Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Local group questions suspension of Open Government Law

A local organization is protesting the governor's suspension of the Open Government Law, saying it "encourages abuse of public trust." CONTINUED


Remember whose house Apuron was found hiding in. 

And it appears certain wallets have run out of money.

Comments are welcome at www.Facebook.com/JungleWatch

Friday, March 20, 2020


by Tim Rohr

March 17 (Guam Time, St. Patrick's Day - Patron of the Yona RMS), was the second anniversary of the Vatican announcement finding Anthony S. Apuron "guilty." 

While the Vatican's announcement was skillfully worded to protect Apuron (probably the work of Filoni, et. al), Apuron's appeal, later denied by Pope Francis himself, left no doubt as to what Apuron had been found guilty of. 

Apuron's war is not over. He still faces civil litigation in both local and federal courts. And do not doubt that "his people" have given up on "him." 

I refer to "his people" and "him" in quotes because Apuron himself is not capable of carrying on this war. In fact, he was always their stooge -  from the outset. A rubber stamp. And expendable at that. 

As we have noted for years now, most of the drama to exonerate Apuron has nothing to do with exonerating Apuron, and everything to do with saving the multi-billion dollar, international underground, clergy-trafficking syndicate that masquerades as an "itinerary" of faith formation and has wormed its heretical "Way" deep into the heart of our Church more deeply and deadly than the corona virus. 

Apuron - because he was a bishop - and more importantly, because he was a bishop who would do their bidding - was key to their plans. And so was Cristobal, who basically sold Apuron to the Neocat hierarchy for less than 30 pieces of silver in exchange for a guarantee of Apuron's mitre.

But then there was JungleWatch...and YOU. And so JungleWatch shall remain. And shall remain vigilant. But while we work quietly for now, we will use this forum for matters we deem relevant - if not appropriate - in the service of our ultimate cause: truth. 

Moving on, here is a link to an good article that Catholics should care about:

Pull Quote: 

"Our Lady spoke at Fatima about a series of scourges that would fall upon sinful humanity, followed by a general conversion and consequent restoration of Christian civilization. Many did not heed her words, not because of a doctrinal objection but rather because of the conviction – more pragmatic than intellectual – that this world would last forever. They believed that they could continue to enjoy it undisturbed. However, the coronavirus crisis teaches us that things can change and even quickly. We cannot take anything for granted. This state of affairs is not eternal. Everything can vanish; only God remains."
As usual, this post can be found at the JungleWatch Facebook page. Comments can be made there.