Saturday, April 30, 2016
Speaking to KUAM, about the protest at the airport last Thursday night at the arrival of the communist con man, Giuseppe Gennarini, the architect of the destruction of Fr. Paul and Msgr. James and the principal schemer behind the swindling away of the Yona property, The Juice (aka Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira but called "The Juice" because of his penchant for speaking about sucking girls like oranges), after nearly two decades of abusing the "Chamorro spirit" chooses to lecture Chamorros about the Chamorro spirit:
"It did not represent the Chamorro spirit, and I think that a lot of people will agree with us that even if you have a disagreement no one deserves to be welcomed like they were. Actually, you cannot use the word 'welcome' because that was not a welcome."
Giuseppe Gennarini is an abusive man. He publicly debased and abused Attorney Edward Terlaje, who is now apparently the "former" legal counsel for the Archbishop of Agana, when Attorney Terlaje objected to the construction of the RMS corporation documents which included a loophole permitting the property swindle that we just saw. (Apuron just sat there and let Gennarini tear him up.)
But never mind Gennarini for now. Before us in the person of OJ is one of the most reprehensible human beings ever, and all the more reprehensible because he wears a roman collar (sort of). No one has been more abusive and in your face to the Chamorro people than he has. And now he chooses to lecture those same people about the spirit they are supposed to have.
YOU LOSE, OJ! The demonstrators in those pictures are well known to the majority of the Chamorro population. They know their faces, their families, their neighborhoods, their history, their relations and they KNOW what you DO NOT: that these are not people to go public without a deep-rooted cause that was years in the making.
Your belittling of them, your dismissing them, your ridicule of them, your lecturing now public for all to see, and it will come back on you with a vengeance. YOU LOSE, OJ!
It's coming.
Archdiocese responds to protests, says it was 'extremely saddened' by 'angry mob'
Jasmine Stole, Pacific Daily News 12:42 a.m. ChST April 30, 2016
A week after Catholic Church members held a heated protest at the A.B. Won Pat International Airport, the Archdiocese of Agana’s Chancery Office issued a statement responding to that demonstration and others at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona. Continued
The heart of the Catholic dispute
Posted: Apr 29, 2016 5:31 PM
Updated: Apr 29, 2016 5:31 PM
By Nestor Licanto
The Archdiocese of Agana says it is extremely saddened by this week's protest of arriving leaders of the Neocatechemunal Way. It was the latest chapter in the growing conflict between the archdiocese and a group of disgruntled Catholics. Continued
Silent No More: resident starts movement against child sexual abuse
Posted: Apr 29, 2016 1:48 PM
Updated: Apr 29, 2016 4:08 PM
By Krystal Paco
Starting next year, the Attorney General's Office is expecting a spike in reported cases of child sexual abuse. As we reported on Thursday, the Department of Education recently trained teachers how to age-appropriately address students on good touch verses bad touch. In line with the efforts to keep our children safe, one concerned resident has started a movement he's calling "Silent No More". Continued
Friday, April 29, 2016
Posted by Chuck White
Did you know that Giuseppe Gennarini, the Neocatechumenal Super-Catechist, wrote a book based upon lectures he gave at our very own Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Guam? How exciting! Read more.
Did you know that Giuseppe Gennarini, the Neocatechumenal Super-Catechist, wrote a book based upon lectures he gave at our very own Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Guam? How exciting! Read more.
Prayerful Demonstration Saturday, April 30, at 7:30 PM in front of Cathedral Basilica
Joshua Aglubat has left a new comment on your post "JOSHUA AGLUBAT'S CHANCE TO BE A HERO":
COUNTDOWN to Mr. Rohr going out and protesting himself... starting NOW! lol
Little Joshua is new to this game. Let’s review why these children are so anxious for me to go out and protest. Are you ready?
Apuron’s only defense is what is has always been: that there is no problem in the archdiocese; that the only problem is Tim Rohr who is supposed to have a personal grudge against the archbishop. (Actually he doesn't rise to the level of meriting anything personal from me, grudge or otherwise!)
Of course it is rather ironic that Edivaldo equates a group of old ladies approaching the front door of an archdiocesan building asking to speak to the archbishop to illegal trespassing and interfering with the safety and learning environment of school children, but has nothing to say about a certain neocat priest who entered school property and secretly extracted a child during school hours removing her from the classroom to a remote location to allegedly help her with her homework 'neath the towel-covered windows of his car.
This morning "Archbishop" Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira sent out the following MEDIA RELEASE:
PDF version here.
Here is my own MEDIA RELEASE:
PDF version here.
Here is my own MEDIA RELEASE:
PDN: Ada said the archbishop has been dodging the issue of the seminary’s property ownership for too long. “He needs to come out and address the concerns that have been raised directly,” he said.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Dear Senator Tom Ada,
Thank you for your courage and for letting us know on which side of the line you stand. And you are right, this "HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!"
In fact, it could have ended a couple weeks ago. Had the errant certificates of title for the subject property been corrected as prescribed by law, not only would have the certificates been corrected, but the truth about the ownership of the property would have been settled and there would have been no need to divert scarce public safety resources to protect the Archbishop from retired septuagenarians.
In fact, Senator Ada, had the certificates of title been permitted to be corrected as prescribed by law, and as also originally prescribed both by the Director of Land Management's legal counsel and even the Attorney General herself, the REAL reason the property was secretly deeded to RMS in 2011 by Archbishop Apuron would have come to light. This is why the "trained lawyer" fought so hard to keep it out of court, a task she succeeded in doing with the help of the Attorney General herself. But we'll get to that later.
The bottom line is this. The Director of Land Management did NOT have to submit to the AG's counsel since - and here it is - the AG's "counsel" was ONLY counsel and NOT a ruling. Apparently the AG, who was a former judge, forgot she was no longer a judge and RULED rather than OPINED, causing the Director to respond more like a defendant than a client, which is what he was and is.
The Director was NOT bound by the AG's "opinion." He was completely free to pursue the correction of the errant certificates of title as the law prescribed and as already mentioned, even as AG Barrett-Anderson herself originally prescribed.
As we now know, the Director handed his authority over to his legal counsel to "work something out" with the Archbishop's legal counsel. However, sadly for the director, it is not the legal counsel whose name is on this sham, but the Director's.
I will not presume to guess at the Director's motivations in handing off the correction of the certificates of title over to his counsel, but his doing so brings all that occurred into the orbit of your legislative oversight and we look forward to the inquiry you appear to have committed to have.
In order to assist you I am providing the following review:
Nov 29, 2015 - A copy of a certificate of title for one of the parcels of the subject property is published in the Umatuna, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Agana. Said certificate is missing the entry of an Instrument in the memorials section of the certificate. The Instrument is the Declaration of Deed Restriction recorded at the Department of Land Management by Archbishop Apuron on Nov. 22, 2011.
Dec 15, 2015 - Copies of Certificates of Title for each of the four parcels which make up the subject property are sent from Andrew D. Santos, Deputy Registrar of Titles to Attorney Jacqueline T. Terlaje. The copies of the certificates were amended by Mr. Santos and amended by hand to include the previously missing Instrument, the Declaration of Deed Restriction. The memorial entry for Declaration showed that the effect of the Instrument was "in favor of" Archbishop of Agana, A Corporation Sole, Anthony S. Apuron, Incumbent.
At this point, the Certificates of Title are not just missing a memorial, they are in ERROR, and it is only thanks to Bob Klitzkie that the error became known. Apparently Attorney Jacqueline T. Terlaje, who had copies of the errant certificates in her possession since December 15, either did not know the certificates were in error, or she did know and chose to do nothing about it, which is exactly what she did...NOTHING. At least "nothing" until Mr. Klitzkie brought it to the Director's attention later that month.
Jan 06, 2016 - The Director's legal counsel, Kristan Finney, Asst. AG, writes Borja notifying him that the only way to correct the errant certificate is to "petition the court."
Jan 20, 2016 - The Director writes Klitzkie advising that per the AG's counsel he has "prepared and forwarded a the Office of the Attorney General...for the petition to be filed in the court to correct the certificates."
After the Director's seeming willingness to do the right thing the right way, he suddenly lapsed into a mysterious phase of "it's out of my hands." Mr. Klitzkie decided to get to the bottom of the Director's sudden lapse and at the bottom of "it's out of my hands" he found it in "the hands" of one Attorney Jacqueline T. Terlaje, who in addition to being a "trained lawyer" (her words) as well as the on again off again legal counsel for the Archbishop of Agana, Ms.Terlaje is a neocat heavyweight and the "Responsible" (aka "head honcho") for Apuron's neocat "community" (aka "cabal").
Senator Ada, a quick and easy purview of the law regarding land titles will easily show that there is NO provision in the law for simply canceling an errant certificate of title and issuing a new one. Yet, this is exactly what the Director of Land Management did. It does not matter that this is what his legal counsel "worked out" with Attorney Jacqueline T. Terlaje. It was his duty as the Director of Land Management to see to it that the errant certificates were corrected as prescribed by law. And, as mentioned, this prescription was originally prescribed by both the Director's legal counsel and the AG herself.
Mar 15, 2016 - The Director stamps CANCELED on the incorrect certificates and issues new certificates showing the Declaration of Deed Restriction as "in favor of" Redemptoris Mater Seminary. However, the Director ignores the effect of the Deed Restriction which conveyed title in fee simple to RMS and leaves the Archbishop of Agana as the owner.
The fact that the Director chose to bypass Guam law and permit an alternative deal to be worked out directly with the party most interested in hiding the truth about the true ownership of the property, not only permitted the intent to hide the truth about the property to continue, but more generally draws into question the integrity of land titles, and, most particularly, the issuance and correction of errant certificates of title, all of which places the matter squarely within your legislative oversight.
You are right Senator Ada. This has gone on long enough. And the perpetrators are desperate to keep it going longer. There's a very terrible reason why, Senator Ada, and given your support for a 2011 bill lifting the statute of limitation on past sex crimes, I suspect you know it.
"I decided to come out because I think this thing has gone on long enough and the line in the sand has been drawn very clearly so I decided to come out to make it very clear as to which side of the line I am on."
So what they are really saying when they tell us about how the Neo saved them is that Archbishop Apuron is a FAILUE.
Apparently, according to these Neo-born-agains, Apuron, the very man they are defending, let the Archdiocese of Agana become the dry, sterile, faithless place they all speak of.
Well for once I can agree with the Neos.
OUR VIEW: We all have a duty to report instances of child abuse
You should have a chance to do that real soon, won't you.
Read more.
Actually it was good that the police showed up. They were able to protect the demonstrators from getting run over by the angry priests who tried to race by them. LOL. They were in for a surprise. The police even stopped one who was driving while talking on his cell phone. Wonder if they checked for Rude-ee's booster seat. LOL.
One of the priests must have noticed Senator Tom Ada out there because later one of the seminarians even brought out water. More LOL. Courage.
One of the priests must have noticed Senator Tom Ada out there because later one of the seminarians even brought out water. More LOL. Courage.
Police presence expected at seminary protest
Police plan to check on protesters expected at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona Thursday, after two protests occurred in the past week.
Following a heated protest at the A.B. Won Pat International Airport last Thursday, the Guam Police Department was called to another protest at the seminary Tuesday.
Before we get into this news, I want to recount my conversation with one of the women who was at the demonstration this past Tuesday at RMS.
At about 8am the demonstrators gathered outside the gate of RMS in Yona along the street holding signs protesting the presence of Giuseppe Gennarini, etc. One of the demonstrators suggested that since the Archbishop continues to declare that the seminary property still belongs to the archdiocese that there was no reason they should not be allowed to enter the property. So they did.
As they approached the door of the office at about 8:20am, a woman identified as Helene came out and told them to leave and if that they did not do so she would call the police. The group told her to go ahead and that they had a right to be on the property. The woman continued to threaten them and then called the police.
When the police arrived about 8:35 they advised the group that they had gotten a call from the seminary about the group trespassing on PRIVATE PROPERTY. One of the women present advised the officer that they were Catholics and had a right to be on the property. She further advised the officer that only Archbishop Apuron had the authority to remove them and that if he came out they would listen to him. As the officer approached the door of the office, she advised him that he should ask to speak only to the archbishop since, as the owner, only he had the authority to expel them.
About 15 minutes later, the officer came out of the office and advised the group that they had to leave. The group asked the officer on "whose orders?" And the officer replied "the director, Pius." And then, either the officer or the woman who called the police said "the lawyer told us," meaning the lawyer told Pius and/or Helene to tell the group to get off the property. When one of the women there asked who was the lawyer the answer was "Attorney Terlaje."*
*Today's PDN news story states the following: “The cops went inside and then they came out and told the ladies, ‘The rector and the attorney for the archdiocese said for the ladies to leave,’” Lou Klitzkie said.
While Attorney Ed Terlaje was once the legal counsel for the Archbishop of Agana, the only Terlaje visible and at least pretending to represent the Archbishop recently is the "trained lawyer," Jacqueline T. Terlaje.
Upon learning of this, Bob Klitzkie, a lawyer himself, a real one, decided to write the "trained lawyer" a letter.
At about 8am the demonstrators gathered outside the gate of RMS in Yona along the street holding signs protesting the presence of Giuseppe Gennarini, etc. One of the demonstrators suggested that since the Archbishop continues to declare that the seminary property still belongs to the archdiocese that there was no reason they should not be allowed to enter the property. So they did.
As they approached the door of the office at about 8:20am, a woman identified as Helene came out and told them to leave and if that they did not do so she would call the police. The group told her to go ahead and that they had a right to be on the property. The woman continued to threaten them and then called the police.
When the police arrived about 8:35 they advised the group that they had gotten a call from the seminary about the group trespassing on PRIVATE PROPERTY. One of the women present advised the officer that they were Catholics and had a right to be on the property. She further advised the officer that only Archbishop Apuron had the authority to remove them and that if he came out they would listen to him. As the officer approached the door of the office, she advised him that he should ask to speak only to the archbishop since, as the owner, only he had the authority to expel them.
About 15 minutes later, the officer came out of the office and advised the group that they had to leave. The group asked the officer on "whose orders?" And the officer replied "the director, Pius." And then, either the officer or the woman who called the police said "the lawyer told us," meaning the lawyer told Pius and/or Helene to tell the group to get off the property. When one of the women there asked who was the lawyer the answer was "Attorney Terlaje."*
*Today's PDN news story states the following: “The cops went inside and then they came out and told the ladies, ‘The rector and the attorney for the archdiocese said for the ladies to leave,’” Lou Klitzkie said.
While Attorney Ed Terlaje was once the legal counsel for the Archbishop of Agana, the only Terlaje visible and at least pretending to represent the Archbishop recently is the "trained lawyer," Jacqueline T. Terlaje.
Upon learning of this, Bob Klitzkie, a lawyer himself, a real one, decided to write the "trained lawyer" a letter.
Klitzkie talks about schism over seminary
Posted: Apr 27, 2016 4:49 PMUpdated: Apr 27, 2016 4:49 PM
By Nestor Licanto
An outspoken critic of the archbishop says Tuesday's removal of Catholic protesters from the Redemtoris Mater Seminary in Yona is more proof that the property no longer belongs to the local church. Bob Klitzkie maintains that the facility is now owned by the Neocatachemunal Way, a group he and others are opposed to.
Klitzkie calls it bizarre that the seminary rector Father Pius Sammut asked police to remove a group of fellow Catholics from the seminary grounds. He is calling on Attorney Jackie Terlaje, who he believes represents the archbishop, to explain why. He told KUAM News, "I think we would agree that a Catholic could go anywhere on the property of the archdiocese and if the seminary is the property of the archdiocese then it would seem to follow that those people could go on that property. They have maintained however that it is property of the archdiocese, I maintain that it is not, that its property of the Redemptoris Mater Corporation."
Klitzkie has long argued that Archbishop Anthony Apuron signed away ownership to the Neocathachemunal Way, a group Klitzkie and other local Catholics believe exerts too much influence over the archbishop. Attorney Terlaje, a supporter of the archbishop, has previously shown title documents that she says clearly show the archbishop remains the owner. But Klitzkie questions the validity of Apuron's ownership.
And he also says the eviction shows the seminary's true colors, noting, "It suggests to me that Father Pius thinks that it is not archdiocese property that its property of that corporation and that he can have police remove people, excuse me not people, he can have Catholics removed from that property."
Klitzkie says the group just wanted to meet with the archbishop, and should have been free to visit if it were indeed archdiocesan premises. Now he wants to know why they were told to leave.
Here is Mr. Klitzkie's letter to the "trained lawyer."
Robert Klitzkie, Esq.22 Baki Ct., Yigo, GU 96929(671) 653-6607klitzkie@hotmail.comApril 27, 2016Jackie Terlaje, Esq.Re: Catholics on RMS Seminary and Archdiocesan property and last night’s TV newsLearnĂ©d Counsel:Per last night’s TV news, when several Catholics visited the RMS Seminary the police were called. It was explained to a police officer that the Catholics wished to speak with Archbishop Apuron. According to a report, the police officer conferred with people inside the Seminary then stated that Father Pius had instructed the policeman that the Catholics should be ordered to leave the premises of the Seminary.It is somewhat bizarre that the Rector of the Seminary gives an order for the removal of peaceful Catholics from a location that solicits support from all island Catholics and holds itself out as an institution of higher learning. If you are counsel for the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary, a Non-Profit Corporation, please be so kind as to provide such adopted rules as are extant which prohibit Catholics from visiting Corporation property. If you are not counsel for the Corporation then by-means-of a copy of this letter I make the same request to the Rector, Father Pius Sammut.As an alternative, I make the same request to you as counsel for Archbishop of Agaña, Anthony S. Apuron, Incumbent (Archbishop.) Because of the statements of the Archbishop’s agents, i.e. the Vicar General and the Chancellor, he is estopped to deny that the Seminary is under his control. If you are not the Archbishop’s lawyer then by-means-of a copy hereof I make the same request of him. (Along the same lines, please use your good offices to inform which Archdiocesan properties, if any, are off-limits to local Catholics.}The news reports showed that the Catholics at the Seminary wanted a conversation with the Archbishop. But when they made that request they were ordered off the property. The implication here is that Catholics can only speak to the Archbishop when he is NOT on Church property. Again, please use your good offices to inform as to where and how Catholics can be accommodated by the Archbishop.Absent your prompt response transmitting such rules, might I not be free to assume that the rules requested above simply do not exist? This being the case it would seem that I am free to peaceably visit such Archdiocesan and Seminary premises as I might find agreeable to my comings and goings as a local Catholic.Sincerely,Robert Klitzkiecc: Archbishop Anthony Apuron, Rector Fr. Pius Sammut
The fact is that Pius and the Trained Lawyer were RIGHT in calling the police on the group and have them evicted for TRESPASSING. They were right in doing so because the group was in fact TRESPASSING. They were in fact TRESPASSING because they were on private property which they had no right to be on. And they had no right to be on that property because it is in fact PRIVATE PROPERTY, the PRIVATE PROPERTY of RMS, Inc. Yet, the same "trained lawyer" was in front of the Tumon Bay Rotarly last week lying to all those present that the property does not belong to RMS but still to the archdiocese. LOL, Jackie. Walk into this!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
April 27, 2015
By Louie Gombar [Mr. Gombar is a new reporter for JungleWatch. We are sure you will love his reports. Here's his first]
Its amazing how a beautiful day with skies mottled with soft, cotton-like clouds can suddenly turn into dark, gloomy layers thick enough to blot out the sun. I speak not of the weather but of the vitriolic nature of man when he is forced into a corner of desperation.
By Louie Gombar [Mr. Gombar is a new reporter for JungleWatch. We are sure you will love his reports. Here's his first]
Some of my older LFM friends called and asked me to help out in their protest at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona yesterday. What started out as a benign poster-carrying walk eventually turned into a march toward the compound by some 30 older women who tested the ownership of the building. We are repeatedly told by that Brazilian primatologist, Fr. Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira, that the RMS is owned by the archdiocese of Guam, that we are the stewards of the structure. I call him primatologist because of his knowledge of monkeys. He once made a statement at a youth rally that 98% of monkeys masturbate. I didn’t know that. Did you!
Anyway, the neo bloggers were quick to point out that these older women were brainwashed zombies pointed in the direction of the multi-arched structure. It must be my aged eyes that failed me. I did not see one blood-soaked tee shirt. Incidentally, these “brain-washed” ladies were the ones who called me to join them.
The bloggers also accused us of blocking the road to make passage impossible, a perfect example of anal vocalization. We blissfully held our signs up and waved to the vehicles. One driver, a small black car with a handicap tag viciously swinging from the visor, came screeching in the road and whizzed by us at dangerous, breakneck speed. The ladies yelled “That’s Rudy, that’s Rudy,” whoever Rudy is. If his vehicle accidentally jumped the curb he could’ve easily run us down. Another driver, an older lady known for her demure and blushing nature, insolently stopped her car, rolled down the tinted window, and screamed, “You go home!”
Terrible examples of human nature but I can understand. It is quite common for people to lie and bury themselves in forgeries to bolster the condition of their human frailties. Like I said we are continuously reminded that the RMS is ours. Yet, Tuesday’s march toward the structure proved otherwise. We were confronted by a women who told us we were not invited and later called the police who would’ve arrested us for causing a disturbance on private property. Instead, they politely escorted us off the grounds. Simply put, we could not enter our own domain, we could not go home.
How does one explain the giving away of multi-million dollar asset. One day it is the property of the archdiocese of Guam and the next it is controlled by a Neocatechumenal group. We want to know and the Archbishop must tell us. This is a situation that pleads for disambiguation. So far the archbishop has done nothing more than lead his sheep to the wolves.
Louie Gombar
Joshua Aglubat has given us quite a "testimony" of what the NCW has done for himself and his family. Of course, he prefaced said testimony with a wonderful greeting. While from a Neo like himself we might expect the usual Peace, Joy, He is Risen or something along that line followed by a double smack on both cheeks, instead Joshua chooses to greet us a bit differently:
Joshua AglubatApril 27, 2016 at 10:42 AMWhat the hell is the problem with you people?
Given the wonderful greeting, I am sure you will be warmed up to wanting to read the rest of Joshua's testimony which you can do here.
Meanwhile, I have a little offer for Joshua. He seems so distraught over this "division," so here's his chance to end it.
Joshua, are you listening?
Okay, here you go:
Dear Joshua, let's make this easy. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the Eucharist is a SACRIFICE:
1366 The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross.
Bishop Schneider says that Kiko and his NCW "reject the idea and the teaching of the Eucharist as a true sacrifice."
Our rejection of the NCW has nothing to do with all the goody-goody things that happened to you. Our rejection of the NCW has only to do with the NCW rejection of the central truth of our Faith: that the Celebration of the Eucharist is "a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross.”
This rejection of the central truth of our faith places you outside the Catholic Church and validates Bishop’s Schneider’s claim that you are a member of “Protestant-Jewish heresy with a Catholic decoration.”
You only have to show us that Bishop Schneider is wrong and that Kiko teaches exactly what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches. Here, let me copy it again direct from the Catechism:
1366 The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross.
Now, this should be easy for you, Joshua.
Kiko has his own Catechetical Directory which is a SUMMA of his teachings. You have only to provide here a copy of a direct quote from Kiko's Catechetical Directory which states that Kiko believes and teaches that "The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross."
If that is what Kiko teaches then Bishop Schneider is wrong, we are wrong, and you are right. And we will withdraw all our criticisms and go home.
You can end this, Joshua. You can do it. You can be the Neo-hero. Ready? Okay. One, two, three, GO!
Oh, one more thing. Please don't take as long as the Archbishop to find the document permitting your different reception of the Eucharist, which is now at One Year and 133 Days, or Diana's finding the corporate documents showing that RMS is a corporation sole, which is now at 196 days. And you don't want us to put a counter on you too, would you. I mean, really, I'm running out of room in my sidebar! Hurry now.
3 sex abuse lawsuits filed against Catholic diocese AIN'T GONNA BACK DOWN
April 26, 2016
April 26, 2016
Posted by Chuck White
Here’s some testimony against “the Way” that I compiled from messages that were recently sent to me by a young lady I’ll call “M”. Read more...
Here’s some testimony against “the Way” that I compiled from messages that were recently sent to me by a young lady I’ll call “M”. Read more...
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Bishop Camillo Ballin, MCCJ
Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia
Bishop's House
P.O. Box 25362
Road 4603, House 127, 125 Block 946
AWALI (Bahrain)
Your Excellency,
So, I was right. The Gennarini's and Poshetti, the triumvirate which makes up the Neocatechumenal Responsible Team for the United States was trying to sneak into Guam. Diana says so:
As I said in LOL! BINGO! these three people are only surpassed by Kiko himself in importance to the Neocatechumenal Way in Guam, yet there was no greeting at the airport, no notification to the communities, no announcement in the Umatuna - which never tires of pelting us with neo announcement after neo announcement. For what purpose were they trying to sneak in here? What is their agenda?
Well we know what it is. Apuron's end is near and they are scrambling to salvage their SCAM. More to come on that.
By the way, why are the Archbishop's travel plans a secret? Is he not OUR Archbishop? Is he not the "Father" of us all? Does he not have a duty to his "sons and daughters," like any good father (there's the problem) to advise us of his whereabouts and his travels?
Though he's kind of a Kiko, Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston doesn't hide what he's doing or where he's going. In fact, he keeps a personal blog dedicated to informing his flock as to what he's doing and when, complete with pictures and descriptions. When's the last time you ever saw anything from Apuron in public print that wasn't copied from 365 Days with the Lord?
The Holy Father's schedule is available for all to see. We can know where he is and where he is going at any moment. His entire schedule is mapped out and made available online. But Apuron? Not only is his schedule not known, even many of his priests don't know if he's on island or off-island. Don't know where he's gone or what he's doing or when he's coming back.
Secret. Secret. Secret. Everything about Apuron is as secret as the Deed Restriction he secretly recorded in 2011 then fired the Finance Council to cover it up.
Apuron is not a private person. He is a public person with authority over many people's lives. He has a duty to those lives and to those souls. He doesn't get to galavant about the world unbeknownst to the people and souls he was supposedly consecrated to protect and to lead. We have a right to know where he is and what he is doing. And if he doesn't want us to know, fine. Then get the hell out and give us a real Shepherd, one that doesn't party with the wolves.
From the beginning, the Kikos have been desperate to pin the public disgust with them on me, and maybe by extension, Fr. Paul and Msgr. James. They knew that once Rome saw public disgust on the front page of the news that action against them would soon be forthcoming. They are now so desperate to minimize the exploding public disgust that they are willing to denigrate their elders as simply foolish old people. But any thinking person can see that the denigrating and insulting of the protestors by the Kikos (as displayed above) is far more motivating than anything I could have ever said. If you think you've seen MAD, now you are really going to see it. Thanks, Diana. Thanks to you, I don't have to do anything but watch.
For easier reading:
Jungle Abuses The Elderly
There was a protest by LFM this morning at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. This protest was held by elderly people. The police was called because it was not a peaceful protest. They have gone inside the property of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and even BLOCKED traffic.
The law states that all demonstrations are to be conducted on public property, and that all demonstrations are to be peaceful. There is nothing peaceful about blocking traffic and not allowing people to pass through to get to their destination. LFM has violated the law.
On the other hand, another issue has been raised. These protesters from LFM are elderly folks protesting under the hot sun and rain. If one of them collapses due to weather conditions, the jungle would jump at the chance of blaming the Archbishop. But WHO was the one who brainwashed them to protest in the first place? It was the jungle.
They have targeted the elderly folks and brainwashed them just like Adolf Hitler targeted the impressionable youths (18 and 19 years old) into his army. Where are the younger folks of the jungle who brainwashed the elderly folks? Why are they not out in the hot sun and rain protesting? Why are they sending out the elderly folks? Where is Monsignor James? Where is Father Paul? Where is Deacon Steve Martinez? Where is Tim Rohr? Why are they abusing our elderly by sending them out under the hot sun and rain and in the midst of traffic to protest?
To the Churches in Guam:
The protesters are violating the law when they are on church grounds distributing their pamphlets. Freedom of expression is allowed, but there are certain restrictions. One cannot protest on private grounds without the permission of the owner. The pastor has jurisdiction over his church grounds and has a duty to protect his flock. The reasons the protesters are getting as bold as they are now is simply because they saw that they were able to get away with violating the law. It will only be a matter of time when they enter INSIDE the Church before or during Mass to distribute their pamphlets. This is already being done by fundamentalists Protestants in the United States. who stand against the Catholic Church.
Calling the police on the protesters who blocked traffic this morning at the RM Seminary was the proper thing to do. It was done not only to protect the seminary, but ALSO to protect the elderly protesters who stood in the way of traffic. The jungle, on the other hand, are abusing our elderly by sending them out to protest in such manner where they can be hurt or killed as they block traffic.
The leader of the Neocatechumenal Way in the USA, Guiseppe Gennarini, was confronted by protesters when he arrived in Guam last Thursday.
The protesters were from the Concerned Catholics of Guam (CCOG) and the Laity Forward Movement (LFM).
"If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost." - Jesus (Mt. 18: 12 -14)
"This is just one percent, less than one percent of the catholics on Guam, they do not represent the catholics, the ones who are here, very few, of course, few people make noise but we are not disturbed by it." - Fr. Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira (aka "The Juice"), April 22, 2016, PNC News Center
Note to Cardinal Paul Joseph Cordes (currently giving a seminar on Theology of the Priesthood at RMS): This is the FRUIT of the "seminary" you are at and the "Protestant-Jewish heresy with a Catholic decoration" which you are enabling and promoting. Do you really want the man in the second picture to be emblematic of your legacy? Or would you prefer the first?
Monday, April 25, 2016
The LFM continued their information campaign at the Merizo and Talofofo parishes this weekend. According to one of the LFM members, the Merizo pastor, the Kiko-presbyter, Fr. Julius Akinyemi, told parishioners not to take the flyers being passed out by the LFM. Apparently most of the parishioners ignored him. The pastor also reportedly told LFM members that they had no right to be there. There may be more to report soon.
The LFM also protested this morning in front of RMS as clergy arrived for another session with the Kiko-supporting Cardinal.
BE NOT AFRAID. Join these brave defenders of the faith. Contact: Priscilla at 969-7842, Lou Klitzkie at 653-6605, Mae Ada at 734-7777. Teri Untalan at 727-3577.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Mr. FĂĽlep: While the tradition is persecuted, there are some new modern movements which are highly supported. One of them is the community of Kiko. What is your opinion about the Neocatechumenal Way?[11]
The KAKA filled Dungbat is now labeling Reverend Father Paul as a white collar criminal....NEO Cult and thier unendless web of lies in order to deflect from the real truth...
DianaApril 24, 2016 at 7:29 AM
Dear Anonymous at 3:19 am,
Removing a priest from his Dededo parish is not violence. Consider the priest fortunate that he can still administer the sacraments. Transferring a priest from one parish to another due to financial mismanagement is also not violence. Consider the priest fortunate that the Archdiocese was merciful enough not to have him arrested for white collar crimes.
"Removing a priest from his Dededo parish is not violence." Maybe. But threatening him with an "arduous and painful closure" to his assignment IS. Suggesting to a group of clergy that he was involved in a homosexual relationship IS. Suggesting that he had used church funds to build a private stairway to his room to allow for drunken midnight homosexual trysts IS. Not permitting Fr. Paul due process under canon law IS. Bearing false witness agains thy neighbor IS.
"Consider the priest fortunate that he can still administer the sacraments." He was stripped of his ability to administer the sacraments, and violently so. The only reason he was restored to ministry in this diocese is because we nailed Apuron for doing VIOLENCE to Fr. Paul's rights under canon law.
"Transferring a priest from one parish to another due to financial mismanagement is also not violence." Msgr. James was not "transferred." He was REMOVED. There was no decree of transfer given to Msgr. James on the morning of July 26, 2014. There were only three decrees telling Msgr. James to get the hell out. That is VIOLENCE. He was only "assigned" to Tamuning after all hell broke loose. Denying Msgr. James due process accorded him under canon law is VIOLENCE. Trashing Msgr. James repeatedly in the media is VIOLENCE. Spreading scandal about Msgr. James' family is VIOLENCE.
"Consider the priest fortunate that the Archdiocese was merciful enough not to have him arrested for white collar crimes." LOL. Believe me. If Apuron, David, and Adrian could have done it they would have. But they had nothing. They still do not have anything. In fact, Msgr. James would have welcomed the opportunity to take the stand. But Apuron, David, and Adrian knew they would have to take the stand too. That's why no charges were ever brought.
But Apuron, David, and Adrian will soon have to take the stand. And here's where we need your help. Download this PETITION and get everyone you know to sign it.
It reads:
We, the undersigned, petition the Guam Legislature to pass a bill which will lift the Statutes of Limitation for past child sexual abuse. Victims of child abuse shall be permitted to file claim in the Guam Superior Court should sufficient evidence be presented to prove civil liability against any individual who has committed said crime.
A bill has already been prepared. We are looking for a brave and upright senator to introduce it. Your signature will help. Copies of the petition can be returned to any member of the Laity Forward Movement whose names and numbers appear in the right side bar of this blog. We will have more information soon.
The Gennarini's were not the only visitors to Guam this week.
For the last several days the Kikos have been wetting their pants over the so-called "mistreatment" of their "guest." LOL. At least we showed up.
Think about it. Giuseppe Gennarini is the Chief Catechist and Responsible for the Neocatechumenal Way in the United States. In fact, next to Kiko Arguello, there is no one else more significant to the NCW in Guam.
And he did not arrive alone. He was accompanied by the other two members of the NCW Responsible Team for the U.S., his wife and Fr. Angelo Poshetti.
This means the whole NCW Responsible Team and its Chief Catechist came to visit! And other than Pius the Putrid, the masturbation-fixated-juice-sucking OJ, some other Kiko priest, and a barely post-pubescent presbyter candidate with a few budding whiskers on his face, there was no one of their ilk to greet them.
Where were the communities with their guitars, bongos, tambourines, and Kiko songs? The Kiko's are famous for their taking over of airports upon the arrival of their head honchos. Here's an example.
And they accuse us of "inhospitality"???? LOL. What a slight to these "leaders." They are the mega-kikos of the whole U.S. and the Pacific and all they can rate is Putrid and OJ? Where were the communities? Where were the guitars? Where were the tambourines? Where were the Kikos? And for that matter, where was the Archbishop? Where was David? Where was The Adrian?
What's more, a visit from the whole Responsible Team for the Neocatechumenal Way in the United States should have at least merited a line or two in the Umatuna if not a full front page feature. But NOTHING, not a word. No welcome. No Hafa Adai. No bongos. Only a late night pickup at the airport by Putrid and OJ.
Hmmmmm. Now why would that be? Was it too late for you Kikos to come out? Was it past your bedtime? Where was your "hospitality?" LOL!
Oooohhhh. Wait a minute. I think I got it. No one was supposed to know they were here, right? And why would that be? Could it be because of WHAT they were here to do?
We already know why they are here. We know that as surely as we knew they were coming, as surely as we knew when they were coming, as surely as we knew how they were coming, and as surely as we even knew in what row they were seated. How did we know that? There are spies everywhere. Look at the Flag Counter. Look at the Live Traffic Feed. The whole world is watching. The whole world is paying attention. The Kikos have hurt and destroyed people everywhere. And they are watching and wanting to help those of us who have taken up the fight first hand in Guam. That's how we knew about Luis. That's how we knew about the Gennarini's. And that's how we know about what is going to happen next. This is going to make one helluva movie someday. Courage.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
The incident at the airport this past Thursday night reminded me of another uprising against another bad-mannered invader:
De Mafra mentions that the first incident between Chamorros and Europeans took place when an officer of the Trinidad “for little cause” slapped one of the islanders, who then slapped him back. The officer returned with a blow of his machete, at which the islanders jumped into the water, returned rapidly to their proas and started to throw spears at the ship, hurting some of the Europeans.
Apparently the Chamorros were open to being friendly until the officer of the Trinidad slapped a Chamorro. The only difference is is that Giuseppe Gennarini has been slapping the people of Guam for TWENTY YEARS before they finally slapped back Thursday night.
In one instance, this slapping was very close to real. At a meeting attended by Archbishop Apuron, then-Legal Counsel Ed Terlaje, then-AFC president Richard Untalan, Pius the Putrid, Giuseppe Gennarini and others, Attorney Terlaje and Gennarini got into a heated exchange about the composition of the corporate documents for RMS. Terlaje saw what Gennarini was trying to do - create a loophole for a later take over of the property. And, as it was his job to protect the Archbishop of Agana, Terlaje objected.
Gennarini SHOUTED Terlaje down while the Archbishop of Agana, who Terlaje was protecting, just sat there and let his "friend" and long-serving legal counsel be publicly humiliated and "slapped" by Gennarini.
Richard Untalan was so disturbed by how Gennarini had treated Ed Terlaje that he approached Pius the Putrid after the meeting and recommended to Pius that he ask Gennarini to apologize for the public slap-down of Ed Terlaje. Pius just laughed off Untalan's suggestion and Apuron did nothing.
So to all those hollering "shame" on the Chamorros who stood their ground Thursday night against this latest marauder, "shame" on you!
Over the years, they've staged peaceful protests in front of the cathedral in Hagatna, but last night Frustrated Catholics turned up the volume to ensure their message to the head of the US Neocathemunal Way and the head of the local Catholic church was heard.
If you grew up Catholic in Guam these hymns may sound familiar. That is, until you get to the chorus of discontent. "You're not a Catholic , you're no Catholic, you're not a Catholic," they chanted. "Golddiggers, golddiggers, golddiggers that's why you're on Guam because of our good nature go home. You don't belong on Guam you're a fake priest," also rang out. "We're starting to get mad we'll show you what we are," they also said.
Airport Police were on standby as dozens of Catholics old and young waited to greet the head of the nation's Neocathemunal Way. Joe San Agustin said, "We're basically here to take exception to the fact that Guiseppi Gennarini is coming with his wife and they're supposedly are the head honcho for the New Cathemunal Way which we are awfully opposed."
Gennerri is believed to be one of the new owners of the Redempotris Mater Seminary. Questions of the ownership of the RMS along with the removal of Father Paul Gofigan from the Santa Barbara Church, the removal of Monsignor James as rector of the archdiocese and three years of silence from the archbishop- triggered the tirade at the airport.
"We are tried of it already and if we have to stand up and make sure that the people that are running our church understand that we are serious about our concerns and wants we're willing to do that. I think that Chamorros are very welcoming people but we're also tired of being walked all over and being abused by this archbishop in this diocese," said protester Vangie Lujan.
The pastor of the Chalan Pago church Reverand Edivaldo Da Silva Oliveira however says, the protestors got it all wrong. "This small group of people are against because of I don't know envy power," he said. "They claim the Redempotoris Mater Seminary doesn't belong to Guam but that is not true it does belong to Guam it does belong to the archdiocese. The management has prove now we have to be patient why they do that some out of malice, some out of ignorance but we stand the truth will set us free."
When Gennarini finally arrived he was swarmed and confronted. "We don't want you hear messing up our island we don't need you go home go home," people cried.
So why is Gennerini on Guam? Gerry Taitano said, "Some say the Genneris are here to kind of help and persuade the selection of the new archbishop and its not going to be one our priests its probably going ot be a neo archbishop and we don't want that."
We're told another protest was conducted at the RMS in Yona today where Gennerini and reportedly a cardinal from Germany is on Guam conducting training, KUAM meanwhile also reached out to the archdiocese for a comment, but nothing as of news time.
I know that you are behind the comments aiming at the Capuchins. I know it because I know you hate them. No surprise. You hate anybody who is liked more than you...which means everybody...except maybe Apuron and David.
No worries, I intend to publish them in a post all their own. And you will be sorry you sent them. Really, though, Adrian, you do need an advisor, someone besides the Trained Lawyer. The stuff you give us to beat you with is just too funny.
Be sure to check back soon. Bye.
Oh, and here's a P.S. from your old friend who has the funniest pictures ever:
A battered wife needs to decide that she will not be hit even just one more time. Our Beloved Church needs you to do what is right.
Chase these visitors back home.
Keep the pressure on till the Archbishop finally resigns.
Do what you must to keep Adrian and David from being considered as a replacement.
They've done far too much damage to our island's Church.
A friend's comment opened my eyes. His name is Tim. The Neo's only filled the vacuum which existed. We will need to start looking at this vacuum. Do we understand our faith? Do we love and forgive one and other? Do we teach our children about their faith.? Do we set the example? Do we dress up but not listen every Sunday.?
We need to spend much time reflecting on this. But at the moment, IT IS TIME TO STOP BEING POLITE. Chase these Neo's off our island!
John Charles Ada Toves TYPHOON
Oh, and here's a P.S. from your old friend who has the funniest pictures ever:
A battered wife needs to decide that she will not be hit even just one more time. Our Beloved Church needs you to do what is right.
Chase these visitors back home.
Keep the pressure on till the Archbishop finally resigns.
Do what you must to keep Adrian and David from being considered as a replacement.
They've done far too much damage to our island's Church.
A friend's comment opened my eyes. His name is Tim. The Neo's only filled the vacuum which existed. We will need to start looking at this vacuum. Do we understand our faith? Do we love and forgive one and other? Do we teach our children about their faith.? Do we set the example? Do we dress up but not listen every Sunday.?
We need to spend much time reflecting on this. But at the moment, IT IS TIME TO STOP BEING POLITE. Chase these Neo's off our island!
John Charles Ada Toves TYPHOON
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