While the Kiko's are drunk with their fictitious "victory" of Archbishop Hon's supposed "demotion" for opposing their beloved Tony....ummm, this JUST happened!
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017
During my private meeting with Archbishop Hon in January of 2015 when he was sent here as a "visitator," it was immediately clear to me that Hon had been sent to Guam with two orders: 1) shut down the dissent, and 2) save the Neocatechumenal Way.
At Hon's meeting with the clergy a couple days later, Hon left no doubt about his script: 1) shut down the dissent, and 2) save the Neocatechumenal Way. During the meeting, one member of the clergy texted: "We're SOL."
Upon Hon's return to Guam in June of 2016 as Apostolic Administrator, it was immediately clear that Hon had been given the same marching orders: 1) shut down dissent, 2) save the Neocatechumenal Way, and now there was a third: discredit all claims of sex abuse against Apuron.
Number 3 was made abundantly clear when Hon addressed the diocese at St. Anthony's parish at a special meeting on June 9. He completely avoided any mention of the allegations against Apuron, which at that point were from Roy Quintanilla, Doris Concepcion, and Walter Denton. Roland Sondia would come forward the following week.
At a prayer service a few days later, as if to mock Apuron's accusers, Hon specifically mentioned allegations against clergy which he said turned out to be unproven. And on Sunday, June 12, 2016, Hon made his intent to protect Apuron, and by extension, the neocats, visible, by publicly ignoring Walter Denton on the steps of the Cathedral before Mass.
At a prayer service a few days later, as if to mock Apuron's accusers, Hon specifically mentioned allegations against clergy which he said turned out to be unproven. And on Sunday, June 12, 2016, Hon made his intent to protect Apuron, and by extension, the neocats, visible, by publicly ignoring Walter Denton on the steps of the Cathedral before Mass.
(At about 00:35 Walter Denton can be seen telling the priest with Hon that he wants to talk to him.)
It was clear from the outset that Hon was Filoni's puppet and that he had been given a script he had to stick with. And the fact that Hon, an archbishop with no experience of ever running a diocese, was sent to fix the most troubled diocese in the world, was all the more confirmation that he was only here to run interference for Apuron and preserve the Neocatechumenal Way.
But there was something Filoni and Hon didn't count on: FACTS. Facts, and people willing to stand up to the Vatican bullies.
In August of 2016, Hon was finally cornered with those facts by certain lay people at a meeting with the presbyteral council. Hon was cornered. He had no alternative but to admit that Apuron and the neocat hierarchy had conspired against the faithful of the Archdiocese of Agana and had covered the conspiracy with the most remarkable lies - the same lies that recently appeared in the dutiful groveling of a fourth rate Italian version of the Enquirer which still reports Elvis sightings.
But Hon's real downfall came when he publicly mocked the bill lifting the statute of limitations. Initially the bill only targeted individuals, not institutions. However, Hon's mockery of the effort led to an angry public hearing and the modification of the bill to hold institutions accountable - since it became evident that doing so would be the only thing which might make Hon finally cast off his Filoni-provided script and face the truth about Apuron and the Gennarini agenda.
Upon the unanimous passage of the bill, Hon immediately sought to appease us by running to Rome to ask for Apuron's resignation.
But now that put him directly in the crosshairs of Kiko Arguello and Filoni Baloney. Arguello and Filoni flew into action and got Hon out of Guam PRONTO! - replacing him with a bishop from Detroit who admittedly had no prior knowledge of Guam's problems.
Full letter
But now that put him directly in the crosshairs of Kiko Arguello and Filoni Baloney. Arguello and Filoni flew into action and got Hon out of Guam PRONTO! - replacing him with a bishop from Detroit who admittedly had no prior knowledge of Guam's problems.
Upon Byrnes' assignment, Filoni ordered Gennarini to meet with Byrnes before actually going to Guam. I don't know if Gennarini ever got to him, but I know there were several attempts. The assignment of Byrnes was another red flag. Why assign a bishop who knows nothing of Guam to the most troubled diocese in the world? It was easy to see why: 1) the people of Guam historically have respect for "American" authorities, and 2) Filoni and Gennarini saw Byrnes as malleable.
Byrnes' pastoral and more so his "American" image was meant to disarm us while Filoni and Gennarini would work on him behind the scenes. However, Byrnes soon ran into the same wall called FACTS that Hon ultimately ran into, and it wasn't too long before Byrnes publicly declared Apuron a "DISASTER."
So now Byrnes is in Filoni and Kiko's crosshairs. However, Byrnes is not in the same position as Hon who is an employee of the Curia and only appointed temporarily. Byrnes is a coadjutor bishop with full rights of succession to the episcopal chair of this diocese once it is declared "vacant."
In short, Byrnes is not under Filoni's authority or control. To remove him would require a canonical process similar to Apuron's. Of course, the pope can still act unilaterally, albeit in contradiction to canon law, and who knows, maybe Byrnes would much rather go back to Detroit. (Who could blame him.)
So now Byrnes is in Filoni and Kiko's crosshairs. However, Byrnes is not in the same position as Hon who is an employee of the Curia and only appointed temporarily. Byrnes is a coadjutor bishop with full rights of succession to the episcopal chair of this diocese once it is declared "vacant."
In short, Byrnes is not under Filoni's authority or control. To remove him would require a canonical process similar to Apuron's. Of course, the pope can still act unilaterally, albeit in contradiction to canon law, and who knows, maybe Byrnes would much rather go back to Detroit. (Who could blame him.)
All of this intrusion by Filoni, Kiko, and Gennarini, including the recent so-called "demotion" of Hon to nuncio to Greece, is a loud declaration that Apuron is NOT INNOCENT. For if he was, it would have simply been declared and there would not be the very obvious great panic to deflect, deny, discredit and destroy - which is the neocat calling card.
Maybe the Red Pope, (aka Filoni) should spend some time in the Sistine chapel staring at the back wall.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
I received several inquiries about responding to your article regarding your defense of the on-the-run-and-in-hiding Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron.
Actually, my only quibble with your piece is that it didn't begin with "Once upon a time..." In fact, you could have continued with "in a land far, far, away."
Oh, and one other small quibble: In Vatican Insider, the article appears under a section called "Inquiries and Interviews," but there is no reference to anybody "inquired of" or "interviewed" except for an anonymous canon lawyer and a couple of public records.
Actually, my only quibble with your piece is that it didn't begin with "Once upon a time..." In fact, you could have continued with "in a land far, far, away."
Oh, and one other small quibble: In Vatican Insider, the article appears under a section called "Inquiries and Interviews," but there is no reference to anybody "inquired of" or "interviewed" except for an anonymous canon lawyer and a couple of public records.
But the short of it is: There really is no need for me to respond to you.
Tony already has. Here it is:
Tony already has. Here it is:
"Through his attorney, Jacqueline Terlaje, Apuron filed a motion asking the federal court to dismiss the lawsuits against him, claiming that the allegations are barred by a previous statute of limitations and that they infringe upon rights that the Organic Act of Guam guarantees."
You see, La Stampa, if the story you were handed was true, Tony would be demanding his day in court to prove everything you reported in your story, and in particular, the grand conspiracy to manufacture sex abuse victims. Instead, he is demanding that he NOT have "his day in court," and that the cases against him be DISMISSED!
Doesn't that strike you as odd, La Stampa? Finally, an opportunity to get in front of the whole world and expose this evil conspiracy against him - from the alleged collusion between a Chinese casino interest and a supposed opportunistic real estate salesman, to the alleged manufacture of 40 year old sex abuse claims - and what does Tony do?
He screams: NO, NO NO!
That should tell the whole world what we already know.
Bonus article: Archbishop Anthony Apuron of Guam - A pervert in priests' clothing?
Doesn't that strike you as odd, La Stampa? Finally, an opportunity to get in front of the whole world and expose this evil conspiracy against him - from the alleged collusion between a Chinese casino interest and a supposed opportunistic real estate salesman, to the alleged manufacture of 40 year old sex abuse claims - and what does Tony do?
He screams: NO, NO NO!
That should tell the whole world what we already know.
Bonus article: Archbishop Anthony Apuron of Guam - A pervert in priests' clothing?
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Note: In light of the La Stampa fairy tale, we are reposting this post by Bob from Aug 25, 2016.)
Posted by Bob
Posted by Bob
Once upon a time there was a priest named Apuron who really liked little boys. The boys grew up and a few of them told everyone about Apuron, who although he never grew up, became an Archbishop. Apuron took on the mafia, Mark Brown (formerly of Trump Casinos), a powerful Chinese consortium, prostitution, crime, drugs, the brown tree snake and the rhinoceros beetle. Had it not been for Apuron's catechist, Father Pius, (and the little boys who grew up) we'd never have known of all Apuron's wonderful works--works so great that one day Apuron will be on par with Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores, i. e. according to Father Pius.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
On 9/21/17, the Catholic Herald ran a story titled:
Priests guilty of abuse will have no right to appeal, Pope says
It sounds good, but look who is at the center of the pope's promise! The pope even calls him a "prophet!"
The Pope admitted he made a mistake softening the sentence of an abuser priest
Pope Francis has endorsed an approach of “zero tolerance” toward all members of the church guilty of sexually abusing minors or vulnerable adults.
Having listened to abuse survivors and having made what he described as a mistake in approving a more lenient set of sanctions against an Italian priest abuser, the pope said he has decided whoever has been proven guilty of abuse has no right to an appeal, and he will never grant a papal pardon.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "LOL":
so if you already know about John Toves ,Roy,Walter and Roland back in May 2016, Where and how did you find Doris Concepcion..More importantly,How much was she paid to come forward with her story?
Arizona woman says her son was molested by Archbishop Apuron from Undercover Neo on Vimeo.
so if you already know about John Toves ,Roy,Walter and Roland back in May 2016, Where and how did you find Doris Concepcion..More importantly,How much was she paid to come forward with her story?
He's a waste of time. But I saved his emails anyway...because I always suspected what he really was and knew someday I might have to use them.
By the way, one of the funniest things about Blockley was his anonymous comments. He spelled so bad that I had to ask him to rewrite them because I knew everyone would know it was him. SMH. Have fun, Diana. BTW, Rome already has his number. There's a reason he hasn't retuned to Saipan...even with a new bishop.
PS. Note to author of the La Stampa thing.
PS. Note to author of the La Stampa thing.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
PDN: SNAP: Clergy abuse cases could hit 1,000
LINK to Casteix testimony on Bill 334-30. By the way, Casteix gets all her Guam intel from the fugitive "priest," Blockley, who continues to hide in Manila. And it's time Cardinal Tagle get rid of him.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Posted by Tim
I suppose that I should be flattered that our enemies have sought to recruit the services of the fourth largest tabloid in Italy (La Stampa) to do battle with my "li'l ol' blog" (aka JungleWatch).
I don't wish to engage the lazy La Stampa article point by point. I've been doing that for four years. It's all been disproved, document by document, for the last four years. For those who care to actually do a little research of their own I've made it easy by placing all the documents proving everyone of our claims TRUE and everyone of theirs FALSE in the FILE BOX.
And if you don't find what you are looking for, let me know.
Meanwhile, just know, that if all was well with Apuron, Pius the Putrid and his ilk would have no need to run to a fourth place Italian tabloid.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Posted by Tim
Back on September 6, the local media was licking up SNAP's slobber over a supposed United Nations story about the Vatican failing to submit a report about it's progress in addressing clerical sex abuse:
“And children remain at risk while Vatican officials engage in power struggles, finger pointing and deflection,” stated SNAP managing Director Barbara Dorris. (PNC)
As much as I understand the pathetic state of the Filoni-controlled Vatican, I've warned the local media wannabe journalists NOT to bend over every time some SNAP thug spits on the ground.
The UN's chastising of the Vatican is an annual charade, and I laughed at the pathetic swarming of our childish local media swarming to the story like flies on &%$t. And here's why:
UN mission in Congo forces reckoning over sex abuse scandal
UN peacekeepers accused of thousands of cases of abuse, AP finds
AP Exclusive: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests
More than 100 UN peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti. None were ever jailed
Just google "United Nations sex abuse" for more.
Note to media: Time to grow a brain and maybe at least try to find "the rest of the story." SMH!
posted by frenchie
In the above picture of the Hydra, the mythical Greek monster, Gustave Moreau the French painter, admitted that he was heavily influenced by the Beast of the Book of Revelation.
This is a great allegory about what the Church of Guam is facing, in its challenge to rebuild, and to challenge the masonic proto judeo-protestant cancer also known as the Neocatecumenal Way.
As I was finishing a post yesterday, on my personal blog which I dedicate to the Medias, Politics, History and Propaganda, I was contacted by one of our many friends, who was wondering what this article in La Stampa was all about, as it was written of course in Italian.
Upon reading it, my first answer was: this is nothing else than a rehashing of the litany of lies, false accusations and slander that Pius the Itinerant Catechist, which we had to suffer the presence on this island for so long, had published and screamed from the top of his putrid lungs for the last 5 years.
If you ever had to be convinced about the reality of evil during our lifetime, you just need to read this
collection of detritus regurgitated by the very Neo friendly S. Cernuzio, a so called journalist from la Stampa, the left leaning newspaper of Northern Italy.
We are aware of the article written by Pius the Putrid for lastampa. Frenchie will address it.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The last two years, we have been bombarded in the western media by a slough of hysterical women from all walks of life, regarding a wide array of subjects ranging from the serious subject of a first woman president all the way to the totally ridiculous "men spreading".
Here on Guam, we have a special treat known under different monikers, the most popular being :
The Diana.
Personally I do not care much for it, since I would prefer picture the name of Diana, with the memory of the young princess who died tragically in Paris 20 years ago; rather than that of the delusional Mae.
The question remains: " is Diana really an hysterical wrench" who is zealously doing the biding of her gurus? Or is she more of an
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Posted by Tim
Yes! Finally someone gets it. But of course it's not someone from our local press, which has simply gone sicko for any crumbs the Snap thugs will trow at them. And by the way, who the hell cares about the United Nations, distributors of abortion and birth control. Good for you Mr. Mattingly. Thank you for taking our local "journalists" back to what should be "Journalism 101."
Trust me, I know what it's like to be a reporter who has to call people who you already know do not want to talk to you. I mean, I am so old I worked the Godbeat in the 1980s, the era of the great televangelist scandals.
But way back then, journalists had a way of letting readers know that the newsroom tried to give people a chance to respond to their critics, to tell their side of complicated stories. Reporters would call and call and call. You might even knock on someone's door. CONTINUED
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Posted by Chuck White
Emmanuel, writing from Bogota, Columbia, reminds us that the Neocatechumenal Way is "approved".
Approved! Approved! Approved! All the machinations, shenanigans, and sectarianism is approved! All of Kiko and Carmen's doctrinal deformations approved!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
Posted by Tim
So, here’s what’s happening. And it’s no surprise. In fact, we have been reporting on this without the intel we now have because we knew exactly what “they" would do.
As expected, Filoni-Baloney and Kiko are putting a full court press on the outcome of Apuron's trial to keep the verdict from taking down the NCW worldwide.
To review.
Because of Apuron’s status in the NCW (i.e. the only bishop who is actually “one of the brothers"), his canonical demise does not bode well for the future of the KHW (Kiko’s Heretical Way).
Loads of bishops around the world, upon the canonical demise of Apuron, will be emboldened to at last extricate the NCW from their dioceses.
Even though these bishops have always had the authority to get rid of the KHW (aka NCW) in their dioceses - or at least limit or not permit it in the first place, it is no secret that so many of the world’s bishops are wimps and look for cover before they take action on what they already know they SHOULD take action on!
Kiko and Filoni-Baloney know this. They also know that Apuron has been found GUILTY. There simply is no doubt about it. At the very least he has been undoubtedly found guilty of running a DISASTER of a diocese for thirty years, as both Archbishop Hon and Byrnes have publicly stated.
At most, he has also been found guilty of child sex abuse. As every Guam senator present at the public hearings for Bill 326-33 can testify: NO ONE can look Walter Denton in the eyes and say he’s lying. And the chief investigator and judge, Cardinal Burke, was able to do that.
Thus, Kiko and Filoni-Baloney have nothing left...EXCEPT to interfere with the sentence.
Not that they care about Apuron's actual punishment. They only care about the harm any publicity of the verdict and his punishment will do to KHW (aka NCW).
So here’s what they’re doing.
Rather than permit the verdict to be transmitted directly to Pope Francis, as it should be. Filoni-Baloney is arguing that Apuron's trial falls under the Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela and therefore should come under the review of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
Filoni-Baloney is the former Secretary to that Congregation so he knows well its inner workings as well as the current leadership and how to screw with it. And screw with it, he is!
You can read the full document at this link, however, here is the relevant paragraph:
"The 1922 Instruction included a short section dedicated to another canonical delict: the “crimen pessimum” which dealt with same-sex clerical misconduct. This further section determined that the special procedures for solicitation cases should be used for “crimen pessimum” cases, with those adaptations rendered necessary by the nature of the case. The norms concerning the “crimen pessimum” also extended to the heinous crime of sexual abuse of prepubescent children and to bestiality."
Filoni-Baloney's strategy (in collusion with Kiko) is simple: delay, delay, delay.
The objective is to delay everything, including the announcement of the verdict, until Apuron turns 75, three years from now, when he must submit his resignation as Archbishop of Agana. At that point, the strategy is to lessen the verdict to simply mismanagement and to give Apuron time to build his narrative that he was unjustly ousted by pro-gambling/pro-gay forces. (A narrative that even now has all the bishops laughing!)
And to that end, Kiko met with Pope Francis on September 4.
I heard Francis was NOT amused.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Every year at the beginning of the month of September, I silently pray for the souls of the victims of one of the worst bloodletting of the French Revolution, known as the Massacres of September 1792
Three years after the initial steps of the French Revolution, the country had fallen in a state of terror.
After the take over of the Tuileries Castle, where the Royal Family had been forced to leave by the Constitutional Assembly, in an awful and violent attack on August 10th, which saw the massacre of the King's Swiss Guard by a rabid mob high on alcohol; the Monarchy was abolished, and a large number of Nobles and of Clergy were detained in hastily made prisons around Paris. Many, former seminaries and cloisters.
The Revolutionary government in a state of panic, due to the successful breech by Prussian and Austrian troops of the French borders, started to spread rumors of an inside plot by the royalists and the clergy to plans of an uprising inside France. This was total malarkey, but it fueled the anger of the revolutionary committees within Paris, who decided to go and empty the prisons of the "plotters".
What ensued, would remain one of the most gory and disgusting event of the French Revolution.
Innocent people who had been arrested on false charges for the most part were yanked out of their cells by drunken mobs and slaughtered in the most gruesome ways.
Among the 3000 or so victims, were many members of the Clergy, including three Archbishops. On October 17 1926, Pope Pius XI recognized 191 victims of these massacres as Blessed Martyrs. Last year Pope Francis elevated one of these Martyrs: Salomon Leclerq ( a Christian Brother) to be canonized.
Why should we care, here on Guam about something that happened when the USA was still in its infancy, and this island still under Spanish control ? How is this relevant of our current struggle?
Three years after the initial steps of the French Revolution, the country had fallen in a state of terror.
After the take over of the Tuileries Castle, where the Royal Family had been forced to leave by the Constitutional Assembly, in an awful and violent attack on August 10th, which saw the massacre of the King's Swiss Guard by a rabid mob high on alcohol; the Monarchy was abolished, and a large number of Nobles and of Clergy were detained in hastily made prisons around Paris. Many, former seminaries and cloisters.
The Revolutionary government in a state of panic, due to the successful breech by Prussian and Austrian troops of the French borders, started to spread rumors of an inside plot by the royalists and the clergy to plans of an uprising inside France. This was total malarkey, but it fueled the anger of the revolutionary committees within Paris, who decided to go and empty the prisons of the "plotters".
What ensued, would remain one of the most gory and disgusting event of the French Revolution.
Innocent people who had been arrested on false charges for the most part were yanked out of their cells by drunken mobs and slaughtered in the most gruesome ways.
Among the 3000 or so victims, were many members of the Clergy, including three Archbishops. On October 17 1926, Pope Pius XI recognized 191 victims of these massacres as Blessed Martyrs. Last year Pope Francis elevated one of these Martyrs: Salomon Leclerq ( a Christian Brother) to be canonized.
Why should we care, here on Guam about something that happened when the USA was still in its infancy, and this island still under Spanish control ? How is this relevant of our current struggle?
Saturday, September 2, 2017
With all the bad news about clergy, let's remember that there's some good, too. Here's one. (Borrowed from a Facebook post by Fray Eric.)
This photo made it to the news back in the day. It's of Father George carrying a Vietnamese girl in 1975 during Operation New Life, when Guam hosted 100,000+ refugees at the Fall of Saigon to the communists. Many Capuchins spent time among the refugees, many of them Catholic. Fr George folded the pic, and thus that irritating crease. Ugh.
Man: Why don't you come in politely and make a reservation as everyone does?
Full story
Full story
NOTE: So apparently the boys at RMS are running a hotel after all, since Edwin the Basketcase Bushu tells the KUAM reporter that she is "not polite" and that she should "come in politely and make a reservation as everyone does?" But of course, Bushu is lying. Not only were the doors to the RMS hotel locked - as the video shows - no one at RMS would even pick up the phone.
BTW, a few weeks ago, in defense of Apuron, Bushu was screaming at his congregation from the pulpit at the Yigo church (where he is supposed to be) to "stop judging." Hey Bushu, sounds like you were pretty quick to judge the KUAM reporters.
BTW, Bushu was neo-fast tracked, entering the seminary in 2008 and ordained in 2011. ONLY THREE YEARS to the priesthood.
A group of Catholics on the Pacific island of Guam plan to spend several days counting the number of people going in and out of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, the Pacific Daily News (PDN) reports.
The results of the head count, which the Concerned Catholics of Guam calls "Occupy RMS", will be presented to the Archdiocese of Agana, owner of the seminary which is now managed by the Neo-Catechumenal Way movement. CONTINUED
Friday, September 1, 2017
AnonymousAugust 31, 2017 at 11:52 PM
The KAKA filled NEO Cult Zombies are again showing their true colors at the Dungbats latest blog. They are using that ill fated social media to tell everyone that the Red Pope controls the NEO Cult Presbyter Factory in Yona and ArchNEO Cult Presbyter Anthony Sablan aspirin is still in control of the Catholics on Guam. LMAO 😂 😂
AnonymousAugust 31, 2017 at 7:57 PM
Excuse me. RMS cannot be sold off without the approval of the Congregation for Evangelization/curia.
Archbishop of Agana requires consent of curia to sell/close down.
Wishes of Cardinal Filoni/curia important. Archbishop Anthony is Archbishop of Agana.
AnonymousAugust 31, 2017 at 7:57 PM
Excuse me. RMS cannot be sold off without the approval of the Congregation for Evangelization/curia.
Archbishop of Agana requires consent of curia to sell/close down.
Wishes of Cardinal Filoni/curia important. Archbishop Anthony is Archbishop of Agana.
Canon Law does not require the approval of Filoni, the Curia, or his pathetic congregation. Canon Law requires permission "of the Holy See":
Can. 1292 §2. The permission of the Holy See is also required for the valid alienation of goods whose value exceeds the maximum amount, goods given to the Church by vow, or goods precious for artistic or historical reasons.
So what is the Holy See? Is it Filoni? Nope. The Holy See is ultimately the pope. The Catholic Church is a monarchy, not a democracy. But beyond that, there is this:
Can. 1293 §1. The alienation of goods whose value exceeds the defined minimum amount also requires the following:
1/ a just cause, such as urgent necessity, evident advantage, piety, charity, or some other grave pastoral reason;
The "just cause" is the salvation of the "essential properties," i.e. churches and schools. If the Yona property is NOT part of the settlement, attorneys for the plaintiffs will NOT be willing to settle and will pursue their cases through the court where ALL diocesan properties will be at risk.
The pope is not likely to place all of our churches and schools at risk to save a neo-infested property which will probably need millions of dollars of decontamination work (if not several exorcisms), before the property is of any use to anyone.
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