Wednesday, July 24, 2024


By Tim Rohr

The soaring numbers continue. Nearly 400,000 views this month compared to the approximately 40,000 we usually get each month and 102,000 last month.


Here's what visitors are looking at:


LINK to online version

The national Republican Party and the Trump campaign are reportedly abandoning their previous pro-life platforms and many pro-lifers are feeling betrayed. But not me, and here’s why.

For nearly half a century pro-lifers had a single focus: overturn Roe v Wade. And that focus gave energy and clarity to everything pro-lifers did, from marches on the Capital to praying on sidewalks.

The efforts and focus of pro-life forces for those nearly fifty years were well-placed. The only recourse to Roe, a decision which led to an estimated one million abortions every year for fifty years, could only be a different decision by the same court. And that could only happen with a change in the composition of the court.

Such a change depended on a president who would appoint pro-life justices and a pro-life senate to confirm those appointments. So, in the face of Roe, the only power pro-lifers had, other than to keep the issue in the public eye, was to keep the political pressure turned up on electing pro-life presidents and members of the senate.

It took fifty years, but finally all the stars aligned after Donald Trump was elected president and three seats opened up on the Supreme Court bench. Fortunately, for pro-lifers, there was a Republican majority in the senate to confirm those appointments, but even so, the confirmation hearings were heated, vicious, personal, and partisan.

The pro-aborts knew what was coming. Candidate Trump had promised to appoint justices who would overturn Roe if he had the opportunity to do so, and he had the opportunity upon the deaths of Justices Atonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the retirement of Anthony Kennedy.

Two years after the appointment of the third justice,  Amy Coney Barrett, the Court voted 6-3 in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, finding that there was no constitutional right to an abortion and Roe was overturned.

Dobbs did not outlaw abortion. The reversal of Roe simply gave the decision back to the states where even pro-aborts like Justice Ginsburg believed it belonged all along.

At this point, pro-lifers should have changed their focus from the national stage to the local stage and used the same focus and energy to effect the legislation that the Dobbs decision afforded. And some did - as evidenced by the flurry of anti-abortion legislation in some states.

Meanwhile, though, it appears national pro-life organizations, accustomed to fighting on the national stage for fifty years, suddenly didn’t know what to do with themselves and turned their attention to a whole slew of other agenda items.

To name a few: opposition to the public funding of abortion, opposition to the public funding of Planned Parenthood, opposition to the sale of fetal tissue and fetal body parts, opposition to federal subsidies for healthcare which includes abortion coverage, and support for a human life amendment to the Constitution.

All of these are good and none of them are new. But what’s new is the lack of singular focus that opposition to Roe had provided, and what is left is a list of 27 agenda items national pro-life organizations want the GOP and the Trump campaign to commit to with the same singularity of focus as if Roe was still the law of the land.

And that’s not going to happen. While Trump has often expressed his belief that unborn life is sacred, he wasn’t coming at it with the religious crusader fervor of most pro-life Christians.From what I can tell, Trump simply believed that Roe was bad law and that its imposition on the American people for 50 years was tyranny. Trump’s remedy was to get rid of a bad law and return the decision to the states and to the people who live in those states. Indeed, he never promised to do more than that.

One disgruntled pro-life columnist, lamenting the removal of the 27 agenda items from the GOP platform, wrote: “This comprehensive list has been replaced by a generic statement: ‘We proudly stand for families and life,’ and an ambiguous reference to the Fourteenth Amendment, which, under current jurisprudence, does not recognize the legal personhood of the unborn.”

My recommendation is for these national pro-lifers to get out of “D.C.,” get home, and get to work. Like never before, the door is open to legislatively protect human life in all its stages: “from conception to natural death.” And we don’t need a party or a president to do it.

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at  

Thursday, July 18, 2024


By Tim Rohr

10 bucks says it's Fr. Jason Granado. I don't have any documentation to support this analysis, but here's the scenario as I see it. 


Walter Denton, Roland Sondia, Roy Quintanilla and Doris Concepcion (for her deceased son Joseph Quinata) came forward with their accusations against then-Archbishop Anthony Apuron in May-June 2016. 

A few months later, in or about September 2016, Fr. Jason Granado, a Guam-incardinated priest, was "loaned" to the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, Saipan.  

Granado was one of the "first fruits" of the former Guam Redemptoris Mater Seminary, and had served for a few years after his ordination in Guam parishes. Given the timing of his being shuttled off to Saipan - as the Apuron scandal exploded - some of us were suspicious of the move, especially given that Granado was a neocat and the use of the word "loan." 

From a post on Facebook, February 21, 2024

Usually priests are "assigned," not "loaned." So there was a question - as there were many questions in those days - as to what was really going on. After all, by 2016 Guam Catholics had been bilked for millions of dollars for nearly a decade to fund what RMS proudly touted as "A Seminary for Guam." So why were we sending these very expensive guys away? (At the time 8 RMS priests had disappeared.)

I speculated that Apuron had no authority to assign a priest to another diocese, so the term "loan" was used. I wrote about it here. And as you can see from the above FB post, the archdiocese is still sticking to that story. 

The blowup of Apuron's past came as no surprise to Apuron or the neocat generals. While I'm sure they hoped it would never happen, the ongoing clergy sex abuse apocalypse in the states was bound to reach Guam's shores at some point. 

In fact, as we speculated numerous times in this blog, Apuron's willingness to welcome the neocats back in the mid-90's was probably motivated by Apuron's desire to have an escape hatch when his past ultimately came knocking. 

And, as we further speculated, the price for Apuron's protection was subservience to the demands of the neocat generals, demands which included establishing a seminary and ordaining whoever they told him to ordain. Thus Guam became a dumping ground for guys other bishops wouldn't ordain. 

I don't think Granado was one of them. He seemed to me to be following a genuine vocation and may have sought the priesthood, neo or not. Also, he wasn't authoritarian like his RMS buddies nor did he default to screwy stream-of-(un)consciousness sermons (again, like his buddies) - qualities, by the way, which make him a good candidate for bishop.

As set out in this blog many times, the path to power in Rome is a numbers game: the number of vocations, i.e. new priests. 

This was the strategy of the now much-disgraced (and dead) Fr. Marcial Maciel and his Legionaries of Christ. Maciel is one of the Catholic Church's most notorious sexual perverts, but in his day, thanks to the number of new priests he was putting out, he was off-limits to any accusations or investigations because he enjoyed the personal protection of now-St. John Paul II. 

Kiko and his generals understand this path to power. But given Kiko's weird theology - a Protestant-Jewish heresy as Bishop Athanasius Schneider has called it - Kiko and his pals have had to search out other pals who happened to be bishops to get their boys ordained. 

Unfortunately, given the state of leadership in the Church over the last few decades, finding these "pals" has not been difficult, especially when they are wined and dined and plumed and swooned courtesy of the neocat black trash bags. 

The neocats didn't need to work very hard to get Apuron. He was delivered on a platter by the faithless Adrian: the guy who brought the neocats to Guam after a self-imposed exile (i.e. a multi-year pout) after he was passed up for the title of "Monsignor." 

Adrian knew Apuron's sordid history, and in hindsight, it's easy to speculate that Adrian - who had designs on being Apuron's successor - saw an opportunity to put Apuron over a barrel by leveraging neocat money, power, and intrigue. 

In any event, Apuron became a rubber stamp and Adrian became the face of the Archdiocese of Agana, especially after John Toves showed up in 2014 and Apuron began hiding behind Adrian and Adrian's buddies (Edivaldo, et al). 

The neocat generals weren't too concerned with losing Apuron as their rubber-ordination-stamp because the plan all along was to put the younger Adrian in Apuron's place. However, as Adrian was the backup plan to Apuron, if Adrian was now "the plan" and no longer the backup, the generals needed a new backup. 

And this is where I think they put their heads together and came up with Granado, not as a future bishop for Guam, but Saipan. 

By September 2016, Apuron had already run away and the Vatican had appointed Archbishop Hon to manage the mess that was now the Archdiocese of Agana. As we had been gunning for the close of RMS, and, by that time, had already outed the whole Certificate of Title Fiasco, the neocat brass, always with the long view, began considering a retreat and regrouping in Saipan. 

The plan (in my view) was to infiltrate Saipan with a neocat presbyter, slowly gain the confidence of the bishop and the people, quietly move him up the line and have him in place for the right time, whereupon their guy would be appointed bishop and the neocats would have a new base of operations. 

Meanwhile (again in my view), the idea was to massage Saipan Bishop Ryan Jimenez to at least be a neocat sympathizer, get him eventually moved to Guam, and then get Granado appointed chief shepherd of Saipan. And Voila! 

As an aside, I think the neocats did not want Jimenez to join them like Apuron did. The neocats knew there would be major opposition in Guam to his appointment as bishop if Jimenez was a neocat. It would be easier to get Jimenez into Guam if he was not a neocat but still indebted to the neocat hierarchy for future uses.

All fantasy you say? Well we will see in a very short while, won't we. Saipan is "bishop-less," but not for long. And while I don't have "documents," to prove the above, I do have memories of my several private meetings with Archbishop Byrnes. It was clear to me during those meetings that Byrnes had been strategically placed in Guam, but not for long. And it turned out to be not for long. 

The call to Byrnes to go to Guam came from our old friend Filoni. And before Byrnes came to Guam he was contacted both by Apuron and at least one of the neocat generals. I am quite sure that they didn't expect Byrnes to close the seminary. And after he did, things started to go downhill - very downhill - for Archbishop Byrnes.

Friday, July 12, 2024


By Tim Rohr

I wonder what's next. Last month we had one of the highest numbers of views in the history of this blog (102,753). The interest appeared to coincide with the appointment of a new archbishop for Guam.  

This month, July - and we're not even half-way into it - we have already had 268,116 views, and 205,000 views just this past week, a week where the news was focused on the archbishop-to-be.

I took a look at the post which were getting the most views over the last seven days and once again, they are years-old posts from the days of the Apuron-Neocat wars.

What's next?


Thursday, July 11, 2024


LINK to online version. Links to references added.

Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, has written a book titled “The Truth About Clergy Sexual Abuse: Clarifying the Facts and Causes.”

Donohue does a good job at not letting the Catholic Church (“the Church”) off the hook, rightly criticizing its leadership all the way up to the popes.

However, Donohue also lays much of the blame on the media, lawyers, the culture, and particularly the sexual revolution.

Not that he isn’t right about how all of that contributed to the problem, but like many who have theorized about this mess, Donohue, for the most part, misses the mark.

I say “for the most part” because he bumps into it in a late chapter, but doesn’t see it as the root cause. I do. I shall explain.

The clergy sex abuse crisis, as it came to be known, began in the late 1960’s, peaked in the 70’s, and began to taper off in the 80’s.

Those years coincide with the greatest period of cultural revolution in modern times, so it’s easy to see why defenders like Donohue claim that the Church, at least in America, was swept up by the times.

However, such a view would hold: “As the World goes, so goes the Church.” And that’s not true. The truth is: “As the Church goes, so goes the World.” This is based in Christ’s own words “you are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth.”

In other words, the Church has all the grace needed to “overcome the world” because Jesus has already done it. So it’s a slap in our Redeemer’s face to blame “the world,” the sexual revolution, the times, the culture, whatever.

1968 is the year most agree is when the aforesaid revolution exploded. So the Church cannot say “the world made me do it” because there was already a revolution happening in the Church since the close of Vatican II three years earlier in 1965 - as evidenced by the beginnings of a mass exodus of priests and nuns and the collapse in vocations which continues to this day.

Aside from what the Council promulgated, the real problem is what the Council created: an expectation of change. And nowhere was this expectation more fevered than the possibility of separating sex from progeny: artificial birth-control - specifically “the pill.”

Interestingly, birth-control, by order of both Pope John 23 and Paul 6, was not a topic on the table at the Council. A separate commission, the Birth Control Commission, had been instituted, first by John and then expanded by Paul, to address it.

For Pope Paul, the commission was a disaster. Its members voted 64-2 to permit married couples to contracept. I say “disaster” because the prohibition on contraception is something no pope or commission had or has the power to change. So what was Paul to do?

Well, he wrote the encyclical Humanae Vitae. But HV did not once and for all condemn contraception as most Catholics think. Nope. The pope left it up to a vote and a future commission. Here’s what he wrote at the outset of the encyclical:

“…the conclusions arrived at by the commission could not be considered by Us as definitive and absolutely certain…because, within the commission itself, there was not complete agreement concerning the moral norms to be proposed…”

In fingering the fact that the commission was “not (in) complete agreement” (even though the vote was 64-2), the pope outright implied, whether he meant to or not, that the teaching could have changed had there been “complete agreement,” and more significantly: one day there might be.

Moreover, why would a pope establish a commission to study the issue if there was no possibility of change? So there was the expectation of change right from the start.

Donohue bumps into this inconvenient fact in Chapter 11: “…had there been no commission…there may have been some discontent but the convulsions that followed would have been avoided.” (By “convulsions,” Donohue is referring to the explosion of clergy sex abuse.)

It mattered not that the pope, in Humanae Vitae, went on to restate the unchangeable teaching of the Church on the matter, he had already let the horse out of the barn.

And that’s all the wild-eyed revolutionaries needed. The sexual revolution in the Church was off and running a whole year before Woodstock; and “the convulsions” - the “filth in the church,” as Pope Benedict labeled it - is exactly what followed.

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at   

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


By Tim Rohr

Bill No. 318-37 is set for a public hearing on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 9:00AM. There are so many red flags in and around this bill it's almost (sadly) comical.  

First there is the matter that the bill aims to reduce Guam's near 3rd-world infant mortality rate by sending more money to the government agency which - since the outset of the current administration - appears to have been singularly tasked with increasing Guam's infant mortality rate by killing babies before they can make it out of the womb: the Bureau of Women's Affairs.

Second, the bill purports to fund the training of "doulas." By definition, a doula is: "a woman, typically without formal obstetric training, employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor," and/or "a woman employed to provide guidance and support to the mother of a newborn baby." This sounds good, but since when did local women, or women anywhere, forget how to do what nature designed them to do? 

There is much to say about this, including maybe the real problem is the increasing number of pregnant women on drugs or getting beat up by their boyfriends, but aside from that, given the mortality rate that the bill sets out, perhaps the money would be better spent funding the training of midwives - aka women with obstetric training, especially since there is a dearth of OB-GYN's. 

According to a recent Pacific Island Times report:

The OB-GYN shortage in Guam is aggravated by several local factors. For an island with a population of approximately 154,000, there are only seven working OB-GYNs, and most of them are nearing retirement age, with only three working full-time.

In fact, this fact, the shortage of OB-GYN's, is so glaringly related to the increase in the infant mortality rate, that the bill's intent to hand over $400,000 to Guam's most public advocate of abortion, Jayne Flores, the Director of the Bureau of Women's Affairs, instead of funding either the recruitment of more OB-GYN's or at least the training of midwives, that there is little room for doubt that the bill is nothing more than a cover to make sure more women kill more babies before they're born. 

And then when you look at the list of sponsors the true intent of the bill becomes even clearer, especially since the primary sponsor is the guy who crafted the most vicious pro-abortion legislation ever put to paper:

Sponsor(s) - Thomas J. Fisher / Joe S. San Agustin / Roy A. B. Quinata / William A. Parkinson / Dwayne T.D. San Nicolas / Christopher M. Dueñas / Tina Rose Muña Barnes / Jesse A. Lujan / Amanda L. Shelton

Third, this is an old trick that those of us in the abortion wars are used to seeing: virtue signaling by the pro-aborts, i.e. it's "Hey, look at me, I'm pro-life. I care about mothers and children. You bad people, you only care about abortion. You don't give a damn about the baby once it's born, etc., etc., etc."

Is there anyone with more than one brain cell on this island who doesn't think that Jayne Flores (and her governor godmother) will not make sure that these "doulas" will not be trained to counsel pregnant women to abort?

Lastly (even though there's more), given the sponsors' bowing to the altar of political correctness in the language of their bill - where they ignore the fact that nature has dictated that only women can get pregnant - by continually referencing "women and persons who are or who become pregnant…," the funding cannot go to the Bureau of Women's Affairs. Either Jayne will have to change the name of her bureau or she'll need to add "and Persons."

Monday, July 8, 2024



ROME (AP) — The Vatican on Friday excommunicated its former ambassador to Washington after finding him guilty of schism, an inevitable outcome for Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The conservative had became one of Pope Francis ' most ardent critics and a symbol of the polarized Catholic Church in the United States and beyond. CONTINUED


Interview: Archbishop-Elect Ryan Jimenez on Pope Francis' appointment

Sunday, July 7, 2024


By Tim Rohr

With the appointment of Bishop Ryan Jimenez to be the new Archbishop of Agana, now is a good time to repost this post from April 2023:


Saturday, July 6, 2024


By Tim Rohr

Yesterday I noticed that there has been an inordinate amount of activity on this blog. Normal monthly views average around 40,000. However, last month the views numbered 102,753. And this month, only after a few days, the views already number 74,475. 

I was wondering what was driving all that traffic so I looked at the most viewed posts over the last 7 days. Here they are:

The list goes on. All of these are years-old posts from when the Apuron-Neo wars were raging. So I suspected something was about to break. 

And sure enough it did:

Pope Appoints Bishop Ryan Jimenez as Archbishop of Agaña


(CEPAC, Suva, Fiji) – The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez,  Bishop of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, as the new Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agaña, Guam. The appointment was officially published on July 6, 2024 (12:00 noon CET Rome).

The Installation Mass will be held on August 15, 2024, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna, Guam.

Archbishop-elect Jimenez is currently the President of CEPAC, the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific (Conferentia Episcopalis Pacifici), and the Vice-President of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania (FCBCO) — which is composed of the bishops conferences of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and CEPAC. He also serves as a consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Islander  Affairs.

Born and raised in the Philippines, Archbishop-elect Jimenez came as a migrant worker to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) in 1995 and taught at Eskuelan San Francisco de Borja, a Catholic school on the island of Rota. In 1999, he was accepted to the seminary program of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa; he was ordained to the priesthood on June 8, 2003. In 2010, he was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Chalan Kanoa and, in 2016, as its second bishop.

Archbishop-elect Jimenez began his studies and formation for the priesthood at St. Joseph Seminary College (high school department) in the Diocese of Dumaguete, Philippines. He then transferred to the college program of the Jesuit-run San Jose Seminary in Quezon City, earning an undergraduate degree from the Ateneo de Manila University. Subsequently, he earned three advanced degrees from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California: Bachelor of Sacred Theology (STB), Master of Divinity (MDiv), and Master of Arts in Theology (MA). In 2025, he expects to graduate from the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York, with a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree.

Since March 28, 2023, the Very Reverend Romeo Convocar has served as the Apostolic Administrator of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agaña following the resignation of Archbishop Michael Byrnes due to health reasons.


Photo info: The Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez,  Bishop of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican in Rome in this file photo provided by CEPAC, the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


By Tim Rohr

This past weekend I was blessed to be in the presence of a relic of one of the original Twelve Apostles: Saint Jude. The relic is a portion of the Saint's arm and it is "touring" the U.S. under the protection of Fr. Carlos Martins, a well-known exorcist. Here is a video recording of Fr. Martins giving a homily about the relic of St. Jude. 

In addition to being an exorcist, he is also an excellent homilist and he posts a short sermon each Sunday on Facebook. While scrolling through his posts I happened upon a post from August 2018 in response to Archbishop Vigano's damning "tell-all" letter from the same month.

I wrote about this letter in a recent post and demonstrated the direct connection between Archbishop Vigano's letter and how it led to Apuron's removal. So I found Fr. Martins FB post on the matter very intriguing. I copy it here:

August 26, 2018

I just spent the last two hours on the phone with a friend in the Vatican Curia.  He said that the news of Archbishop Viganò has hit the Curia like an atomic bomb.  Two things are universally noted regarding Viganò: 1) He is highly respected as a professional, and 2) His Curial positions gave him clear access to the damning information he reported.  In other words, he is not a hack, and he is not relying on rumor.  This makes his report absolutely worthy of belief.

Viganò always had a reputation for being a combatant of internal Vatican corruption.  In fact, during the Vatican leaks scandal, whistle-blowing reports that he authored were among the main documents that were leaked.  This was an attempt by the persons he outed to pre-empt the report’s impact and suck the energy out of the attempt to investigate their claims.  Naturally, the subsequent energy went into investigating the Vatileaks situation in general, and Viganò was exiled as Nuncio to the United States for being a trouble maker who produced “erroneous assessments” (words from a joint statement issued by Cardinal-President Emeritus Giovanni Lajolo, President Giuseppe Bertello, Secretary-General Giuseppe Sciacca and former Vice Secretary-General Giorgio Corbellini on behalf of the Governatorate of the Vatican).   To put this kind of demotion in perspective, as Delegate for Pontifical Representations—a position from which he was THEN PROMOTED to Secretary General of the Governatorate— Viganò was in charge of all the Apostolic Nunciatures in the world.  Thus, when garbage was reported to the Holy See on a bishop or Cardinal—like it was with McCarrick of Washington, DC—Viganò was the first to know about it, because his desk is where the information landed.  For him to be demoted as the Nuncio to the USA, from having been promoted to as the Vatican’s number 3 administrator behind the pope, was severe, to say the least.  In other words, Viganò is not a hack, but a highly respected individual who had been regularly promoted for doing his job well.

In the words of the Curial official I spoke with this afternoon, what Viganò has reported “makes the Borgia popes look like saints.”  The feeling in the Curia right now is that the response of Viganò’s enemies will to try to discredit him personally, both because of the impeccability of Viganò’s character and the impossibility of his having interpreted the facts incorrectly.  Their only hope will be to try to take energy away from the perversion and corruption that he uncovered.  They will likely state that he is a bitter man who is seeking personal aggrandizement after having been exiled from Rome.  When this occurs, don’t buy into it.  Viganò is retired.  He has nothing personally to gain from this.

Friends, my advice to you is to write your bishop and demand that he request a COMPLETE AND FULL INVESTIGATION into the allegations brought forward by Archbishop Viganò.  We are at a watershed moment in the life of the Church.  If we don’t protect her from the wolves that have crawled into her and dwell inside her, we then have only ourselves to blame when more sheep are eaten alive, and the Church loses even more credibility in the eyes of the world. Archbishop Viganò’s report is a call to all the sons and daughters of the Church to personally intervene for her own health and safety.

Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Joseph Strickland (Bishop of Tyler, Texas) have already issued statements today calling for the same.  Add your authority to theirs.  Write your bishop today.  Then write to Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Chair of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and request the same, and copy the letter you sent to your bishop.  Letters to Cardinal DiNardo can mailed to:

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
President of the USCCB
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
1700 San Jacinto St.
Houston, Texas 77002

Then, also write the Apostolic Nuncio and copy everything you sent to the bishops:

His Excellency, Archbishop Christophe Pierre 
Apostolic Nuncio tot the United States
3339 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC  20008-3610