A translation by Joe R. San Agustin
of Mr. Ben Meno’s call-in radio talk to show host Jesse Lujan
… God will likely shower down on earth fire from Heaven on account of our Archbishop (Señot Obispo). How is it, Archbishop Apuron, that a priest comes out and tells us in the pages of the Umatuna Si Yuos… What is the reason why there is there a seminary in Maloloj? There is (already) a seminary in Yona! We are barely able to take care of the Yona seminary because of its size… That’s a hotel, you know (Senator Jesse Lujan), and there is not even a hundred seminarians there… and yet we open up another seminary in Maloloj… and they are crying out because of (the failure of) the Appeal ! What? You, Archbishop (and I know you are listening) – you come out and tell the people! Stop lying! Stop lying! Stop sending us Pale (Adrian) Cristobal! Where are you, huh? Why are you hiding? Clearly tell us the truth!
Let your heart be truthful. You get up on the pulpit, and you preach to us about Jesus Christ; about the Lord. Why are you afraid? Why don’t you want to come out, and tell the people the truth of what you did – that you gave away the land in Yona (RMS) – you gave it away, for free! And the Carmelites (Sisters) are crying out. Because the Carmelites are involved (in this issue). [You know about that – right, Senator (Jesse Lujan)]? (JL: Hunngan, hunngan.) The Carmelite (Sisters) are involved! They are praying 24 hours (a day).
You, the bishop – you, who claim to be the bishop… you get up (on the pulpit) every Sunday, and you preach about God. Me – I believe in God, and I will not let go of my religion on account of you, because the Catholic Church is not yours! I shall continue going to Mass, but when I go to Church and I see you there, I turn around and go to another church – because I cannot bear to even look at you, you who are lying to the people!
And all I am asking is that you step down so that there can be peace – because the Catholic Faith is divided on our island. It is divided! There are things that both the old and the young do not understand why our Faith is like this today!
But it should be loud and clear – and we are seeing it – Where is the bishop who is called our archbishop? Why hasn’t he come out, and let him be the one to speak to us those 10 items which were written [in the Umatuna] as problems? Why is he sending out a priest [Fr Adrian] to do his job?
Fr Mike was summoned to the Office (Chancery); Fr Gofigan was removed… There are many wrongdoings; there are many abuses; there is no amity; there is no amity (peace). You, who is the archbishop, ought to come out (to your people), and cleanse your heart, your soul, because you are holding… you are the one given the Staff [sign of leadership]… and why are you lying to your people? Why are you lying to those who are following God?
Thank you. [Manana si Yuos] I hope I had not harmed anyone. Senator, and Kin – I am very grateful to the Calvo family for this radio station, for it is through this station that is poured out both the bitterness, the fragrance, the sweetness, and other sentiments. Thank you. [Adios. Manana si Yu’os. Adios, asta ke.]
"DianaJune 26, 2015 at 7:29 AM
Dear Anonymous at 11:06 pm,
It is our responsibility to be obedient to the Pope. He gave us permission to celebrate the way we celebrate the Eucharist. That permission had always been found in Kiko's 2006 thank you letter to the Pope. kiko thanked the Pope for many things, and one of them was giving them the permission to consume the Body of Christ sitting down. "
So there it is - after all this time referring to some supposed verbal permission granted to the NCW by the pope, we can see that "she" is referring to a period of time immediately after the letter of Cardinal Arinze, and some two years prior to the promulgation of the final Statutes. If anyone needs reminding what those Statutes state, suffice it to say there is no permission for sitting down at the distribution and consumption of the Eucharist. In fact Cardinal Arinze's letter is referenced in the Statutes - but, you guessed it - Kiko's reply is not.