The page is an internet translation from the Italian and in some places it is not translated at all or poorly translated, but you get the story. It's like all the rest who have escaped the Way.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
This is the lectern cover, designed, of course, by Kiko, and the first step, (the camel's nose in the tent) of the conversion of the Agat church to Kiko's Way.
Aside from the terribly strange haircut for a first century Jewish boy, what's with the "deer caught in the headlights" expression on his face? Certainly not very becoming for the Word Made Flesh. Perhaps Kiko is one of those who subscribes to the belief that the young Jesus didn't know he was God. How interesting that this is how Jesus is presented on Neocatechumenal lecterns everywhere.
But beyond that, what's with the just as terribly strange Marian title: "Mary Little One - Earthly Dwelling of the Humble" HUH?
Mary may have been "little" when she said "May it be done unto me according to thy word." But from then on, in the eyes of the Church - the Catholic one - she became great, glorious, the first among the saints, Blessed, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God.
In fact, the idea that Mary is still a "little one" is how non-Catholic Christians see her. They acknowledge her only as an earthly conduit for the birth of Jesus, but that's it. For them, she remains just another human, a sinful creature like the rest of us, a simple woman, a "little one".
Just one of the things you will learn to do in the Neocatechumenal Way. Read more at THE WAY OF DESPAIR:
This website is here to help people who want to be free from the pain and sadness the Neocatechumenal Way brings, without making them give up any of the good things they may have found in their time "walking." It is also here to expose the lies told about and by the Way.
Friday, March 28, 2014
In an interview with the Hawaii Catholic Herald, Hawaiian-born and recently Guam-ordained priest, Fr. Michael Jucutan, a product of our local Neocatechumenal seminary, noted that his favorite philosopher was Rene Girard.
That would explain a lot (and not just about Jucutan). Girard is best known for his interpretation of Christ's death as a murder and not a sacrifice. Much more to come on this.
Anonymous March 27, 2014 at 8:02 PM tells us:
In all honesty, I refuse to have my children confirmed here. Two of them have taken a crash course in Manila and confirmed there. Why did I do this, well we were required to attend a talk about the Way, and I didn't need for my 11th grader to hear about the marital problem of the speakers.
Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 10:10 AM replies:
Well she/he has a choice of fast food way to get your children's confirmation. If you want your children's faith cheap and convenient? So be it.
In all honesty, I refuse to have my children confirmed here. Two of them have taken a crash course in Manila and confirmed there. Why did I do this, well we were required to attend a talk about the Way, and I didn't need for my 11th grader to hear about the marital problem of the speakers.
Anonymous March 28, 2014 at 10:10 AM replies:
Well she/he has a choice of fast food way to get your children's confirmation. If you want your children's faith cheap and convenient? So be it.
Anonymous March 27, 2014 at 2:02 AM appeared to know what he/she was talking about. Even the spelling and grammar was good.
He/she had provided 18 answers to 18 questions by a certain commenter named Oleg. The answers were all correct, straightforward, and where necessary, documented.
He/she had provided 18 answers to 18 questions by a certain commenter named Oleg. The answers were all correct, straightforward, and where necessary, documented.
Anonymous March 27, 2014 at 8:02 PM
In all honesty, I refuse to have my children confirmed here. Two of them have taken a crash course in Manila and confirmed there. Why did I do this, well we were required to attend a talk about the Way, and I didn't need for my 11th grader to hear about the marital problem of the speakers. I guess I was expecting the speakers to focus on what the true meaning of defending the faith was. The final words were, we found the "support group" that helped us and that "support group" is through the NCW. Through the Way, you will truly see the salvation of The Lord.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Absent an explanation from the Chancery as to our question about the Liturgy of the Word, we must assume that the Archbishop has either created a new liturgical event or he has simply misnamed it. All searches for the term reference the Liturgy of the Word as the second part of the celebration of the four part Mass: 1. Introductory Rite, 2. Liturgy of the Word, 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist, 4. Concluding Rite.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Just curious, but what is the "Liturgy of the Word"? Of course I know what it is when it is referred to as part of the Order of the Mass. But in the DECREE ESTABLISHING THE 'BOY'S (sic) CHAPEL' in this past Sunday's U Matuna, there is mentioned, as one of the "sacred celebrations and events permitted in the Boys' Chapel, item (g) "The Liturgy of the Word presided by a priest or deacon."
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
If you are going to address me personally, if you are going to address me by name, then have the decency and integrity to use yours.
As the battle rages over the Neocatechumenal Way, it is necessary again to separate the leadership from the majority of the members. The majority of the members have entered the Neocatechumenal Way with the sincerest of intentions, and it is not them whom we address when we question the beliefs and practices of the Neocatechumenal Way.
They are only doing what they are taught, and if anyone should be criticized, it is the clergy who neglected the normal catechetical formation of adults that should have been happening long before the Neo showed up. In fact, it is because of this lack of formation that the Neo has had such an easy time of it.
But beyond this sad neglect there is the real issue that the Neocatechumenal leadership is advancing a form of the faith that is in flagrant contradiction to the magisterial Church both in doctrine and in practice.
We have demonstrated this multiple times and we will continue to do so. We have also demonstrated that this is not just a local phenomenon. The actions and warnings of bishops around the world, specifically in Japan, the Philippines, and Israel, and also the recent reprimand of Pope Francis to "respect" other cultures and the desires of individuals, is evidence of the conflict posed by the teachings and practice of the leaders Neocatechumenal Way.
A Reyes - AgatMarch 25, 2014 at 9:19 AM
I am an Agat parishioner and live near the chapel. When that chapel was being built we were told that we could only have mass there one Sunday per month. They wanted us join the rest of the parish the rest of the time. Now the NCW uses it every week for their masses. Can we also use it every week for Sunday masses? I would love to if possible.
Then I see in the U Matuna that the Boys Chapel is also being restricted for use. No Sunday masses, no baptisms, no weddings. I am a donor to that chapel and no one mentioned when they were asking for funds about any restrictions. If it is a Catholic chapel why can't it be used as such?
It seems very unfair that the NCW can celebrate anywhere they want every Saturday, including houses, hotels and gymnasiums, but official Catholic chapels cannot be used for these same purposes.
Why is that Archbishop Anthony?
Monday, March 24, 2014
May we see the plans for the "renovations" for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Agat? (Story in the U Matuna 3/23/14). Sorry to be skeptical but whenever a neo-priest "renovates", we have to wonder if it will not be along the lines of a Kiko-catechumenary. Fr. Jason, the previous pastor, may have had some simple plans. But Fr. Jose Alberto Rodriguez is now the pastor and we have seen what he did to Barrigada.
Dear Archbishop Apuron:
In 2012, an audit of the finances of the Archdiocese of Agana was ordered by Rome at the request of then-Apostolic Delegate to Oceania, Archbishop Balvo. The audit was conducted by the firm Deloitte & Touche. It is our understanding that the audit is now complete. If that is not the case, please apprise us of its current status. If it is complete, please publish the report.
In 2012, an audit of the finances of the Archdiocese of Agana was ordered by Rome at the request of then-Apostolic Delegate to Oceania, Archbishop Balvo. The audit was conducted by the firm Deloitte & Touche. It is our understanding that the audit is now complete. If that is not the case, please apprise us of its current status. If it is complete, please publish the report.
The publication of diocesan financial statements and audit reports is now common practice. As an example, here is the recent financial statement and audit report published by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Do you see any reason why our archdiocese cannot do the same? If yes, please tell us why. If not, please publish the report.
(Especially for those who think I'm trying to destroy the Catholic Church on Guam.)
FOIA helped with women's right to know quest
Sunday, March 23, 2014
“I am convinced that the crisis in the Church that we are experiencing today is to a large extent due to the disintegration of the liturgy…” (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Milestones, p. 147).
Anonymous March 23, 2014 at 7:25 AM Parishioners of Santa Barbara were asked to stay seated while the AAA DVD was shown. Although some walked out, the rest of us sat through and listened to the garbling, waiting for Father's final blessing. The Archbishop mentions in this DVD that the money is going to go towards formation of priests. There are people in Dededo who think this means Aaron Quitugua. This is not true! If you are not sure, ask Aaron's family members. According to his mom, the Archbishop has not given Aaron sponsorship. People of Dededo, you are being misled to believe your contribution is going towards Aaron. It's going to the needs of the Neo.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Last night, at a meeting with some friends, I was again reminded of the continued need for context for the current discussion between neos and non-neos. This is not just a clash between opposing views. We are dealing with some serious fundamental issues here. And how and where this conversation originated and developed has much to do with where we are headed. Thus, please review the:
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Note: I received this letter with the question of whether or not it should just be sent to Archbishop Apuron or posted on this blog. Since the letter addresses many of the concerns already posted on this blog, I recommended that it be shared here on behalf of everyone. I also had some questions as to whether the author was using a pseudonym or his real name, so I decided to redact the name of the sender, especially since the letter already speaks for so many. The letter makes several points which will be extracted in a later post so that the inquiries into financial accountability can be enumerated more clearly. Here is the letter (emphases mine):
Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron
Most Reverend Archbishop of Agana
Agana, Guam
Your Excellency:
My family has long supported the Church through our stewardship offerings of time, talent, and treasures. Our family has always supported the church, and my parents were an example of faith in action through their generosity.
Join the Guam Advocates for Life in an island-wide effort to peacefully and prayerfully protest abortion on Guam.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Zoltan says:
Please, do not misconstrue what I am saying. If you do not agree with what the Church and the Catechism teaches, then please, point out which part you have your disagreement with. Thanks.
Dear Zoltan,
As you are quite aware, and as everyone can see, I post your comments verbatim and I link back to the original comment - when I use your comments in a post as I am now - so that readers can verify that I am only posting what you yourself wrote on this blog.
Again, we are learning much from Zoltan about what is taught in the Neocatechumenal Way.
Zoltan March 18, 2014 at 3:51 PM As I said repeatedly, I do not represent anyone beyond myself. Please, do respect what I am saying. Jesus' presence in the Eucharist is a mystery. The most beautiful mystery of our faith. This is the teaching of the Church. This presence is the same, the presence of the Lord Jesus, in the communities and in the Church itself. How could this be a different presence if the Lord is One? (Shema, Israel...)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Let's take a break for a bit on the current conversation and try to save some babies a horrific death and their mothers a lifetime of pain and regret. The Esperansa Project and many supporters have worked for over 5 years to be able to get a simple booklet into the hands of mothers thinking of an abortion, a booklet that would provide information on the life that is within them, their rights, and their alternatives to abortion. In order to get the bill passed we had to offer to pay for the printing of the booklet ourselves since the Legislature (some members) complained that there was no money for this. Send your check NOW to Kamalen Karidat. RIGHT NOW. Lives hang in the balance.
I am often asked about what am I trying to do with this blog? What is my end game? What is my plan? I am told I will "not win" as if I was trying to win something.
While it wasn't my plan to begin with, what has become my "plan" is to simply create a forum, NOT so that those who oppose the Neo can air their gripes, but for Neos to tell us what they are really being taught deep within the bowels of the Neocatechumenal Way: the "catechesis" that is not accessible to us unsalted Judases or even to neo-newbies.
Monday, March 17, 2014
The post on ZOLTAN CONFIRMS THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY IS NOT CATHOLIC has produced over 40 comments, and some of them are as strange as they are instructive. Let’s take a look:
Where does it say were (sic) not Catholic?
It appears that I assume too much. I actually assumed that people would see that treating the General Instruction of the Roman Missal as a book of suggestions would sort of speak for itself. But apparently not. So more explanation is needed.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Thank you, Zoltan. We knew if we waited long enough, we would get the truth. No comment needed. Here you go:
Zoltan March 15, 2014 at 8:56 PM
Chuck, I told this also to Tim: our interpretation of the liturgical books allows us to follow contemplated consumption of the Eucharist, while your interpretation would not allow this. So this is a question of interpretation. We accept that differences in interpretation are possible. You should ask for an official confirmation for your interpretation from Rome. Unless you have this confirmation, we cannot accept it and just follow ours. We ask you to, please, respect our community based Catholic lifestyle.
Okay, I was really hoping that people could connect the dots and I wouldn't have to explain. My opponents are always criticizing me for "having the last word" even though this is my blog and they can have all the last words they want on theirs. Kind of tells you how worried they are about mine and how ineffective their own attempts are.
The amazing liberties taken by the leaders of the Neocatechumenal Way with the liturgy, theology, catechism, etc., are not unique to Guam and certainly did not start with me or JungleWatch. Other Catholic peoples and dioceses have been battling this outrage for decades. Here's a sample story from an Italian group which understands the Neocatechumenal Way far more than me:
An arbitrary and blasphemous use of a Sacred Image
This image seems blasphemous to us or at least it shows that, while the Church of Christ is based on the Holy Trinity, Kiko’s conception of the Trinity is a human construction based on three distinct, not equal, persons. We cannot help highlighting the excess of liberty—which turns into desecration—in Kiko’s defacing the stupendous artwork of RublĂ«v, substituting the three Angels representing the three divine Persons with the images of the three leaders of the NCW, ignoring and erasing even the rest of the wonderful symbolism of RublĂ«v’s painting. (Read more)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Apologies to the faint-hearted, but when someone attacks me from behind their bush of anonymity, I feel licensed to name the perp whatever I want, and this one is an Idiot!
Here's what Anonymous Idiot says:
Tim you posted that you "have spent many hours conversing with the likes of Fr. Neil, Fr. Walsh, Fr. Ivan, Fr. Giovanni, Father Jim"... did you ask them about the practices of the Neocatechumenal. You attended the noon prayer and even had lunch w them - a great opportunity to get answers... or were they not issues then?
Obviously this is not a question. It is an insult. It is a accusation that I am somehow too cowardly to ask serious questions. Well you're going to be sorry that you said this because until now I have been protecting the identity of Fr. Walsh as the priest who said "we have no choice" when it came to choosing between Kiko's orders and the Pope's. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.) Fr. Walsh will tell you exactly what we spoke of, and if he doesn't I'll produce a copy of the written conversations. I didn't want to have to go there, but then you're an idiot.
This blog was meant to be more than just about the problems with the Archdiocese of Agana, and here's an example.
Isabella Stanley was born at 22 weeks at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Diego, California. Read the story here.
Both her and her parents were fortunate that she wasn't born on Guam. At GMH, she would/could have been been declared "non-viable" and left to die:
Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, Nursing Services Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy # 6301-II-C-31.00, Sec. II:
A. Newborn (sic) at the threshold (sic) of viability, with extremely low...gestational ages, especially those with gestational ages of 25 weeks +/-
According to Guam Public Law 32-030, Guam has twice the infant mortality rate of the rest of the United States. Could it be that other places try a little harder to save their children?
In "Diana's" response to me on her comment string, "she" mentions the "letter of a priest with a Ph.D." To her this Ph.D is quite important because apparently "a priest with a Ph.D" is all that is needed to authenticate the liturgical practices of the Way even though they remain at variance with what is permitted.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
This will be sent as a letter to the Archbishop with my signature. As this is not a private matter, it is being posted here so we all can see.
Your Excellency:
As you may know, there has been an argument for several years in this diocese over the whether or not the manner in which Holy Communion is distributed and received in the celebration of the Eucharist in the Neocatechumenal communities is allowed by the Statute as approved in 2008.
On DIANA SAYS NO, "Diana" (not her or his real name) has a comment in her/his comment string which reads:
As an example, Tim Rohr interpreted Kiko's letter to the Pope as "disobedience".....I will not obey. Under this thread which I posted, I showed that there is a difference between disobedience and disagreements, and how Kiko's letter was one of disagreement rather than disobedience. Even Tim Rohr agrees that it's okay to disagree with the Pope as he stated in one of his posts.
Diana, here, provides an extremely valuable insight into why the Neocatechumenal Way has proven to be so divisive, not just here, but around the world: they have a different language. Let's back up to what it was Pope Benedict said and what it was Kiko said. Here is the exchange:
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
As you know, I have invited "Diana" to a personal chat (here and here) so that we might both fulfill Christ's command found in Matthew 18:15-16, which tells us how to deal with problems between people within the church. The command does not depend on the prospects of conciliation or apologies. The command is the command, and because someone in a comment recommended that we actually do this, I proposed that we should. However, Diana's answer is NO. We pick up the conversation here on her blog with Zoltan's comment referencing my invitation to Diana and disparagingly referencing me as "Timmy".
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00120 Vatican City (Europe)
Prot. N. 569/00/L
March 14, 2000
Dear Father:
This Congregation for Divine Worship has received your letter sent by fax in which you ask whether it is in accord with liturgical law to remove the Holy Water from the fonts for the duration of the season of Lent.
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00120 Vatican City (Europe)
Prot. N. 569/00/L
March 14, 2000
Dear Father:
This Congregation for Divine Worship has received your letter sent by fax in which you ask whether it is in accord with liturgical law to remove the Holy Water from the fonts for the duration of the season of Lent.
Dear Diana,
As promised, I will not make any posts about the NCW until 11pm, Thursday, 3/13/14, in order to give you time to respond to my invitation. So consider this a continuation of my invitation.
I see from your comments on your blog that you are thinking of not meeting with me because you do not consider yourself to be a spokesperson for anyone. I understand, and I apologize for terming you so. So then may I ask you to meet with me not as a "spokesperson for anyone", but just for yourself. I am asking because you have had a lot to say about me and my posts on your blog, which is fine. But I am assuming that because you are a Christian that you would prefer to engage me as Jesus instructs. In fact, from my reading of the above scripture, you are required to. I am simply affording you that opportunity with the added bonus that I will listen.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Dear "Diana" (sorry, I must put your name in quotes since I don't know if it's your real name):
Jesus tells us:
“If your brother* sins [against you], go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother." (Mt. 18:15)
Since I continuously get comments saying "Diana says..." it appears that you are the spokesperson for those whom I have "sinned against". Thus, I would like to invite you to a personal meeting, just between you and me, as the scripture says, so you can tell me my fault. I promise I will listen to you without interruption. I also want to hear all you would like to tell me about the Neocatechumenal Way. I promise to only listen and I will not post anything about the content of our meeting on this blog.
Here is my offense:
I have judged certain practices of the Neocatechumenal Way to be in violation of its own Statute and other liturgical and canonical norms. I have based my judgment on actual practices vs what is written in the NCW Statute, the General Instruction for the Roman Missal, Canon Law and Redemptionis Sacramentum, which are clear for all to see.
Their response:
They have judged me: my person, my heart, my soul. (Anonymously of course.)
If nothing else, their comments on this blog have been more instructive about the Neocatechumenal Way than anything we could have ever hoped to learn from Kiko's Catechism. Of course, what we have learned thus far from Kiko's Catechism explains much about their behavior on this blog. But the fact that they continue to hide behind Anonymous, more than anything else, affirms that they have no defense, no answer, and no conviction. Even their prophet, "Diana", continues, even on "her" own blog, to hide behind a pseudonym.
I will continue to use my name and to witness my convictions with my own person. And when you are ready to do the same, let me know. Meanwhile, I am willing to talk face to face to anyone. Email me at
Monday, March 10, 2014
Scrutinizing a Scrutiny: A Critical Look at the NeoCatechumenal Way’s First Baptismal Scrutiny Convivence
Warning: If you were told to stay out of the Jungle, you definitely don't want to go here. Proceed at your own risk.
JUST PAST 200,000
Averaging 2400 page views per day. Most of it is driven by people who hate me. Thank you. Will be turning this activity into cash soon.
I wasn't going to do another post today, but this comment from Mary Lou is a classic. Enjoy! (P.S. Was going to add an image, but, nah. Later.)
Anonymous (March 9, 2014 at 2:19 AM/2:53PM): You claim that you are a “regular Roman Catholic” and then accuse Tim of being “Catholic by Book” who fails “to be Catholic by Heart”. It sounds as though you have been drinking the same brand of Kiko ArgĂĽello Kool Aid (aka “KAKA”) that the rabid NeoCats do. Like the NeoCats who drink the “KAKA” so deeply, it appears as though you view any questions, concerns and frustrations regarding the activities of the Three on the Hill and the NeoCats as “HATE.” You claim to have been “keeping tabs” on every word that Tim posts. Do you also “keep tabs” on the words of NeoCats, like the one who described Tim as the “son of Lucifer”? Or is that acceptable, in your mind?
Let's go back to the beginning.
On July 16, 2013, Archbishop Apuron, without warning, without consulting, and even without just cause (as we later learned):
- demanded the resignation of Fr. Paul Gofigan as pastor of Santa Barbara church,
- threatened him with "a more arduous and painful closure to his assignment" if he did not willingly resign,
- kicked him out of the archdiocese (told him to go find another bishop),
- was locked out of his parish office,
- was replaced (illegally) by a parochial administrator, and
- was forbidden to say Mass.
Shall we repeat that? Good. Got it?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Boston has a current population of 20 seminarians. The Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Guam has current population of 39 seminarians, 29 of which are for Guam. The U Matuna notes that the other 10 are for other dioceses and their education is paid for by those dioceses. That means, we are currently paying for the education of 29 seminarians.
Anonymous March 9, 2014 at 2:53 PM
Did I say,
"she entered the confessional on a wrong note"? it
I did mention,
"could it be that she entered the confessional on a wrong note".
You attach your own interpretation to every thing, which is good, but you tend to jump the gun in doing so. But yes, this is the inefficiency of any blog. Instead of encouraging letters to the nuncio, you should just go ahead and give him a call. Better yet, Call the Pope. It will all be an account of your definition of liturgical abuse. Which is heavily infected by your own desires and iterests, your personal preferences.
I have yet to post the full KOLG episode which began with the Archbishop mocking Rome's instruction to conform the neocatechumenal liturgy to the liturgical books. There is much more to that episode, and now that I have a worldwide audience, it's about time to post it.
I also have not yet recounted the events of the meeting which followed that fated event on KOLG, a meeting, in the Archbishop's presence, at which a cover up was concocted and would explain why the episode was never aired again.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
A friend called tonight. She was distressed. She had gone to confession to a priest at the Cathedral. For her penance, the priest told her to "go to a talk" in the St. Therese Chapel on Monday night.
On Wednesday, March 5, Pacific News Center did a story on Archbishop Apuron's refusal to sponsor Aaron Quitugua to an off-island seminary. Since Aaron did not want to speak to the media, I spoke in his behalf. To get the Archbishop's side, the PNC reporter, Janela Carrera, called the chancery and spoke with Fr. Adrian. Fr. Adrian declined comment and said he wouldn't respond to rumors - though the "rumors" were his own words in an email to Aaron. He later called Janela and told her to look in the U Matuna for the answer to her questions.
Friday, March 7, 2014
In the wake of all the questions about the educational worthiness of the Blessed Diego Institute which is supposed to provide the academic formation for our seminarians, and which we are asked to financially sustain, it might be wise for the Institute to update its list of professors.
While perusing the list, I came across the name of a friend who has not taught at the Institute since 2003. Yet, even after more than a decade since his last class, he is listed as one of the "Visiting Professors." Also, I came across the name of Dan Bradley, who the Institute recently fired because, according to Bradley, he wouldn't give the seminarians a passing grade in Latin if they didn't deserve one.
Just an FYI. Here is why the Neos are not encouraging vocations to your orders, at least not here in Guam. Apparently you are all too old and sick, and training aspiring nuns would give you too much "stress" and will kill you. NOT MAKING IT UP:
Anonymous March 6, 2014 at 7:05 PM
If the sisters were ever asked, they are only going to say yes because they're obedient. You're the one who is going to end up killing them early by giving them stress. The elderly and sick is supposed to be cared for, not be driven with hard work that may cause them stress.
From: Dennis Santo Tomas <>
Date: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 4:30 PM
Subject: Local Teen Denied Sponsorship to Off-Island Seminary, Archdiocese's Reasons Unclear
To: "" <>
Dear K57 News,
If you are going to publish news then present the facts as they are stated in online publications and not just one person's viewpoint or opinion. In your PNC story entitled "Local Teen Denied Sponsorship to Off-Island Seminary", you stated the following:
Thursday, March 6, 2014
One of the reasons we appreciate comments from the opposition is because of how much time they save us. Rather than spend years trying to figure out what these people believe, they are simply handing it to us with their comments. In fact, we are able to learn more than people in the Way themselves since it takes many years to go through all those steps to become a real Christian. (Where is THAT in the Bible?)
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
VIDEO: Local Teen Denied Sponsorship to Off-Island Seminary, Archdiocese's Reasons Unclear
The story mentions both the "we can't afford it" reason the chancery gave Aaron and the "we have the resources" story it gave us. I'd say "we don't know who to believe", but then that would be a (another) lie, wouldn't it?
To read email exchange between Aaron Quitugua and Fr. Cristobal go here.
To read email exchange between Aaron Quitugua and Fr. Cristobal go here.
Our specimen of a neo-seminarian in that last post said something to which I could only respond "HUH?" But now that I'm done choking, let me help out this poor man. Here's what he says:
I am not saying that what the Capuchins had taught us are wrong but you need to realize that their actions in how they handle the parish community is influenced by their formation and it is not the only formation that exists. I always wondered why my parish took so long to rebuild itself(the church building). I realized it was the Capuchin way of life. Money was not made of an issue. The vow of poverty sort of forced the priest to make due with what already existed, even if it meant patching an already termite infested panel with another on top of another.
Look, let me do you a favor. You don't mess with the Caps. You want a revolution? A real one? You want real pitchforks and torches instead of just nasty comments on this blog? Go ahead, mess with the Caps. They were here way before you neons. Maybe you don't recall what happened in 2009. Look it up. Meanwhile, we're looking you up.
A seminarian from RMS writes (see original comment here - my comments in [red]):
You are all making an issue of MONEY. Stop and listen to yourselves. You are blaming the existence of an RMS for the neglect of the Parish Financial debts. The RMS, remains our diocesan seminary. [Okay, you need to stop and listen to yourself. The Archdiocese just published a two page long defense of the existence of your seminary VERSUS the need to establish another one that is for the formation of diocesan priests. If RMS was a diocesan seminary, NOT just a seminary located in our diocese, then there would be no need to establish a second seminary FOR this diocese. Obviously this is an admission by the Archbishop himself that RMS is NOT a diocesan seminary.]
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
In this past Sunday's U Matuna, in the centerfold ad 2014 Archdiocesan Annual Appeal, the question is asked in Section 7:
In the past, seminarians were sent off island for studies and formation, is this still being done today?
Here's the chancery's answer:
Okay, guys, I actually have to get some work done. So won't be approving any comments till tonight. Meanwhile, fire away.
As we have become quite accustomed to, the neo-defenders, driven to carelessness by their mad obsession to "WIN", tell us much more about their agenda than we could ever expose by any investigation. And here's a good one.
See original context for comment here.
To Tony from a lot of really pissed off people of Guam:
$1,000,000 per year to train these 40 or so priests, and only one really belongs to us...Junee Valencia? Some will go back to Samoa, Dallas, or elsewhere. All the Neo, most of whom come from outside our community (Guam, not Neo) will eventually be assigned by Kiko and Giuseppi to Africa/Asia. Wow, $1,000,000/year that could be used for schools, parish outreach, Catholic Social Services, and so much more. It could be used to reduce the parish cash drain so they would not have to charge for funerals and weddings. $1,000,000 per year so Kiko can have us fools on Guam train priests for his charism that insults the Church with lack of respect/obedience. All the while he gets super rich off all the merchandising he has going with communities not allowed to be truely Catholic. That is quite a story, but saddest of all is that it is reality.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Anonymous March 3, 2014 at 7:22 AM
The Archdiocese was indeed audited, and we were told there would be a meeting for all the clergy and office staff, mainly finance and secretaries, to discuss the findings of the audit, and what the parishes would need to do to make sure money is not being diverted. The meeting never happened. In fact, the findings of the audit were never revealed.
P.S. That was really dumb to give so much credibility to JungleWatch in the Umatuna yesterday. Everyone knew the reason for it.
Anonymous March 3, 2014 at 7:22 AM
The Archdiocese was indeed audited, and we were told there would be a meeting for all the clergy and office staff, mainly finance and secretaries, to discuss the findings of the audit, and what the parishes would need to do to make sure money is not being diverted. The meeting never happened. In fact, the findings of the audit were never revealed.
P.S. That was really dumb to give so much credibility to JungleWatch in the Umatuna yesterday. Everyone knew the reason for it.
So on Feb. 8, 2014, an aviso appears in the Umatuna telling us that Fr. Jason Granado, then-pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Agat, is being sent on a one year mission to the Diocese of Chalan Kano, Saipan.
...over 1000 views. Puts us past 180,000. Since I was sleeping, and you (on Guam) probably were too, that means there must be a lot of views coming from other time zones. Hmmmm. But then again, I know the haters don't sleep. They are here. Even now.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
...explaining and justifying the "appeal" is a complete admission that not only is the chancery reading JungleWatch, they believe many others are too. Of course we knew that. We'll be commenting on it soon. Ya'l come back now, hear?
I know it's hard to come in on the middle of some of these conversations, but some of these comment strings are too entrenched in previous conversations to try to relate the whole context each time we copy a comment to a post like this one and offer our own comments to the comment. Follow that?
If you are new or an infrequent visitor to this blog you may have difficulty figuring out what you're looking at. To assist you, we have provided a page which hopefully will provide you some context to the conversation. As we point out, this blog has evolved into an ongoing "conversation". See New or Infrequent Visitor above.
To see context click on the hyperlinked date and time.
Anonymous March 2, 2014 at 8:34 AM
Chuck you can gather million ammo. If it's the work of God you can't simply uproot it. God exist in all these claim. God bless you and your family.
Tim March 2, 2014 at 8:50 AM
You are right. We can't uproot it. God has told us that he will let the weeds grow with the wheat. And then he told us what he will do with the weeds. Feel free to grow.
Anonymous March 2, 2014 at 8:34 AM
Chuck you can gather million ammo. If it's the work of God you can't simply uproot it. God exist in all these claim. God bless you and your family.
Tim March 2, 2014 at 8:50 AM
You are right. We can't uproot it. God has told us that he will let the weeds grow with the wheat. And then he told us what he will do with the weeds. Feel free to grow.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Here is a comment that is quite easy to deconstruct, or destroy. I haven't decided which I will do yet. But I'll save said deconstruction for another post. For now, let us look at what this says - on its own merit - about the Neocatechumenal Way.
One of the first things one would notice upon attending a Neocatechumenal "eucharist" is the dominance of the "eucharistic table" (not an altar), by a Jewish MENORA, a nine-branched candelabrum, sitting front and center where normally a Catholic would expect to see a crucifix.
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