicio [Brown v. Respicio and Tenorio?
  • The Governor v. Businessmen
  • Joe & George v. The US Military==plus
  • Biden v. TheUnborn
  • KKK v. BLM

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 Program notes January 27

I wrote to Nancy about impeachment. My letter ran today in the Post. Judging from the Facebook comments I need to insert (Beep! Beep!) into my letters. Former priest Adrian Cristobal made the news again. The nascent Ethics Commission has the potential of being one of our biggest boondoggles. Joe Biden seeks to enlist George Orwell in the Army. There’s more. Joe is causing severe harm to our armed forces. Catholic Joe tells us about abortion. KKK and BLM share a lot.

Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Tall Tales v. Nancy Pelosi
  • Catholics v. Cristobal
  • Ethics Comm. v. The Law
  • The Governor v. Businessmen
  • Joe & George v. The US Military==plus
  • Biden v. The Unborn
  • KKK v. BLM

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App


Re the now "defrocked" Adrian Cristobal, I had sent a letter on July 19, 2016 to the then-Apostolic Administrator, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai re the damage and destruction the now-defrocked Cristobal had personally done to me and my family in a very public way. 

Given that what I did - mostly on this blog - between 2013 and 2016 - ultimately cost Cristobal and his Neocat Bolsheviks the absolute control of the Archdiocese of Agana, I have serious reason to believe - as I have for awhile now - that the fight is just beginning. 

For now, I will just copy my letter to Hon:

Timothy J. Rohr

PO Box 9001

Agat, GU 96928

July 19, 2016

Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai

Apostolic Administrator, Archdiocese of Agana

196 Cuesta San Ramon Ste B, 

Hagåtña, GU 96910-4334


On May 31, 2016, a Media Release (Exhibit A) was sent from the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agana to the local Media. 

The Release dealt with, inter alia, me, Tim Rohr, and states in pertinent part:

  • Tim Rohr and his associates launched a vicious and calumnious attack on the Archbishop and the Church. 
  • They demanded that the Archbishop return to the former ways of financial administration… 
  • They wanted to sell the seminary in Yona… 
  • The perpetrators of these calumnies have resorted to insults and violence revealing their true intention to destroy the Catholic Church…
  • They have…cruel intent to injure the Archbishop, the Catholic Church in Guam and many other people of good will who have been outraged and harassed.

The accusations against me, Tim Rohr, contained in this May 31, 2016 Media Release, were published  (Exhibit B) as follows:

“Tim Rohr and his associates launched a vicious and calumnious attack on the Archbishop and the Church,” the Archdiocese of Agana said. “They demanded that the Archbishop return to the former ways of financial administration, when the archdiocese was increasing debts every year because of mismanagement. They wanted to sell the seminary in Yona to cover the substantial debt accumulated by the previous administration of these three entities. The Archbishop was adamantly opposed to the idea of selling the seminary to cover these debts. Thus began a malicious campaign to denounce and attack the Archbishop at whatever cost to get him out of the way.” - Eugenio, Haidee V. “Archdiocese plans to sue for ‘malicious lies’ again.” Pacific Daily News. Hagatna, Guam. June 1, 2016

The release blames catholic blogger Tim Rohr for "launching a vicious and calumnious attack on the archbishop and the church." The release says that the malicious campaign is in retaliation for refusing to sell the Yona seminary to cover debt from the previous administration. (The news item goes on to quote the May 31, 2016 Media Release from the Chancery in full.) - “Archbishop Apuron Denies Sexually Abusing Doris Concepcion's Son.” Pacific News Center. Hagatna, Guam. May 31, 2016.

“Tim Rohr and his associates launched a 'vicious and calumnious attack' on the archbishop and the church,” the statement says. - Guzman, Jaqueline Perry. “Archdiocese responds to new allegation.” The Guam Daily Post. Hagatna, Guam. June 1, 2016.

May 31, 2016 Media Release reprinted in full. - Umatuna Si Yu’os (the official newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana). Hagatna, Guam. June 5, 2016.

On June 3, 2016, another Media Release (Exhibit C) was sent from the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agana to the local Media. 

Referencing, again, the supposed plan to sell the seminary, the Release states in pertinent part:

  • Tim Rohr…had a personal interest in this plan and was supposed to be involved in this multi-million dollar sale as a real estate mediator. 

The accusation against me, Tim Rohr, contained in this Media Release, was published (Exhibit D) as follows:

The church meanwhile is also accusing Martinez of being part of a conspiracy or the "Rohr Group" to topple the archbishop. Tim Rohr operates the JungleWatch blog, which has been critical of the archbishop over the last several years. The church further claims Martinez, who was the former archdiocesan financial officer was incompetent in his position and for six years in a row failed to submit required financial reports to the Vatican.  The archdiocese alleges this finance council conspired to sell the Yona seminary property in order to cover their financial misdeeds. So where does Rohr fit in? According to the church they allege he had a personal interest in the plan and was supposed to be involved in the multi-million dollar sale as a real estate mediator. - Matanane, Sabrina Salas. “Church says there's a plot to topple the archbishop.” KUAM. Hagatna, Guam. June 3, 2016. 

Both media releases, dated May 31 and June 3, 2016, were inscribed on what appears to be the official stationary of the Archdiocese of Agana and nothing in or about the release suggests that it is anything other than an official communication of the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agana. Therefore I must treat the release as official and genuine. And because the release was intended to, and did, have broad circulation, I must treat both communications as an extremely serious matter. 

In addition, the accusation implying that I, Tim Rohr, was part of a conspiracy involving an improper and clandestine real estate transaction is libelous and potentially injurious to my profession.

I hereby request that you, as Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Agana, publicly retract, apologize for, repudiate, disavow and cancel the accusations made against me, Tim Rohr, in these two media releases, and to set the record straight forthwith.


Timothy J. Rohr

The full letter with Exhibits is copied here in PDF. 

It has come to my attention that there may be some difficulty in viewing the above referenced file. I am posting it below:





 Here is a quick way to see all the stories relative to the former priest, Adrian Cristobal as posted on JungleWatch over the years. 

Let it be known that we (JW) have no desire to see priests go down as Cristobal has. However, had Cristobal simply offered repentance and begged forgiveness, he would not only have been our next Bishop, he probably would have been one of our most beloved - even more than "Flores." 

But Cristobal did not do that. Cristobal chose to wage war in the name of the gods of the Neocatechumenal Way. And thus, Cristobal brought down all hell upon his own head. But no worries for the Cristobal worshipers. Cristobal is still a priest in the halls of the NCW, even a martyr, as is Apuron.

More to come. 


In light of today's announcement by Archbishop Michael Byrnes that the former priest, Adrian Cristobal, has been laicized, I decided to search my files and came up with a few things. Here's one. A timeline of things re Cristobal from 2013 to 2016. More things will be coming, so keep on an eye on JW.


July 22, 2013. 

Adrian Cristobal sends a statement to the Media 1) claiming that Apuron had spoken with Fr. Paul Gofigan about his alleged infraction when in fact the only meeting about the alleged infraction was the meeting at which Apuron told Fr. Gofigan to resign, 2) claiming that there had been an investigation into Fr. Paul’s alleged infraction when in fact there was none, 3) claimed that Fr. Paul had disobeyed the Archbishop even though Fr. Paul had already produced the documentation showing that he had obeyed as ordered, 4) claimed that Fr. Paul’s actions were a “danger to children” when in fact it was later proved that Apuron had permitted the same person to work at the parish 13 years earlier. - Archdiocese of Agana. (2013, July 22). Archdiocese Statement Regarding Father Paul Gofigan.

September 4, 2013 to December 27, 2013

Adrian Cristobal misleads Aaron Quitugua about why he cannot be sponsored to a seminary other than RMS which explicitly forms its priests according to the life and practice of the Neocatechumenal Way. Cornered by Quitugua’s questions, Cristobal tells Aaron that there is no money to support his priestly studies elsewhere, but when Aaron offers to pay for his own education Cristobal still denies him sponsorship. -

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Adrian Cristobal stonewalls the press on its inquiry into the treatment of Fr. Paul Gofigan saying:

"The conversations that Father Gofigan did write about would be considered internal and private matters concern the case of clergy discipline and basically where we stand as the archdioceses is that they don't believe that they warrant any further public comment," even though Cristobal himself, on July 22, 2013, went to the media to publicly accuse and denigrate Fr. Gofigan.

March 5, 2014

Adrian Cristobal declines comment to the Media regarding his mistreatment of Aaron Quitugua saying he “wouldn’t respond to rumors” when in fact the “rumors” were his own words documented by copies of his emails to Aaron Quitugua. - and VIDEO: Local Teen Denied Sponsorship to Off-Island Seminary, Archdiocese's Reasons Unclear

Friday, July 18, 2014

Adrian Cristobal, at a clergy meeting in the presence of Archbishop Martin Krebs, Apostolic Delegate to Oceania, denies that candidates to the permanent diaconate were forced to join the NCW as a condition of their formation, says he “merely wanted them to listen to a catechesis” and apologized if there was a “misunderstanding.” Cristobal was immediately countered by Deacon Len Stohr and Deacon Bill Hagen who both verified that the candidates were told to "walk" and that it was not voluntary. Caught in a lie, Cristobal says that he “couldn’t remember.” -

July 22, 2014

Adrian Cristobal runs interference for Apuron and Fr. John Wadeson after Wadeson’s record of sexual abuse allegations is exposed ten years after Apuron incardinated Wadeson as a priest of the Archdiocese of Agana. PNC News. (2014, July 22). Archdiocese Admits They Were Aware of Allegations of Sexual Abuse Against Father Wadeson 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Adrian Cristobal runs interference for the now-exposed, twice-accused for child sexual molestation, Fr. John Wadeson, a priest who had been incardinated by Apuron ten years previously, saying ”the allegations were made in 1990s and they were never substantiated. There was no settlement, the allegations just appeared.” He further added that the Archdiocese of Agana “does not discriminate against false or true accusations.” - Pacific News Center

July 26, 2014

Adrian Cristobal delivers the decree to Msgr. James Benavente, evicting him from his position as rector of the Cathedral after participating in the accumulation of allegations against Benavente and denying him any opportunity to respond. -

August 4, 2014

Adrian Cristobal lied to the public via the news media about the closing of the Cathedral Museum upon the ouster of Msgr. James Benavente as rector. Cristobal said that the museum was only closed temporarily due to the transition of leadership at the Cathedral. The museum was never reopened. - Lujan, V. (2014, October 30, 2014) Letter to Archbishop Apuron from Vangie Lujan.

August 19, 2014

Adrian Cristobal misleads the Media and the faithful claiming that Apuron intends to meet with the members of the Presbyteral council who wrote Apuron, challenging his statement that they had agreed to the removal of Msgr. James Benavente as rector of the Cathedral. Apuron never met with them. - Mantanane, S. (2014, August 19). Archbishop responds. KUAM

December 4, 2014.

Adrian Cristobal obstructs John Toves from meeting with Apuron saying that Apuron wasn’t available. Instructed Toves to meet with Deacon Larry Claros who then claimed Apuron’s innocence. - Dumat-­ol Daleno, G. (2014, December 4). Church official: Archbishop Apuron innocent. Pacific Daily News

December 5, 2014. 

Adrian Cristobal obstructs John Toves from meeting with Apuron saying that Apuron is “fully booked.”  - Deacon Claros Defends Archbishop from Sex Abuse Allegations.

December 6, 2014. 

Adrian Cristobal tells Media that Apuron will not meet with John Toves without a lawyer present.  Threatens to sue Toves. - Stole, J. (2014, December 6). Toves’ request to meet with Apuron denied. Marianas Variety.

December 24, 2014

Adrian Cristobal misleads the Media about Apuron’s censure of Deacon Steve Martinez regarding his involvement with the Concerned Catholics of Guam. Cristobal says there was no censure when in fact, Martinez was threatened with a censure unless he quit the CCOG. - Stole, J. (2014, December 24). Archdiocese says Deacon Steve Martinez was not censured. Marianas Variety.

January 5, 2015

Adrian Cristobal, after telling the press that the Visitators (Archbishop Hon, Archbishop Krebs, Fr. Nowak) intend to meet with various lay groups, blocks a meeting with the Concerned Catholics of Guam -

January 7, 2015

Adrian Cristobal sends a letter to KUAM in which he:

Accuses the previous Archdiocesan Finance Council of wanting to alienate the Yona property - when in fact they voted against it.

Accuses the finance council of intending to sell the property to cover debt incurred by the Cathedral and the Catholic Cemeteries. (The AFC has no authority to sell anything. Only the Archbishop can authorize a sale of church property.)

Asserts that RMS is NOT forming priests for the neocatechumenal way when in fact its articles of incorporations specifically state that RMS is for the exclusive formation of priests per the “life and practice of the neocatechumenal way.”

Misleads the public about the true ownership of the Yona property by referring to an opinion by the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Acts - an opinion not permitted for the public to see and which we later learned, an opinion wholly formed out of the information given to it by Pius Sammut, the chief catechist for the NCW in Guam.

Lies to the public about the transfer of title to the Yona property saying that it was just a transfer of title between two corporations sole, when, as already proved in a legal opinion, and later proved by the events which transferred title back to the Archdiocese of Agana, RMS was NOT a corporation sole, but a corporation separately incorporated from the Archdiocese of Agana and of which Apuron only one vote on its board and the board was further controlled by a Board of Guarantors which was controlled by the Neocatechumenal Way Team for the United States.

Lies to the public about the intention of the donor saying that it was for the erection of the RMS seminary and the Theological Institute. The lie was later laid bare by the Mother Prioress of the local Carmelite Monastery who told the media that the donor, a sister Carmelite monastery in St. Louis, MO, had never heard of RMS or the Theological Institute and had only wanted to help establish a seminary for Guam which they believed would provide an actual diocesan formation.

Misleads the public about the role of the RMS Board of Guarantors, saying they only existed to insure the purpose of the corporation when in fact they controlled every aspect of the corporation even down to expenses of more than $5000 as stated clearly in the RMS Bylaws.

Cristobal, A. (2015, January 7). Answer to Question submitted by KUAM News Jolene Toves.

June 17th, 2015 

Adrian Cristobal met with CCOG vice president, David Sablan. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss conditions of any future meetings between CCOG officials and Archbishop Apuron to bring about healing and unity within our Archdiocese.  After the meeting, Mr. Sablan sent Fr. Adrian Cristobal an email confirmation of the conditions discussed at the meeting for his ready reference and discussion with Archbishop Apuron (see email below).  Fr. Adrian responded, stating he will get back to Mr. Sablan.  To date, CCOG has not received any response from the Chancery on whether the Archbishop will agree to the conditions put forth by CCOG to begin healing and unity, and to restore the trust the Catholic Faithful have in Archbishop Apuron. -

January 25, 2015

Adrian Cristobal forwards to the Media a report which publicly abuses Msgr. James Benavente. The email header showing that Cristobal was the one who forward the report is found here

June 23, 2015

Adrian Cristobal misleads the public about the true nature of RMS: “The Redemptoris Mater doesn't teach the Neocatechumenal Way, Cristobal said. Seminarians are trained for ministry in the church, they are not trained for the Neocatechumenal Way as was falsely noted," Cristobal wrote. - Raymundo, S. (2015, June 23). Church explains spending: Appeal goes to seminaries, chaplains. Pacific Daily News

July 12, 2015

Adrian Cristobal violated the intentions of the donor by taking it upon himself to rename the Boys Chapel at Father Duenas High School. Apuron later confirmed that it was Cristobal who had renamed the chapel. -

September 24, 2015

Adrian Cristobal via the Marianas Variety again misleads the public about the ownership of the Yona property and the true purpose of RMS. -

April 12, 2016

Adrian Cristobal, with Edivaldo, go before the Rotary Club of Guam to repeat the lies about the ownership of the Yona Property and the purpose of RMS. - Quintanilla, K. (2016, April 12). Archdiocese seeks to dispel “lies”. KUAM

April 13, 2016

Adrian Cristobal misleads the public about the status of Fr. Luis Camacho who was arrested by Guam police a year earlier. Cristobal told the press that Camacho “was sent to a place he could be followed psychologically and spiritually, and is still under supervised ministry.” (However, a parish in Doha, Qatar had published a flyer about Camacho leading a youth retreat, and Bishop Camillo Ballin had written that Camacho was “my priest now.” - Baza, I. (2016, April 13). Church continues to investigate Fr. Luis Camacho. KUAM. 

May 31, 2016

Adrian Cristobal accuses the mother of Joseph Quinata of “malicious and calumnious accusations”: “In the past days, malicious and calumnious accusations against the Archbishop have surfaced, even from a deceased person,” Father Adrian L.F. Cristobal, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Agana, said in a statement. - Eugenio, H. (2016, May 31). Mother of deceased man accuses Apuron of molesting son. Pacific Daily News.

June 3, 2016

Adrian Cristobal accuses Deacon Steve Martinez of “malicious and intentionally false claims” against Archbishop Apuron, and threatens canonical and civil action against him. In his media statement, Cristobal went on to publicly accuse Martinez of incompetence as the archdiocese’s financial officer. In the same press release, Cristobal accuses Martinez of being part of the “Rohr Group,” and further accuses Tim Rohr of conspiring to sell the Yona property in order to cash in on a real estate commission. - Archdiocese of Agana. (2016, June 3). Archdiocese of Agana Media Release, June 3, 2016.

June 5, 2016

Adrian Cristobal signs the decree labeling the Concerned Catholics of Guam a “prohibited society.”


Adrian Cristobal told the future Fr. Richard Kidd that in the Archdiocese of Agana the diocesan priesthood was no more, there was only the Neocatechumenal Way. - May be verified by Fr. Richard Kidd

Adrian Cristobal complains that he’s not getting paid enough.

Comments from 

Monday, January 13, 2014

We have to remove the psychological fear which is being conveyed by the three on the hill. They use fear to mentally break priests. It's been going on for years from Archbishop Apuron and Fr. Adrian. Some priests are sick at this time because of what's happening. We must clear up this fear that has been perpetrated on our priests. It's a very unhealthy situation and I believe it is destroying priests in the region.  It's about healing the past and renewing. I believe priests on Guam are silently hurting, afraid to express themselves because of fear. We need to heal. It's time to prepare for priest-people power.

There is nothing we can really do until the Holy See decides to send a visitor to Guam. Priests and people need to be individually interviewed  so there is no fear of revenge by Archbishop Apuron, Fr. Adrian, or Msgr. David. A group of priests who see the danger Guam is in will have to come together and seek an appointment with Archbishop Krebs the Apostolic Nuncio. Guam’s people will back these priests.

Name withheld out of fear

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The priests in the Archdiocese of Agana are under duress. The core aspects of preaching about injustices have been muffled by the Archbishop,  Msgr. David C. Quitugua (vicar general), and Fr. Adrian Cristobal (chancellor).  Because all three are beside themselves, not knowing what to do or how to deal with issues before them, and based on historical facts, they are more prone to making rash and ill-guided decisions.  Because they are desperate, they are likely to make decisions that hurt people in an attempt to survive.  To those monitoring from Rome, come to Guam and you'll be surprise how many clergy and lay faithful will come forward to meet with you.  The Archdiocese is no longer under the control the Archbishop.  The Archdiocese is in peril. The Archdiocese needs the intervention of Rome, and it is needed immediately.


 Jan. 27, 2021



Archbishop removes Adrian Cristobal from clerical state


Archbishop Michael Byrnes announces that former Father Adrian Cristobal has been laicized in accordance with violations against the Sixth Commandment with minors.


The canonical administrative penal process began in 2018 after consulting with the Vatican. Laicization, or Loss of Clerical State means Cristobal is not to wear ecclesiastical garb or be addressed by titles used by ordained priests, such as Father or Reverend. He is deprived of clerical offices, functions, and any designated power granted to him as a cleric. He has no right to financial support from the Archdiocese of Agaña.


This decision is in accordance with the authority granted to Archbishop Byrnes by the Holy See. The Archdiocese completed its canonical administrative process in December 2020.


Legal counsel has advised that the archdiocese make no further comment on the matter due to on-going litigation.


Sent by Tony C. Diaz

Director of Communication, (671) 562-0065,

PDF of LETTER from Archbishop Byrnes 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Reposting this article from The Catholic Thing:

American Unity

David Carlin

Raison d’Ă©tat is the doctrine that certain acts that are immoral or sinful when committed in private life (e.g., lies, theft, murder) are acceptable when done by political leaders (kings, presidents, prime ministers) to protect or advance important state interests.  The doctrine might also be called Machiavellianism, for it was Machiavelli in The Prince who gave the classic defense of this doctrine.

This was a justification of what might be called small-scale or limited or finite political wickedness. (CONTINUED)


 Program notes January 26

I wrote to Nancy about impeachment. My letter ran today in the Post.Yesterday Telena took  a look at Rory. Today Rory tells us he’s not soft on drugs. The Governor is not being up front re COVID pay for Corrections Officers. Joe Biden seeks to enlist George Orwell in the Army. There’s more. Joe is causing severe harm to our armed forces. Catholic Joe tells us about abortion. KKK and BLM share a lot.

Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Tall Tales v. Nancy Pelosi
  • Rory v. Drugs [Nelson v. Respicio [Brown v. Respicio and Tenorio?
  • Governor v. Correction Officers
  • Joe & George v. The US Military==plus
  • Biden v. The Unborn
  • KKK v. BLM
  • Guam v. USA
  • Revolutionists v. Christians
  • Reade v. Biden
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App


 Letter: If impeaching Trump post-presidency is OK, why not do the same to Obama?

(Editor's note: Former Guam Sen. Robert Klitzkie shared this open letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi)

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

It has come to my attention that the House of Representatives impeached President Trump when he had but one week remaining in his term. (CONTINUED)

Monday, January 25, 2021


 Program notes January 24

I wrote to Nancy about impeachment. Telena takes a look at Rory. Joe Biden seeks to enlist George Orwell in the Army. Catholic joe tells us about abortion. KKK and BLM share a lot.

Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Tall Tales v. Nancy Pelosi
  • Nelson v. Respicio [Brown v. Respicio and Tenorio?
  • Joe & George v. The US Military
  • Biden v. The Unborn
  • KKK v. BLM
  • Guam v. USA
  • Revolutionists v. Christians
  • Reade v. Biden
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Friday, January 22, 2021


 Program notes January 22, 2021

Senator Brown seems to have flushed out some potential targets for her anti-corruption campaign. The governor carries on litigation against Judge Iriarte and Tom Peinhof. Reade v. Biden may be a good example of mokita Washington style. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

 The card

  • Brown v. Respicio and Tenorio?
  • The Governor v. Judge Iriarte and Tom Peinhof
  • Reade v. Biden
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Program notes

Joe Biden shows us how woke he is on his first day in office.There was a false false (not a typo) flag at the Capitol. Yellow Journalism doesn’t require paper. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Meritocracy v. Rachel Levine
  • False Flag v. The Capitol
  • The Media v. GOP
  • The cancel culture takes on lawyers.
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Program notes

Joanne Brown campaigned on an anti corruption platform. Work has begun. Rep. Steve Cohen shows how far the Dems. have gone with identity politics. Joe Biden shows he there too. There was a false false (not a typo) flag at the Capitol. Yellow Journalism doesn’t require paper. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Brown v. Respicio
  • Texas v. Rep. Steve Cohen
  • Meritocracy v. Rachel Levine
  • False Flag v. The Capitol
  • The Media v. GOP
  • The cancel culture takes on lawyers.
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Program notes for January 19, 2021

A copy of a letter from Speaker Pelosi to Governor Ted Wheeler was removed from the lap top that was taken from Nancy’s office. (Beep! Beep!) The intrigue of the 19th floor continues. The 1st Circuit delivers more bad news for gayineros. Twitter doesn’t like the GOP Greene new deal. The cancel culture takes on lawyers. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • Nancy & Ted v. Trump
  • [BREAKING!] BJ v. The 19th Floor
  • 1st Circuit v. Gayineros
  • Greene v. Twitter
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App

Monday, January 18, 2021


 Program notes for January 18, 2021

Friday the board of Medical Examiners wanted to hear from Vince. Today they’re back in the news with a new “investigation.” The Karens are watching. PDN’s interview of three students reflects the impact of cultural Marxism on our high schools. Pedo takes on the USA in a letter to the PDN. The 1st Circuit delivers more bad news for gayineros. Twitter doesn’t like the GOP Greene new deal. The cancel culture takes on lawyers. Our local SJW’s, the White Coats for BLM folks, are educated (again.) Lefties used to be champions of free speech—now they oppose it.  English is a microaggression for the Left.

The card

  • News Media v. Mokita
  • Education v. History
  • Pedo v. USA
  • Bd. Of Medical Examiners v. Pastiempo
  • 1st v. Gayineros
  • Greene v. Twitter
  • Cancel Culture v. Lawyers
  • Greene v. Twitter
  • BLM v. Whitecoats
  • The Left v. Free Speech
  • Cornell v. English

Catch Bob Klitzkie every week day from 4pm to 6pm on The Point: 93.3 FM, 1350 AM, or 104.2 FM HD-3. Or listen to him live or listen to him later on Facebook.

If the video is not available on this page, catch the show at

Also, check out Bob's blog here.

See the Point's website here to download the new App