Wednesday, December 31, 2014
I received a call this morning at 9:00am from the Chancery advising me that there were no appointment slots available to meet with the Apostolic Visitators. Of course, I was pretty sure I wouldn't get one anyway. Let me know though if you get one. (P.S. There's more to this.)
7:48pm UPDATE: Been doing some checking. Only ONE non-neo priest has an appointment with the visitors. Archbishop, do you really think the visitors are as stupid as Pius and your ding dongs on the hill? The schedule you set up for them will verify EVERYTHING that they are coming to investigate. Amazing. You've made our job easy. Thanks.
Not even Fr. Mike Crisostomo, president of the clergy association, was able to get an appointment.
UPDATE: Fr. "suck you like orange juice" has a whole half hour. Good. The more time they have with Edivaldo the better. No better example of what we have been saying about the RMS product on JungleWatch for over a year. Heck, with all these neo-freaks meeting with the visitors, we might as well just sit back and party. I don't think we could have made our point any better.
- Personality Centric: a pastor whose charming, charismatic, intense, persuasive and intelligent personality holds unquestioned sway over his/her congregation. He/she is treated like a celebrity. Not held accountable. Not held to same standard of morality as the rest of the congregation.”
- Operates Independently: without oversight
- Engulfment: members only
- Busyness: a focus on activities
- Stalking: keeping tabs on members
- Coded Language: members-only jargon
- Unrealistic Promises: unhealthy focus on wealth and blessings
- Courting Rituals: dating by approval only
- Shunning: not accepting those who leave or are outside the church
- “The Ends Justify the Mean”: “purity of doctrine” over love
Prepared by Tim Rohr for the Apostolic Visitors:
Most Reverend Archbishop Savio HON Tai-Fai
Your Excellency Archbishop Martin Krebs
Reverend Father Nowak
Most Reverend Archbishop Savio HON Tai-Fai
Your Excellency Archbishop Martin Krebs
Reverend Father Nowak
December 28, 2014, Hagatna, Guam
Recently, Archbishop Apuron returned from a photo-op with Pope Francis, boasting about how pleased the Holy Father was that Guam had two seminaries.
Dear honored visitors, this has to be the lowest any prelate has ever sunk: lying directly to the Holy Father’s face and then bragging about it.
Posted at the request of John Toves with my edits. There is no new information. Mr. Toves continues his attempt to confront AAA on what he believes was the sexual molestation of his relative.
| ||||
Hello Archbishop!
I hope this finds you in excellent health and spirits!
I guess you changed your cell phone number, so I am disappointed not being able to hear your wonderful voice. "All good gifts around me. Are sent from heaven above. So thank the Lord, Oh thank the Lord, for all his love." You sang that so beautifully then when I was thirteen years old!
Did you really accompany my relative from Guam on his way to St. Joseph's Seminary? That was very nice of you, as I know you both XXXX in the cathedral rectory.
Ok, I didn't have the opportunity to ask you one more question about Chalan Pago, Father XXXXX, and the altar boys. I think we got disconnected, or you hung up, or something. I know you spent time with Father XXXX and time with the altar boys in XXXXX. But, did you really allow them to dip into the church donation baskets to "take whatever they wanted"? I don't think that is right. Would you be so kind as to clarify that for me? I will be seeing you at mass and maybe you can tell me then.
I would also like to ask how you intend to get out of all this mess? Maybe you can send me your new cell phone number so we can talk again. Hopefully there won't be a signal problem. "Can you hear me now...Can you hear me now?"
A most excellent holiday to you and I'll be seeing you! 

John Charles Toves
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
...for the Spaniards' junket?
CCOG needs to ask AAA outright who is paying for all of this. Given all the crying about the dire financial situation of the Archdiocese, the excessive pressure on parishes to pony up with more money, even being told to borrow the money if they can't meet AAA's quota, and his blaming everything on Msgr. James, AAA needs to come clean about who is paying for this big show.
By the way, all the media stories are referring to Senor Casquete as a "descendant" of the Jesuit Spanish priest, Father Manuel de Solórzano, whose skull he is dragging about the planet. (Did he get permission to transport a human body part on his flight here?) But as Chuck White notes below: How does a priest have descendants? Ahem. Maybe its a translation problem?
By the way, all the media stories are referring to Senor Casquete as a "descendant" of the Jesuit Spanish priest, Father Manuel de Solórzano, whose skull he is dragging about the planet. (Did he get permission to transport a human body part on his flight here?) But as Chuck White notes below: How does a priest have descendants? Ahem. Maybe its a translation problem?
The Concerned Catholics of Guam are asking for a show of support, support they will present to the Apostolic Visitors in a few days. Both a hard copy of the petition and the online petition are available on the CCOG website here, or simply use the petition widget in the right side bar of this blog.
Here's my comment on today's PDN story "Descendant brings Spanish Jesuit's skull back to Guam".

Tim Rohr · Top Commenter · Hagatna
Something doesn't smell right about this story. 330 years later, this Casquete guy shows up on Guam to tell us that he doesn't hate the Chamorros for killing his ancestor? WTH? That he is here in the "spirit of reconciliation" the same time Apuron is mouthing the same word as he prepares for a serious Roman colonoscopy of his reign of terror? And what's with the sudden interest in the Catholic history on Guam after Apuron just trashed a whole museum devoted to it? Here's a hint. And his last name is Atienza.
And what's with the restriction on photos? Just google "incorruptible saints" and see how the church gladly and proudly photographs these "remains". This chancery is a laughing stock.
And what's with the restriction on photos? Just google "incorruptible saints" and see how the church gladly and proudly photographs these "remains". This chancery is a laughing stock.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Read Chuck White's post and listen to Pius.
Spoken like a man who does not know what it means to pay a mortgage, to face hungry children, to belong to something greater than his stupid little self-worshiping cult.
But it is also spoken like a man who is seeing his kingdom crack, who has been "discovered", to have been tried and found wanting.
Here we see the fearsome fake wizard with the curtain pulled back: a sad, pathetic, and meaningless little man who has lived a lie his whole life and only has been only kept alive in his latter years by his sycophant relationship to Apuron, and his siphoning and sucking out the life of the good people of this island.
Submitted by Tim Rohr
July 16, 2013. Fr. Paul Gofigan is called to a meeting with Archbishop Anthony Apuron and Msgr. David C. Quitugua, the Vicar General. At the meeting he is read a letter 1 :
- accusing him of disobeying an order from the Vicar General to terminate an employee two years previously
- accusing him of causing “grave harm to the parish…especially the youth” and creating “a lasting and potential threat to the safety and well-being” of his parishioners and staff
- demanding his immediate resignation as pastor of Santa Barbara parish or face a more “arduous and painful closure to your assignment”
- telling him to go “look for a benevolent bishop willing to accept you.”
According to Fr. Gofigan, upon returning to his office, Fr. Gofigan finds himself locked out of his office - the archbishop having ordered the locks changed while he was at the meeting with the archbishop.
Petition seeks Church transparency, sex abuse policy change
- MONDAY, 29 DEC 2014 03:00AM
- THE recently organized Concerned Catholics of Guam group plans to circulate a petition to collect names and signatures of people who support the organization’s mission and objectives. The group aims to collect 2,000 signatures by Jan. 3, 2015, one day before three high-level Church leaders from the Vatican are expected to visit Guam.
- THE recently organized Concerned Catholics of Guam group plans to circulate a petition to collect names and signatures of people who support the organization’s mission and objectives. The group aims to collect 2,000 signatures by Jan. 3, 2015, one day before three high-level Church leaders from the Vatican are expected to visit Guam.
Dear Honored Visitors:
You probably know this already, but Fr. Pius Sammut, O.C.D., a priest NOT incardinated in this diocese, and the cause of most of our problems, is manipulating your schedule of meetings during your visit.
Be it known that Archbishop Apuron hardly goes to the bathroom without Pius' scrutiny and permission so you can imagine why we are horrified that he is manipulating your crucial schedule of meetings.
Please, for the sake of our long-suffering diocese, take control of your own schedule and spend as much time with people as you think you need to spend with them, NOT what Pius thinks you need.
And while you're at it, investigate him first and find out why a Carmelite friar from Malta is wandering our part of the world unsupervised and parasite-ing on to our diocese.
Tim Rohr and thousands of others.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Dear Apostolic Visitors,
Here is the product of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary:
Hi, Tim!
Merry Christmas to you and yours. I'm still praying the new year will bring about the change the Guam Church is desperately needing.
As tradition goes with my family, we attended mass today at San Vicente on the feast of the Holy Family as we do every year, though each of my family hail from other villages/parishes.
It was the first time I witnessed a mass presided by the newly ordained Harold.
In referring to my list of "crimes" (found here), Anonymous says:
AnonymousDecember 27, 2014 at 11:21 PMNumber 8 and 9 are real biggies. AAA transferred or attempted to transfer a multi-million dollar asset of the archdiocese to a third party. I am confounded as to how that alone is not sufficient grounds for his removal. The icing on the cake is that AAA outright lied when his misdeed was exposed. He tried to assert that because he was corporate sole of the grantor and on the board of the grantee that no transfer resulted from the assignment. Um, sorry AAA, that's not how the law works and you know that damn well yourself.
Items 8 and 9 on the "list of crimes" refers to Archbishop Apuron's attempt to give away the Old Accion Hotel property (Yona Property) to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary (RMS), its current occupant. Anonymous is correct in calling this a "biggie". The property could be conservatively valued at 75 Million Dollars, and given all the crying the Archbishop has been doing lately about the so-called financial mismanagement of Msgr. James, the giving away of a 75 Million Dollar asset would be not only the grossest mismanagement of all, it could be both canonically and civilly illegal.
The question is:
A PDF "white paper" is available here.
Let's review the facts:
Sometime in 2011, Archbishop Apuron appears to have been approached by the Neocrats (the leaders of the NCW) about signing over the title to the Yona Property to RMS.
The controversy in the Archdiocese of Agana over the manner in which Holy Communion is distributed in the eucharistic celebrations of the Neocatechumenal Way
The controversy in the Archdiocese of Agana over the manner in which Holy Communion is distributed in the eucharistic celebrations of the Neocatechumenal Way (NCW) is no small matter. This is primarily due to Archbishop Apuron’s public response to a 2005 directive from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments (CDW).
In December of 2005, in the midst of the “ad experimentum” period granted to the Neocatechumenal Way, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect for the CDW, issued a letter 1 to the leaders of the Neocatechumenal Way beginning with the address: “The Holy Father wishes you to know…”
Thursday, December 25, 2014
A signed and stamped pdf copy can be accessed here.
December 17, 2014
Dear Archbishop Apuron,
These are undoubtedly trying times for the Catholic Church here in our island. I am writing to you because I continue to be saddened by the problems facing our beloved Church in Guam. It is undeniable that our Archdiocese is clearly divided, and that many of our people are angry, distraught, and confused by all the discord within our Church and among our leaders. The people of the Archdiocese – and even the many in our island community who are not Catholic but who are nonetheless concerned for our island – are all looking to you to provide resolution, healing, and closure. Unfortunately, rather than bringing about resolution, healing, and closure, it is clear that information released by the Chancery has only served to further inflame the situation rather than quell it.
With that said, I pray that you take what I am about to say positively, for my sole intention is to offer my thoughts in an effort to foster understanding, reconciliation, and ultimately the restoration of peace and unity within our fractured Church. I understand that there are numerous issues that need to be addressed, but I wanted to specifically focus on the one area that I believe can be immediately improved: the area of finances.
Dear Tim and Family,
Greetings to you and your family during this festive time of anticipating the Lord's coming in our midst. May He give you peace, and reward you generously for the brave endeavors you have undertaken in service of the Holy Mother Church. I would like to have this on jungle watch when you are able to have time. Thank you, once again.
Luke 4:18 ff. "The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me and sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to give liberty to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to bring freedom to the oppressed, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord."
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Pope Francis blasts bishop bureaucrats. Something tells me his recent visit with AAA left him in a bad mood.
Clearly the Pope is saying bishops are not above criticism. If kikocrats (the Dianas) et al say, "But it is the Pope alone who can criticize subordinates," then we say, "And we join him, then."
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Pope Francis launched a blistering attack on the Vatican bureaucracy Monday, outlining a "catalog of illnesses" plaguing the church's central administration, including "spiritual Alzheimer's" and gossipy cliques.
By the way, as expected, I've received some heat for keeping up the fight through the Christmas season. Well, then I am in good company as this was the Pope's personal Christmas message to his bishops. Christ came into the world to engage and confound the Herods. I'd say we are right in there with the spirit of the season..the real spirit of the season. Merry Christmas.
And in the "spirit of the season" be sure to check back tomorrow for a nice big Christmas gift.
“We sincerely believe this (visit) is in response to some of the complaints and concerns and questions that have been raised on island and have made its way to Rome,” Perez said. “We’re looking forward to meeting with them and they will come in and provide solutions.”
Here is my response to this story in today's Marianas Variety:
It is NOT an internal matter. Another lie. The canon (church law) used to threaten Deacon Steve Martinez with "censure" applies to any Catholic associated with the Concerned Catholics of Guam, not just a cleric. Canon 1374 reads: "A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; however, a person who promotes or directs an association of this kind is to be punished with an interdict."
In using this canon to threaten Deacon Martinez, Archbishop Apuron has judged the CCOG to be "an association which plots against the Church", thus "a person", any person who joins this association, in Apuron's view, "is to be punished with a just penalty."
The action against Deacon Martinez is then a public matter for all Catholics. It is obvious that Archbishop Apuron has judged that anyone who differs with him is guilty of "plotting against the church."
"Open Communications, Not Closed Doors" – Pope Francis 12/16/14
First, let us give thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, who died that we might live. We wait in joyful hope for the innocent child who will redirect the course of history. Happy Advent to all!
They say that timing is everything, and this past week was for me a reminder of that adage. Last Wednesday started with anticipation, and ended with the realization that my participation in a newly formed organization could result in censure. That means the total stripping of my faculties to carry out my ministry of service as a deacon. My day ended deep into the night, prayerfully asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and courage in a decision I had to make. I cannot discuss the details, but that event is not yet over. However, it is not the central point to this writing. It is how our Church is constantly working to bring people to God through effective communications.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Archbishop Gives Deacon New Deadline to Cut Ties with Concerned Catholics Group
Deacon Steve Martinez says Archbishop Anthony Apuron reinstated him, but gave him a new deadline to obey his orders.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
A new deadline for the Deacon, and of course AFTER the visitors from Rome leave. But this is also because this blew up in Apuron's face over the weekend. He did not expect Deacon Martinez to accept his censure. He expected him to cower and to crawl. He didn't and he won't. You see, unlike Apuron, Deacon Martinez is not a coward nor a bully. By the way, expect Apuron to bring in reinforcements. The kiko's are not about to lose Guam without a fight. Well, they'll get one.
December 22, 2014
Subsequent to my defacto censure at close of business December 18 I received a second letter from Archbishop Anthony after close of business December 19 that I am no longer under censure, and my faculties have been restored. I gladly welcome the opportunity to continue serving the people of Guam. However, a second warning was given by the Archbishop demanding an end to my relationship with Concerned Catholics Of Guam. While still under the threat of censure, a new deadline was set for January 19, 2015.
Monday, December 22, 2014
The PNC website was down over the weekend so this is the first opportunity to post this.
Friday, 19 December 2014
Friday, 19 December 2014
Deacon Steve Martinez Fired for Being Part of Concerned Catholics Group
Written by Janela Carrera
Archbishop Apuron reportedly punished Deacon Steven Martinez for being a part of Concerned Catholics of Guam.
Guam - Newly formed group Concerned Catholics of Guam may have just received its first warning from the Archdiocese of Agana as the group’s treasurer, Deacon Steve Martinez has just confirmed that Archbishop Anthony Apuron has censured him.
It appears that Jasmine Stole of the Marianas Variety did a little extra homework and was able to access a copy of the actual letter from Cardinal Filoni to Archbishop Apuron. Let's first look at what the Chancery is saying and then compare it to what Cardinal Filoni actually said:
The Chancery's announcement speaks only of a "pastoral visit". This is repeated by Fr. Adrian on KUAM (my comments in bold):
Archbishop Krebs, are you hearing this? Adrian says you're just dropping by for coffee. You may want to investigate this liar-in-chief first.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Archbishop, I am concerned that the celebration of the Eucharist in the neocatechumenal communities is not in compliance with the exceptions to the liturgical books permitted in Statute of the Neocatechumenal Way.
The people receive the sacred host standing, but they do not consume it immediately as the rest of us are required to do. They wait till all have received then they sit and consume.
According to Deacon Martinez, he was accused by Archbishop Apuron of violating the following canons:
Can. 1369 A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.
Can. 1373 A person who publicly incites among subjects animosities or hatred against the Apostolic See or an ordinary because of some act of power or ecclesiastical ministry or provokes subjects to disobey them is to be punished by an interdict or other just penalties.
Can. 1374 A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; however, a person who promotes or directs an association of this kind is to be punished with an interdict.
In referencing these canons, Archbishop Apuron is accusing Deacon Steve Martinez of:
- exciting hatred and contempt against the Church,
- inciting animosities and hatred against an ordinary (himself) and provoking subject to disobedience, and
- joining an association which is plotting against the Church.
Upon learning of these accusations, Deacon Martinez asked Archbishop Apuron and the Vicar General for evidence of any of the above accusations. Answer: NOTHING.
Now, let's take a look for ourselves.
For the first two, we will have to assume that Deacon Martinez is guilty of "exciting hatred" and "inciting animosities" because while he was still the Sex Abuse Response Coordinator he insisted that the Fr. John Wadeson case be held up to the scrutiny of the Archbishop's own sex abuse policy and had already begun to proceed with the investigation, which of course led to his being fired from that position.
As for joining an association with is plotting against the Church, a reference to the Concerned Catholics of Guam, the CCOG, which was only officially formed a week ago, has yet to do anything other than hold its first press conference.
Read for yourself what was published and see if you can find any evidence of the CCOG plotting against the Church, unless of course you want to classify holding Archbishop Apuron accountable to his own policies as plotting against the Church, which is how Apuron apparently sees it.
The letter from Archbishop Apuron to Deacon Martinez accusing him of the above and giving him the ultimatum to resign from the CCOG or suffer censure was delivered on 12/17/14 and Deacon Martinez was given until the close of business on 12/18/14 to comply.
In threatening Deacon Martinez with "censure", Archbishop Apuron incurred cause for his own censure by violating Can. 1341 which says: An ordinary is to take care to initiate a judicial or administrative process to impose or declare penalties only after he has ascertained that fraternal correction or rebuke or other means of pastoral solicitude cannot sufficiently repair the scandal, restore justice, reform the offender.
As with Fr. Paul and Msgr. James Benavente, Archbishop Apuron did NOT care to engage in "fraternal correction" or "other means of "pastoral solicitude". In fact, as with Fr. Paul and Msgr. James before him, Deacon Steve had no idea why he was being called to a meeting with the Vicar General. In fact he thought the meeting might have to do with a new assignment.
So aside from Apuron's reprehensible bullying, confronting Deacon Martinez with the ultimatum was canonically illegal. In addition, Apuron also violated Can. 1347 §1 which states: A censure cannot be imposed validly unless the offender has been warned at least once beforehand to withdraw from contumacy and has been given a suitable time for repentance.
Deacon Martinez was NOT warned before given the ultimatum nor is less than 24 hours "a suitable time for repentance." Perhaps the soon to arrive Secretary for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples will, in turn, censure Apuron (after a suitable time for repentance of course).
And there is also the issue of the other officers: Greg Perez, Dave Sablan, and Vangie Lujan. The above canons apply to Catholics who are within the jurisdiction of the bishop, NOT just clerics. In accusing Deacon Martinez of violating the above canons (or at least Can. 1374) Apuron is de facto accusing the other three officers of the same.
However, because Apuron is a coward (all bullies are) he is only going after someone he thinks he can publicly flog (a la Gofigan and Benavente) and who can't fight back.
There is more to the story.
As per Apuron's December 17 letter, Deacon Martinez was given until the close of business (5pm) on December 18 to resign "or else". However, late in the afternoon of December 18, Deacon Martinez received a call from Fr. Adrian advising him that the Archbishop had moved the deadline until January 12, 2015.
It appeared at first that Apuron, by moving the deadline, was willing to proceed more reasonably. However, we now can see things a bit more clearly.
The strange eagerness of the chancery to tell the media about the impending visit from Rome is dated December 18. The visitors from Rome will be here January 4 to January 10. The new deadline for Deacon Martinez? January 12. Hmmm.
Obviously it appears that Apuron, having received notice of the Roman visitors on December 18,, the day after he threatened Deacon Steve, realized the catastrophic repercussions should the "defrocking" of Deacon Steve hit the press just before the visitors arrived, and hurriedly told Adrian to advise Deacon Steve of the new deadline so he could smile at the Romans and then beat up Deacon Steve after they had departed.
However, Deacon Steve had no other official information other than the Archbishop's December 17 letter, and Adrian's phone call was only a phone call. And why should Adrian be trusted anyway? In addition, Deacon Steve had written his own letter to Apuron requesting to discuss the charges and (as expected) Apuron did not reply.
Thus, Deacon Steve's ONLY option was to either resign from the CCOG by 5pm, December 18 or suffer "censure". 5pm, December 18, came and went and still no word from Apuron and no resignation from the CCOG by Deacon Martinez. At that point the "censure" automatically went into effect.
But now we have Apuron and Adrian out there saying "We know NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING." However, the tables are turning because more and more people are saying of Apuron, Quitugua, and Cristobal: "LIARS, LIARS, LIARS."
It is coincidental that the three Romans will arrive near the Feast of the Epiphany, Three Wise Men from afar... Too bad they will not find "peace on earth" in the Archdiocese of Agana. Anything but.
Note: Archbishop Apuron had imposed a gag order on Deacon Steve in his December 17 letter. However, as Deacon Steve shared in his December 19 letter to Apuron acknowledging the censure, he considers Apuron's gag order no longer applicable and thus the information, shared here, is being made public.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
John C. "Typhoon Toves"December 20, 2014 at 4:48 PMI just spoke directly with Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron. (Phone records will prove the conversation.)
The conversation went as follows:
(Toves) "Archbishop Apuron?"
(AAA) "Yes"
(Toves) "This is John Toves from California."
(AAA) (Silence)
(Toves) "How are you?"
(AAA) (mumbled) "Fine."
(Toves) "You said fine?"
(AAA) "Fine."
(Toves) "You have not been listening to the media, or the people?"
(AAA) "I have been staying low."
(Toves) "Why is that?"
(AAA) (Silence)
(Toves) "Archbishop, I will persist in trying to meet with you. I am thoroughly disappointed that you had been unable to meet with me each time."
(AAA) "I am following the advice of my attorney." "I cannot talk to you." "I have to go." (starting to hang up)
(Toves) "I know about Chalan Pago."
(AAA) (breathing heavier)
(Toves) "I know about you and Father Tony Cruz, and the altar boys." "I have met with persons directly involved."
(AAA) (still heavier breathing) (hangs up) (beep, beep, beep, beep)
I am sure he will change his number tomorrow, or, just have my number blocked.
My Dear Lady, pray for them and pray for us!
was stripped of all the faculties of the order of deacon by Archbishop Apuron as of 5pm, Dec. 19. More later.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Well, well, well. Now why do you suppose the archbishop is so eager to notify the media of this apostolic visit even before the visit is announced to the parishes?
I've noticed that the Vatican has been quite busy on JungleWatch lately:
In the Catholic Church, an apostolic visitor (or Apostolic Visitator) is a papal representative with a transient mission to perform a canonical visitation of relatively short duration. The visitor is deputed to investigate a special circumstance in a diocese or country, and to submit a report to the Holy See at the conclusion of the investigation...Visitors are, however, deputed by the pope for special emergencies and not at stated intervals. Their duty is to inspect the state of the Church in the country confided to them and then to draw up a report to the Holy See.
Could it be that they received the letter from John Toves?
Apuron accused of abuse: Former seminarian lodges complaint with Vatican
Toves stated he forwarded his letter to Archbishop Martin Krebs, the Vatican's delegate in the Pacific islands; Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops; and Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and a former personal envoy of Pope Francis.
"I come forward now as I realized that no one else has, and I believe the Archbishop must be held accountable for his actions," Toves wrote.
Or maybe it was all those other letters you all have been sending?
By the way, Bishop Savio, while you are here, perhaps you can assist Archbishop Apuron in his search for the "permission" for the Neocatechumenal Way to consume the Sacred Host seated and for him, the celebrant, to not consume the Sacred Host until he has distributed it to all the communicants. According to this answer he gave parishioners this past Monday at St. Francis parish in Yona, the Vatican has given permission and it's "somewhere". He just needs "to find out where exactly." Perhaps you know?
Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion. That they receive the host standing and they can sit down and everybody who receives it and they eat together, as the Priest stands and says, “Behold the Lamb of God…” you know, the acclamation before and they receive it sitting down. Rome has given permission for that. And it’s somewhere I need to find out where exactly, but they told us that permission is given.
- Archbishop Apuron to the parishioners of St. Francis Parish, Yona, Guam. December 15, 2014.
Listen to him say it here:
Go here for a full transcript of Mr. Tanaka's questions and Archbishop Apuron's answers. We will further comment later on what we all know to be outright lies by the Archbishop.
P.S. Bishop Savio, we are very tired of these lies. Very tired.
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