Sunday, November 30, 2014
The Archbishop is bragging about his visit with the pope and about all the wonderful things he told him about how well our local church is doing and the home page hasn't been updated since November 2 and the Agana Cathedral home page is showing July as its most recent calendar of events. July, the month he fired Msgr. James. Still laughing about his bragging about having two seminaries. Apparently he thinks the pope is stupid too. Sorry Archbishop, the "report" got there before you did...and another one is on its way.
It looks like if you're going to go to Mass wherever the Archbishop presides you get to hear about his lawsuit.
Here's a recording of him going on about it at the fiesta Mass for Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, and it was reported that he spoke about today at his 9:30am Mass.
I like the part where he talks about how he bragged to the pope about Guam having two seminaries. You're welcome, Archbishop. If not for me, you would only have one.
More interesting is that he still does not say he is innocent. He just calls the allegation a "horrible calumny". Say you are innocent, Archbishop. Don't give us your resume. Declare the charges false and say you are innocent.
In fact, you will soon have a chance to tell John Toves to his face.
This is an email from John Toves which was sent earlier today to members of the media and Archbishop Apuron:
Mr. Drilon - answer me this: How long would you wait while someone has broken into your house and is stealing all your belongings, and proceeds to harm your wife and children! Would you wait until the authorities arrive? Would you hide in the basement as you hear the screams of your family? Would you wait on the line with the dispatcher while they fumble through questions and you fumble through answers when you know they are being harmed? Would you only surface when the authorities have arrived and it is then safe for you to do so?
I, regrettably, did wait. I followed my Chamorro instincts. My relative's family will deal with this, I thought. I should not meddle in their private affairs. If they need help, they will ask. I did not want them to be embarrassed or my family to be embarrassed.
It took all this time for me to clearly recognize the extent of the damage this "thief" had caused and was being permitted to continue to cause to my relatives, friends, island, and the Church I love so dearly! Others had "dialed #911", but there did not seem to be any response. I had "dialed #911" and did not get any response. I am still waiting for Deacon Larry Claros to contact me regarding my formal complaint sent to "all authorities". In frustration, I did contact two catholic media organizations, and guess what they advised? "Leave it to the proper channels within the church to investigate the matter." I recalled my studies in "Corporate Organizational Models" and confirmed to myself that the church's communication structure and decision-making process are not the most efficient, and realized the "thief" will have absconded never to be caught.
I, Mr. Drilon, have grown on the mainland to act counter to my Chamorro instincts, though I find it very hard at times not to give in to them. As I followed the news of the church on the island, I concluded enough was enough! - And, here I am with you. You ask us like many have asked us to SUFFER IN SILENCE. - WE WILL NOT! You say "leave it to the church". - Mr. Drilon, WE ARE THE CHURCH, CHRIST IS IN US, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS IN US, THE FATHER IS IN US! WE are the Church and WE WILL NOT STAY SILENT!
Many statistics reveal that the majority of crimes against humanity do not find justice. THIS ONE WILL!!!
I apologize to my island for having waited this long and I hope I am forgiven! But I will be right alongside my fellow islanders until "this thief" is brought to justice! You see, Mr. Drilon, we have the mightiest of tools on our side - We Have Our Faith!
Good Day,
John C. Toves
Reuel Drilon chastises us in today's PDN. Here is my response:
Thank you for the Catechism lesson. Now let's get to some facts. You question the timing of Mr. Toves' accusation. 30 years later. Actually Mr. Toves was very clear as to his timing. He decided to come forward after seeing the Archbishop's blatant injustices against two of his friends, Msgr. James and Fr. Paul.
Like everyone else who has similar knowledge, Mr. Toves was okay with letting sleeping dogs lie. However, since you are fond of quoting scripture, let us recall the parable of the unjust servant. While the master was willing to forgive the servant’s debt, the servant was ruthless to those who were indebted to him.
Many people on Guam are aware of Apuron’s many personal peccadillos (to put it lightly), that’s the price of a high office in a small place and a place where people have known you all your life. This is probably why Guamanians are so forgiving and rarely confrontational. And until just recently, most were willing to look the other way, even at what others would consider to be horrible things. However, when Apuron took the path of “no mercy”, he opened the door for people like Mr. Toves, and there will be more.
There is also the matter that the victim was severely emotionally wounded by his being sexually molested as a youth. (Whether or not it was Apuron who molested him remains to be proven, but he was in fact molested. That’s on record at the seminary he attended.) He was so severely wounded that it led to a suicide attempt and according to Mr. Toves, he spent many years in therapy and recovery. Like many victims of emotional abuse, his best response to the horror was to start new in life and let the past go. Those around him, including Mr. Toves, were willing to support him in his decision to do this. Pressing charges against his molester could have caused a relapse. So, those close to him, like Mr. Toves, have chosen, until now, to let the past be the past.
Sadly though, this is what molesters, particularly among the clergy (because of their sacred status) count on, and it is now thoroughly documented that this was the status quo for at least 50 years in the Catholic Church in general, at least in the U.S. (though we are now finding out about other countries.)
So your judging Mr. Toves on his “timing” and sentencing him via a paragraph in the Catechism falls terribly short Mr. Drilon. But let’s go on.
You chastise Mr. Toves for “casting stones in a public forum” and accuse him of taking a detour. How do you know that Mr. Toves did not confront Apuron privately? You don’t, do you? You don’t know because he did confront Apuron privately. But as usual, Apuron did not respond.
You say “take it to the church first”. How do you know this hasn’t been done? You don't, do you? You don't because it has. Relatives of the victim have sent letters to Rome. No response.
Sadly, because of bishops like Apuron, it took the Media to break the pedophile ring in the church in the early part of the last decade, a pedophile ring that had gone unabated for 50 years, damaging thousands and costing people like us billions (since the regular parishioner is the one who pays, not the cleric.)
You conclude with another lecture: “Accusations have been made, individuals and families hurt, the laws of God broken, etc.”. So much concern now. Where was your concern for Fr. Paul when Apuron viciously kicked him to the curb? Where was your concern for Mr. Lastimoza’s family when Apuron made him out to be a dangerous child molester, causing his children to be bullied in school and his wife’s health to fail? Where was your concern when Apuron unjustly strafed Msgr. James in the public media and demeaned him in front of the entire FD student body? Where was your concern when he lied to Aaron Quitugua? Where were you when Apuron lied about getting the consent of the College of Consultors and the Presbyteral Council to fire Msgr. James?
And now some small unknown person comes forward and is willing to take a stand in the name of justice and you rise to preside in judgement on him and wish us a “blessed Advent”. Thanks for the reminder of why I don’t send my children to CCD.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
From someone who knows:
I hope he files a lawsuit because he will then have no choice but to answer under oath everything and all questions in a deposition.
John Toves will have the right to take his deposition and ask him any questions even remotely related to the suit as long as it may lead to relevant facts.
John Toves can:
I can't wait!!!!!!!
I hope he files a lawsuit because he will then have no choice but to answer under oath everything and all questions in a deposition.
John Toves will have the right to take his deposition and ask him any questions even remotely related to the suit as long as it may lead to relevant facts.
John Toves can:
- ask about the history of cover-ups within the Church,
- ask about Fr. Louis,
- ask about any and all sexual allegations file against the Church including all parishes and schools,
- review and have copied all documents under the possession for the Church, review all financial records, both of the Church and AAA's personally,
- review all financial transactions of the RMS,
- review the psychological profile of AAA. VG, Chancellor,
- depose all employees at the Chancery and the RMS who may have knowledge,
- depose Fr. John Wadeson,
- depose Fr. Louis,
- depose Fr. Pius,
- depose Giuseppe and Claudia Genarinni,
- depose past employees of the Chancery,
- depose all sex abuse victims,
I can't wait!!!!!!!
Friday, November 28, 2014
So the Bully of San Ramon is saying he is filing a defamation lawsuit to "defend the Church"? The Church? Defend the Church? What?
You are not the Church, Archbishop Apuron. We are the Church. Defend yourself if you want, but don't hide behind the Church like a coward. But then again, we expect such cowardice from you given what we have seen from you over this last year and a half.
And sue? You?
You, the person who insinuated a homosexual relationship between Fr. Paul and Joseph Lastimoza. You, who accused Fr. Paul of building a stairway to his second floor room to facilitate drunken midnight homosexual trysts when he neither built the stairway or had drunken midnight trysts. You are going to file a defamation suit? (Read it here. Listen to it here.)
You? You the person who drug Joseph Lastimoza and his family into the dirt and falsely made him out to be a child molester and a danger to parishioners when 13 years previously you permitted him to fulfill the condition of his parole in the same parish? You are going to file a defamation suit?
You? You the person who cowardly bad-mouthed me to the Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher? You are going to file a defamation suit? (Here, here, here, and here.)
You? You the person who lied to us for 15 years about the true nature of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, saying it was a seminary for Guam when it really was only a seminary for the Neocatechumenal Way. And YOU are going to file a defamation suit? Do you know how many people could and may sue you to get their money back?
You? You the person who lied to Aaron Quitugua about why you would not sponsor him to attend a "normal" seminary? You are going to file a defamation suit?
You? You are going to file a defamation suit when you thought NOTHING of defaming Msgr. James to the press and in front of the whole FD student body? You are going to file a defamation suit?
You? You who hid Fr. Wadeson's record from us and from the Archdiocese of San Francisco and now hide Wadeson himself? You are going to file a defamation suit? (Here)
Now let's take a look at your response to those allegations:
" is a horrible calumny and I am obliged to defend not my person but the church. On the advice of legal counsel I will not answer any questions. However defending the church compels me to a suit for defamation; any damages that I receive I will not keep for myself, but will be given to the charitable causes of our church."
"I have dedicated my life to spread the Catholic faith through my words and actions. It has been my sincere effort to urge strict respect for the teaching of our Catholic faith by leading the Church through prayer, and by example in my own behavior. I trust that the members of our Guam Catholic family who have observed my actions and leadership for the last thirty years will know in their hearts and spirits that these allegations are false."
Hmmm. Why not just say that you are innocent? Why not just say that the allegations are false? Why say that you "trust" that Guam's Catholics "will know in their hearts and spirits that these allegations are false?" Is it because you can't say they are false? Is it because you can't say you are innocent? Your words, Archbishop, not mine.
By the way, it seems that the person who wrote Wadeson's statement is the same person who wrote yours. He called the allegations against him a "calumny". He said he would sue. He said he'd give the money to charity. And just like you, he did not say he was innocent or that the charges were false. He said there was "no evidence" for them.
And "leading the example"?? Really? How does threatening a man with an "arduous and painful closure" to his assignment if he does not acquiesce to your bullying fit with "leading the Church" by example? Those words are PHYSICALLY THREATENING, and it is only because of the goodness of Fr. Paul that you weren't sued already. (Maybe he'll do it now.)
But you are right about one thing, Archbishop, the Guam Catholic family has indeed "observed (your) actions and (lack of) leadership for the last thirty years", and we do in fact know something in our hearts and spirits. We know that you, the Bully of San Ramon, will lie, calumniate, bully, defame, and slander anyone who doesn't bow down to Your Emperorship.
And now that you are going to sue, all of that will come out when you get deposed. There are so many lawyers here who would love a chance to put you on the stand. You just gave them one. Oh, and thanks once again for showing us what you learn in the Neocatechumenal Way.
What a terribly pathetic coda to an already ended episcopate.
The Archbishop is back on Guam (returned last night). Give him a call. Surely he is expecting you.
It is perhaps time to understand the real enemy. The real enemy is not a bishop who has turned on his people. He is only a casualty. The real enemy is not a manipulative movement and its heretical hero. They are only symptoms.
So while we focus on ridding ourselves of what have become curses, we must seriously look at what we ourselves have done to our church which made it ripe for such an invasion lest we simply put a bandaid on the cancer.
The real enemy of course is the REAL ENEMY, the same Father of Lies which has attacked us from the beginning. And in our day, the Enemy has laid the path to perdition right through the classroom, our classrooms.
In the 1960's I sat in one of those classrooms - in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles where the experiments began. I remember the day, the hour, the class, the teacher, and "the purple book". I documented it all here in a column I wrote for the U Matuna last year.
And while "the experiment" ultimately made me a warrior, "the experiment" otherwise led, I believe, to the death of my brother, the collapse of my parents' marriage, and the destruction of the moral world around me. And beyond that, it led the implosion of the faith, particularly amongst the clergy, which later made so many of them easy prey for people like Kiko Arguello.
I believe we must understand what gave birth to the likes of Kiko Arguello for he is not alone. Throughout the history of our Church, the likes of him have always parasite(d) their way into our Church and sucked it from within. But they have done so because of what we - those of us who fancy ourselves faithful Catholics - have done first.
This article by William Kilpatrick will explain "what we have done first", and in fact, recounts the exact experience which first played out in my 6th grade classroom in 1968.
How the Sensitivity Movement Desensitized Catholics to Evil
Here is my account of it as it appeared in the U Matuna:
I share this knowing that it may anger many on "our side". But if we think that this whole campaign has been only about purging this island of the Neocatechumenal Way and a corrupted bishop and restoring a couple of pastors to their offices so that we can get back to our comfortable little way of worship, then we are ALL WASTING OUR TIME.
There is a bigger Enemy.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Ex-seminarian wants Apuron to step down
- THURSDAY, 27 NOV 2014 03:00AM
JOHN Toves, who recently accused Archbishop Anthony Apuron of molesting his cousin in the 1980s, has called on the archbishop to step down.
In a letter to Apuron, Toves wrote: “Dear Archbishop, I now most respectfully, graciously, humbly and lovingly must beseech you to step down.”
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Guam Catholics, we are not alone:
"You disregard our dignity as responsible Catholics. You rule over us with the caprice of a medieval lord. You abuse your authority and destroy an aspiring parish community! Just because there is not based on the zeitgeist, but in Catholic tradition."
Monday, November 24, 2014 WE SHOULD BELIEVE HIM BECAUSE....?
‘Archbishop did not meet with Pope Francis about accused pedophile’
- WEDNESDAY, 26 NOV 2014 03:00AM
REV. Adrian Cristobal, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Agana, has denied that Archbishop Anthony Apuron met with Pope Francis last Friday at the Vatican about an accused pedophile.
LOL! And we should believe him because...?
Because he told us the truth about Aaron Quitugua? Because he told us the truth about the Museum? Because he told us the truth about Msgr. James? Because he told us the truth about Wadeson? Because he told us the truth about Joseph Lastimoza ("danger to children")? Because he told us the truth about Fr. Paul?
We have documented Cristobal's lies along with the Archbishop's for a year and a half.
Cristobal said:
“The meeting of the pope and archbishop was not regarding the accused pedophile. That is totally inaccurate,”
Really? What interest would an international news agency have in getting it wrong? Are they another "evil blog"? (Adrian's favorite description of this one.)
If you go to the news agency's website for 11-21-14 you will see that the story about Apuron is just one of a list of church-related stories. You will also see that you can go to any date and see a similar list of news stories. There is no commentary. It is just a news service. It has no agenda and like any news service has a vested interest in reporting correctly.
Cristobal is right about one thing. Apuron did not go to Rome to talk about his hiding of an accused pedophile. But that doesn't mean Francis didn't talk to him about it when he got there. Francis would have a particular interest in doing so since he is fresh from having removed a Paraguayan bishop for doing the same thing.
Interesting. Cristobal tells us that he doesn't know the content of the meeting but tells us that he knows what was not the content of the meeting. Ah, we are so used to this from him. Really, chancery, with all that's going on do yourself a favor and make someone else your spokesman.
The MV story says:
Cristobal said Apuron made the appointment to speak with the pope and was granted an audience with him. “The archbishop was very pleased with the meeting,” Adrian said, adding that Pope Francis was supportive and encouraging, and that the meeting was positive.
What a laugh. Had Francis said such encouraging things to the Apuron you can bet that those things would have been not just announced but trumpeted immediately back to Guam. Instead we get: "The archbishop was very pleased with the meeting."
It doesn't matter. We are not waiting for the pope. We are demanding truth and justice from Apuron and Cristobal all by ourselves.
The fact remains that Apuron hid Wadeson's record from us for 14 years and now that Wadeson's record is exposed he is hiding Wadeson himself.
Never forget that it was not WE who accused Wadeson of wrongdoing, but Apuron himself when he stripped Wadeson of his ministry instead of defending him. Oh, and there's also the little fact that Apuron LIED to the Archdiocese of San Francisco. THAT did not go unreported to Rome.
What a mess these people continue to make!
Buck up friends. Enjoy your Thanksgiving knowing they aren't.
Apuron complaint under review
The Archdiocese of Agana has stayed silent on a former high school seminarian and altar boy's molestation allegations against the island's highest Catholic leader.
John C. Toves, 50, has stated in recent letters to the archdiocese that while he was an altar boy for then-Agat parish priest Anthony Apuron, Toves had personal knowledge that Apuron allegedly sexually molested a former co-seminarian.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
TOVES: "I greatly appreciate SNAP for their quick response and clarification. I feel I am doing just what she mentioned, and I am proud to do that for my church! All the knowledge that I have only point to one perpetrator, Archbishop Anthony Apuron. I look forward to confronting him face to face, even camping outside till accomplished. I am not afraid in the least for myself. He is welcome to attempt whatever he desires but it is all published and too late in his exposure that should anything befall me, it will only point to him. I pray for you Archbishop Apuron, I pray you listen to your Lord and your heart, and tender your resignation as you will have no other choice but to be removed by the people and the church. Allow me to meet with you. You cannot deny that you molested my relative. I listened to you sing "All Good Gifts" all my childhood which I sang up until I entered the major seminary. But, you must stop singing that now. Again I appreciate SNAP's support and response. There is a little bit more work to be done, and it will be done! I pray that the church will begin healing."
See the full story at:
I wanted this to be over when we hit 1.5 Million views, which we will do in a few hours. Oh well. Fight on! Thank you for your support especially for the recent donations. Looking forward to announcing something after Thanksgiving. Much to be thankful for despite it all.
Holly-Elisabeth Leon Guerrero · Tamuning, Guam
The accusation against Pell was when he was still a seminarian, not a priest, bishop, or cardinal, as was Apuron. Also, the accusation against Pell was found to be false because Pell encouraged the investigation.
We will know whether or not the accusation against Apuron is true or false, not by a victim coming forward, but by whether or not Apuron does the same.
Cardinal Pell, an Australian Cardinal, formerly Archbishop of Sydney, one of the most respected clergy in the whole world, was also falsely accused of sexual molestation a few years ago. The accusation was found to be false. We need to be extremely careful before we jump to conclusions.
The accusation against Pell was when he was still a seminarian, not a priest, bishop, or cardinal, as was Apuron. Also, the accusation against Pell was found to be false because Pell encouraged the investigation.
We will know whether or not the accusation against Apuron is true or false, not by a victim coming forward, but by whether or not Apuron does the same.
Apuron accused of abuse: Former seminarian lodges complaint with Vatican
A former Guam seminarian has forwarded a written allegation he's made against Archbishop Anthony Apuron to Vatican officials.
John C. Toves, a Guamanian who lives in California, sent a letter to the Archdiocese of Agana on Nov. 21. It notes that a courtesy copy of the letter also was sent to the Vatican.
Joelle Casteix <> | Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 2:33 AM | |
To: Tim Rohr <>, JT <>
Cc: janela@spbguam
| ||
The following is my reply to a comment by the "Adrians" once again attempting to salvage what is left of Apuron:
Monday, November 24, 2014
I originally posted the following as a reply to a comment. I am reposting here with some additional information:
The archdiocese's sex abuse policy makes the archbishop the center of justice. However, in this case, he is the one who stands accused. Thus the policy is of no use.
Justice and neutrality demand that Deacon Claros (the sex abuse response coordinator) refer the matter to the Nuncio. The Nuncio has only to ask the Archbishop if the accusation is true or not. The Archbishop has only to tell the truth, and the Nuncio has only to vouch for the Archbishop. Barring a victim coming forward, this would be the end of it.
Will Deacon Claros refer the matter to the Nuncio is the question.
Meanwhile, on the legal front. The crime, if there was one, has exceeded the statute of limitations, so there is no going to the civil authorities. The bill introduced by Senator Cruz and signed into law which lifted the statute of limitations on sex abuse crimes in 2011 only lifted the statute of limitations for two years. The window closed in 2013.
It is in the best interest of the victim, if there is one...or if there are more than one, for him/her/them to send an account of the alleged molestation to the Nuncio and also copy the Roman congregations listed under the Contact Nuncio tab. Rome would take it from there.
We cannot be sure that Rome will act, but the alleged victims will have done what they could and will have protected their privacy.
This is important.
In crimes of sex abuse (as we have seen with rape), the victim is most often too ashamed or personally wounded to come forward about it. So just to say that "no victim has come forward" and dismiss it all on that count is a gross lack of understanding of the type of crime this is.
In civil society, we spend great amounts of time, money, and energy trying to create a safe environment for rape victims to feel safe enough to talk. We don't just sit back and say "well there is no victim." We do our best to find them and create that supportive environment necessary for them to come forward without fear.
However, it seems that because we are talking about the Archbishop here, everyone is suddenly forgetting all of this and running for cover.
Go ahead.
"...the people of God can forgive their priests, when they are weak; when they slip on a sin ... the people know how to forgive them. But there are two things that the people of God cannot forgive: a priest attached to money and a priest who mistreats people. This they cannot forgive!"
- Pope Francis, on the same day he met with Archbishop Apuron. 11/21/14
Apuron meets with pope over accused pedophile
- MONDAY, 24 NOV 2014 03:00AM
November 22
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John C. Toves
November 21, 2014
Deacon Larry Claros
Sex Abuse Response Coordinator
Archdiocese of Agana, Guam
Dear Deacon Claros:
As the Sex Abuse Response Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Agana and an ordained member of the clergy, I am writing to you to report the sexual misconduct of one Father Anthony Sablan Apuron who is now the Archbishop of Agana. I hereby hold you responsible, on account of your office, to see to the investigation of my allegation as per every detail of the Archdiocese of Agana Policy on Sexual Misconduct as posted on the Archdiocesan website at, and I expect to be regularly updated as to the status of your investigation.
My account of then-Father Apuron’s sexual misconduct is as follows:
I know that my cousin and brother seminarian, XXXX XXXX, had been sexually molested by Father Anthony Apuron sometime in the period between 1980 and 1983. We were both in the minor seminary at Tai, Guam. I did see that FatherApuron would pick XXXX up from the seminary and then bring him back. This happened with some regularity as I had noticed this practice enough for it to stay in my memory.
In 1983, we both went onto the major seminary, St. Joseph's, in Los Altos, California. I had noticed that XXXX had begun distancing himself from me and most of the other seminarians from Guam. The rector there at the time was Father Gerald Coleman who eventually also became the rector or St. Patrick's Seminary.
I left the seminary in 1985, and it was sometime thereafter when XXXX had his breakdown and attempted suicide by cutting his wrists. He was brought to Fr. Coleman. XXXX informed Fr. Coleman that he had been numerously molested by the then rector of the cathedral, Fr. Apuron, who eventually became the archbishop.
There were other seminarians who knew about this as well as a priest, the late Fr. Tony Perez.
I know that another seminarian not at St. Joseph's, Jonathan Diaz, also got word of this. I do not know how, but apparently, news spread down to the St John's Seminary in Camarillo.
I did not reveal my knowledge to anyone as the information had already been circulating here and on the island. I come forward now as I realized that no one else has and I believe the Archbishop must be held accountable for his actions.
John C. Toves
CC: Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ofm. Cap. DD.
CC: Archbishop Martin Krebs, Apostolic Delegate
CC: Marc Ouellet, P.S.S., Cardinal, Prefect for the Congregation of Bishops
CC: Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect for The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
CC: Guam Pacific Daily News
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Note to Pope: Archbishop Apuron will probably tell you that the allegations against Fr. Wadeson were never litigated. It doesn't matter. Archbishop Apuron had a responsibility to the people of Guam at the outset of Fr. Wadeson's incardination to be honest with us about his record if only to tell us that he believed Fr. Wadeson to be innocent. He did not. Rather, he hid Wadeson's record, not just from us, but from the Archdiocese of San Francisco where Wadeson was "sent". And when Wadeson's record was exposed by us, Apuron hid him.
Rome: Le pape François a reçu l'évêque contesté Anthony Sablan Apuron
Mis en cause pour avoir couvert un prêtre accusé de pédophilie
Mgr Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ă©vĂŞque d’Agana, capitale de l’Ă®le amĂ©ricaine de Guam (Image: Diocèse d`Agana)
Rome, 21 novembre 2014 (Apic) Le pape François a reçu, dans la matinĂ©e du 21 novembre 2014, Mgr Anthony Sablan Apuron, Ă©vĂŞque d’Agana, capitale de l’Ă®le amĂ©ricaine de Guam, dans l’OcĂ©an pacifique.
Rome: Pope Francis received the disputed Bishop Anthony Sablan Apuron
Blamed for covering a priest accused of pedophilia
Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Bishop of Agana, the capital of the American island of Guam (Image: Diocese d`Agana)
Rome, 21 November 2014 (APIC) Pope Francis received on the morning of November 21, 2014, Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, Bishop of Agana, the capital of the American island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.
It started in the Jungle here.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
John Toves responds to "SNAP says Archbishop Sex Abuse Allegations Only Rumors", posted at PNC.
November 21, 2014
Chamorros, shall we forever be ashamed to breathe? - Will we always be afraid to say what is on our mind? Will we always be afraid to stand up?
If this issue blows up in my face, I know I will be fine. In fact, I will be so happy to have done what is right in the eyes of our Lord. I will be ecstatic to have courageously served my creator! What else would I have to gain - monetary benefit, no; personal attention, I do not want it (Facebook "friends" number in the twenties, my choice); or, run for public office on the island, never in my life - too painful. I do it because my friends, my island, and my church are in great suffering.
PNC's follow up article was very much expected. They are a business. I have a business/management background. Whoever created the headline I highly commend you on your business acumen. Think of how soap operas are written. Their objective was achieved in optimizing readership for the second airing of this story-line.
However, the single most important phrase is that "no one has come forward". Of course…we have been taught to be fearful! A classic tune had these lyrics: "you've got to be taught/ to be afraid/ of people whose eyes/ are oddly made/ of people whose skin/ is a different shade, …you've got to/ be carefully/ taught. Yes, we have been taught and we cling to that lesson for dear life! What would my family and relatives say? Would it look bad to others? Will they not want to know or be seen with us? Will they not talk to us? - Yes, we have learned well.
I was called a "nut-hugger." I said "fine, I'll be a nut-hugger." I was also called a "maronee" and a "pine hole", I said "I would wear them proudly." I've said this to you before, my Chamorros, - when you see fear, you say to it "FEAR, GET BEHIND ME BECAUSE I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO!"
BASTA! - TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HURT AND WILL BE HURT! YOUR CHURCH WILL BE IRREPARABLY DAMAGED! YOU WILL PASS THIS DAMAGE ONTO YOUR CHILDREN! IS THIS YOUR PARENTING??? We have been dominated by other cultures. DO YOU STILL LIE SUBMISSIVELY??? APURON IS NOT A DEITY! - He is a human who breathes and bleeds blood; and, who lies, hurts others, hurts his church, and seeks personal wealth and stature.
As I said, I don't care if this blows up in my face! I will have a clear conscience and the LOVE of The Lord and Our Lady of Camalin.
Do what you need to do…
Vatican City, 21 November 2014 (VIS) – Today, the Holy Father received in audience:
- Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, president of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith;
- Bishop Enrico Dal Covolo, Magnificent Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University;
- Bishop Anthony Sablan Apuron of Agana, Guam.
Friday, November 21, 2014
We can understand your reluctance to say or do much about the allegation of sexual molestation against Archbishop Apuron since no formal complaint has yet been filed.
Meanwhile, though, we would ask you to look into Archbishop Apuron's record of researching and caring for the persons of this Archdiocese who may have been molested, harmed, or damaged in any way by Fr. Louis Brouillard, a priest still incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana and who was active in ministry here in the 1970's.
According to the report by Diocese of Duluth and published on the website of Jeff Anderson & Associates PA, Fr. Brouillard "has been credibly accused of child sexual abuse." Fr. Brouillard began his ministry in the Diocese of Duluth in 1981. This means he was removed from the then-Diocese of Agana around that time by then-Bishop Flores and apparently sent to the Diocese of Duluth.
While it was then-Bishop Flores who sent Brouillard away, it is Archbishop Apuron who has kept him on the payroll all these years without ever acknowledging or investigating the same possible harm which got Fr. Brouillard stripped of his faculties in Diocese of Duluth four years after he was sent away from Guam.
Fr. Brouillard would now be in his 90's and is better left alone. However, given the report from the Diocese of Duluth naming Fr. Louis Brouillard as a "Priest of the Diocese of Agana, Guam", Archbishop Apuron has a duty to the people of the Archdiocese of Agana to inform us of any allegations against Fr. Brouillard that may have been reported since he was first incardinated in this Archdiocese, and also a duty, now that Fr. Brouillard's record is known, to reach out to any victims who may have suffered at his hands.
We have a right to know what Archbishop Apuron knew about Fr. Brouillard, when he knew it, and what has been done about it. It is not enough for the Archbishop to just sit back in his office and wait for victims of abuse to show up and make a report. Knowing that there was an abuser among us, it is the duty of the Archbishop to seek out those who may have been damaged.
So, Media. We little people have no voice. We depend as much on the Media in confronting the stifling authority of the local church as much as we do our elected leaders. And before you in the Media claim it's not your business but church business, remember it was the secular Media in the states that finally broke open the 50 years of silence about clergy sex abuse and forced those complicit bishops to own up, and in some cases, pay up.
We hope you will help us do the same here.
As we know, John Toves, a former resident of Agat who served then-Father Apuron as an altar boy in the late 70's and a former seminarian at the minor seminary in Tai in the early 80's, has alleged that Archbishop Apuron (before he was made bishop) sexually molested a person whom Mr. Toves refers to as "a relative of mine" while both he (Toves) and his "relative" were at the seminary in Tai.
So what now?
As Archbishop Apuron has himself demonstrated in his recent removal of Fr. John Wadeson from priestly ministry, the seriousness of the charge is all that is needed to remove a cleric under the Archbishop's own zero-tolerance policy.
The only grounds Archbishop Apuron had for the removal of Wadeson was a forty year old allegation: Wadeson was alleged to have sexually molested two minors while serving at a school in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the 1970's.
Fr. Wadeson is on record stating that no formal charges were ever brought forward, only an allegation. But Archbishop Apuron DID NOT NEED formal charges in order to remove Wadeson. By his own actions against Wadeson, Apuron demonstrated that all that was needed was the allegation, even if it was more than forty years old.
There is now a similar allegation against Archbishop Apuron. Whether it is true or not remains to be proven. However, again, as per the Archbishop's implementation of his own policy in his actions against Wadeson, no proof or truth or formal charges are needed for the removal of a cleric, including himself.
Thus, Archbishop Apuron, by virtue of his own policy and his own example of its implementation, MUST REMOVE HIMSELF and permit an independent investigation to move forward. (A temporary diocesan administrator will be appointed by Rome during this process.)
Whether he will do this or not IS the matter the MEDIA needs to examine. To not do this is to invite question of Apuron's influence into their news organizations. He has been known to bully them before.
Meanwhile, we will keep watch.
Here is a link to a google search of several stories about the Wadeson incident. Other stories can be referenced on this blog under the label "Fr. John Wadeson".
Here is a P.S.
Personally, I have always believed that the zero-tolerance approach to clergy sex abuse by the entire USCCB, and adapted for our own diocese, is stupid. Zero-tolerance makes someone guilty from the moment an allegation is made. It is extremely unjust and many good priests have been severely damaged by it.
Zero-tolerance was a reactionary move by the U.S. bishops to cover their own behinds. For decades, many of them stood by or slammed the door in the faces of concerned lay people (as happened to my father), when they came to complain. Once they could no longer hide what was happening, they reacted with a zero-tolerance policy that was meant to show how serious they were about addressing the problem.
But for the most part, it was a ruse, an attempt to get the glaring light of truth to shine some place else, an attempt to exonerate themselves and blame it on a few priests who they could throw to the wolves, priests who probably desperately needed help from their bishops to begin with. In the end, as we have seen, many priests have gone to jail, BUT NOT ONE BISHOP.
Archbishop Apuron may or may not have something to hide. If he does have something to hide, then adapting the zero-tolerance policy would have been a way to throw the dogs off the scent.
I have almost 1000 unpublished comments alleging much the same as John Toves. However, as per my policy, if you're going to name someone then you must also name yourself. John was the first person to name himself. However, John did not make the allegation against Apuron here. He made it first on KUAM. We linked to the interview but did not join in the allegation. John's allegation then appeared on PNC.
For our part, we are not banking on proving these allegations. That will be up to Mr. Toves. Well before these allegations of sexual molestation came to light, we had tons of evidence of Archbishop Apuron's consistent willingness to lie, to divide, to slander, and to wage war on Catholicism as we know it.
Our campaign to continue to expose all of this and more continues.
by Janela Carrera
Allegations of sexual molestation against Archbishop Apuron that allegedly occurred over 30 years ago have surfaced.
Guam - A new scandal may be hitting the Catholic Church as allegations of sexual molestation have surfaced against the Archbishop himself, Anthony Apuron. PNC obtained a letter sent to the Archbishop last month and we also spoke with the person who wrote it.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Can't say for sure, but got a heads up that there may be something on PNC news tonight. John's been busy it seems.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
- Catholics UnitedNovember 19, 2014 at 8:21 AMI posted this on the other blog in case it doesn't get approved:
9:53PM. Good points It is a false premise that Kiko is some kind of prophet. Correct he is not. He is a European based "Evangelizer" just like Jim Bakker was to the United States.
The Prophet's in the OT and those in the Early NT had but one job, to announce the coming of Jesus the Christ Lord. He has since died for our sins and foretold that He will come again. No other prophets are needed. And since then no other man in the history of the Catholic Church has had the audacity to have the label marked onto himself as one.
St Padre Pio was right, they are false prophets...
Kiko and the NCW fashions everything in it's founders' image and version of theology, history, aesthetics, everything with the expertly veiled premise that it is all for Christ. Please give me a break.
It is all a machine for Kiko, even his closing lines are selfish, "pray for me". whereas any other humble religious person would bestow their blessings.
The NCW would have you think that to know your Catholic Faith that you would have to follow their steps so you can bear your personal crosses and defeat them so as to feel you have reached some kind of Heaven on earth. This is a nice mechanism to have you give annually to their organization, the tithe. Though not as rigidly administered on Guam, it is in other countries.
Souls follow the NCW hoping in that it will change their lives with the automaton of all the things the NCW would have you do and in most cases it doesn't work. On Guam NCW gambling addicts fall back to gambling, unwed couples still have babies despite all the scrutinies and words and Eucharists that they attend to.
To be a witness, all you need to do is love each other as Christ instructed. you do not need to shout your confessions in front of a trash can with the bishop watching you.
Please open your eyes, if you do not see that the NCW is fashioning itself as another Vatican with its organizational chart of responsibles, bishops, buildings, conferences, then really this is more than just an "Itinerary of Faith" as the minimally try to project. Other people in the NCW have left as the internet has exposed more and more of the goings on. The enemy of their secrecy society and the corner stone to knock it down is this platform right here.
Locally speaking, i am saddened that Archbishop "outsourced" the "saving of souls" wherein he always had the absolute power to direct his clergymen to start outreach programs, walk the streets, stand at the rear of churches and hand out pamphlets. He always had the means but sadly with some gifts, it was forsaken.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
8:48am. John Toves interview being replayed now. Here is the link to the full interview
KUAM, Jesse Lujan, The Buzz, 11/17/14
Here is the link to the full policy.
4:53pm. Was advised to watch KUAM news tonight.
Now, would be a good time to read/reread the Archdiocesan Sex Abuse Policy. Here is the cover letter:
Here is the link to the full policy.
Monday, November 17, 2014
As some of you heard, John Toves went "public" today on Jesse Lujan's show on KUAM. Of course, what John went "public" about is already very public in a different way. For years the accusations have been rumored. But since no one was willing to "talk", there wasn't much that could be done about it. John is willing to talk. And he has. What's next? I don't know. That particular "battlefront" belongs to John.
We have been told "ad nauseum" how these neo-presbyters and their seminary is a "gift for Guam". Some of us aren't so excited about "this gift". Here is John Toves' view of this "gift". You may think it's disrespectful. Well then you must have missed the DISRESPECT in the cathedral at the end of the ordination. This would have fit right in.
Catholic relics at risk: Former volunteers worry about artifacts in closed museum
Relics of saints and centuries-old baptismal records from the early days of Christianity on Guam are among historical pieces that have begun to deteriorate before a museum that houses them could open, concerned island residents said recently.
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However, in fact we did know that Apuron was going to see the Pope. His plan is to try and get the pope to come to Guam when he comes to the Philippines in January. He believes that if he can get the pope to come here he can beat us.
How sad that this little man, so prepossessed of himself, has to chase the pope down, first in a Korean parking lot and now in Rome, for nothing else other than to save his skin. What a pathetic little picture.
And as for our saying he was "summoned", we have been careful not to say that. We already knew he was going to Rome with his little boys on his victory tour. We already knew he was going to try to see the pope to get him to come to Guam. So no surprise. However, I think it was Apuron who was surprised which is WHY ADRIAN WOULD NOT TELL US THE CONTENT OF THE MEETING.
Our constant stream of letters to the Nuncio have been finding their way to Rome for quite a while. Plus there was the issue of Apuron LYING to the Archbishop of San Francisco about Wadeson. Francis probably figured "well Apuron, as long as you're in town..."
The meetings with Mueller and Covolo on the same day, if not at the same time, is not coincidental. However, as mentioned many times before. WE ARE NOT WAITING FOR ROME TO ACT. Apuron has lost ever last vestige of credibility and integrity. He has forever doomed himself to the memory of a corrupt, narcissistic cleric of the worst order. He will go away one day. The church has survived the likes of him before. And yes, we pray for his soul, which is why we also pray that he is soon relieved of his selfish ministry so that he may yet have a chance to save it.